camp surface tension // intro

✧ Mothpaw.

Nov 17, 2022
mothkit | 02 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #6f4e37
Mothkit has always been a bit different from the other kits. His movements are stilted, his world always bouncing about as his head bobbles and wobbles. He doesn't let that stop him however. The shaky kitten is the largest of his siblings, standing at a perfectly respectable average height compared to his clanmates. Soft brown ticked tabby fur covers his body, short and sleek. If it weren't for his unusual movements, he'd be quite a handsome child, a near mirror-image of his father. Instead, he's a tornado of one.

Without a care in the world for his safety nor others feelings, the tom comes a tumbling out of the nursery and into the snow, nearly drowning in the powder but refusing to let that stop him. He barrels right on out and over, copper toned gaze seeking out his latest victim. He's bored, and when Mothkit is bored the only solution is to play. And for Mothkit, to play is to fight. Eyes alighting on a victim, the child wobbles for a moment, tongue held between teeth in determination as he tries to focus his movements and gaze upon his target, and then he's flinging himself forwards.

As ungracefully as possible, he lands upon a limb - tail or paw he's not certain, he hadn't paid much attention past catching the movement of said limb - and dug needle sharp kitten claws into it with a loud "Hah!"

// feel free to be the character he pounced on

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ShadowClan was a group that heavily favoured an industrious lifestyle, but Ferndance had added her own spin onto their ideals. Instead of just working hard, she believed it necessary to play hard too, an idea that had garnered her a reputation among those that knew her. She was idle in camp for but a moment, assessing the warriors as they escaped from their snowy prison and searching for one who did not seem like they had a job to do that day. It was a quiet process, interrupted suddenly by pressure on her tail. A jolt was sent up the tabby's spine as tiny claws sunk into her tail, she raised a paw as if preparing to swat the young cat off then and there, but instead hesitated as she saw his triumph. Her smile turned lofty, her eyes narrowed intently as she suddenly changed her tune. "Hmm... that's strange. I could have sworn I felt something touch my tail." Ferndance looked right through Mothkit, pretending that the young kitten wasn't even there.

The kitten had a nearly identical coat colour to her, perhaps a shade or so lighter. If he wasn't so loud, he might have just blended in entirely. Her shoulders sagged once her assessment of the floor ceased, the little smirk she'd garnered turning into a perplexed frown. "Oh well. Must have been the wind." Her smile returned once she turned her face away from Mothkit. Slowly, aware of the weight on her tail and the pain that needle-like claws could cause, she began to move forwards, hoping to drag her tail along the ground with the kitten still attached to it. She had no real direction, instead, she just moved in a position to begin circling the camp, quietly humming away to herself and counting down in her head. The faintly striped appendage tried to sway beneath Mothkit, and just before her own game got too tedious for the younger, she'd spin herself around. With a paw outstretched, she aimed to bop the youngster softly on the head, sharp teeth flashing in a brief display of victory. "Aha! I knew there was someone there!" Green eyes gawked softly at Mothkit, waiting for the other ticked tabby to explain himself or demand a game from her. She was fine with either, she rarely got to interact with kittens, but they were some of the sweetest members of the clan.

kits. they always had such a youthful playness that chilledgaze envied. they missed being a kit somedays. their mother hadn't been perfect, but chilledgaze felt safe with them. in a time before the clans had formed, when it was still marsh group. they miss her. taking in a deep breath, they simply watch, tail swaying back and forth behind them. they propped their cheek against their paw, gaze lowered with a twitch of their nose. let them be. we need some sort of happiness around here.

they remind themself with a deepened sigh before they shifted to clean their pelt once more. they might have been starving, but their appearance wasn't about to suffer. they had an image to preserve, even in the midst of starving.

"mothkit. be sure to go right for her ear. i've heard it's the most delicious part, little one."

their eyes don't move to look up, but hopefully that made him understand that they were listening and were still there.


Soon the kits of the clan would have to start their apprentice training, Mothkit and Magpiekit among them, soon they would become Mothpaw and Magpiepaw respectively. Starlingheart looks back at her own kithood with fond memories. It was a happier time, her sibling were unburdened by grief other than the mourning for a father they had never met, they played together in the nursery, their mother told them stories. Life was easy back then, it was good. She wishes she could turn back time and recapture those happy moments but she knows it is not possible. She just hopes that Mothkit's apprentice ceremony would be a happier occasion than her own.

She watches the big kit and Ferndance, a small smile on her face as she does. She is glad to see someone happy right now. Shadow Clan had felt so bleak lately with all their moods soured by hunger, the disappointment after the carrionplace patrol came back empty pawed, they needed a little light to warm their pelts in.

She does not say anything but she settles down to watch from just outside of her den, tail wrapping around her paws as she sits and green eyes focused on the pair.
mothkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #6f4e37
Thouroughly entertained and enthused, Mothkit is startled to see his surprise attack worked - except, ferndance didn't even notice him! As he's slowly dragged along with her, eyes go wide in surprise, only the feel of needle sharp teeth biting down on his tongue keeping him from squeaking. He's supposed to be stealthy after all! He's carried around camp for a moment, as though being given a badger-ride, before suddenly the she-cat spins around to face him. Giving a startled squeak the boy goes a-tumbling, landing splayed out in the dirt before realizing he's been caught and giggling cheerily. This is fun!

Bouncing back to his paws, copper gaze flits to Chilldegaze for a moment as the other speaks - taking that as the a-okay to continue his play. After all, snailcurl had never said he couldn't play rough with the grown ups, only that he had to be careful with hi littler siblings. He didn't really understand why though - it wasn't like he was gonna break them or something. Tiny legs wobble as he tries to stand tall, head bobbing even as he sticks his tongue out between his teeth in concentration, as the boy attempts to stand on his back legs and batt at ferndance's ear with claws unsheathed, not really knowing any better.

to hear the gleeful squeals of shadowclan's youth feels like such a rarity these days especially since everyone has been too consumed with far more pressing matters as of late but sometimes it's nice to see that even in the most drabbest of places there always a few stray lights of hope although who knows how long that will last.

geckoscreech eventually draws herself from out the far corners of camp to join the sprinkled audience to watch as mothkit tries to batter at ferndance's ears after being told it was the best part by the deputy themself. a small smile graces itself upon her lips, eyes subtly softening with a bit of fondness as she recalls a much more simpler time when her children were that small and full of life. oh how she yearns for the past again. it's hard to not dwell on what you've already lost even when so much time has passed.

"careful ferndance, i heard mothkit can take down a full-grown warrior in only a few swipes-" a small tease rumbles from the lead warrior as she takes a seat.
( ) Adderjaw is not the fondest of kits. She generally avoids them, not wanting to deal the tiny troublemakers scampering about underfoot. Still, though, she finds herself sympathetic to the young things, who seem so unbothered by the troubles of all the many moons the elder cats have seen. Even in such dire times, they seem so carefree. She aches to think of that ever changing.

Adderjaw does not often make it her business to butt in on the affairs of youth, yet she finds her eyes caught by Ferndance and her small passenger. There's no way in hell Adderjaw herself would let a kit get away with that. He picked a good target, then. She pads over to join the small gathering of spectators (at a safe distance, so as not to be in range of the kit's claws) and flicks her ear as Geckoscreech speaks: I heard mothkit can take down a full-grown warrior in only a few swipes."

"I'd certainly like to see that," she says, a trace of amusement coloring her words. Her eyes are fixed on Mothkit as he rears up, claws unsheathed as he aims for the molly's ears. For as unsteady as the kit is, he's doing quite well in his little attack. She smiles. "Fierce little thing, isn't he?"

There's a growing audience to their games, spectators egging the little kitten on. Fern's grin grows wider, her whiplike tail lashing as she prepared to leap over the kitten. She sees a flash of claws, mere pine needles compared to ones she'd seen grown warriors wield, but instinct drove her to recline her head all the same. There's a brief pause from the smiling warrior, as if contemplating something. Then, a speck of blood began to well on her ear flap where the slightest nick had been made, enough to give Ferndance pause but not enough to worry her. She felt a warm liquid tickle her ear and she quickly raised a paw to itch it. Ant-sized droplets stained the alabaster fur, a nonchalant, "Oh dear," escaping the ticked tabby as she assessed it. It didn't hurt, not in the same way a bite wound or a pummel would, but it still felt slightly uncomfortable. Fern decided to shrug it off. "Claws sheathed, little one. You have to give me a chance of winning, the Warrior Code says so!" How she wished the Code actually contained some special information about her, though, Fern was less inclined to ask for a fair chance in battle when she could ask for trinkets instead.

Large ears twitch as the clan discuss Mothkit's attitude. Fierce, they said, like the lions and tigers that roamed the lands before anyone's time. Fern liked to think that she held the grace of the leopards instead, only StarClan knew if they'd spoken with decorum, but they sounded pretty and that was enough for the tabby. Not everything had to be deep and meaningful, sometimes, she just wanted shallow thoughts and that was perfectly ok. She raised a ruddy forepaw and deliberately swung it at a snail's pace toward Mothkit, giving the other plenty of time to dodge her almighty attack. A long, guttural "Roooooooooooooooooooar," accompanied the gesture, her voice going deeper than it has ever done before.