private surfs up | bobbie


to new horizons
Aug 8, 2023
She has felt a wee bit better since the rule change, still doing her job, staying out later than before. She finds herself going to bed with her twoleg later and later each night, but he doesn’t seem to mind. At least she sure hopes he doesn’t. Coconut rolls her shoulders back with a weary breath of air, tired eyes flicking to the tree that her mouse had just disappeared under. She finds her energy has been zapped by the intense heat, worse than when she had gone to the beach with her Twoleg a moon ago.

What I wouldn’t do to take a dip in the water.

It’s enough for Coconut to finally call her hunt quits, having gotten absolutely nothing since the morning. She returns to camp with damp pawpads, hating how she can feel the grass and dead leaves sticking to them. She’s so focused on how her skin feels too hot beneath her pelt that she nearly bumps in to Bobbie- the fawn-pelted woman nearly scaring the daylights out of her, causing fur to puff up. “Crikey- Bobbie! Sorry about that, mate.” she’s able to conjure up a sheepish smile even as her legs scream at her to sit down. “Lil’ dodgey out here, yeah? Too hot.” finally does Coconut allow herself to sit, briefly closing her eyes. “Hows training with Blazestar? Has he taught ya some super secret trades yet?” she grins good-naturedly, a conversation to possibly distract her from the heat.

  • @bobbie
  • 69486719_CFonxjpuwRmTMLb-removebg-preview.png
    -> malibu ,, coconutsplash
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 25 months
    -> daylight warrior of skyclan ,, former beach rogue
    -> fluffy chocolate tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    -> “speech, 88f7e7
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like tropical lotion & sea salt
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]

✿—— the tabby had already been pushing herself as hard as she could before the rule change—it's done nothing but mean some of the daylight warriors are more familiar faces out on patrol, and she certainly welcomes that. still, she feels she knows them not as well as her fellow warriors who didn't split their time between a twoleg nest and camp, a thought that makes her twitch her ears. she'd like to think herself far from silversmoke and slate, the types of cats who frown on their lifestyle, and yet she doesn't find herself chatting with them as much. today, though, a few of them are bustling around the camp to which she'd just returned, cheerful with a low-flying bird in her jaws despite the heat.

she finds it hasn't affected her as much as the other cats; while her fur grows long and thick, it grows in waves that let the breeze through. that, and there's simply less of her for the sun to glare down upon—she doesn't envy poor blazestar in the slightest, with his thick ruff of pale fur and massive frame. starclan only knows how slate must be suffering, she thinks with a wry amusement, lost in thought as she deposits the bird on the fresh-kill pile and pads a few tail-lengths away. coconutsplash's appearance startles her, the brown tabby seeming to manifest out of nowhere until bobbie nearly runs into her, the daylight warrior appearing as startled as she is. she's quick to apologize and bobbie swishes her half-tail with a small smile, mewing, "oh, d-don't worry about it. i wasn't looking where i was going."

"tell me about it," she replies in amusement, sitting down by the daylight warrior to rest her own weary paws. flicking an ear, the tabby smiles and mews, "i'm lucky i have a pale pelt. i wouldn't wish this heat on my worst enemy." at coconutsplash's words she laughs and gives her chest fur an embarassed lick; she hadn't thought it would be so obvious to her clanmates that he was training her. in retrospect, though, it really was—they left camp and came back together most of the time. the brown tabby's grin is good-natured, though, and bobbie replies, "good. mostly just the b-basics right now, but i go with him on most of his meetings, which is nice. being leader seems so stressful, honestly."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu