camp SUSPIRIUM | strange play


Jul 20, 2024
"Okay, so. You're in love." Oleanderkit tells her new peers this with utmost authority. Budkit, despite having bitten her brother on the haunch and crying a lot more than Oleander was used to, has become a new friend. She likes the girl well enough, though sometimes she was still too little to really understand a good game. She tries not to begrudge her for it. She's new to games, herself. Hollypaw, on the other hand (paw), she does not know so well. He's an appendix, she thinks he said, and so he doesn't often hang out with little kittens, too busy with all the other appendixes to pay them much mind. She supposes this should make her feel fortunate for having his company. She doesn't. She's just glad that someone is agreeing to play her dramatis personae.

Her first directive given, Oleander dives into the next: "But I love Budkit, so Hollypaw, you and I fight 'cause we can't both be in love with Budkit. And that's the game." To anyone outside of her family, the melodrama of this kit game is perhaps complicated for her age, but not unusual in the grand scheme of things. It is only once the game starts that its oddness is revealed: Oleanderkit immediately goes for Hollypaw's throat.

Pink kitten paws assail the apprentice as Oleander tries to swat at Hollypaw; each beat of her tiny paw is innocent enough at first, but it soon becomes clear that this battle is not as playful as she had initially promised. In her mind's eye, she can see ebony fur spreading down her mismatched forelimbs like inky remiges erupting from chicken-skin. Her ice-white eyes glow new shades; her tiny, sick kitten body becomes that of a strong and muscular tom's, the same tom that has haunted her peripheries since birth. At some point, her kitten-swats become attempted bites at Hollypaw's nape.

"Budkit is mine! I'll kill you!" Oleanderkit screeches in the fray, pink nose running. She is not concerned with what Budkit thinks about this display.

  • ooc. please wait for @budkit or @HOLLYPAW to post first!
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

As with any new to the world child, Budkit has quickly forgiven and forgotten the transgressions between herself, Oleanderkit, and Mercurykit. She had let her anger get the better of her - an entirely new emotion and one she is not so eager to feel again. It made her itch with prickling heat beneath her thin pelt; her teeth and claws crying out for a release of tension. Budkit was not a fan.

She is, however, a fan of playing games. (Not that she knows what games are yet). That is why the almost two moon old eagerly joins Oleanderkit and Hollypaw in whatever events the older kit has lined up for the trio. ‘Okay, so. You’re in love.’ Ollie begins and Budkit’s head tilts ever so slightly. “Wub.” She repeats under her breath, pronunciation miles from where it should be but the sentiment remains. She likes the sound of ‘love’ and how it touches upon each part of her mouth.

‘But I love Budkit, so Hollypaw, you and I fight 'cause we can't both be in love with Budkit. And that's the game.’

Sapphire blues glance between the older two as the rules of the game are given. She is confused (games are new to her, love is even newer to her) though it seems that the mittened kit has little to do herself in this dramatic. “Fight… no boff wub Budkit,” comes the parroting voice of the youth. Does she comprehend the words she repeats? Not at all.

Does she comprehend Oleanderkit’s sudden launch at Hollypaw? Even less so!

Startled by the display, Budkit squeaks something soft and alarmed. It frightens her the change in her friend’s visage; soft kittenish face morphing into a mirror of trauma that Budkit does not understand or recognize. Oleanderkit’s game goes from zero to a hundred in seconds flat - just as Budkit’s pounce and bite upon Fluffypaw’s tail did days prior. ‘When you bite it hurts,’ her older sister had explained in that moment. Was Ollie trying to hurt Hollypaw? That… That didn’t sound okay, even to the naive kitten.

“N-No,” Budkit whimpers, dark ears folded back against her head and kinked tail tucked tight against her body. “No more wub Budkit pwease. No fight! No… no hurt Howwypaw!” In her begging she wobbles close to the duo, aiming to gently paw at Oleanderkit’s flank to get her to stop.

Maybe she wasn’t as big of a fan of games as she thought. And maybe ‘love’ wasn’t as fun of a word as she hoped it would be.
[ penned by kerms ]
  • Angry
Reactions: Oleanderkit

Lotuskit blinked in confusion as he watched the other kits play. Momma had told him to try to find someone to play with so she could spend some alone time with papa, but this was a strange game, so much that he didn't even understood what the game was about. He could ask them but they all looked to busy playing their game. They all seemed very into it, to have so much fun. Aha, what to do?. How should he partake in this situation?. He wished mama was here to tell him. " Uh, go Blue...woooh..." he tried to cheer on lowly with no trace of joy in the voice at all. Who exactly he was talking to was left unkown. He couldn't remember the kit's names so called the blue eyed kit for Blue. It hadn't crossed his mind there was two of them with blue eyes. Surely, they would figure out who it was Lotuskit had adressed. It was barely like he knew it himself. That was if they had even heard him at all.