swallow up the flame - ashmoon

— ' ash ' for her grey pelt ;; ' paw ' for her rank as an apprentice
— seven moons ;; ages on the first
— adopted by flame unknown x unknown ;; sister to rose
— cisgender female ;; uses she/her pronouns​

— a born weapon, ash has a muscular build ending in extremely sharp claws and teeth. she has tattered ears and a various other scars, the most notable one lying jaggedly across the top of her muzzle. the molly has a short and smoky grey coat, often resembling a mottled appearance. she has little care for her appearance so her fur is usually pretty disheveled. white markings define her sharp eyes and a small white shape resembling a crescent moon can be found in the middle of her forehead. she also dons a white chest and belly. although often too dirty to see, her tail and front paws are also capped in white. a light colored swirl goes down her well muscled thighs. the girl has random white spotting as a result of vitiligo. it most notably resides on her ears and muzzle with other spots dotted around. she has sharp features that seem hardened despite her age. slate blue eyes often deceive her by portraying whatever emotion she is desperately trying to hide.
moves quietly and almost reluctantly, as if she is afraid to draw attention to herself.

( + ) passionate, intelligent, thoughtful, caring
( / ) fearless, protective, analytical, emotional
( - ) impulsive, self-destructive, reserved, insecure
— puts on an extremely tough front in order to hide positive emotions towards others. she is terrified of getting close to someone again after her sister's betrayal, but does really want friends.
— has a really big heart even though she tries to hide it. would do anything for someone she loves.
— not necessarily fearless out of bravery, but instead out of her lack of care for what happens to her. she is not scared of getting herself hurt as she feels like she deserves it for what she's done, but is terrified of hurting anyone else ever again. gets extremally anxious at the thought of having to defend herself physically.
— a victim to her emotions. although she is reserved, she doesn't have to say what she's feeling in order for you to know. she is also highly susceptible for mood swings resulting in angry outbursts.
— at the moment, she is practically a shell of her former self. as she grows she will become more stable, but for now she remains impulsive and angry.​

— pre-shadowclan ;; (TW: death, minor mentions of abuse) ash's life began and ended when she and her sister, rose, were dropped off in the stump of a tree by there mother. the girls had no memories of her, but that meant little. they were soon brought into a new family, a cutthroat band of rogues not far from the early clans. they were adopted by the leader, flame. the sisters soon learned that it might have been better if they had been left in the remains of the tree to die. this rogue group was aggressive, ruthless, and cold. if the leader hadn't stepped in to take them under his wing, they very likely would have been killed by them. flame was no saint though. he was set on building the two up to be weapons for his disposal by any means possible. they had no time to be children, as from the moment they were able to walk flame trained them hard and with unsheathed claws, often resulting in multiple small scars and tattered ears. he had even gone as far as to put the two against each other despite their seemingly unbreakable bond. while ash loved her sister to death, flame slowly turned rose against her. ash was progressing much quicker than her sister due to her larger size and rose was envious of it. by the time they were four moons, rose despised her sister. there was not a peaceful conversation to be had between the two and it was soon made clear that only one of them was supposed to thrive in the group. ash had her suspicions confirmed when she confronted flame about it, he presented her with the truth. he told her that in order for her to join the group as a full member, rose would have to die. immediately ash ran to her sister to tell her about the conditions of their situation. she tried to convince her to run away with her so they could both live, but flame was already too far into her sister's head. she told the leader that ash had ran straight to her and planned to run away. rose was then tasked with killing her sister before she escaped. the two engaged in a long drawn out chase, many small fights ensuing. by the time they had reached a gorge, both were bloody and exhausted. ash was still unwilling to kill her sister, even as she had her pinned over a steep cliff, ready to end her life. ash pleaded for rose to stop, but all she got was an angry slash across her face, resulting in a jagged scar resting on the bridge of her nose. ash had escaped, and tried to run once more but her relentless sister was hot on her heels. they were a whirl of fur and claws as they battled dangerously close to the edge. once again ash found herself pinned, but this time her instincts overcame her love for her kin. she pushed her sister off of her, but she was too close to the edge and lost her footing on a slippery rock. rose had barreled into the gorge, but ash couldn't bring herself to stay any longer. through blood and tears clouding her vision, she ran until she couldn't anymore, eventually ending up collapsing in a pool of her own blood on the shadowclan border.
— shadowclan apprentice ;; after spending some time recovering from her blood loss and injuries, ash, now ashpaw, was apprenticed in shadowclan. she began her training but has struggled greatly. she spends most of her time blaming herself for her sister's presumed death, and has struggled to make any connections due to her guilt. she is bottling up every emotion and often lashes out when provoked. training wise, she generally knows how to fight but nearly refuses to practice it or partake in any sparring as she is genuinely terrified of hurting someone again.
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