Feb 26, 2024
The world doesn't stop changing, no matter how hard Deerpaw wants it to. Camp is a combination of simmering uncomfortable warmth, that made his pelt prickle. He didn't like the warmth; it felt too stuffy.

Deerpaw wrinkles his muzzle up at the thought of being dead because of the heat sweltering through camp. Is he weird for thinking about his death? …Kinda. But, who wouldn't think about it. The tortie cowers, tucked underneath a nearby clump of ferns, away from the rest of Thunderclan. Letting his sight watch the bustling camp with wide hazel eyes. It was quiet. Peaceful. He enjoyed the quietness in his little space. Though, he felt a little useless since becoming an apprentice. It felt like he wasn't doing enough, was that a bad thought?

Shaking the thought from his head, making his cheek fur sway in movement. He let his head fall in the dirt, kicking up a plume of dust that sprinkled lightly onto his dark fur. Ears flat to his skull, claws unsheathed digging into the ground below him. He settles in the same routine he had been doing since he was brought to Thunderclan camp a couple of moons ago.

While twitching from his spot in the shaded area, he spotted one of his denmates. Adderpaw? He quite liked the Adderpaw, the older apprentice was quiet. I would like to get to know the brown tabby. You'll make a fool out of yourself. A voice whispers into his ears, he flinches with a strangled-sounding noise escaping him. He found himself onto his paws, gangly limbs drifting forward and out of the comfort of his space. He cringed back slightly at the sunlight flaring through camp. He lashed his tail through the thick grass, as he pushed himself forward towards his denmate.

Hazel eyes weigh heavy. Deerpaw frowns, creasing deep– and yet not. He stops in front of the older apprentice, keeping his head low and hunching over himself as he stares at Adderpaw. Biting down, feeling his exposed right fang dig into his darkened lip. He opens his maw, a shaky exhale escapes him without his consent. Tch.

He will make a complete fool out of himself! He twitches his ear, as he just blurts out. "Wuh… Would y-you like to err f-friends?!" That didn't even make a lick of sense! He outwardly cringes back at his voice becoming high-pitched at the end. Was he this bad? He might as well be alone at this point, and have no friends. His flank heaves, his mouth left open as ragged breaths leave him. He’ll hate himself later. With the pinch of brows together, he sprawls out on his side in embarrassment.

  • ooc. :3 raaah @Adderpaw
  • no ref yet
  • ( i can't handle it… ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Similarly to Deerpaw, the older apprentice found himself struggling to survive in the sweltering heat of greenleaf, the occasional wheeze leaving his throat as he struggled to breathe in the humid air. Adderpaw often complained to Leafhusk about the warmth of the air, usually exaggerated in his tone and movement of his facial features. It was something that he knew annoyed Leafhusk, but it was something he could talk to her about, something that she entertained to keep a conversation with him. Though their conversations did stretch further than just the weather every now and then, it was something they could connect on.

He had been sitting close to the warriors' den, whiskers twitching as he let out a sneeze. The tabby was trying to familiarize himself with the settings of a warrior in order to prepare himself for the everyday duties of being a warrior. Adderpaw felt a bit of a twinge as he realized that this would be the last few weeks of his freedoms and childlike wonders, the ability to skip out on putting in work becoming inexistant. Letting out a loud sigh, he heard paw — steps coming his way and went to turn his head towards whoever it may be before his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Deerpaw in front of him. Adderpaw guessed that he had been so lost in thought that his hearing had been somewhat delayed, if such a thing could even happen.

Looking to the side awkwardly as Deerpaw opened his maw to speak to him, feeling the second — hand embarrassment from the loss of voice from nervousness, his eyes darted back to look at the other with one eyebrow raised in a pitiful, confused look. "Uhh. . ." the chestnut — colored apprentice glanced at a nearby clanmate who seemed to share the same befuddled expression as himself after the outburst, a shrug of his shoulders given before turning back to him with claws digging into the ground. Why blurt out such a personal question with prying eyes and ears around at every corner? His ears drooped to the sides as he struggled to collect himself, wondering exactly how he would respond to the poor apprentice. Did he really want any friends right now? The closest he had to a friend at the moment was Wrathpaw, and even then he had become distant from the influence of those weird ThunderClanners that suddenly thought heritage was so important just because they had become new warriors and wanted to flaunt their stuff or some shit like that.

Biting at his lip, he stuttered himself in reply to Deerpaw. "Er. . . y — yeah, sure. . . I guess. . . I don't really make, uh. . . ffffriends much. . ." Adderpaw laughed a bit from the uncomfortable feeling that was beginning to bubble up in his stomach, now ripping up the grass below him subconsciously. He didn't really know Deerpaw. They hadn't trained together due to their age gap and generally didn't interact much, but from passing interactions or glances it was easy to assume that he was very similar to Adderpaw. It was easy to befriend someone that was similar to you though, right? "I'd like to, uh, try to be friends, though. . . What are ya, uh. . . interested in?"

A D D E R P A W ( he/him )​

( ooc ) text
  • Wow
Reactions: DEERPAW.
It felt like his bugs were digging deep into his skin, he felt like nothing at all— easy to forget. Chin digging into ground beneath him, as he flicked his eyes everywhere and nowhere. Deerpaw could hardly speak without making a fool out of himself. He had made a fool out of himself, when he flitted his gaze to Adderpaw's befuddled expression.

He bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a slight tang of sharp iron. Ow, bit to hard. He lets his sprawled out, scrawny figure lay on the ground like a long - legged creature. Not moving, just... stare at the chestnut tabby. He was so shit at this, interaction is hard. The tortoiseshell's large ears twitched up at the stuttering reply from Adderpaw.

His maw twisted at the sudden laugh, coat fluffing up slightly. He felt like so idiotic, ragged breathes leaves him as his eyes when wider in shock. Shocked that is actually did it. He made a friend? He guesses... "O-oh... I– Y-you're j-just like me." Muttering the words out, with a gloomy - sounding drawl. He didn't mean any harm by that! Of course.

But– What do... friends even do? Claws unsheathed to dig into the ground, long tail twitching through the grass.

Him and Adderpaw haven't... trained together. At all really, since their big age gap was a slight problem. They haven't even interacted much until now. Only a few passing words, nothing more. "I a-also like... t-to try to be f-friends..." He lifts his now dusty chin up from the ground. Brows furrow together at the words, while he tries to think what he's interested in.

He thinks of the smooth, ivory empty husks called skulls and the marrow filled bones he collects. Then to the random plants he finds on patrols, or on hunting trips with his mentor. He lets the greenery of the plants. "I– like c-collecting b-bones f-from prey... a-and plants! P-plants are c-cool– I like 'em" He trips over his own words like an idiot. Abruptly, he scrambles onto his paws to sit onto his haunches with a nervous flick of an ear. "Er– Sorry. Uh... What are y-you i-interested in?" Hazel eyes dart around, as he whispers the last part.

  • no ref yet
  • ( i can't handle it… ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

This was so. . . soft brown and white paws scuffled with the dirt, claws catching every so often on the tiny root below him. Adderpaw had never experienced such an interaction with anyone else — he was usually the one in Deerpaw’s position. To be on the receiving end. . . he hadn’t felt second—hand embarrassment quite like this before.

Golden eyes darted between looking at Deerpaw’s awkwardly sprawled body lying on the ground beneath him and the onlooking clanmates that gave the occasional curious glance, an uncomfortable smirk on his lips. Why was he staring so much? Was he too really this bad at making conversation with others? Maybe StarClan was trying to show him a sign. "Are. . . are y— you okay?" It was intended to be said out of pity, concern for the episode that was displayed before him — but Adderpaw’s monotone tunes may not give the impression he was going for. Giving a toothy grimace, Deerpaw’s comparison made his skin flush with embarrassment, making him erupt into a coughing fit for a moment from inhaling too sharply. They were almost one in the same, weren’t they? "Wheeze— uh — wheeze — Y— yeah. I s— suh. . . s’ppose so. . ." He cringed at his own stuttering, feeling as though he was feeding off of the younger apprentice’s energy.

”I a— also like. . . t— to try to be f— friends. . .” Although he may have not expressed enthusiasm at the thought of a friend, Adderpaw couldn’t help the small smile that made its way onto his maw, corners of his lips turned upwards in joy. "Cool. . ." he stood taller, pushing out his chest and lifting his head high to seem as nonchalant as possible. Deerpaw couldn’t know that he was actually excited about something — much less being friends with someone that makes you feel as though you’re looking into a lake’s shimmering reflection.

When Deerpaw answered his bland question with such joyous answers, Adderpaw felt a surprising warmth covering his heart. Collecting plants he understood, he participated in such a hobby. But to collect bones? It was fascinating, and the tabby needed to know more. "N— no, ‘t’s okay, ‘m gonna answer your question once I ask about ya collecting bones. I want in, and how do I get started?" Giving a brief pause, but not enough time to let Deerpaw answer (just enough to ponder), Adderpaw continued. "I like bir’ watchin’ ‘n’ lookin’ at bugs. I collect ‘em too sometimes. The . . . dead ‘un’s." He shrugs his shoulders for a moment, aware and nervous of the fact that his last few words could be reacted to in different ways. What if he fucked it up already?
Every night, the terrors pecked at his brain, splitting his thoughts apart like a bird digging for worms in the dirt. An eerie shadow cast along his morning moods, haunting him as the direct result of the horrors that conjure in his sleep. As his hooked claws dug into the cool soil, making his paws dirty while he sat there... listening to Adderpaw speak once more. Sheathing his claws into the snug of his paws. He has never interacted with someone on this playing level before, it is an experience to behold. It was marvelous.

His pelt prickled as he felt the eyes of some clanmates, some of them glancing over in their direction or ignoring them. Deerpaw lets himself curl into himself, his messed up ginger tail curling tightly around his paws. An uncomfortable grimace tilted down upon dark - bitten lips, letting his forelimbs squeeze tightly together as he- himself shook and twitched in his nervousness. "I'm... fuh-fine.. Just n-nervous. Yes." Head tilted down to stare at his filth - covered paws with a slow blink.

Large feathered ears flicked towards Adderpaw's coughing, he winces back tucking himself further into his long, spiked coat. D-did he say something wrong? He hoped that wasn't the case. Oh. His gaze flits up to the older apprentice, blinking slowly. He lets his brows rise up in surprise at the answer, while he subconsciously kneaded at the ground below. Watching his... new friend stand higher and push his chest out. He allows his maw to open slightly, at the unveiling display. Cool...

He bit his lip and then nodded his head at the chestnut - hued tom. He liked the marrow - filled husks that once had held flesh for hungry creatures to be devoured by. He perked up when the other answered, no– be fascinated by the aspect of bones. When Adderpaw paused, his tail gave a twitch at the tip. Hazel eyes brighten up, while he breathes through his nostrils, he splits open his maw to speak. "Bones a-are... wonderful t-to behold, they're amazing cre-creations... That o-once held flesh. T-they come.. i-in soo m-many different sizes. I d-don't get why o-others t-throw them away..." He takes a breath, warmth flushing in his body as he spills out praises about his interest in bones. He darts his gaze back to the ground. I think I said too much.

His brain wraps around when Adderpaw speaks about his own interest in collecting. A small phantomime of a smile curls upon bitten lips, as he tilts his head to the side at the words of birds then to... dead bugs. "Oh. Bu-bugs are i-interesting... I l-like to r-rip them apart, and see what they h-hold.. I like beetles. They're s-shiny. I-I e-enjoy bird f-feathers, they're ah- puh-pretty...!" Birds are graceful creatures, that fly... He really likes the pretty feathers they leave behind. He hasn't gotten around to collecting any yet... Though bugs, he likes the way they squirm in panic when plucked out of the soil. Their strange critters... The flying ones, he likes to dissect them. Keeping their pretty wings for himself, leaving their fragile corpses behind. The shimmer and shine of wings, makes him have a small piece of enjoyment.

  • ooc. I LOVE ADDER AND DEER SM THEY'RE JUST GUYS BEING DUDES <33 ignore deerpa and his creepo habits skawnjk
  • temp deerpaw reference
  • ( I-I CAN'T H-HANDLE IT! ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    ⸝⸝ amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    homosexual, ace / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortoiseshell tom with low white and hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, 4d4344" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like mud &. damp earth musk
    all opinions are ic! he's morbid and he sucks </3

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone