SWAMP MONSTER // covered in algae


I Just Wanna Fly
Sep 21, 2022

Could his day get any worse? It had just meant to be a straightforward swim so he could relax and let his worries slip away, but he ended up floating straight into an algae infestated corner of the river. Getting back to shore had been difficult under the weight of the algae blanket that encompassed his form but he managed, all the while groaning in disgust and exhaustion. Just what was the stuff? It stank worse than a badger's rear!

Crawlingroach set off on a slow plod towards the camp, draped entirely by the slimy green substance. It was hard to tell that it was a cat at all that was wandering along, and to some onlookers it probably looked like some sort of horrible beast. The mist rolling in certainly wasn't helping the matter, especially with the echoing eerie moans coming from the unfortunate feline. It just wasn't his day!

( ⚘ )Reedrunner sat in their favourite spot outside of camp, sunning between two quivers of grass. A pale, rocky stream passed their walnut paws, its soft ramblings a pleasant backdrop. Distracted, an oversized, sail-like ear was rigged tall at the sudden addition of far-off gravelled laments.

They shot up, wary, and began to creep out from their resting place. The way the low sun pierced the mist made it thick as smoke, wispy silhouettes barely visible in the haze. Spindle thin, limbs spread wide in fear, the warrior was frozen as the noises drew nearer. When a shambling, grimy creature emerged into view they all but squeaked, a staggered mewl. With fumbling footsteps Reedrunner withdrew, breath held long then let out short- loud, too loud.

As a warrior they should investigate- combat the thing even- but after only a few more tense beats the tawny feline was fleeing in the direction of camp. The first familiar face they saw would be met with the wild-eyed, concerned oriental sputtering phrases of, "m-monster!" and "cam-p entrance, p-please help." wheezed in stitches.
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Him an his father were of agreement to go fishing today- his technique still needed work, but Fernpaw was sure it would not be long before he finally snagged at least a minnow! Those tiny ones, though- they were difficult to make contact with, quick and slippery... no, he was thinking about it too much again. He just needed to believe in himself! If he kept his mind on the prize- that prize being success- he would eventually be able to seize it.

So, balding tail making a beckoning motion, Fernpaw parted his lips to make a call for his dad's attention to begin their walk toward the river- but a tiny maw snapped shut when another mentor, his brother's, called out to another in a wheeze-razed panic. Bulging eyes widened even more, seeming close to popping out of their sockets- and upon the horizon he spotted this fabled monster, dressed in tresses of green. "What is that!?" Fernpaw shrieked, though he scrabbled closer rather than away. Set upon his face was an expression cocktailed of horror and curiosity. "Hell-ooooooo!!! What do you waaaaant?"

/ tagging @MUDPELT for mentor stuff >:)
( penned by pin )

Voidwhisper was spacing out near the camp entrance, having forgotten what he was doing. He knew a second ago... Why couldn't he remember?

And so, the tortie stood there. Still as stone, eyes unblinking as he made his brain work overtime.



Ah yes, he was-

Reedrunner's breathless exclamations of a monster near camp broke his concentration, making him forget again. He cried inside. But what was this about a monster near camp?

"A monster......?"

Surely not one of those things on the thunderpath..... No, they would all hear that thing coming. So what was this new creature?

"Let me see.........."

He would move past Reedrunner and peek out the entrance of camp to come face to face with.....




It was the single word that had him redirect his path from leaving the camp's border near the nursery to walking back out to the front to see what all the shouting and screaming was and he stared incredulously at the sight before him. It was distinctly cat-sized, lumbering and dripping across the cobbled ground and all but obscured by the great moss-like strands of greenery that all but cloaked the creature. The rational part of him wanted to demand answers, but that was halted by the sight of the tabby apprentice rushing forward as Reedrunner rushed back; that kitten was a menace in an entirely different manner than his sisters were with their general aloof demeanors.

"FERNPAW, get away from it!" The dark tom moved to lunge forward, attempting to scruff the awkward kit with the large eyes and pull him back from the dripping mass of plant-life that was wandering into their camp. Regardless of if he moved the child or had the young tom fight free of his attempts to possibly save his life, he acted the same. There was a moment of brief tension as he leaned back into a proper crouch before springing forward, paws out to try and pin the trespasser under his own imposing size and weight and get to the bottom of this.

  • Haha
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The voices beyond the green shroud were muffled, but yet he picked up on one main word; monster! Immediately he began to panic, was there some sort of beast following him! Oh no! Not for a single second did he suspect that he was the monster causing all the ruckus. The tom was preparing to run, unaware of the youth now in his path. Though before he could crash into anyone he instead had something or someone slam into him! A yelp of surprise broke from him as he fell hard onto his back with Smokethroat upon him. Not that he knew the identity of his assailant, and considering the earlier commotion it wasn't a long stretch to believe that the monster was upon him.

"ARGH! Get off me!" Crawlingroach howled as he flailed his paws in an attempt to smack at Smokethroat. Though during his struggle the algae began to peel back in places to reveal black fur beneath. Either the monster had eaten or possessed a cat, or rather it wasn't a monster at all.

  • Wow
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*:・゚✧☁ ⋯ What was that? Gloomkit, awestruck, watches as Smokethroat takes down the algae-creature, pinning it down before it could make it any farther. She skitters over, crouching close by and observing the struggle. The monster wiggles around, smacking the lead warrior with slimy limbs.

The sheet of algae over Crawlingroach begins to peel back, and underneath was soggy bits of fur. She'd been feeling quite brave to approach it, as it didn't seem so strong. Eyes widening in horror, Gloomkit pieces two and two together. No way. Jumping up, she realizes with a scream, that... "It ate Crawlingroach! Run! It's gonna get you next!"

Approaching the wrestling cat and creature, she tries to punch the disguised feline in the arm. It reeks, worse than anything she'd smelled before, and the mink-patterned kit gags as she attempts to land the jab.
At the shrill call of monster, Mudpelt hastens his pace, as he knows Fernpaw had just crossed the stepping stones leading away from camp. Of course he's leaping to attention! What sort of monster would be coming this way? He scrambles swiftly across the stream surrounding their little island and gawks at what he sees. "It is a monster!" He yowls in fear, frozen in fear. Smokethroat has already made a move to save his son, only to then leap forward to pin the creature down himself.

Gloomkit's exclamation causes the warrior to grit his teeth in even more fear. He lunges forward to snatch up the kit, hoping to drag her away. How did she even get out of camp?! "Get away, Gloomkit! Let the warriors take care of this! Back to the nursery!" He valiantly instructs, only to falter when he takes a closer look. Panting already from all of the adrenaline, he tilts his head, hesitantly mewing, "Wait....Crawlingroach?" Maybe he hadn't been eaten at all. Maybe the monster is him!

Just as he thought he was getting close enough to grab a good look he was up in the air- displaced. "Wo-oah, jeez!" Yelped in bewilderment, the words tumbled from his maw in clear incredulity. Did that monster have powers, able to move him from one spot to another with a mere glance!?

Oh- oh, it was only Smokethroat- who'd picked him up! Rude- surely you should ask before you picked someone up! And he wasn't bothering with Reedrunner, or Voidwhisper- was it just because he was a bit smaller than them? Seriously, how was that fair? A guppy maw parted to shout protest- but at his father's approach, and the horror that spilled from the maw of everyone around him, Fernpaw realised that it was perhaps more serious than he had initially realised. This monster- it was bad, wasn't it?

Fear began to set in- but his emotions were often fickle, and as Mudpelt shouted out a name Fernpaw could not help but laugh. "Dad, that's not Crawlingroach- he's, he's black, not greee-eeen." Fishlike eyes bore into the groaning creature, words tumbling from its maw. Had he... heard that voice before...?
( penned by pin )

"OW! Stop hitting me!" Crawlingroach wailed as he felt something wallop his arm. Okay, maybe that one didn't actually hurt but regardless he didn't like being hit by something he couldn't see! Then he heard it, someone said his name. "Yes! It's me, Crawlingroach! Now stop attacking me!" He whimpered as he laid still with his forepaws raised in submission in the hopes that the attacks stopped coming. So had it been his clanmates attacking him this whole time and calling him a monster? Why was he being mistaken as a monster?!


"What?" He had been preparing to risk getting whatever this hanging plant-like stuff was all in his mouth just to sink his teeth into the thread only to lean back and realize what it was they were actually looking at. Smokethroat's eyes narrowed intently, orange burning like the blazing sun in a quick sweeping motion over to the green-coated form, the unmistakeable visage of black fur peering past the many clumps of moss-like algae. Listing a white-dipped paw he hastily brushed away the dulse clinging to the tom's face to get a proper view and-so it seemed it really was Crawlingroach.
"What made you think it was smart to roll into camp like that?" The dark tom stepped back to get off the other, let him stand and shook his head in silent exasperation. They had all gone into a panic over some strange swamp creature only to find out it was just a warrior with no sense to groom before returning home carrying a mountains work of river scum on his body.


Voidwhisper wanted to strangle Crawlingroach. He nearly had a heart attack! Why was he covered in algae! The tortie's fur was all fluffed up and he gave an exasperated huff.

"Did you enjoy becoming one with the algae?" He asked. Was he serious? Hard to tell. "........Or are you the algaes TRUE FORM." He added.

Voidwhisper was a strange guy. Sometimes he made strange conspiracy theories in jest....Sometimes serious. It's hard to tell when he's joking, because his tone is always the same.

He was certainly joking this time, though.

"I was hoping someone could help me get it off. I got covered when I was swimming, and it's so heavy and sticky!" Crawlingroach whined as he strained to get back on his paws after being freed from Smokethroat's weight. Though the algae was persistent and clung to him like a grasping, slimy hand. It sent a shiver right down the length of his spine. "Gah! Horrid stuff! So no, Voidwhisper, I have not enjoyed becoming one with it." He let a huff of annoyance escape him as he sat down and let the blanket of green slide down his back in an uncomfortable manner.

Mudpelt bursts out laughing as he watches the exchange, open jaws tossed in the air. They all really did think he was a monster! "AHA! Oh, stars, that's hilarious! Crawlingroach...c-c'mere, let me help you." The muddy brown tom strides forward until he's standing beside his clanmate and grasps some of the gooey green gunk in his jaws. Making a face, he almost gags as he pulls, dragging much of the slimy material off of him. "Yuck," He comments with a heavy frown as his mouthful drops to the ground. He'll be tasting that for a quarter-moon.