SWAN UPON LEDA | pre-gathering chatter

Jul 8, 2022
the moon had grown; the river has subsided very little. her shoulders are obviously tensed, trying to keep a relaxed composure...but buck was never good at hiding her emotions. they were worn plainly and boldly, with little regard nor care for how others may react to it.

above her, she is aware that the damned riverclan leader will be looking down upon her once more. the gatherings were a constant reminder of the clans and their brutalities, a bitter taste left in her mouth. she wished to expose him for his wild hypocrisy, his ire that burned wild for little reason. truly, the deputy had little care for him. or the name had forced upon her. but it's a reflection for a different night, and at a far different time.

"riverclanners," she addressed those who had come, knowing that their make-shift camp was still well-guarded with trusted cats. "play nice. don't give me a headache." a light warning, more targeted to those who carry a more volatile nature, before buckgait turns her warriors and apprentices loose. the cinnamon-pelted deputy grows busy looking for her skyclan counterpart. she enjoyed their conversation, and more importantly, enjoyed orangeblossom herself. buck makes herself easy to spot in the slowly growing crowd, hoping for something to come of it.

// open for interaction + looking for @orangeblossom

Though exhausted and covered in shallow scratches, the new ThunderClan leader walks proudly, shoulders back and head held high. She has brought with her ThunderClan's strongest, their more loyal, their most respectable - for tonight is all about impressions. She has several bones to pick, and the oak-dwellers must appear united and powerful despite the obstacles they've faced, and continue to endure. Besides, it will be shock enough to everyone to find out their joyful, ever-sweet leader is dead. As she enters the clearing, she glances up to the sky at the twinkling stars above. Watch over us tonight, Emberstar.

She halts as ThunderClan arrives at Fourtrees and casts a glance over her shoulder at those who attended. "Sit with each other tonight, and SkyClan. It will be a long midnight." They must know she's nervous, but it is her job to stand up for them now. So, stand up for them she shall. Turning her attention towards the Great Rock, she weaves through the cats already present and bunches her muscles, leaping to the top. She barely winces, revealing she hasn't fully recovered from the extensive fight with the dogs the day prior.
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Cloudypaw followed behind her new leader, making furtive glances toward the other clans. They all seemed so intimidating to her. There were so many cats to keep track of in her own clan, never mind three more. Shadowclan especially caught her gaze. She had not been a part of the skirmish, but she heard about it every day since.

It was strange to her that a clan could attack another then be allowed to sit beneath the stars with the rest.

Once her gaze fell upon them, she couldn't take it off. She was afraid that the moment she stopped looking they would try something. What if they attacked again?

Cloudypaw tried to ignore the pit that grew in her stomach at the thought. She needed to be brave. Her and her clanmates had fought dogs together, they could handle cats. With effort, she dragged her attention away from the Shadowclanners.

//open to interaction​
Fireflypaw listens as cats mumble to each other, babbling nonsensically with each other; wondering when the apprentices would start up again, arguing with each other like spoiled kits. He huffs his own amusement, tail lashing behind him. He's tense, he notices. Perhaps because of his siblings and the possibility that they might show up, or perhaps not.

In the many months, Fireflypaw had doubled in size- the coming of newleaf allowing his body to gain weight once more thanks to the prey and lack of exercise. Sorting herbs, hiking for them- sure, he got to walk around everywhere. But he was well-fed and well taken care of, his friends and family made sure of that. If not them, then he'd hunt for himself.

"Another gather~ing.." Firefly hums out his tune, the soft hymn on his lips afterwards. He likes to imagine that he's a shadow, slipping through the crowd in hopes of not being noticed. Perhaps he could get there without trouble.

// open to interactions! he's trying to sneak past everyone to join the medicine cats. <3
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Smogmaw's banter from a few days past still rang clear in Ferndance's head - this gathering was bound to be an interesting one. The underfed she-cat followed after her clanmates, her head held aloft with a ladylike decorum and a polite (albeit somewhat formal) smile upon her maw. Emerald eyes fluttered towards the ThunderClanners, and seeing their gazes full of disgust, she gave a flick of her tail and dramatically turned her nose up at them. She hadn't attended the patrol on their lands, but the outcome had been felt all across the pine forest. Her claws itched for a murder she'd only haphazardly described to the others through smiles and deadpan jokes, less ThunderClanners meant less competition and more chances for her home to survive newleaf but beneath the clear sky, even she knew better than to provoke StarClan's ire. Separating from her flock, Ferndance settled close to strangers, her pelt disheveled with mud, leaves, and malnourishment. To her, it was pretty all the same, chaos was one of the world's most beautiful elements, and if she could not embody it through actions tonight, then she would manifest it through a raucous appearance and comments that would be enough to make her mother mad.

"Good day, fellow travelers." She spoke with an accent not her own, unnatural, an amalgamation of kittypet ones she'd heard and clanmate ones she'd previously copied. The uncanny nature of it didn't escape Ferndance, briefly, her brows crinkled together at the words that came out of her own mouth. She didn't know who she was speaking to, perhaps a large group of cats, perhaps just one that gave her the time of day. Large ears flicked madly as if batting aware flies that were only visible to her, as she tried to think of a follow-up to her greeting. "And today is a good day indeed for I... just got a girlfriend. Yep. She's not here right now and- well, you wouldn't know her." Her dialect changed again, this time, the ticked tabby didn't bat an eye to her own chicanery. ShadowClan had grown used to her, she doubted the rest of Fourtrees had. She wanted to ham it up to eleven, to see the confusion on their faces and relish in it like it was the sustenance that ShadowClan so desperately needed. "And what about you? Do you have anyone special in your life?"

[ open to interactions! ]

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In a very quick track post, Chrysalispaw departed immediately from the rest of the Skyclanners, diverging away from the streams of fur and footfall. He was just here to listen to the leaders and leave promptly. He especially wasn't here to contest with idiotic, shit-for-brains Windclanners. He found a spot underneath the same comforts of a tree's bough, russet hues flashing through the veil of gloom, like the quick brandishes of wildfire's fangs between oily darkness. He fussed with how the wind tussled with preened tousles, though the cruel season had certainly bettered from the last moon.

( Open to interactions. He's sitting at the same place he was last Gathering, by himself. )

A bristling stem of a lethal vine was his spine, dancing thorns upon shoulders and a deeply carved scowl on a maw as the soldier follows and pours like the other Skyclanners into the moonlit snow-slush clearing. Tail crooked like the shepherd’s staff, confidence in every long beastly pawstep that leads him to a spot among strangers. Lips drawn back to taste the air, hearing a little sing-song set of words a chuckle escapes his frown " you’re starting to sound like someone " he barks out toward Fireflypaw jokingly as they split off and disappear.

Thistleback drags his tongue over his teeth idly, silver eyes combing over the coats of many colors.

  • — Open to interaction! :]

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Burnpaw loves his grandmother, truly he does. But she is not the cat he had expected to be following into this gathering. His mother should be here, his mentor should be here. He is angry at Emberstar for dying, angry at his mother for being pregnant again and he does not want to come to this gathering and see his siblings who he is angry at for not choosing him. But Little Wolf had insisted so he does. It'll be good for you to get out of the camp his mother had said and to an extent, he agreed. Despite the way he feels, she is still his mother, she still knows him better than he even knows himself. Besides, gatherings were always interesting who knew what would happen at this one? His yellow eyes peer at his grandmother's brown tabby pelt from the corners. He knew that she was angry at RiverClan over their refusal to help with the dogs, and he knows she won't be afraid to say so. Unlike Emberstar.

When she tells them to mingle with SkyClan of all clans he suppresses the urge to roll his eyes. No way he was doing that. He would rather walk straight into a badger's den than talk to them. All he says in response is a huff before he turns away to disappear into the crowd. Hopefully, he would be lucky enough to avoid his siblings. Who knew what words would slip past his lips if he did...

// open for interactions!
The nerves along his spine tingled anxiously as he made his way into the gathering place along with his fellow ShadowClanners. Roosterstrut doesn't particularly feel good about attending tonight, knowing that ThunderClan would be here too and would probably call his clan out on the hunting patrol — which he had led. What if a ThunderClanner came up to him and tackled him for what he had done?

Ducking his head, keeping his presence low, Roosterstrut takes a seat and carefully curls his bushy tail around his paws. Guilt and discomfort is washed over his features, nervousness boiling within him as he waited for the dreaded announcements.

  • open for interactions!

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. seventeen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

  • —— led a failed hunting patrol on thunderclan territory, resulting in a skirmish

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Brilliant green eyes watched as the slick shadow of russet reds and oily blacks slipped through the crowd, and she tilted her head slightly to the side. This was her first time at a gathering, she was usually home in bed by now but she had convinced Alice to let her tag along. It was very exciting! She never got to interact with the other clan cats, due to being a daylight apprentice, and she wanted to talk to so many cats! Bananapaw looked around for a moment before happily trotting off.

"A loner even at a gathering?" she mused to the familiar dual-colored eyed tom. The cat of tawny and cream settled down beside Chrysalispaw and she gave him a playful shoulder nudge, "This is exciting though! My first gathering!" She gave a giddy giggle with a paw over her maw to stiffle the sound of her obxnocious laugh.

Those green eyes of hers then moved from him to the gathering cats around them, watching as some greeted each other while others avoided like their life depended on it. Bananapaw could feel the tension in the air as things unspoken seemed to drift around and surely they would hear about it soon enough. Then waved her tail excitedly, "Cmon, lets go mingle with Riverclanners or something," She brightened happily and got up from the gorund.

She scanned the area for a moment before spotting a blue she-cat not too far from them, she had hazel eyes and seemed frozen in staring at the Shadowclanners. Bananapaw gestured with a white paw at the large blue furred cat, what was her name again? Oh, she had seen her before on patrols on the Thunderclan border but the name slipped her mind. "You're free to join us!"

(gesturing wildly at @Cloudypaw and bothering @CHRYSALISPAW )


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Prowling behind her deputy, Cindershade appears more like a shadow in the depths of night fall. She blends in as it shrouds around her muscular frame, only the reflection of silvery moonlight along her sleek pelt and the piercing summer glow of green eyes telling her apart from the shadows. The river still floods their land, but things are finally seeming to simmer back into a steady rhythm like before. Cicadastar lost a life during the process, but with the help of Houndsnarl and the others he was ripped away from the vice grip the frigid water had upon them. Now he seems to be on the up and up, thank the Stars.
Buckgait ushers a warning for everyone to play nice, knowing WindClan would be showing their horrid faces here. She offers the molly a sly smile before departing, moving along the crowd of mingled clans. Her gaze flickers to a crowd of cats before her, noticing ThunderClan being awfully guarded and retracted from the other clans. A brow raises in surprise for a moment, wondering what their deal was, but she shrugs it off. It'd soon be brought to light anyway, she supposed. Tonight was her first Gathering under a new title. The title of Lead Warrior. Cicadastar bestowed this new responsibility upon her and Snakeblink, to join within his concil and she couldn't be more proud of herself. Despite Snakeblink's oblivious nature, especially in personal affairs, he was a good warrior.
Her paws carry her more to the heart of the chatter, passing by warrioes and apprentices uneasily as she did. Usually she stuck to the outskirts of Fourtrees, keeping her shadowed form from being seen as she listened to the news. But this time she'd—try to be a bit more open, at least sit with her other clan mates this time.

// Open for interaction <33

the moonlit clearing waits for them, somberness falling over the riverclan cats as buckgait leads them. so much has happened the past moon, and it weighs heavy on everyone. drags their shoulders down and raises the fur along their backs. at least he could hide it behind curtains drawn tightly, conceal it in the neutrality of his expression, unlike the deputy. only those who look closely, too close for beesong, would be able to see the sharp set of his clinched mouth of the tight line his spine creates.

while buckgait cautions them to behave civilly, beesong doesn't need it. their mind retorts, i'm the medicine cat; that's my job. nonetheless, they keep their mouth shut out of a sense of self-preservation. lipping off to the irritable deputy would only end badly for them. instead, they nod and slip past to a seat far from windclan and shadowclan.

soon after, thunderclan joins the crowd, with howling wind at their lead... beesong furrows his brow as he observes the brown tabby climbing the great rock. odd... where was emberstar? has she been hurt by the dogs prowling along sunningrocks? or has the flame point suffered the worst?

smokethroat did mention thunderclan losing cats to the dogs, beesong recalls with a pit of dread in his stomach.

[ open to interactions from any clan! please @ this account <3 ]
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[] A tightening of his chest was strong, like anxiety pulled at the strings of his heart, and the blue tabby wasn't sure what to do with himself. The gathering was something he'd never thought he'd get to see, but here was he. Having skipped going home once more for the life of a warrior and it made him feel nauseaous. His owners where getting more and more strict with his time outside since not coming home consistently enough anymore. At some point he might not ever be able to return to Skyclan at this rate, and it terrified him. What about all he had built here? Parsnippaw? Orangeblossom?

Green eyes looked for the familiar orange and white pelt of the deputy, but she had slipped away into the crowd of cats and left Hailstone on his own. The blue tabby flicked his feathery tail back and forth uncertainly. Then his gaze locked onto Thistleback and the large tomcat moved quickly over to the lead warriors' side with a twitch of his ear, "Mind if I hang around you for a bit?" He asked his friend quietly and shuffled a front paw.

Hailstone was normally not so nervous, but he had never come across the other clans aside from the invasion of Windclan. Also there was a lot more cats here than he thought there would be and it made him feel slightly claustrophobic and awkward. Careful not to step on cats paws or tails or apprentices' that where rather smaller for their age. Though that was a worst case scenario.

( interacting with @ThistleBack )

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"You'll be fine." Orangeblossom flicks her tail over Hailstone's flank reassuringly before parting from his side, moving towards the deputies' place with the noticeable limp she's growing accustomed to; it no longer strains her other limbs so much, though she'd definitely feel it in the morning between the long trek to Fourtrees and the long trek back. At least she wasn't slathered with cobwebs this time, though the the scars on her muzzle and leg are still an irritated shade of pink. She catches sight of a familiar figure stood near their official places, eyes roving through the crowd but immediately settling on her when she approaches; Orangeblossom's ears warm with the realisation that Buckgait had been looking for her.

"Buckgait," she rumbles to her counterpart, whiskers twitching in a friendly manner as Orangeblossom ignores the little pleasant feeling that settles in her throat over the thought she'd been sought out. "How are you?"

  • currently interacting with @BUCKGAIT.

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentor to eveningpaw
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Ebon paws lead her into the large gathering area, yellow eyes glancing around with baited breath. She wears a facade of indifference, although internally she worry over what will be spoken as the leaders present their news. A low rumble gurgles deep within the pit of her stomach, hunger pains eating away at her as she comes to a halt. They'd hunted upon thunderclan's turf but it was hardly worth the effort and now they were both battered and famished. But guilt alone causes the laperm to seek out Burnpaw, tired citrine gaze searching for the apprentice's obsidian pelt. Quietly she peels away from her group, weaving around various cats until finally she spots him. "Burnpaw," She nearly whispers, hoping that once his attention is gathered he does not immediately dismiss her. Not that she could blame him. She would be irked too if another clan committed theft and trespassed upon shadowclan. "Can-can we talk?" The subtle hint in her gaze suggested elsewhere, as she searched his agitated features. (interacting with @BURNPAW !).
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

Large imposing shape, his injuries still laid fresh upon his body though cleaned, Houndthistle hovered on the outskirts of the gathering, pelt prickling uncomfortably. He hated the entire idea of gatherings, especially as enemies rubbed pelts and shared words one moment while thinking of how they could rip their conversation-partner's throats out the next time they see them on the border, it felt fake. It felt like a perfect storm to create more issues then all the clans needed, especially given so many were so blinded by their own disgust with eachother they never even bothered to remember everyone around them were cats aswell. Nervously, his claws flashed to knead the ground before slipping back to be sheathed within his massive mitts, glancing at the apprentice at his side. "Bunch a snakes in the grass... stick close t' me, got it?" He grumbled low enough for only Gravelpaw to hear him before straightening up and beginning to make his way into the throng of the clearing, eyes flicking toward every cat he got close enough to to watch them warily. Gatherings he hated and massive groups of unknown cats made him antsy, so many faces of enemies he knew wouldn't hesitate to rip their claws into his pelt wearing pleasant, smiling faces, the only ones he respected were those who didn't bother to hide behind their faux-amicable fronts and glared back at him as he stalked through.
( interacting with @GRAVELPAW , also open for interaction <3)
✦ ★ ✦
To be here without Sootstar has left him feeling as if there is a piece of his own hide missing. Where he felt invulnerable within their camp, he stands here keenly aware that he is surrounded at all sides. This pretend time of peace, a falsified truth– at any moment, he expects it all to fall apart. The last time, he had talked his way into staying behind. To protect it, to protect all those that were left behind. Tonight, he has no such privilege. The tall auburn-striped tom stands beneath the moonlight with his fur neat and his eyes icy, surveying from his place at the edge of the clearing. Alongside Houndthistle, he is close enough to catch the hint of word– instruction, he assumes. He is grateful for that. Standing in Badger's uncomfortable paws for this night alone, he exhales slowly and catches eyes with the rest of the WindClan patrol.

"Keep your wits about you. Each and every one of you. I will not see more trouble brought to our home. Learn what you can. Offer nothing in return," he says lowly, and breaks through the trees at last.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Following along beside Houndthistle is a smaller, mostly white form, standing out stark against the dark of nighttime. The moon’s glow bounces off their freshly-cleaned pelt, and for a moment Gravelpaw thinks they must look strange, here beneath the open moonlight.

At their side, Houndthistle stands towering, intimidating, safe. This is the first time that they’ve come to a gathering, too nervous about surprise attacks and blood spilled with all five of the clans shoved together into one shared space. But now, they’re big enough, old enough, to defend themself if need be. Now, they have a warrior at their side who warns them of snakes—a reminder that drags their shoulders high and tense, hazel eyes flicking around the clearing. "Got it."

// following @HOUNDTHISTLE & open for interactions !
periwinklepaw | 07 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Up and about once more, despite the events of the past week periwinklepaw is looking ore lively than ever - clear gaze bright and wide in the moonlight. Steadfastly pretending the last few days never happened, he follows along not far behind sunstride and houndthistle and gravelpaw - no matter differences in opinion, windclan arrives to the gathering as one after all, and there is saftey in numbers. This time, he does not dare break away - does not bother searching for Hyacinthbreath, does not search the crowd for the faces of those who got away. They've mad either choices, and he has made his.

// open to interacts, hovering around wc rn

A muscular, panther-like form shoulders through the crowd, breaking off from the SkyClanners who had entered the general gathering area. Slate doesn't necessarily desire to chit-chat with the first cat he sees, therefore he keeps to himself and sweeps his deep amber gaze over the strangers gathered and mingling amongst themselves.

He wonders if Blazestar will mention anything about SkyClan's newest "additions". Slate figures it would be unwise to attract unwanted attention from the clan who attacked them a moon earlier. There must obviously be an internal struggle within WindClan, first their desperation for literal plants and now driving exiles from their ranks. What in the world was going on over there, anyway? He never intended to get too invested in clan politics, but the former rogue cannot help but be intrigued.

  • open for interactions

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye, a torn left ear, and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— lost tip of his left ear to a fox