SWAY [p]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The uncertainties that had sat upon Quills shoulders the day he was made a warrior had -for the most part- faded in the weeks following the ceremony, little by little as he slowly grew used to things. Setting his own routine wasnt nearly as difficult as he'd expected since it was already hardwired into him what he was supposed to be doing, the only difference was that Thistleback wasn't waiting for him when he got up now. Often he'd see the other tom anyways since they were both up and doing things at the same time, but it was up to Quill to make his own decisions now, and they came easier than he'd expected. Granted, that resolve hadn't been tested truly be any real trouble yet, but that was fine. For now at least, he was content with where he was in life, things clearer for him than they had been in a long time.

Today he and Twitch found themselves at the Rockpile. It was a nice spring day, the air cool but the sun bright and warm against the pelt, and the pair had found a nice rock to lounge on and soak up the sun for a bit. Soon the cold would be gone altogether and each day would grow warmer than the last, and Quill was silently grateful he wouldnt be left roasting in his own fur seeing as how it was fairly short. Twitch though...

Mismatched eyes shifted to consider his companion for a moment. Their fur was longer than his, which probably wouldnt be too bad on its own, but it was always so tangled and matted. Was air even able to get to Twitches skin beneath it? He was definitely going to cook this summer if he didn't get that taken care of.

"Doesn't your fur bother you?" he asked, tone lacking anything but an honest question. "Your gonna be all hot and uncomfortable once the cold leaves."

Though really as he said it, he realized it wasn't a matter of 'once the cold leaves'. Having tangled fur like that in general must be pretty annoying when moving around. It probably pulled and pinched and itched..

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Twitchbolt was ever thankful of how easy it had become to be around Quillstrike. Once upon a time the other tom had greatly confused him in almost every way- in his calmness, his stoicism, his temper, his... wants. He'd not understood beck then why Quill would ever choose Twitch's company over anyone else's- and though he still hardly considered himself a good option for a day's companion, connections had been forged over his apprenticeship and had persisted until now. Now, there was this... ever-easiness. The company that soothed him, that knew him.

It was nice, to feel known. Few had made him feel like that, and Quillstrike was the most frequent perpetrator.

The silence was comforting in these moments of relaxation- moments they were free to seize, now they were both warriors. It'd been strange to break away from the habit of running to Daisyflight every morning, but- she didn't seem to mind even when he instinctively moved to her side. As Twitchbolt lounged, he moved his leg to scratch the back of his ear, irritated by some unseen tangle- and as if Quillstrike had sensed it, he immediately asked after the state of his fur.

A small, shaky smile occupied Twitchbolt's mahogany features. "A bit," he admitted, seeing no reason to lie. Over the moons he'd gotten a little better at grooming himself, but... there were spots couldn't reach, and portions he thought were so matted you'd have to burn them off to save them. "I- I think some of it's beyond saving, though." Quillstrike had it easy, didn't he? No tresses that could tango and tangle- no, he was dressed with form-fitting fur that hugged close to his muscle. Must be convenient, to live like that.
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Beyond saving? Maybe. He stood and made his way over to the other, mismatched eyes inspecting them as he considering the words. There weren't as many as there used to be, but the ones that persisited looked like they'd be tough to fix.

"I could probably do it." he said after a moment, and there was an edge of confidence to his voice because, yeah, he was pretty sure he could. And the more he thought about it the weirder it was that it had never occured to him before now that he could just do it himself.

"You should let me." he said as he took a seat beside them and reached out with a large paw to gentle inspect some of the tangles. Yeah, he could definitely get most of these out, right?

Quill had never shared tongues with anyone before, not since he was a very young kit and some warped semblance of a bond still existed between him and his mother. And maybe when he'd first come to Skyclan, he'd kept it that way because he didn't like or trust any of them enough to want to do something like that with them, but now? He wasn't sure he'd say 'no' if Firefly, or Butterfly, or Banana asked it of him. And he was certainly willing to offer it of his own volition to Twitchbolt.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Though Quillstrike began to stride toward him, Twitchbolt did not rise to meet him, or jump backward like he might have with anyone else. No, he simply let his eyes follow the taller tom as he inspected his pelt, by the looks of it... checked all the horrible knots and tangles that lay perpetually out of Twitchbolt's reach. The chimera seemed confident in his assertion, a declaration that blandished a giggle from the mahogany-and-white tom's mouth- one that sounded a little frayed but was undeniably genuine.

Had Quillstrike ever practiced? Had he ever shared tongues with anyone before, let alone someone with a pelt as tangled as sprawling ivy?

It felt like there were ants under his pelt, for a moment. Ants that were a little bit on fire. You should let me. For a few moments- though it was probably much shorter of a time than it seemed in Twitchbolt's head- he stared at the other. "UH- I mean," and it was a quickened stammer as Quillstrike pawed his pelt, closely expecting one of the many matted knots. "You, uh- if you really want to, dude. It'd be- cool." Might be nice, really, to feel what it was like living with a pelt that didn't look like- well, the way it did.

"Gives us an excuse to stay here a bit longer," he hummed, something of a joke, something of a truth.
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Quill hummed in agreement as he got to work. It was such a nice day, and while he knew there were other more 'useful' things the two of them could be doing with their time on a day like this, the chimera wasn't in any rush to cut it short. He and Twitch would have a thousand days ahead of them to hunt and patrol and train, but Quill wasn't sure how many quiet moments they'd have to themselves like this one. There was always someone else around or something that needed doing, and he was plesently surprised that as a warrior he now had a bit more say in how he chose to spend his time. He supposed that was one of the perks of graduating training- the other cats expected you to be responsible enough to work out a proper schedule. And to his credit, Quill was. It wasn't often you could catch him lazing around like he was now, but normally when you did it was because he was with Twitch or one of his other friends.

" Orangeblossom's gonna have us hunting all the time now that the weathers turning." he noted, just another reason to enjoy this while he could. Not that he actually minded the work because he didn't, it was just.. nice, to have time to live a normal life as well.

Stars. For so fucking long that's all he wanted, and finally he felt like he'd achieved it. He had a stable homelife with cats he trusted and respected, cat's he considered friends and allies. He had routine to his days and discipline in his life, a purpose that never seemed to demand to too much.

He was happy.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

He barely felt the rasp of Quillstrike's tongue, and all but forgot his offer was even in motion as he spoke of increased hunting patrols. The snow-and-bark tom's shoulder shook in a short huff of laughter, his neck twitching to the side as he did so. "Probably, but- hey, I've got- got bird expertise now, thanks to you!" Seldom-seen, he showed his teeth in a dithering grin. Quillstrike had shown him back then that he could do more than he thought himself capable of- that sometimes he just needed a little push getting there. And he'd never forget how much the chimera tom did for him, and continued to do for him even now.

He did not vocalise it, but part of him hoped that they'd get placed on a patrol together soon. That Quillstrike or himself might lead one, and they could stick close together whilst really exercising their new responsibilities. But- as exciting as these new duties were, he too could not deny the comfort that this sort of moment brought him. Content, happy- and attended to. Wasn't that all he had ever wanted? To feel comfortable, to feel comforted...

"Have you even-" he spluttered out, stealing a glance over his shoulder- though he cut himself off when he realised that Quillstrike was indeed working the knots out of his fur, and Twitchbolt felt his eyelids spasm in surprise. "Shit, man, how are you so good at this!? Have- have you been practicing or something?" Bafflement was written perfectly across his face, olive eyes strained wide. It was amazement, really. How many more talents was he hiding?
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Quill couldn't help but smirk just a littleat the honorable mention he was given for Twitches hunting skills. There was a part of him that was insanely pleased with the fact that he was able to make any impact on Twitch at all that didn't bring just straight negativity, and he kind of liked the idea that he could be helpful to them in some way-even if it was just giving them a push in the right direction.

"You basically already had it down. Just had to fix a couple things." he replied, because as much as he'd like to think he had any sort of influence over the other, Twitch hadn't been that far off with his technique to begin with, and Quill couldn't strip him of that credit.

Unknowingly to the tabby, he and Twitch shared a similar sentiment toward the patrols that would be called in the future. While it was true that the two of them could spend their free time doing whatever they wanted, it was proving to hardly be a gain in terms of time spent together because they always ended up assigned to different patrols. He wasn't sure if this was something Orangeblossom did on purpose or not, but it hadn't slipped past the chimera tomcat.

He was pulled from his thoughts when the other suddenly glanced back over their shoulder at him, and Quill paused, quirking an invisible brow at their half muttered sentence. Had he what?

"Shit, man, how are you so good at this!? Have- have you been practicing or something?"

"Yeah- me and Thistleback get together every couple days to do each others fur and gossip."he replied in his best matter-of-fact voice, which didn't sound all that different from his usual tone, but Twitch could probably guess he was joking.

"Nah."he tacked on after a moment, answering them properly. "I think your the first cat I've ever groomed aside from myself."

And for some reason, it felt important to say, like it meant something. He was reminded of the day he'd so abruptly announced that Twitch was his best friend, because that too had held importance behind it, even it if had been obvious to the other that he already was.

"Maybe I'll start charging cats a fresh kill tax in exchange for doing their fur. Could be a nice way to retire and get fat." he mused as he went back to work, slowly unravelling the knots that clung to his friends coat.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

A small hum of uncertain agreement left his throat- he supposed it had been an equal effort, but he could not deny that without Quillstrike he might never have been able to bring his parents their favourite lunchtime food. It sounded like a stupid notion now, but... as much strife as they had given him, as dejected as they made him feel, he felt good in himself that he had been able to give that to them. That he'd been able to show them that he was better than they thought he was, even if they'd barely noticed it at the time.

Incredulity still burned in his gaze as Quillstrike made his sardonic joke- there was a flash of a taut smile upon his lips, though, an inward groan at his friend's sarcasm. It did not take the chimera particularly long to backpedal, and that was when a full huff of a giggle left Twitchbolt, amusement mostly replacing the surprise upon his features.

I think you're the first cat I've ever groomed aside from myself. The statement hung in the air for a few moments- his whiskers twitched. "You picked a hell of a first project," he murmured, crooked tail flicking in humour. Still- despite the teasing in his tone, it was dusted with the sugar of fondness, too. It felt stupid to feel honoured, but... well, this was a significant task! And one Quillstrike was performing out of the kindness of his heart. Through moons and moons he'd never understood what it was that made Quillstrike want to be around him, but... the feeling was mutual. It had been for a long time.

Another laugh, wheezed and frayed but ever sincere, shuddered from him at the taller tom's retirement plan. "Hah-! Imagine how many pelts you'd have to groom for that," he hummed- as an elder with nothing else to do, maybe you'd have time. "You'd- you'd choke to death on the furballs. 'Specially 'cause I'd be your main customer." They'd both be old and creaky by then, probably. If he couldn't reach some of his knots now, he doubted he'd cope well as an elder. "You'd have to give me a- a discount, too. As your honorary first p-project," he teased.
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A hell of a first project?

"I like a challenge." he replied with as much smugness as a cat like him could, something they both knew was a lie. Easy was alwayspreferred, but difficult had never stopped him before.

Like, he preferred snatching birds out of trees over running five miles after a rabbit, but that didn't mean he wouldn't hunt rabbit if he had to. He just preferred to do what was most logical, and in his experience, the simplest answer was often the correct one. Only, in this instance it wasn't a matter of being forced to take the more difficult road, because even if it came to fighting with a messy coat, nothing about Twitch was difficult for Quill. And maybe that's what kept pulling him into the others orbit despite his penchant for being able to typically avoid such things.

As had become a common chant within his brain by now, Twitch was the exception to everything.

The sound of the other really laughing brought a grin to his face, and his tail flicked near his paws as he found himself charmed by it. It was a ridiculous noise to be sure, a wheezing that shook the others entire body, but it was so Twitch that it was impossible for Quill not to be immediately enamored with the sound. The chimera definitely wanted to make him do that more often- laughter was a surefire way to tell someone was happy after all, and Twitch was his best friend so it made sense that he'd want him to be happy.

Such was his logic.

His nose wrinkled at the idea of furballs, something he'd never really had a big problem with in the past. Hacking them up on a regular basis didn't sound appealing at all, especially when the fur wasn't his. He didn't need a reminder that he was basically eating other cats hair.

"You better hope I'm immune, because if you give me hairballs I'm throwing myself from the top of Tallpine." he deadpanned, before adding, "I wouldn't be surprised if I was, though. I'm pretty awesome like that."

It was hard to tell through tone alone whether he meant it as a joke or if he was allowing himself to be arrogant. Quill wasn't exactly humble, but he didn't consider himself a narcisist either. He just looked at the facts, and the facts said he was pretty fucking awesome- for the most part. In some areas he was downright garbage, but like, those parts were way less important, or so he told himself.

"A discount?" he echoed, seeming to take a few moments to consider it in between licks. "Yeah, okay." he agreed with a smirk. " That'll piss everyone else off when they can't have one. Sounds like fun."

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Twitchbolt rolled his eyes a little at Quillstrike's statement- that he liked a challenge. There was a playfulness to the gesture, though- for he knew it was a typical sarcastic comment from the other, a joke that the cream-striped tom was more than ready to play into. He knew very well Quillstrike was a tom who likes his efficiency- once he found the simplest way to do something, he'd likely commit to that method for as long as he could. It was the logical thing to do, really. Clever.

The comment about throwing himself of off the Tallpine coaxed another hoarse chuckle from Twitchbolt's throat- and there, again, that faux smugness. This statement held a dash of confidence, though, this time. And he found he couldn't even flout it. "With- with all your hidden talents, you p-probably are immune." If being incapable of hacking up hairballs was something that was indeed possible, he was sure Quillstrike possessed whatever special gene made him capable of it.

His execption was granted, and his whiskers twitched in amusement, neck jerking to the side for a moment. No longer did these namesakes bother him, though. There was a show of teeth on his face, now- small, but an unmistakeable smile that Quillstrike might be able to see in profile. An exaggerated gasp was taken in at the reasoning- That'll piss everyone else off when they can't have one. "O Great and Mighty Super Quillstrike, surely you'd- you'd never want to piss anyone off!" Of course, Twitchbolt's voice was drenched in sarcasm- he knew very well one of Quillstrike's favourite practical jokes to pull was to tug playfully at the nerves of another- he'd been on the receiving end of it a couple of times. The ordeal in which the chimera had showed him a mouthful of blood-drenched teeth sprung to mind.
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