under the surface, there was a boiling. like a volcano waiting for the perfect earthquake to explode, they were unstable. it wasn't hard to tell that chilledstar was not at all pleased. after the brutal attack against their deputy, they promised themself one thing– sootstar's blood would stain their claws. not here, not now. no. there was no place for such theatrics under the stars, lest the leader wished to burned to a crisp like sootstar nearly had been. they refused to be as delusional about it as she had been. their ears twitched back and forth with a grunt before they made their way to the top of the great rock. their claws gripped at the geode before they speak up.

"cats of the clans, lend us your ears! let the gathering truly begin!"

their gaze slowly moved to the other leaders who stand beside them on the rock, snorting ever so quietly. they can still see the scorch burned into the very spot where the deluded she cat continues to stand. they wonder, just for a moment, how it will be when her replacement finally ascends the throne. will he be as insane as the one they deemed the queen of the moors? only time would tell. they shift their attention back to the felines below them, with a twitch of their tail.

"let me start off by saying that shadowclan is as grateful for the blessing of newleaf as any clan. with a rough leafbare behind us, every step forward is a good one. nothing better than the delicious taste of frog legs, and the smell of the freshest of herbs within our territory.

we welcome new apprentices to our ranks, as well. orchidpaw, tulippaw, and raggedpaw. lovely kits who will make the finest warriors within shadowclan. forestshade, pineneedle and adderbite will be ensuring that, without a doubt. tornadopaw has also been given a new mentor– me.

unfortunately that seems to be the pause of the good news.

at least, it was all of the news that they'd receive. night training, and their prophecy was for the ears of shadowclan and shadowclan alone. especially since they no longer had allies.

"as... surprising... as it may seem, the alliance with windclan has been broken. sootstar did not take such news in good faith and has even gone so far as to crossing onto my territory and attacking my deputy! clearly she has not learned since starclan so graciously reminded just how unhappy they were with her.

for this reason, amongst others, I am proposing yet another law be placed. it is clear you all seem to have a bit of an issue of crossing onto territories where your dirty paws do not belong. thus I believe it is in every cats best interest for the following law.

do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory.

we do have borders for a reason. we might as well use them.

they look over at the other leaders, waiting their response. they honestly do not care what sootstar will have to say for herself. nothing can change their mind. windclan will get what's coming to them.


WindClan Leader




ShadowClan reports good hunting and new apprentices, Sootstar takes the good news with a grain of salt... but if it is true they now hunt well it'd mean trouble for her clan. Still she was as stern as ever, she sits silently on the Great Rock with a straightened spine and ears perked up to listen. Her gaze does not move to meet Chilledstar when he brings up news of their alliance breaking, however her eyes narrow into slits when he speaks the lie she had been anticipating. Smogmaw had really done it!

At that... Chilledstar proposes a code. Sootstar lets out a sarcastic wheeze, "Your deputy lies to you, Chilledstar. Did anyone who wasn't Smogmaw report signs of WindClan on your territory? A patrol should've picked up on the aftermath scent... but they couldn't have. I never crossed the thunderpath, nor did any of my cats." Her words are sharp but she doesn't raise her voice, a tail is wrapped around her forepaws. "Your deputy was attacked because he was on WindClan's territory... Smogmaw told me that he's befriended cats of RiverClan and that I should expect an attack from RiverClan and SkyClan, and potentially ShadowClan before I chased him off." No fear could be picked up, she had gotten that out at the inner-clan meeting. However, it did concern her gravely... but StarClan be damned if she shows it here and now.

"I agree to the code, but as far as I'm aware ShadowClan's been the biggest offender of crossing territories." She points out the hypocrisy with a shrug and moves onto her own news.

"WindClan has been hunting well, there's been several sightings of rabbits with new kits. Our supply will not dwindle any time soon. Vulturemask has done well with keeping the medicine cats den stocked up, he doesn't seem to have issue with finding herbs." Sootstar boasts, though its honest. New-leaf has been kind to them. "The only trouble we've had this past moon was a hawk attack... but if the birds are back they're nothing WindClan hasn't handled before." Some may remember their hawk troubles from last leaf-fall, that had been disastrous... At least now they could use what they had learned last time to keep them at bay, maybe even bring one or two down this green-leaf to eat.

"Spiderbloom has had her kits. Scorpionkit, Juniperkit, Hollykit, and Puffkit, all four strong and healthy. We welcome them into WindClan." Sootstar hopes for a couple more litters before new-leaf ends, but she's not sure she'll be so lucky. "We also have plenty of new apprentices. Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Harrierpaw, Bluepaw, Cottonpaw, Sparrowpaw, Petalpaw, Whitepaw, and Burnetpaw have all been apprenticed this past moon. All are trained by some of WindClan's finest warriors and are making great progress in their training." All of the young ones were potentially present tonight, though a few may have stayed back.

"We have three new warriors, Gravelsnap, Snailstride, and Rainheart. They've trained well and have already began to make their clan proud." Some hollers of congratulations can be heard from WindClan's small crowd, perhaps a strangler or two from other clans... likely not much. "That is all from WindClan."
Blazestar sits solemnly on the Great Rock, his tail wrapped tightly about his paws. Chilledstar begins to speak their piece, about ShadowClan's replenishment under the bounties of the new season. He finds himself glad to hear it, though he remains skeptical of the marsh dwellers' intentions. He can say they are looking less like walking skeletons and more like felines, at least.

Chilledstar's news is otherwise standard fare until they begin to talk about Sootstar. Blazestar's interest sharpens as the blue-eyed feline announces the alliance has dissolved. The Ragdoll can't help but give Sootstar a curious look; who had made that call? And Chilledstar further accuses her of crossing ShadowClan's boundaries to attack their deputy.

He clicks his tongue but makes no comment. WindClan has certainly never had any issue crossing borders, but neither has ShadowClan. As far as he's concerned, they are both hypocrites. Chilledstar's proposed addition to the warrior code only makes him snort. "I agree to this code. SkyClan has not crossed boundaries maliciously and we will continue to honor that."

Sootstar's denial of the crossing and the assault is not surprising. Blazestar has no opinions on the situation; he assumes either of them could be lying. His eyes narrow somewhat as Sootstar mentions a three-pronged attack. The Ragdoll glances at Cicadastar, then at Chilledstar. Are they plotting something? "SkyClan has no plans to enter into war at this time." He could care less about reassuring Sootstar, but he wants his own Clan to know his intentions -- as well as RiverClan and ShadowClan.

Things could change, but, well... for now, there is no way SkyClan could charge into battle. They are bleeding from their ranks, and who knows who would remain standing by the time the other leaders organized this supposed attack.

He waits for Sootstar's news to conclude, and then he takes his place at the ledge. Silvered by the moon's glow, Blazestar lifts his head to address all five Clans. "SkyClan has grave news to report, I'm afraid." He does his best to banish the cloud of defeat still hanging over him. "Twolegs have infiltrated our territory. They are trapping cats in strange shiny dens and taking them away. We don't know where, or what their plans are... but we've lost many cats, including one of our lead warriors, Daisyflight." He thinks of Howlpaw, but he does not mention her name. After Kuiper's confession, he is still sure he'd left her for dead on some cracked pavement in the Twolegplace.

He settles on that point next. "Many moons ago, SkyClan reported a missing apprentice. All we found were signs of his struggle and his blood. Since then, all Clans mentioned a rogue attacking and killing their warriors and apprentices." Blazestar's eyes flash in the starlight. "This rogue came to SkyClan. His name was Kuiper, and he stood trial for all of these murders. He confessed to Pitchstar's death, as well as two RiverClanners', a WindClanner's death and another one's mauling, our missing SkyClan apprentice's, frightening a ThunderClan apprentice, and..." he exhales softly, "My daughter's murder." He steadies himself, sure the news would come as a shock -- especially to ShadowClan, whose leader had lost multiple lies at the claws of this beast. "He is not a threat to any Clan anymore. He was executed for his crimes by my lead warrior, Thistleback." He does not elaborate on the horrific, brutal death the rogue had suffered.

Blazestar continues wearily. "A SkyClan warrior defected from our ranks. Sharpeye. He disagreed with a decision made by his leader and chose to exile himself. He is dangerous. He attacked my ThunderClan kit and attempted to brand her." His claws grip and scrape against the stone, and heat colors his tone. "If you see him, I advise you to chase him from your territory."

The only bits of good news are still hidden -- his deputy is expecting kits, but she is not yet showing beside the slightest thickening about her middle, and she has not approved for this news to be discussed. Blazestar instead says, "We welcome Sparrowpaw into our Clan to train as a warrior; they are mentored by Auburnflame. We also welcome two adult joiners, Selby and Johnny, who have pledged to serve SkyClan as warriors." His whiskers twitching, he takes a few steps back. "That is all from SkyClan."

It's been a difficult moon. He loathes that there isn't more positive news to report; he only hopes there is enough of SkyClan left to be present at all at the next Gathering.

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Howlingstar sits with the other leaders on one side of Blazestar as the ShadowClan leader begins the Gathering. Her ears press forward with interest as they talk about the clan's newest apprentices, and idly she scans the crowd for the three new faces. However, her attention is snatched back to Chilledstar as they openly state their alliance with WindClan has been broken. A strange thing to announce, she thinks at first - wouldn't it make ShadowClan appear weaker than they had? But they soon reveal why: Sootstar trespassed and attacked Smogmaw, the deputy. Stunned, she glances towards WindClan's leader to gauge her reaction and only sees her gaze narrowing on Chilledstar. When Chilledstar proposes they add a new law to the Warrior Code, Howlingstar can't help but let her jaw grow slack in shock. She wants to laugh; could they be any more hypocritical? ShadowClan had sent many hunting patrols onto ThunderClan land and stolen their prey! And Chilledstar acts as if they are innocent while every other clan remains guilty. She stifles a snort and eye-roll, instead settling for a clenched jaw and narrowing of green eyes. In fact, the ShadowClan leader's hypocrisy is enough to convince her that Sootstar must be telling the truth. If Chilledstar can lie so easily that the other clans were the problem with borders, what else would they lie about? "I also agree to this addition to the Warrior Code," She states, leaving Cicadastar as the final voice before the law is sealed forever.

When Blazestar begins to speak, she flicks her gaze towards him and hopes his news is happier. Unfortunately, her wish is not granted. Howlingstar's ears fall back as he reveals some of his clanmates have been taken by twolegs. Immediately, her mind jumps to Howlpaw, as ThunderClan knows she'd gone missing. Had that been her fate? Her heart pounds in her chest, and is all but shattered as Blazestar speaks his next piece. Kuiper, this murderous rogue who had apparently been harassing the clans, had killed her granddaughter. "No," She croaks, suddenly getting to her paws and leveling Blazestar with a wide-eyed stare. She gives her head a small, disbelieving shake. Suddenly, the tabby feels dizzy and she must sit once more lest she risk tumbling straight off the Great Rock. Instinctively, she searches for Little Wolf in the crowd, her own expression betraying her grief. She hardly hears Blazestar talk about Sharpeye and his attempted mutilation of her other granddaughter.

When silence falls over the clearing, the stunned leader realizes she has to speak. Mouth suddenly feeling dry, she is forced to slowly step forward with her legs trembling. It's obvious she is shaken by the news of her daughter's kit, murdered, and it's everything she can do to keep from falling apart here and now. She can't lose another grandchild, and yet she has. Brokenhearted, Howlingstar calls out hoarsely, "ThunderClan....welcomes two new warriors, Roeflame, and my own apprentice, Sloestride. We are- we are very proud of them. This moon, two lost kits showed up on our territory, and we have welcomed them in as ThunderClanners, called Oak-kit and Acornkit. We're sure they'll make their clan very proud as warriors one day. Three kits received their apprentice names: Larkpaw, Skypaw, and Duskpaw, apprenticed to Covecatcher, Dewfang, and Nightbird, respectively. Finally, two warriors have joined my council as lead warriors: Nightbird and my son, Raccoonstripe." Her gaze falls; she can't keep her mind off of Howlpaw, but she knows she has to remain level-headed for a few moments longer. She has to finish this job, and then she can crumble. She will allow herself to after this. "Everyone here should know that ThunderClan has disputed the strip of land in our forest that RiverClan claimed first. Sunningrocks now belongs to ThunderClan - now that we claim every bit of the oak forest on our side of the river, our prey situation has improved. ThunderClan no longer goes to their nests with empty stomachs." Silently, she steps back, face turned downward. Now that the obligatory news is over, she can mourn at the back of the rock, crouched in the shadows.

Little Wolf does not know what she had thought up until now, perhaps she had been hoping that it wasn't true. that Howlpaw would show up at any moment, she would introduce her daughter to Skypaw and Duskpaw, she would get to tell her how proud she was of the cat she was becoming. The gathering had already started off on an interesting note. She finds her ears pricked all the way forward at the ShadowClan leader's words and, like her mother, she cannot help the scoff that leaves her lips at the thought of ShadowClan of all Clans to be the one to propose a code about not crossing Clan lines. Then again, they had been the ones to invent borders in the first place. Perhaps this leader was not as bad as their predecessors. If anyone knew not to judge a cat based on where they came from, it was her.

ShadowClan finishes speaking then Wind. She listens attentively to each, searching the crowd for those named when appropriate. But then Blazestar is stepping forward and her emerald green eyes are only for him. She hadn't gotten to see him since she had told him she was pregnant again, and though seeing him was not the same as being with him it was the closest she was going to get now. She can still feel that familiar ache of her heart when she casts her gaze upon his pointed face, can still imagine pressing herself into his soft embrace. She can almost pretend she is there now, listening to his voice tell her about what's going on in his clan.

And then he speaks words that shatter everything. 'My daughter's murderer' Immediately she wants to crumble into dust. Her mouth opens to let out a cry but nothing escapes her lips. Another daughter, taken from her, another daughter up in the stars. It's not fair, why was StarClan so bent on taking from her? She looks to her mother then and sees her own sadness reflected in her eyes. Later, they would fall apart and grieve together but she knows she has to be strong, though her legs feel weak and her eyes start to water.

She sits back on her haunches and if Skypaw and Duskpaw were nearbye she would draw them closer to her.
  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette

Watchful, attention paid... the ShadowClan leader spoke proudly, before descending into an accusation- one refuted by Needles. It seemed often there was a prosecution and a subsequent deflection within the reports in these Gatherings. And news of war buzzed on the air, tumult building- perhaps that was why there were markedly less WindClan warriors here than usual. Moor-scent was far dwarfed by the rest of the Clans... had Needles chosen to arm herself with defensive strategy? A sound idea... one he could find little fault in.

Fluffy quickly refuted any fear- and though Berryheart would never claim he let his attention slip, there was part of him that wished to pay a little more attention to the flame point than the rest of the leaders. Any news that might point toward the wellbeing of his kin- his niece and nephew who now lived as Skyclanners- was cherished. Sootypaws was a face he had sighted tonight, but there was no sign of Dynamo. Was she ill? Ailed, injured...

His grisly answer was soon given.

To see Berryheart disquieted was a rare picture, but he could not prevent the cryogenic crackle of his blood, the briar-prickle of the fur along his back as Fluffy mentioned the death of his daughter. Murder. A crooked jaw tightened, and he closed his eyes, a deep-set frown darkening his face. Sorrow did not pour from him in tears, nor did it burst from his throat in a screech, but his lips pulled back and his muzzle wrinkled as he bit back the flare of shock and grief that slammed into him at that moment. His eyes creaked open, freshly steely, just in time to spot Big Mama falter.

Dynamo- a spark, snuffed. Murder- an ugly, needless thing. Killing for the sake of killing. For the thrill- his predecessor had been that type. Uncontrolled, guiltless- self-justified. War was war, and death in battle was not relished- but murder, murder was despicable. Murder was senseless... committed only by those who could not help themselves. Pitiable creatures.

His niece, stolen from this world by a leech upon its surface.
  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
From the sea of cats below the leaders, Roeflame watches on with wide, curious eyes, still juvenile in their thirst of knowing.
Chilledstars words churn over in the new warriors mind, a new code was proposed, agreed to. In Roeflame’s mind it seemed almost needless, as though it was common sense not to trespass.
Apparently not to moor rats.
By the time Blazestar steps forward, Roeflame finds herself drinking in every word with morbid curiosity.
Yet, she is almost stunned to hear the news of the murderous rogue, touching almost each corner of the forest with a blood-dripping claw.
A frown is evident on her features when the cream tom manages to reveal the news of his own child’s murder.
Something in the warriors heart chips, she had grown up alongside Blazestar’s children, his son had trained alongside her.
Instinctively, she finds herself almost searching for Burnpaw as hushed gasps ripple through cats nearby.
Where was he?
Shortly after, her new name is announced and quickly Roeflames head swivels back towards Howlingstar. Her leaders ivy hues drown with grief, and Roeflame cannot muster the pride she would normally have as the leader croaks on with Thunderclan’s news.
Someone beside her gives a small congratulatory nudge and she can only scrape together a small smile and a nod in return before flickering her gaze back towards Howlingstar.
The tabby has been alert, sitting with his Clan in the crowd, close to Berryheart and Little Wolf. ShadowClan's proposed addition to the warrior code is preposterous, and it's clear the other leaders think so -- after all, none of the five Clans are more comfortable crossing borders than the marsh-dwellers. He does agree it needs to be implemented, at the end of the day -- but he doesn't think calling it a code will prevent those hypocritical rat-eaters from crossing into ThunderClan territory.

The news about ShadowClan and WindClan is interesting. A dissolved alliance. He couldn't imagine being in a partnership with either Chilledstar or Sootstar. He doesn't know the new ShadowClan leader very well, but any cat who'd served under that maniac rosette couldn't be much saner. And Sootstar... beautiful as she is, he fears the madness lurking behind that lovely face almost more.

His ears flick, interested, too, in the idea of a three-pronged attack from RiverClan, SkyClan, and ShadowClan. WindClan would never have stood a chance! Raccoonstripe thinks back to the day Sootstar and her small patrol had come to ask for Howlingstar's audience. Had that been why? Is the moorland queen's paranoia finally manifesting?

He is still wrapped up in similar thoughts when Blazestar begins to speak. Raccoonstripe's whiskers begin to tremble as the kittypet leader tells them of Twolegs in their territory. He wants to snort; what do they expect, constantly letting house pets into their part of the forest? But he remembers Howlpaw's disappearance, and he begins to wonder if that's where she is now -- captured by Twolegs.

Perhaps it had been -- but Blazestar's admittance that the executed rogue had murdered Howlpaw shakes the ThunderClan lead warrior to his roots. He stares unblinkingly at the Great Rock, his jaw threatening to fall open. Murdered? Howlpaw? His kin, his niece, the little spitfire he'd let worry his tail with her teeth when she was small?

Raccoonstripe feels almost gutted at this news, and he can tell his mother does, too. Instinctively, the tabby presses his flank to Berryheart's in quick reassurance. His eyes scan the nearby crowd for his sister. She looks as though she's been struck a death blow, and his heart hurts for her. He leaves his littermate's side so he can stay close to Little Wolf's. In a show of solidarity, he presses his cheek to her's briefly. "I'm so sorry," he murmurs brokenly. He cannot celebrate in the news his mother delivers of his promotion -- he can only think of Little Wolf, two kits now in the ground because of the kittypet who fathered them.


Sat among the deputies, Flycatcher listens quietly as the announcements begin. Chilledstar leads off the proceedings, starting off with the usual fanfare of new apprentices and warriors. What does interest him and catches his attention is the reveal that WindClan and ShadowClan had broken their alliance. Supposedly, Sootstar had attacked their deputy, though the WindClan leader is quick to refute such claims when she steps up to deliver her news. Flycatcher isn't sure which side he believes, but after Chilledstar offers a new suggestion to the warrior code about not hunting or trespassing on another clan's territory. It's a fine addition if he says so himself, though he can't help but find it ironic a d hypocritical that a ShadowClan leader of all cats would suggest it. "Tch, ShadowClan..." Flycatcher grumbles under his breath, rolling his eyes as he did so.

After the ShadowClan announcements, Blazestar steps forward next. His news is a sudden dark cloud over the assembled cats, revealing that twolegs had invaded their camp and were stealing cats. He also revealed that a rogue cat responsible for several murders in all the clans has came to their clan, but had promptly been killed himself for his crimes. More shocking was the reveal that said cat had murdered Howlpaw. No sooner had the words come out, Flycatcher heart aches. He could remember when Howlpaw and her littermates were born, and now she too walks among the stars. It's clear how much the news has rattled her family, including Howlingstar herself. Once Blazestar steps away and Howlingstar takes his place, she delivers ThunderClan's news quickly and efficiently, though her voice is hoarse with grief from her loss. When she steps back, Flycatcher turns his attention to Cicadastar, curious how the RiverClan leader would speak at this gathering.
the news is no surprise to him. the windclan rat attacked a shadowclan deputy, claims now that he was untruthful. they are already squabbling as he ascends the rock, settles in his position aside the kittypet king. the similarities from the previous moon are almost humorous — it is, in fact. cicadastar laughs, loud and boisterous for the crowd as she calls another lie, scrabbles for an excuse as she did every moon, listen to her! mad as the hare she chases. “ he calls, amusement gleaming in the mad pit of pallid eyes. he keeps his plans tight lipped — they had only just discussed their plans, plans he had not yet crossed the skyclanner’s borders to discuss. plans under work have only met his leads ears, as well as beesong, and he doubts any friends were made in the days it had been since their discussion. the blue smoke was preparing now, was barking over something only paranoid delusions for now, and little to her knowledge, it sets his mind in place. they had time to recover. time for windclan to let their guards down again.

blazestar mentions no war, and it proves his point in turn, leading him to sit straighter, push his shoulders back. rubberblack lips curl into a smirk, " oh, yes, we all believe you’ve done nothing wrong. it’s so rare for us to hear of your clans disregard for borders. everyone lies but windclan, ja? " he simpers at her, lowering his ears in a mocking show of sympathy, ” did smogmaw pull you over the border as well, soot? “ the man coos, letting his tail wrap neat around ivory paws. chilledstar had a far better handle on their warriors, and certainly their deputy. yet the smoke stands with only a pawful of warriors, howling of a joint attack by all three clans. she was scared, despite the stony expression she bore. it should be her natural state, he thinks — fear was just as ugly as she, mangled and stinking as she. she did not have to quiver for him to tell her clan is scarce in attendance. an ear twitches, the kindling of manic giddiness curling in his chest. a brief glance towards chilledstar, taking in their expression, their stance. he hoped they were ready for retaliation, but the conflict was coiling into extremes. he sees a chance.

” riverclan stands with shadowclan at this time. “ cicadastar dips his head, ears still pinned to the slope of his head. true sympathy. their clans had been coldly cordial, but there was no sense in it now. it was only a matter of time before the moorlanders earned the ire of each clan in turn, and they had finally succeeded, “ should we speak of biggest offenders, i would be quicker to point out windclan’s disregard for both skyclan and riverclan camps, driven not by hunger. “ no, not as shadowclan was. he’d lived in the marshlands for a good majority of his life, and prey was scarce at best, ” regardless, i agree to this addition. “

blazestar steps to speak, and the mottled leader falls quiet. he does not speak while the ragdoll relays his news, until mention of kupier meets his ears. his ears snap up, angle forward to punctuate furrowed, bothered brows. pitchstar, two riverclanners.. peachpaw and rainwhisker. he does not need to ask, does not need to know if his rotten tongue had dropped their name in skyclan’s gorse - lined camp. his claws unsheathe, curl against the stone just as he’s done many times before, feels the sharp tips dip into the small divots he’d made before. he mentions his daughter and howlingstar makes a sound he pays little attention to, pale blue eyes cast out towards the crowd as if he could pinpoint the kit’s mother amongst the throng. he does not, but by the time he has searched, blazestar is stepping back into line. it was his turn.

the leggy tom stands, steps forward to lift his chin, ” despite our hardships from clans who so boldly claim to respect borders, newleaf has been kind to us. the river is thawing, receding enough for us to begin reparations on our camp. the waters are still biting to touch, but it is no longer dangerous to tread. “ they were fishing well, but he would not say it now. not when howlingstar’s words burn in his head, ” despite our good fortune, gloompaw, our medicine cat apprentice, has gone missing. she is a blue mink with orange eyes, i implore you all to keep an eye out for her. she is prone to wander, but it’s been.. too long. riverclan is worried for her, and will be forever grateful for her safe return. “ it’s been far too long, he knew. they could pick up no scent of her, no patrol had come back with word. his heart sinks further each day, ” in the past moon we’ve welcomed koispots to warriorhood, trained hard by lightningstone. we’ve no litters to announce currently, but buckgait, our former deputy, has been retired from her position to the nursery. beesong expects her to kit any day. “ despite his visceral dislike of the brown molly, his tone is proud, if not bordering smug, ” i am pleased to announce two new additions to my council. warriors i consider good friends, warriors who exemplify riverclan in every way. today they stand alongside smokethroat and willowroot as leads — cindershade and snakeblink. “ riverclanners roar with belated congratulations, but his tail lifts in moments, the commotion tapering with its cutting motion.

the mottled felidae clears his throat. here he goes, again. ” now, thunderclan boasts that they do not cross borders — but our rocks were stolen from us. howlingstar and her warriors ignored my scent lines only sunrises after we announced windclan’s raid. like vultures, they swooped in and threatened already - injured warriors, took prey from the mouths of healing apprentices, told them to their faces that they did not deserve it. howlingstar stands here today and tells you the rocks belong to thunderclan — they do not. with that, his head pivots to snap at the plump tabby leader, rips his lips back in a snarl, ” she knew we were too weak to fight back, knew they could not steal on even grounds, but we are recovering quickly, and we will be returning to sunningrocks to treat any lingering thunderclanners like the trespassers they are. the clan that we fed, sheltered and communed with after their disaster has decided to take from us when they were refused to openly hunt on our land. “ there was no respect there. thunderclan was a band of scavengers, they always had been. shadowclan had no prey to pick at, so the honor fell on them. he hisses, lets his fur bristle. the gall to boast. ” so i do suggest you enjoy going to your nests with bellies full of stolen freshkill, for it will not last long. “

no, he would be coming after it soon. especially now, with sootstar babbling her paranoia to the entirety of the clans, ” that’s all for riverclan. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"


WindClan Leader




Sootstar’s brows perk with interest upon hearing ThunderClan’s victory with Sunning Rocks. This was good news… the two clans had actually fought then! A huge weight seems to lift off her shoulders, though she is bitter with the thought of being tricked, she wonders if Smogmaw had been lying. It’d be awful timing for RiverClan to attack now after suffering two loses, and the King of Kittypets under the full moon of StarClan just informed he would not be going into battle at this time… and he dealt with the threat of two legs. She scoffs, what did he think would happen when he so openly welcomed kittypets into his clan? Of course twolegs would bother them, and to be frank she hopes they pluck his whole clan from the forest.

The other clans misfortunes meant well for WindClan… they were safe... For now.

It could not be a gathering without the long-snouted leader feeling like a tick embed in her neck. She glares coldly at him, she loves to fight and bicker as much as anyone, but this gathering she would not give in. Even the blue smoke grows tired of full moons being a screaming match, not that she hadn’t opened the ring numerous of times. ”If you are to address me Cicadastar you are to call me by my StarClan given name, Sootstar. If you can’t do that you can bicker to yourself.” Sootstar’s tries to meet his gaze before looking to the clans, ”If StarClan wanted me gone from this rock they would’ve struck true, yet here I stand.” And Cicadastar was right, their attack on SkyClan’s camp was not driven by hunger, but by sickness. Her cats would’ve most certainly died if she had not tried, and even if the scarce few herbs they did manage her clan still suffered losses. The attack on RiverClan? Cicadastar should know better than anyone what that truly was about, but he hid behind lies of WindClan initiating the fight. The monochrome leader would do anything to villainize her clan and she would not keep feeding into his taunts. It only made him look right.

After Cicadastar warns ThunderClan they will be back for another battle she stands onto her paws. She can’t imagine under the truce StarClan would be pleased with mentions of further attack being mentioned tonight, and the gods know Sootstar has them angry with her enough. Standing to her paws she looks to her fellow leaders, ”I think we are done?”
so that was it, then. the man is already pondering on the return home, aches to feel the slip of water thread through bicolored curls — until the blue smoke pipes up once more, grating voice twitching tall, sleek ears until they shoot back, indignant amusement alighting pale eyes as she meets his gaze. she dared speak to him? always glaring, useless amidst the flock of warriors graced by the heavens. and she speaks to him, speaks the star in his name as if hers meant the same. her farce, her hiding behind the few warriors that had not run from her moors in horror, was never of starclan. the illness they’d suffered was sent to wipe them out, he could only assume — but they had stolen, lied, cheated their way into clinging to life. the hawks she spoke of, coyotes, predators in time past. windclan was a curse, a parasite, sucking the moorlands dry of any hallowed ground. something to be extinguished.

starless heathens, marred and twisted by their own indiscretions — he snorts loud, snorts in her face, lifts a paw to rasp his tongue casually over ivory knuckles as she stares daggers at him, " until my spot upon this stone lies as sullied as yours, i will call you what i well please. " he retorts smoothly, a pointed look down at the darkness still waning upon the flat top of their towering stone, lifted paw flexing long, arching claws. his gaze flicks back up her form slowly, derisively, before turning his attention away from her rat - like face with a dismissive flick of his tail. his paw meets the stone underfoot once more, lifting to full height, ” we all see you are undeserving, soot. i will not pretend to respect you, not as your warriors do. “ his tone is stark, patronizing, and yet cicadastar still spares her no glance, swiveling a single ear of dismissal her way — like a bothersome kit, or a fly buzzing around thin - membranes ears. annoying pest. how long would they suffer beneath her? long would they have their heads even deeper in the dirt, drip - fed lies and brutality? while the windclan leader speaks of avoiding skirmishes, they were the ones who had started each of them. hypocritical hare - munchers.

his jaws split into a yawn, formerly stony expression bored and unimpressed — he does not so much as glance at the windclan scum as the river phantom gathers his muscles, descends amidst the crowd of warriors that split to make way for his landing, ” riverclan, let’s go. “ a glance back up, over his shoulder. glinting salt blue eyes fix on the remaining leaders once more, we’ve much to discuss. “ much to plan.

  • i. outie !!
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"

the leader only snorts in response to sootstar, listening to the rest of the leaders and nodding in a final agreement. good. a new code... one that surely would benefit shadowclan more than one could imagine. with a lash, they lazily move their gaze to the riverclan's leader, brows furrowing as they hear his words. he... stood with shadowclan? this could work. this very well could work in their favor. they nod their head to tall tom cat, flashing a pompous grin to sootstar.

"you call my deputy a liar, but i have no reason to not trust his words, given your reputation for attacking cats within their own homes."

they snort, before turning back to cicadastar, offering him a nod of their head. an opportunity to be seized– one that surely give into the neutrality upon a more positive side. besides, anyone against sootstar, was a smart enough cat in their opinion.

"i am glad you all can agree about the borders. shadowclan, let's go. our presence is no longer needed."

// out !
Blazestar looks at Howlingstar, his expression soft and worn as leather. "No," she says, and he cannot relieve her. He cannot tell her she heard wrong. He searches for Little Wolf in the crowd, and when he finds her, he can see the heartbreak in her eyes, the way her kin close around her like the petals of a protective flower.

Saying it has reopened the wound. Blazestar has done his best to push Howlpaw's alleged death to the recesses of his mind; he hasn't had a chance to fall apart, and he can't fall apart here. But how he wished he could go to Little Wolf and comfort her the way he had not been able to after their first daughter's death.

Blazestar listens dully to Cicadastar, Sootstar, and Chilledstar exchange barbed words. He has no passion for it. Would he again? As bitter as he is about WindClan's brutality toward his Clan, he has nothing to add. RiverClan and ShadowClan have made minced meaningful words, perhaps to confirm Sootstar's verbalized fears.

He watches both black-pelted leaders leave with dull eyes. "SkyClan is finished as well." He looks at Howlingstar again, his eyes limpid with grief. He has had to carry the burden of this knowledge for so long, but this is a fresh assault; she will want time to be with her family, surely. "I'm sorry," he says simply.

The Ragdoll leaps from the Great Rock, signaling with his tail for SkyClan to follow him back to their violated pine forest.

// out!

  • Crying