SWAY WITH THE BREEZE - return from sunningrocks

Little Wolf makes her way back to the camp, Flycatcher by her side, with the news she holds for her mother in the back of her mind. Already she can see the anger in her clanmates eyes in the back of her mind. They had agreed to the new code not too long ago, after all. They all had. She herself doesn't understand why RiverClan wants the rocks so bad. They had plenty of food from the river, and the rocks had always been on ThunderClan's side of the river. It only made sense. With a slight frown on her face she comes into the camp, eyes scanning the clearing for a familiar brown tabby pelt. Some clanmates would look, surprised to see Little Wolf and Flycatcher back early without the rest of their patrol, no doubt, but she ignores them the best she can and instead turns to the nearest cat. "Have you seen Howlingstar?" she asks them, hoping that if she was not in the immediate vicinity that someone would go and get her. "We have something very important that she needs to hear"

What a mess this was.

// @Flycatcher @HOWLINGSTAR


The entire journey back, Flycatcher's expression remained serious. He had hoped for a less eventful time patrolling at Sunningrocks, but much like the last time that was not to be case. At least the last time, RiverClan had the decency - if you could even call it that - to keep their poor behaviour to throwing barbed remarks at the ThunderClan hunters from across the river. Now they had brazenly trespassed and hunted on their land.

As the two cats return, Flycatcher is aware of several stares and murmurs from his clanmates, likely wondering what he and Little Wolf were doing back so soon. He suspected that as soon as the news they carried with them was out, many would under and appreciate their urgency. Since Little Wolf had already asked after her mother, Flycatcher waits patiently by the side of the dark she-cat, waiting for the arrival of their leader.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silver enters the safe haven of camp not too long after Littlewolf and Flycatcher with a squirrel hanging from his jaws. Walking beside him is Mousepaw, more than likely carrying her catch with her head held high with pride. "You've done well today, much better." He praises the tortoiseshell. However, the tension was thick the moment he stepped foot into the area, Little's voice holding a tone she typically did not use. Silverlightning deposits his catch into the fresh kill pile, head remaining low as he opts to send his own apprentice to fetch their leader. "Mousepaw, go grab Howlingstar." He murmurs to the young molly before straightening himself and stalking forward. Quietly he looks between the pair questioningly. What on earth could have happened? (apprentice tag @MOUSEPAW !)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

His daughter is back with her mentor from patrol and he wanders over to great her with a warm smile before turning to the rest of the patrol in time to hear their low voices and uncertain tones. Had something happened? He wanted to ask but chances are he would find out very quickly when Mousepaw went to fetch their leader so he slowly nodded to Silverlightning's orders, "I think I saw her sharing tongues with the elders." His head lifted, nose pointing in the direction before he turned to the deputy and other warriors with a furrowed brow.
"Everyone is alright though yes?" Did he need to also fetch Berryheart for anyone? Had a fight broken out?
( ) Normally she wouldn't think twice about a patrol returning, but when she overheard her friend asking for one of their clanmates to grab Howlingstar, concern began to set in. She had been sitting nearby, thinking about what her and Cloudypaw should do tomorrow, so when she heard the call it didn't take long for her to trot over. Curious eyes settled on her mate, wondering what had happened. She wouldn't pry for answers before their leader came, especially if it were something serious. Sunfreckle had already asked if everything was alright, so she wouldn't repeat the question. Instead, she would gently press against his side, waiting for their leader to come.
Wildheart had been standing guard at the camp entrance when he saw Little Wolf's patrol returning. He prepared himself to grunt a greeting, but something about their body language and the fact they were back early made him pay closer attention. Something was up, that much he knew. And where was the rest of the patrol? Not wishing to miss out on vital information he made the decision to tail Little Wolf and Flycatcher so he could hear the news. If it required Howlingstar's immediate attention then it really wasn't good. "What happened?"
Mousepaw holds a single vole in her jaws, the triumph radiating from her small body. Perhaps her mentor's unorthodox training methods are paying off, because although the young she-cat boasts consistently about her hunting prowess, she's not had a high success rate until recently. She has nearly forgotten about the RiverClan stench laying all over their territory, until Silverlightning calmly instructs her to go get Howlingstar.

The small gray and white she-cat gives him a quick nod. She places her vole in the fresh-kill pile before trotting toward the leader's den. But Wildheart sees their return before they can report, and asks what happens. She says plainly, "RiverClan is hunting on our territory. Their yucky smell is all over Sunningrocks!"

She rushes to @HOWLINGSTAR 's den with her tail held high.

With the news of the patrol's early return, Howlingstar is swift to follow Mousepaw out of her den and to the front of camp. Her ears are already pressing forward with interest, eyes intense as they focus on her deputy and her daughter. "Did I hear RiverClan?" She mews evenly, though she fights to keep a growl of frustration from her voice. Her gaze flicks from one to the other, awaiting the story but she is sure of what it will be. If RiverClan is trespassing on the freshly disputed land, they'll have to send out more frequent patrols to mark the rocks and keep an eye out.

Little Wolf's tail twitches as she waits, the only sign that she is anxious as she nods her head in Silverlightning's direction, grateful to him for sending his apprentice to fetch her mother. Her eyes find Sunfreckle in the slowly growing crowd though, and as his mouth opens to speak she offers him a reassuring half smile "No one's injured or anything, it's okay" she offers in lieu of saying everything was okay. RiverClan hunting on their newly won territory was definitely not okay. She nods a polite greeting in Flamewhiskers direction as well. She wishes she could go to either of them and press her nose into their shoulders but this news was important and she resumes scanning the clearing for her mother, only tearing her gaze away to address Wildheart.

She is opening her mouth to tell him that he will find out with the rest of them when she tells Howlingstar but then she sees her. The familiar brown tabby makes her way through the gathered cats 'Did I hear Riverclan?' she asks and Little Wolf nods her head solemnly "RiverClan has been hunting on Sunningrocks" she says "We scented them when we were out on patrol and came straight here. The smell was fairly recent too" it had been strong and unmistakable, the scent of fish nd murky water. Her nose recoils at just the thought of walking around smelling like that all of the time.

Unsurprisingly, the sudden return of Flycatcher and Little Wolf looking so harried, was bound to garner some attention. Cats begin to appear and ask what has happened and if anything was seriously wrong. "Everything is fine. No one is hurt," Flycatcher mewed in assurance to his clanmates, leaning against Flamewhisker when she came over. It was a small relief that the news they had to share did not pertain to anyone's physical injuries for once.

It does not take long for Howlingstar to approach, summoned over by Mousepaw. She asks if she was correct in hearing RiverClan get mentioned and Flycatcher nods his head solemnly. Little Wolf answers first and Flycatcher bobs his head along to her explanation. "Little Wolf tells it true," Flycatcher confirmed after a moment. "We saw no sign of them on there when we arrived thankfully but the stench of RiverClan was unmistakable. Their brazenness is astonishing I have to say, especially after they agreed to the recent addition to the warrior code."
Little Wolf is swift to confirm what she'd heard and Howlingstar lets out a low hiss of annoyance. Her tail lashes once, Flycatcher's words drawing her attention next. He's right - they have broken the Warrior Code and Howlingstar won't stand for it. "They will learn to respect the border one way or another. Flycatcher, organize more frequent patrols to Sunningrocks to ensure the boundary at the shoreline is strong. I want them to report back to you with every bit of news. If any RiverClanner is caught on our land, they are to be chased out with your claws and teeth." She announced the last sentence more loudly, addressing all of her clan. Her gaze is sharper than normal, filled with anger as she scans the crowd of gathered clanmates who undoubtedly were curious about what the border patrol had found.