swear this one you'll save 〰 truth or dare

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 With many of them within a whisker's length of newfound freedom, the shadow-marked feline felt it important to embrace the last moments of their fleeting youth- it is only something a young adult could think, that it ends as abruptly as the moment they gain their names- and that means rekindling the sparks of friendship that had been mere embers eight months prior. Named apprentices with wild eyes, greedy for adventure and now... they'd had plenty. Some more than others.

Sitting so close to Cherrypaw they may as well have been using her as a support beam, they turn to bury their nose in the soft fur at her nape in a purred affection before fluttering leaves turn to look at the cohort they'd managed to pry away from their chores. They sit in a loose circle now, gathered just outside of camp to have enough privacy not to be bothered by wayward kittens and hopefully to be forgotten by their mentors by being just out of sight. "Let's play a game," they meow, sitting up straight to address their peers. "Truth or dare," they decide and press on before anyone can argue or try to escape, "And I think I'll go first so you guys don't feel like I'm tryin' to trick ya!"

Their nubbed tail flicks in over-eager excitement, admiring their claws in a habit they'd only plucked from more time spent with their girlfriend- hehe- before casting a half-lidded look towards those who hadn't chickened out the moment they'd heard the proposal- "I'll start with truth- Someone ask me something!"

Doing a dare first was a little too predictable, they thought... and also knowing these guys they'd just make Edenpaw do something stupid then leave the game.​

The thought about leaving briefly enters her mind, perhaps returning to her chores wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. While she was trying to step out of her shell a little bit more and actually socialise with her peers this… wasn't what she had in mind. The idea of playing truth or dare felt like a sort of punishment to her, to her understanding of the game it usually ends up in you either admitting to something really embarrassing or doing something really embarrassing. Owlpaw was comfortable with the level of embarrassment she currently had and didn't feel the need to invite anymore into her life. Still, she wanted this, despite her better judgement she wanted to play this game with her friends. This may be one of the last times that they’re all gathered as apprentices after all, she wasn’t going to throw away potential cherished memories over something as small as potentially being embarrassed.

Her body is rigid, flinching to move away for a moment but ultimately remaining when Edenpaw presses on. She paws at the dirt in front of her as she tries to think of something to ask, what were questions that others may ask? Her gaze remained on the ground, inspecting a rather interesting rock in her opinion as she deliberated like this was going to be her final question ever. Only looking up to glance at Edenpaw when she thought of it, nerves evident on her face and in her inflection but she presses on regardless.

“If you had to fight one of Skyclan’s Warriors, and you were guaranteed to win, who would you pick?”

Was this an acceptable question? She wasn't really too sure. Owlpaw lapsed back into silence, no longer looking at the ground but looking at Edenpaw with a slight tilt to her head. Silently hoping that this either was an acceptable question or that someone else would cut in with a question suited to the game more than her own if it wasn't suitable.

Spice doesn't like taking up space. Although the wayward glances in her direction have long since halted (or, at least, became more subtle) she cannot help but feel she must be constantly at work, be it hunting alongside other apprentices or cleaning up around camp. If she's working, she's earning her keep, making her training in SkyClan worth it to those who may think her unworthy. But sitting here, alongside her denmates (though she's yet to sleep beneath the stars with them,) she feels too useless, too wasteful. Edenpaw is her anchor, although the black and white moggy seems all too interested in fussing over the mottled femme beside her. She feels left alone, and for a moment like Owlpaw debates skipping out.

That is until her sibling speaks up, offering a game to pass the time. Spice hasn't heard of truth or dare - but she's not inept enough to not guess what the game may be. After a beat, Owlpaw speaks up, and Spice looks between the orange tabby and Edenpaw again, ear twitching. She would fidget with her hat, if she had it - but she listened heartily to Hazelbeam's suggestion of leaving it in camp whenever she can. She has the bell on her collar but... she opts to knead the grass beneath her paws instead, simply waiting for Edenpaw's answer.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Edenpaw scrunches up their nose in thought, uncertain if it was at the forefront of Owlpaw's knowledge that they are not the best combatant amongst the tall pines that dot their territory. That title flickers somewhere between the flames of Falconpaw and Cherrypaw, they think, evergreen stare moving across the two in a passive acknowledgement of their thoughts. They'd sparred once or two with the sun-dappled girl beside them though, mostly just tried to avoid it entirely if they could- Who would they opt to put in their place if they could drastically improve their skills overnight?

A few barb-tongued lead warriors come to mind and with a wry, unkind smile, they lean into that sense of vengeance for a moment. "Definitely Silversmoke," they answer, itching to sink their claws into something where associated tension grips their shoulders with simmering anger. "He's always leading training for combat but... it'd be nice to see him humbled once in awhile."

They'd much rather take pointers from someone with a heart under all those claws.

"You asked Owlpaw so it's you next- truth or dare!"
*+:。.。 Orchidpaw was tired. His unkempt fur itched and probably looked like shit, and it was getting harder and harder to hide the mounting fear that leaked through every mask he tried to pin in place. Time was ticking, the future was closing in. He couldn't hide behind youthful ignorance anymore - or at least, he couldn't keep comforting himself with the thought that that excuse was ever valid in the first place. Soon, all too soon, he'd be a warrior.
Starclan, he wanted to throw up.

"Stick your nose any deeper and you'll probably start coughing up calico furballs" Orchidpaw laughed, theatrically gagging as he sits beside his sister. Orchidpaw would've probably avoided the whole activity had it not been for the nervousness he spotted in his sibling's gaze. She could probably use some company - and he doubted Edenpaw would relent their hold on Cherrypaw enough to let her offer. Snickering, he curls his tail around Owlpaw, patting her shoulder encouragingly, "Nice question, sis!"

He let out a boisterous laugh at Edenpaw's answer. "I would've picked Slate, mostly for the bragging rights." he meows to no one in particular, though his eyes linger on Spicepaw, whose fidgeting felt a bit close to home.

Scooting around Owlpaw so he could sit between the two girls, Orchidpaw leaned closer to Spicepaw while Edenpaw interrogated his sister, "What about you, Spicepaw? Got anyone in mind you'd like to defeat? " he purrs, hoping to encourage her to feel more comfortable in the little group chat of theirs.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

Orchidpaw's voice was a welcome surprise, acting like an anchor and being a final reason for why she shouldn’t leave. While they were born so close that officially they were tied for youngest she did look up to him like she did to her older littermates, his presence was soothing and gave her something else to shift her attention on. Her jaw loosens its tight grip, she swears that she can almost hear it click as she lets it relax. She breaks her gaze with Edenpaw momentarily to look at her littermate, she felt flustered under being given such praise but she meowed a soft “thanks” and sat up a little bit taller.

She looks back to Edenpaw, trying to figure out what that smile they had meant. Any meaning behind it was lost on Owlpaw, perhaps they were just fond of the idea? Silversmoke made sense, to her he was the scary lead warrior that she only caught glimpses of because she was afraid to look him in the eye . As of recently the association had shifted to simply being Crowpaw's mentor. “I don't think I've seen him lose? I think that's a good choice” she hummed in agreement, not realising anything beyond surface level from Edenpaws statement. Truthfully she wasn't sure who she would have picked if asked so she opted to not weigh in on the conversation.

Her jaw immediately tightened again at the realisation that she was next, having to will herself to not grind her teeth and dull them. It was to be expected of course, she had just forgotten about that part of the game. Picking truth would be an easier and safer option but Edenpaw had just done that. Would it be boring to pick it as well? She glanced at Spicepaw and Orchidpaw, wondering what they would pick if they were in this position. “uh- I pick dare” she spoke before letting herself get lost in thought again. It would be fine, she had faith that her peers would give her something reasonable. She could handle it, right?

This was not the first truth or dare they've had as apprentices, but for most of them it would be their last truth or dare as apprentices. Maybe that's why he decided to join the fun. A last hurrah before they became warriors and wouldn't be able to do these things as much or if at all. Edenpaw being the proper host of the event decides to go first and start off with truth, allowing his partner Owlpaw to come up with a question to ask. The question she asks is not anything extreme. He would be lying to say he wasn't a bit bummed he was unable to sit next to her because of Orchidpaw and the last thing he wanted was to throw a fit and draw attention to them. Just focus on the game Crowpaw.

It shouldn't amuse him to imagine Edenpaw challenge his mentor, but it's enough to make him smirk. As for humbling his mentor, it's true. His mentor could be knocked down a peg or two, but that's easier with words than claws with him. He can't help himself from looking back to the moments where his mentor was mortified. Orchidpaw pulls him from his remincing with another choice and why. Slate? They're both lead warriors, what's the difference? As far as he knows there's little difference between Slate and Silversmoke, but maybe Orchidpaw has something against the tom. Next, it is Owlpaw who speaks. And when she does he locks eyes with her and smiles. A twinge of pride he feels when she compliments his father. Anyhow, he turns to Edenpaw. "Silversmoke is always up for a spar. He leaps at the chance to fight, so I'm sure if you asked he wouldn't mind. " Perhaps he shouldn't have told her this, however, if she wanted to then she should know that Silversmoke always welcomed a challenge.

The cat who he would want to battle is unspoken, but there isn't much pondering needed to figure out that he would love to go back to back with Silversmoke. Apparently it is Owlpaw's turn and she chooses a dare. That was quick. He isn't sure if he's supposed to come up with a dare or someone else is supposed to. It feels a smidge wrong to dare Owlpaw to do something. Though, this is a game. You don't want to make her feel forced because we're together. But what if someone actually makes her do something she hates? I know this is game, but... Quite the dilemma he's found himself in.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
In the midst of grooming his pelt, Cometpaw noticed a crowd of young cats getting together, eager smiles donning their muzzles. Triangular ears prick up, hearing the mention of "truth or dare". It sounded like some sort of game.

Curiously, the tom rose from his spot and began to pad over, green eyes flicking from apprentice to apprentice as they snickered and talked amongst themselves. Albeit a smidge nervous, Cometpaw decided to put on his brave face and shuffle into the group of apprentices, stepping forward and settling next to Spicepaw, another daylight member. He was a SkyClan apprentice just like anybody else, so there was no reason for him to be nervous... right? Maybe they'd ask him to be part of the game, too! Wouldn't that be cool? Cometpaw nearly felt giddy at the thought of fitting in with the other youths, especially the older apprentices who were nearly warriors.

  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​