pafp sweater weather ( chatting )

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It was time for another gathering…so soon after the murder of Morningpaw. Her clanmates had gone, and she had said her goodbyes to Flycatcher. She couldn’t help but worry about how tonight would go down. If Skyclan had attacked them over a squirrel, what would enforce them to keep the peace at a gathering? She had desperately wanted to go, but part of her was relieved for not following them. There was no way she could handle another fight…not right now.

She limped out into the clearing of the camp, not wanting to put any weight on her forepaw yet. After sleeping as much as she could, she felt slightly better physically. Her vision had returned to normal, and she looked more like herself. Several of her clanmates had helped her clean most of the blood off of her pelt the night before. She was beyond thankful for that, but she couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t deserve it…she had failed her clan. She had vowed to protect her clan…but she had failed that vow, and Morningpaw had paid the ultimate price.

This was the first death that she had really been effected by since her mother’s death. There had been a couple passings since she had joined, but she had been new to the clan then. She had seen Morningpaw grow, she had played with her and her siblings…A soft sigh fell from her maw. Flycatcher had talked to her earlier, but she still didn’t feel much better.

She spotted Patchpaw nearby. She felt bad for the young apprentice….she hadn’t been there when they had returned to the camp but she had heard what had happened. There was no doubt that had been absolutely terrifying. She wasn’t quite sure what to say to them. Maybe just a simple conversation would be a nice break from the apologetic conversations.

On three legs, she would limp over to Patchpaw, offering them a small smile in greeting. “I wonder how the gathering will go tonight.

This will be open once Patch responds :)
Anyone who stayed home for the gathering is welcome to post!


"You're injured, Patches, and you're not going with us. I need to be there with your brother to make sure he doesn't get hurt, but you need to stay here. You will be safe in camp. Do not leave for any reason unless it's an absolute emergency, understand?

Patchpaw sat facing the entrance in an almost unnatural silence, shoulders hunched in close and tail curled tightly around her small white paws. She wasn't completely skin and bones, but she was hardly any bigger than she was a month ago, even for someone growing up so fast. Her father, brother, and many other of their clanmates had long since disappeared through the narrow tunnel of the camp's entrance and off towards Fourtrees. Tonight, a Gathering would be held between all five clans and their leaders, to share news, conversations and tongues under the full moon's silver light. No bloodshed, either, peace must be held between all five clans even during high tensions.
She didn't understand something, though. If peace was to be held between all clans, then why wasn't she allowed to go? Why was it not considered safe? This would be her first Gathering she would be allowed to attend, and she wasn't going, leaving her brother all alone in the midst of a sea of a thousand unfamiliar faces.

Even then, her dad may have had a good point... Her tail twitched. She wasn't sure what it was, but an uncanny dread settled deep in her stomach like bile. No matter if she leaned on her left paw or her right, the unsettling nerves clawed at her insides every time the tom came to the forefront of her mind; he could walk right through those bramblepatch thorns--

Patchpaw nearly jumped out of her fur when Flamewhisker spoke, almost as if she had been expecting her to be someone else.

”O-oh! Sorry, you startled me!" She gives herself a quick shake. As she focuses back on her surroundings and Flamewhisker's inquiry, her previous thoughts quickly dissipated, left behind as no more than shadows to light. ”Yeah, I've been wondering the same. Dad said I couldn't come, but he's going with my brother to keep him safe. I was supposed to be there! It's the first time I would've been able to go, and now I can't!" She huffs, looking up at Flamewhisker with a pout.

Even now, the ugly claw marks that scoured her orange and white face, half hidden by the cobwebs and herbs, were an all-too clear indication of why she couldn't go. Her left eye was back open, for the scratches had somehow thankfully missed it completely and instead grazed her eyelids, and that same soft and warm sparkle in them still remained. At least it didn't get her down too much. She glances at Flamewhisker's wounds temporarily, before returning the smile with just as much friendliness as she could return.
”You can't go either, can you? Well, that's alright. I can keep you company for now--we could be pals while we're here!" Patchpaw offers up. As much as she knows how terrible the past few weeks have been, especially the past few days for Flamewhisker and the others, she couldn't help but at least try to improve things. She gently headbutts Flamewhisker's leg with a laugh as she speaks, ”We're both kind of lonely, anyway."
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although she would like to say that she abstained from the gathering on her own accord, that would be a lie. nightbird likely wouldn't have made it far into the journey to the event before being unable to continue. besides, she didn't know if she trusted her mouth enough to go.

nightbird exited the warriors den to go to the fresh kill pile and ease her rumbling stomach when she noticed flamewhisker and patchpaw conversing. she felt a bit of sympathy for the apprentice who wanted to attend. it wasn't really her thing, but a first gathering was a big deal for the younger cats. silver gaze drifted over the depressing pile, and she selected from it. it wasn't anything astounding, but big enough to share with the two others.

she brought it over and sat close to the duo, ear flicking in greeting. she placed the squirrel down between them. "care to share? i couldn't finish it myself," she said, nudging it with a paw in their direction."don't get too worked up about it, there's supposed to be no fighting but i'm sure this gathering will be far from peaceful. you're better off going next moon, it'll be a better first experience." that was what she hoped at least. the drama this moon was enough for a while in the warrior's opinion. a rare, and very small, smile graced her features as she sat, tucking her paws beneath her chest.
[ ☾✩ ]


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

She had completely forgotten this would have been Patchpaw's first gathering. She frowned slightly, feeling bad that the young apprentice wouldn't be able to experience it with her siblings, however....this probably wasn't the best gathering to attend. What if it broke out into a battle? That would not be a good first time experience. Flicking her large, fluffy tail, Flamewhisker would touch Patchpaw's shoulder lightly. "I'm sure you can go to the next one." she said softly. Should I tell her about my first gathering? She wondered.

"My very first gathering I was so afraid." she licked her chest embarrassedly. "I had never seen so many cats before. I thought Thunderclan had a lot of members! It's small when you go combining all the clans together...heh, and the smell of all of the clans combined is horrid." she let out a chuckle. "The other clans stink!" In more ways than one! she added in her head, grinning at the silent comment. Thunderclan was by far the superior clan. All the other clans were glorified rogues...especially Skyclan.

Another cat joined them, Nightbird. The ebony feline came carrying a squirrel, and as if on cue, her stomach let out a rumble. Never before had she been so hungry. It must be because she had gotten spoiled to Greenleaf's blessing. This leaf bare, it seemed like no matter what she ate it didn't make difference. "I would love to share, if you don't mind." she would say, motioning for Patchpaw to take a first bite is she wished to eat. The rest of the clan had eaten for tonight, so now they could eat this and not feel as guilty.

"I hope there won't be a fight...we can't afford for more unnecessary blood to be shed." she responded quietly before bending down to take a bite.