SWEET AND MELLOW // babysitting

This is open to all kits and is retro to the January meeting!!

Ever since she heard the news, Butterflytuft has hardly been able to hide her excitement for her sister! She’s going to be a mom, too! Their kits can grow up together, play together, train together…it’ll be so great! But of course, it’s also been very obvious just how nervous Figfeather has been since the announcement. In an effort to help her out, the tortoiseshell offered to have her come help her babysit the nursery’s kits while the other queens got some downtime for themselves. This way, she’d get used to being around and interacting with kits - it would be wonderful practice.

The queen bids farewell to Howlfire before turning back towards the little ones in the nursery, her marmalade-furred sister at her shoulder. “Alright, babies, it’s just us!” She trills softly, before her yellow eyes lift to meet Figfeather’s. She gestures her muzzle towards the kits encouragingly; she’s got this!

Figfeather isn’t sure what she thinks about this- as Howlfire exits the den she wonders if its too late to back out. Left solely with her sister and a den filled with kits she feels like an owl stranded on the forest floor. This was not her place, it had not been since she was a scrap of yellow and a pair of big orange eyes.

The kits hardly seem to mind that Howlfire has left, they play wildly with each other and sound loud squeals in every which direction. Figfeather’s ears fold back, was it always this noisy in here? How did the queens sit and listen to this all day?

”Okay… it’s- it’s far too loud in here. Let’s quiet down.” Her first instruction to all of the kits, but its toned more like she is talking to rowdy apprentices, not kits. She glances back at Butterflytuft, ”Shouldn’t we send them outside?” Especially if they were going to be this loud and play this rough…
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The loud of the nursery was something Daisykit was used to, her issue being the different noises of chattering and eating that came from outside the nursery, too many noises and smells that were overwhelming to the point of just wanting to stay inside the nursery for the rest of her life if she was allowed to. She was trying to play now, trying her best to get down into a crouch while attempting to sneak up on another, though her attempt was a wobbly mess and before she could try to jump to land an attack on the kitten she'd been so focused on - likely in vain - the quick voice of Figfeather cut through the squealing of the playing kits and she jumped in surprise before head quickly found itself swiveling to look to the warrior, eyes wide.

"Loud?" The small thing would echo, head cocking as soon as she'd said it before shaking her head. No, they weren't loud, and Daisykit knew she could be loud. She sucked in a big breath, ready to be loud as an example of what "loud" could be until the dreaded mention of the outside was spoken and quickly paws followed head and Daisykit found herself facing Figfeather. "No, no! We can quiet, see quiet." She'd snap her mouth shut before looking towards the other kits, eyes wide in a plea to show they could be quiet. She did not want to go outside right now, it was far too cold and she did not like the white stuff on the ground.

  • DAISYKIT || adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish || sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    -- She/Her || Born Nov. 8, ages in real time
    -- average size with large paws and a long tail. SH blue w/low white & blue eyes.
    -- hard to control her emotions
Butterflytuft is lovely. She doesn't coo over Hawkkit and her littermates as much now that she has her own kits to take care of, who are all very wriggly and need to be watched every heartbeat of the day because they don't know that they're getting into trouble yet, but she likes the gentle queen a lot. So much so that as long as Butterflytuft told one story, she would do pretty much anything the tortie asked when she was kitsitting for Howlfire. Today, however, she was being joined by an assistant. Figfeather is not a cat Hawkkit is really familiar with aside from knowing she's a warrior and that her mate is expecting kits, but she knows that the golden tabby is a SkyClanner and one of the cats both queens respect a whole lot.

Hawkkit finds she respects Figfeather slightly less when she asks for quiet, given that her roughhousing with her littermates hasn't been the noisiest game they'd played that morning.

"But this is our normal voices!" Hawkkit protests, even though her meow drops to a (very loud) whisper towards the end. None of the other cats who had visited so far had a problem with the noise level of her siblings, but maybe Figfeather had ears that were mean to her. Daisykit shoots her a pleading look that Hawkkit meets with a slightly pitying one. Does she really think Butterflytuft, who was the nicest cat in the Clan, would toss them out into the snow?​
Butterflytuft watches Daisykit get into a wobbly crouch, an amused purr rattling in her throat. But her sister seems utterly uncomfortable and asks to go outside. “Oh! Uh…” She hesitates, looking from the warrior to the kits, who display clear aversion to stepping foot out into the snow. “It’s a little too cold for them outside, so we stay and play in here on super cold days like this. Can you little ones show Figfeather how you stay warm when a big gust of wind blows inside?”

While they situate themselves, she flicks a glance to her sister and whispers, “You have to be gentler with them, Figfeather! They’re just kits, you know!” They are easily the most fragile, easily frightened creatures within these camp walls and can’t be forced outside if they don’t want to be, especially on such a chilly leaf-bare day. She gives the marmalade warrior a gentle nudge, smiling encouragingly. She’s got a lot to learn, but she’ll get the hang of it!