sweet as cherry wine ❄ intro


i'm not giving up today
Jan 31, 2024

Something about the winter was fun. Maybe it was the snow on the ground, the cold that caused the clan to huddle together at night, or maybe, just maybe, it was an amusing link between the weather and her name. Trotting through the snow-kissed foliage, paws bouncing from one another as she made her way back towards the camp. The lynx point had a huge grin on her face, a prize in her mouth, and fun thoughts through her head. Her body told her to hunt, something she enjoyed doing way, way too much. It was something she was good at, despite her larger size due to her mass amounts of fluff. There was no stopping her when it came to a hunt. She remained focused, all senses alert, trying her best.

Pushing herself through the tunnel into camp, she glanced around, beaming with pride as a shrew hung from her mouth. She trotted her way to the fresh-kill pile, placing it on the top, then turning swiftly to find herself a place to sit in camp. Maybe near the medicine cat den? To bother her big brother? Hmm.. Not now. Instead, she turned towards the warrior den, plopping herself down and beginning to groom her pelt, ridding herself of whatever dirt appeared whilst she was out.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Flurrycloud had been around as long as Hailstorm had been. But where Batwing and Hailstorm were like glue, Hailstorm's sister was someone he hadn't interacted with as much. Then again, Batwing had that whole period of time where he pretended like his family wasn't dead and his now-mate and Hailstorm were lying to him... well, that was awkward to think about. He cleared his throat as he pushed from the warrior's den, green eyes shifting towards the fluffy pelt.

"Oh, Flurrycloud." Batwing meowed in greeting, standing up straight as he exited the den. He stretched into that sun, a breath leaving his mouth a moment later. He moved to sit next to her, ears twitching in greeting. "How was your hunt?" He questioned. Batwing didn't like winter like the siblings did- he was shortfurred, and never faired well with the frozen part of winter. He did much prefer greenleaf to leafbare, after all.

𓍊𓋼 Flurrycloud, like Hailstorm, looks extremely fluffy. Falconheart can imagine himself as a kit attempting to nest within that dense coat of fur, little paws kneading at it like the softest moss. But unfortunately, he isn't a kit anymore—looking back, those days seem so far behind him now. He's grown up against his will, too old for the calm security of ThunderClan's nursery.

Now, he spends his days hunting and patrolling until his paws ache and his body slumps with exhaustion. Today is one of those days—his paw pads haven’t cracked badly enough to bleed again, but it still feels as though he’s walking on embers as he treks back to the camp. Padding over toward Flurrycloud and Batwing, the tabby-striped tom flicks his tail in greeting, a gentle smile settling onto his muzzle. "Did you catch anything good?" He knows that his own hunting has been unsuccessful more than successful over the past months, so anything a clanmate catches is a good catch. The clan needs all the prey that it can get, especially as the wintertime continues on.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — He had loved winter once upon a time but he had learned that he had loved someone more than the snow itself and how it would crunch under his paws, she had opened his eyes, made him feel warm, and loved too. But that had been taken away by him by fierce talons, the snow he once loved painted with the scarlet of his shortlived lover, and he had been grateful to be home where there was no winter. Until leaf-bare arrived, he feels colder without her by his side and the season had taken Berryheart with it as well. He tries not to dwell on these thoughts more occupied in taking care of the cats that were resting in the safety of the medicine den, he steps out pushing pass frosted foliage only to notice the familiar pelts of his clanmates and more specifically his younger littermate. A tired smile forms on his maw deciding to take some steps in the direction of the trio with tufted ears perked forward knowing that his sister had gone out to hunt, she was a lot better at that than him.

Where Flurrycloud lacked in fighting she made up for it with her outstanding ability to hunt and Hailstorm was the opposite of her, his strength being fighting whereas he did poorly when it came to hunting especially in the warmer seasons due to his pelt standing out against the greenery. "Hello," Hailstorm greets warmly soon plopping himself down to side beside Batwing letting his more plush coat brush against the shorter fur that belonged to his best friend.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by no one
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"Batwing!" She meowed, perking up from grooming her chest, a bit of fur sticking off her tongue and the smallest of leaves falling out. Her eyes looked down to the leaf, a smile on her face before she returned to cleaning herself. As the ebony cat sat beside her, she stopped and looked towards him. 'How was the hunt?' How was it, huh? Before responding, she gives Falconheart a smile, patting the ground next to her and inviting him to join. "Well, it was as good as it can get in leaf-bare. Wish I coulda said I caught something better but..." She sighs. "Just a shrew. It's prey, though!" A lilac tail flicked towards the fresh-kill pile. Only a shrew, not much, but good enough.

A grin crosses her face before she chuckles. "I was wondering how silly it'd be if a bunch of us somehow caught a deer. I think it would be impossible but one can dream, yeah?" Flurrycloud laughed. Many thoughts like this often crossed her mind. Imagining a bunch of her clanmates taking one down. It could feed the clan forever! Until it ran out. And sometimes, she thought about how it would be if for some reason they could survive off of plants. That one she never voiced, however. Her eyes glanced over towards another big figure, a familiar voice speaking. "Hello to you as well," She purred, welcoming the fluffy tom.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
A soft noise left him as Hailstorm arrived, and he pressed into his far warmer friend, ears twitching. Batwing's head dipped in greeting to Falconheart as well- a nice little chat amongst clanmates. Batwing exhaled quietly. Batwing's vision drifted back towards Flurrycloud, his head nodding with a gentle grin finding his face. "Prey is prey." Batwing responded with a light laugh, warm smile reassuring.

"Newleaf should be here soon, but until then, anything helps." Batwing nodded gently. His ears gently lowered as Flurrycloud mentioned the deer- his vision flicked towards Falconheart to measure his reaction, responding with a light-aired tone. "I think it'd turn into crowfood before we could finish it." Batwing responded, his paws stretching out and flexing. Emerald eyes flicked up towards Hailstorm, his head tilting, a small grin finding his face. "Bet you this guy could wrangle one all on his own." Batwing teased his best friend, shoulder bumping the bigger.

(still referring to as hailstorm due to being before his ceremony!!)

𓍊𓋼 The older she-cat invites him to sit beside her, and Falconheart obeys, sweeping his fluffy tail across the ground before settling onto his haunches nearby. Hailstorm also plods over to join their little group, and the cream tabby offers him a flicker of his tail in greeting as well. When Flurrycloud says that she only caught a shrew, he nods, understanding. "A shrew will feed a few kits or an apprentice," he says, echoing the lead warrior’s sentiment. Prey is prey, no matter how small. Each catch is one step away from starvation, and Flurrycloud should be proud of herself for managing to catch anything before springtime shows its face across ThunderClan territory.

The older warrior then brings up the deer that have been sighted around the territory, and Falconheart’s paw begins to bounce up and down, a clear sign of his nerves. Bringing down a deer would feed the entire clan for days, surely, but the creatures are dangerous—deadly. He chokes out a laugh, forced as it may sound, and tries not to look too devastated as he thinks of Sandthorn. "Ha, yeah, I bet Hailstorm wouldn’t have any problem taking down a deer. You, too, Flurrycloud. You’re big enough!" It’s an interesting line of thinking, but unfortunately an unrealistic one.