no angst SWEET CLARITY — sightseeing


XXXXXBlazestar, dutifully and loyally, finds the mighty pines in SkyClan’s territory to be the most beautiful terrain in the forest. Still, this is his second leaf-fall in the forest, and it’s a little strange to see how strong and green the bristling needle-leaves remain. Some tinge brown and fall to the forest floor, but there is no dramatic change in their territory, not the way there is in ThunderClan. The Ragdoll leads a small procession to the border, mainly comprised of young apprentices. “Look at how the leaves have changed,” he purrs to the cats newer to the forest territories or too young to remember any other leaf-falls. “The trees in ThunderClan will lose all their leaves when leafbare is here, but until then, they change from green to red and yellow and brown.

XXXXXBlazestar speaks warmly, though his blue eyes scan the opposite border for any oncoming ThunderClan cats. He is sure to remind the cats with him, “Remember to keep your paws to your side of the border, please. We are only here to see the differences in our territories.” SkyClan has been a dreary place as of late, and he feels confident they won’t have trouble with rogues this close to another Clan’s border and with them in such great numbers. He keeps his tone civil and his gaze calm, ensuring he imparts a clear message. We are no threat.

The black and white apprentice trails excitedly behind Blazestar, his vibrant green gaze sweeping the territory in wonder. Storm had yet to venture this far into the forest - he spent the majority of his life in the city after all. Joining SkyClan was the first time he had actually gone more than a day without stepping on concrete or skirting around twoleg structures. It felt nice to be out in the wild; to feel dirt and pine needles beneath his paws, a breeze fluffing his lengthy pelt, to see stars above him each night. The little things in life that could make anyone happy.

"Why do the trees lose their leaves? Seems like a lot of work to change colors only to lose them all..." Storm ponders aloud as he glances at Blazestar curiously, looking down only momentarily to ensure his paws were firmly planted on SkyClan's territory and not accidentally across the border into ThunderClan. The apprentice would only willingly trespass once in his life and he had already done so to be reunited with his sister.

Coyotecrest walks not too far behind the golden ragdoll with Pearlpaw in tow. His own eyes marvel at the seasonal changes taking place just beyond their border. Although this will be his second leaf fall, he scarcely remembered the first due to being so young. Now he had the opportunity to enjoy it and commit the sight to memory. Lowering his head slightly, Coyotecrest speaks to the young molly trailing beside him. "Like Blazestar said this is Thunderclan territory. Their leader's name is Howlingstar and their deputy, Flycatcher." He murmurs softly before turning to face Happypaw. That was a really good question, one he certainly did not know the answer to. So, instead, Coyotecrest turns his attention to Blazestar, wondering if his former mentor knew. (apprentice tag @pearlpaw)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Honeydapple's coat mirrored the hues of late leaf-fall, a breathtaking blend of darkened points resembling aged tree stumps and flecks of honey-toned fur, reminiscent of sunlight filtering through branches. Perched atop a fallen log, she called out to her apprentice with a bemused tone as he hesitated below. "See, it's not so hard. Give it another try, my dear." Her encouraging words fluttered loudly above Shardpaw.

The moggy had chosen this particular outing as an opportunity to improve her apprentice's climbing skills. An old log offered a perfect challenge for the young cat to hone his abilities. However, a sudden intrusion of scents abruptly shifted her attention. Turning, she caught onto a passing group of Skyclan cats, her eyes lighting with intrigue.

With a quick motion of her tail, Honeydapple indicated that the apprentice should follow her. Hopping down, she waited for him to catch up, then proceeded toward the border, explaining the situation to him as they walked side by side. "Here's something fun," she began, "that patrol over there is Skyclan. They're made up of regular warriors and daylight warriors, which is a special division in their ranks. These daylight Skyclanners still maintain their Kittypet relations." Surely, the molly found it a strange arrangement, but she couldn't find it in herself to judge.

She had never experienced the comforts of a twoleg nest herself, but she could understand and empathize with those who had. It was a strange concept, leaving her with a curious feeling. "Unlike Riverclan's fishy smell, they have a very diversified scent. Due to their menagerie of cats."

Stopping a few fox-lengths away from the border, she waved her tail in a silent gesture, offering a polite and non-confrontational approach. Honeydapple's demeanor was far from the typical Thunderclan stereotype, as she had no desire to provoke conflict or gloat. Leaning down, she proceeded with the lesson in a quieter voice. "The large tom in front is their leader, Blazestar. Their deputy isn't with them, but she's a white and ginger she-cat named Orangeblossom." Her eyes flickered between her student and the massive ragdoll.

OOC; @shardkit apprentice tag