SWEET DREAMS WILL TAKE YOU HOME \ return from moonstone

It had been a solitary journey and an equally solitary return until he had run into Sparky at the camp's entrance, where she had whisked him off to the side and spoken to him about what it was that he required her to help with. Despite the uncertainty that continued to make itself unbearably present in his paws, such an unfamiliar feeling, part of him felt relief that his leader was so willing to offer him aid when she could so easily turn away, deeming this his responsibility, his problem. Quiet, his attention shifted then to the bustle of camp- what to do, what to do- where to start?

Ah- there, fern-cradled, the medicine cat den. Now vacant of she who had made it her home, and undoubtedly stocked with herbs that he was duty-bound to learn the uses of, he supposed that would be his sleeping-place now. If there was one good thing about this new responsibility, it was this new space... upkeep would be immaculate, he would ensure it. The first step, however, was to make himself comfortable.

Berryheart had never been one to cling to knickknacks, but there was one thing he cherished- his nest. Always well-weaved, perfectly constructed, flower-woven... he often moved it from spot to spot throughout the day, replacing it regularly. The one sat in the warrior's den, marked his by the blue blooms, was still fairly new...

Forging forward, nary a fleeting greeting leaving his askew maw, the flame-dappled tom made a beeline to the warrior's den, lowering his head and clasping the corner of his nest between shambolic fangs. And now, for a careful journey... in dragging it, he hoped not to snag it on anything...

It had been a quiet return for Berryheart. He must have returned when Flycatcher was out patrolling as he could not recall seeing him in the morning, either that or he had not been very observant that morning.

Seeing Berryheart drag his nest out of the warrior's den, Flycatcher had to do a double take, for a moment forgetting that Berryheart was no longer a regular warrior but the medicine cat now. "Hey, Berryheart," Flycatcher mewed, padding over to the tom. He held back a little before asking. "Uh, do you need any help moving that to the medicine den?"

Burnkit did not know anything of the inter-clan dramas that had elevated his uncle to his new position, did not know the intricacies of a cat having their paws led by the stars nor did he know the responsibilities Berryheart would now have in his paws. All Burnkit knew was how cool it was that he would be in charge of so many, that cats would listen to him. If Berryheart wanted a cat to play moss-ball with him, he bets they would listen! And what he wouldn't give to have a den all to himself, away from the loud snoring and kicking and whining of his loud littermates.

He watches the mottled tom from the nursery, yellow eyes round with curiosity as he drags a nest in the direction of his new den. Flycather comes and offers his help and for a moment, the shadow-pelted kit is skeptical. Is Flycatcher going to steal his brand-new den? Berryheart better watch out! He stands from where he had been resting in the sun and pads up to his uncle and the lead warrior, looking from one adult to another, studying their faces. "Did you get a cool new medicine cat name?" he asks, not knowing how these things truly worked. Perhaps it was like a warrior ceremony and now that Berryheart was a medicine cat he would get a cool new name on top of a cool new den!
Howling Wind is chatting with a warrior when Berryheart returns, listening to her patrol's report. She nods, taking account of what is being said when the voices of Flycatcher and her grandson catch her attention. Her eyes flicker to the side briefly, long enough to see one of her youngest sons dragging his nest out of the warrior's den. Immediately, her attention is piqued - she wonders how his trip to the Moonstone was. She returns her gaze briefly to the warrior and murmurs a dismissal, tail flicking before turning towards the small group.

As she approaches, she casts a gentle smile towards Burnkit before her eyes settle on Berryheart. They burn with curiosity, and she wants to ask him all about it but knows that would be inappropriate. Instead, she settles for, "I trust the journey went well?" Her voice is soft, probing, but Burnkit's question also raises her brow inquiringly. Would StarClan give him a new name for his new path?
Even though he had been in the medicine den plenty of times because the lights were dimmer in there, he still didn't know exactly what a medicine cat's purpose was. To be oddly distant, like SkyClan's? His eyes flutter, wondering about Morningkit- his sibling was named after Dawnglare, after all. But who was he named after? A cat dead from a war he couldn't understand well. He wobbles as he moves to stand, squinted eyes moving him closer to the gathering group of cats.

Burnkit had asked a question; would he get a new name?

Fireflykit tilts his head at the question- why did it matter? Why would anyone want to change their name? Would he have to change *his* name if he became a Warrior?

"Does that mean you can't be a Warrior anymore?" He asks, softly- unsure of himself. He scoots himself close to Howling Wind's much larger body, allowing her towering form to hide him from any light that could hurt his sensitive little eyes.
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Jaypaw had heard about the issue with the previous medicine cat but he can't quite understand exactly what happened. He doesn't even know what all of the clans are called yet, much less the interpersonal issues between them (though as any nosy kid, he wants to). All he knows is that she was banished and really, that scares him a little because what if he does something worthy of that punishment? The thought itches his nerves but as long as he follows Flamewhisker's teachings, he should be safe he hopes. For now he's only meaning to get a little peak at the empty den because he's never seen where medicine cats work before and to maybe even catch a sight of mouse bile while no ne notices when he sees a tiny crowd has already gathered. Maybe they had the same idea...

That's when Jay catches sight of Berry dragging what he presumes to be his nest toward the vacant den and his orange ears tilt toward his clanmates' talk. Even a kittypet like him can put two and two together and the apprentice's face lights up with surprise and a small noise in the back of his throat."Oh! You're the medicine cat now, Berry? Uh- congratulations." He's not sure if that's the right thing to say given the circumstances (story of his life) but this must be super exciting for Berryheart. Though, Jaypaw can't exactly recall ever seeing Berry excited per say. Even when that stranger was causing trouble, Berry seemed cool as a cucumber from Jay's point of view.

Still, Berry's going to be the one that uses the secret meanings of flowers, to take care of the forsaken bile and probably all sorts of other gross stuff, and to do... other stuff, he guesses. Jay doesn't quite know the job description like the other Thunderclanners seem to yet like the other's, he's incredibly curious to hear the answers to the many questions presented. Just then, Howlingwind's question especially seems to sink in for him and he chimes in, "Huh? Where did he go?" At first the question sounds raw in inquiry but immediately Jaypaw looks sheepish for asking it, as though he's intruding. It's his business just as much as anyone else's but his mind is doubtful of that.
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Graystorm is rummaging through the fresh-kill pile for a decent meal to bring to Little Wolf, when Flycatcher utters a greeting to his mottled brother. Ears twitch and eyes widen, abandoning the squirrel he'd been sniffing at with a sharp snap of his head towards Berryheart. "Hey-hey! Berry!" His grin doesn't quite reach his eyes, the dark-furred warrior watching with a slight crease in his brows as Berryheart drags his nest towards the medicine den. Right... He wouldn't be sleeping in the warriors den with them anymore, would he?

Graystorm curses the childish pang in his heart. He's slept by Berry since he was a kitten. It's... strange to think that he wouldn't, from now on. His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth. For fuck's sake, he's not a child anymore. It's not like Berryheart is gone for good, never to be seen again; he's just sleeping in a different den.

So why did it hurt to watch his brother isolate himself in the medicine den?

His mother's question pulls Graystorm from his thoughts, and the dark-furred warrior shakes out the tension wounding his muscles. "Yeah! You have to tell me everything, dude," pipes the tom, scrunching his nose playfully at the tortoiseshell. A part of him envies Berryheart for having experienced the Moonstone firsthand. What is it like? Is it as magical and spiritual as the whispers say it is?

Did Berryheart see dad?

The thorn-sharp vine of envy wraps tighter yet.

His nephews ask their silly questions, but Graystorm turns his head towards Jaypaw as the other tom inquires about where Berryheart went. One brow quirks. "Where've you been the past day?" He quips with a snort. "He went to the Moonstone, dumbass!" It's playful, punctuated with a laugh and not at all meant to be as insulting as his word choice suggests. And it is spoken without a thought of his audience.

Immediately, Graystorm's eyes cut towards his mother, his ear tips flushing. He clears his throat. "Uh, sorry. Mouse-brain."
  • Haha

Ah- yes. He should have expected it, questioning... yet in all the time he had wandered, the thought had not once crossed his mind. Terrible of his mind to leave him unprepared yet again- though he suppose answering questions about events that had only happened mere hours ago would not be a gruelling task. Perhaps exhausting, but hopefully not difficult. Big Mama earned a nod, the slightest curve of his lips- if anyone were to recognise such a subtle movement as a smile, it would be his own mother. She seemed... pleased, from what he could tell. But there was... something else about her expression that he could not quite place, be it something in her gaze of her whiskers. Inquire later. Lopsided eyes then moved to look to Little-Little, the rare sound of a chuckle leaping from his maw. It was low, a quiet exhalation and barely a sound, but still- a laugh, accompanied with the shake of his head. "I'm still Berryheart." Name affirmed, his second nephew earned his attention next.

Sootypaws seemed- soft, uncertain. Thus, Berryheart's expression remained soft and pleasant as he shook his head 'no'. Really, the weight of that reality- the fact he would no longer do warrior tasks, relegated to healing- had not truly set in yet. The flecked tom had figured he would learn quickly- and once he had, then he could hunt whenever he pleased, now the dictator of his own necessities. Sprawls approached next, his words a concoction of confusion and kindness, offering sweet congratulations- the words earned the dip of the dappled tom's head, the soft murmur of "Thank you." Scamp hurried to answer the question of where he had been, however- the moonstone, indeed.

Scamp's approach had earned the wave of a tail- his brother was rough around the edges, but a golden soul lay within him. Always was Scamp entertaining to be around, and for all the pondering Berryheart had enjoyed on his walk home he could not deny there was something homely about noise. "Everything would be a very dull story," he murmured, slight smile remaining- though he could not deny the twinge in his gut. Within him began to set the realisation- what the answer his family most wanted was. He knew only because he had pondered the same thing; and what was it he was supposed to say? That his own father had not come to greet him? That shameful truth was perhaps better than the alternative- that Father did not dwell there at all.