development SWEET LIKE HONEY ;; bee attack!!

Fireflypaw needed to collect more honey. It was easier to just wait for the bees to go to sleep before he took it, but today he didn't have a choice- with all of the kits they had in the nursery, having honey in stock was important. A patrol is close behind him, and yet Fireflypaw doesn't mind the quietness of the group as they travel through the forest. His ears flick around instinctively, blind eyes staring owlishly into the distance as he listens for the recognizable sound of bees humming.

"If you see a bee hive, tell me." He alerts the patrol behind him with a wave of his tail. "You can usually hear them before you see them. Be on the lookout." He meows, ears flicking upwards when they reach a shabby tree. He presses his ear to the bark of the tree, waiting a few moments before the sound of buzzing catches his attention. "There's bees inside. The wood is fragile, I could probably bust into the trunk and grab some honeycomb before they notice-"

The buzzing grows louder, but Fireflypaw thinks idly that they're just busy. His claws rake at the tree once, then twice, then three times, before the bark crumbles beneath his claws and falls away. Beneath the bark is golden beauty, dripping down into the base of the tree, with honeycomb smelling sweet of honey. His paw reaches in quickly, claws catching on honeycombs before he rips it back and tears a piece off. He takes a moment to examine the scent of the comb, before he nods. Reassured.

"I'm going to get one more- here, take this one." He sets the honeycomb down onto a leaf slowly, pushing it over to the closest cat before he leans back to the tree and reaches in once more. "Just.. A little more- AH!" Fireflypaw shrieks as something stings his paw, then his face- he pulls back, and soon, bees are pouring out of the bee hive and swarming his face. Fireflypaw recoils back in pain, ripping another shred of honeycomb onto the ground before he swats at his face. "Everyone, run! Run!" He shouts, the stinging in his face worsening as he tries his best to back away from the hive and escape.

// Surprise bee attack!! Your character can be injured by bee stings in this thread if you'd like.(: These bees are very angry they've been stolen from.​
Jaypaw had been one of the unfortunate few that had been on the patrol with Fireflypaw and a few others. Her forest green gaze watches the nearby bees run rampant as the fluttering of their wings loudly pounded the air. They don't look so happy, She thinks as she turns her attention to medicine apprentice while he strips the bark and exposes the juicy riches hidden beneath the weak bark. As he places the soppy honeycomb on a leaf, she moves it towards them before the attack of the bees started. An annoyed hiss escapes her lips as a bee charges at her face, shaking her head as she quickly moves to the tom-cat.

"I'm here, Fireflypaw. I'll protect you," She meows as she attempts to usher the medicine cat apprentice away from the tree, using her long plumed tail or a paw to swat at the attacking bees. A stinger of an bee assailant imbeds in her pawpad as she hisses at the sharp pain, giving her coat a rough shake as she tries to keep the bees away from her and the other apprentice. Just why did she have to be nice and her mentor recommend her go on this patrol? Ugh!

In the panic of the situation, she grabs the honeycomb that he previously collected as she stumbles after the blind feline. "Go, go! I have the honeycom- Ow!" At her attempt to flee with the bee's prized possession and a piece of their harm, the long-haired feline is assaulted by a few stray defenders getting herself stung in various locations. Jaypaw felt miserable and she knew that the areas she got stung at would just feel even more delightful later. Dread is visible on her face as she silently cusses under her breath, sharp stinging coursing through her body as she tried to escape with Fireflypaw.
Dappled light-brown and white fur flashed beside the two apprentices as Birchbranch swerved in front of them, the bees turning to her and following. ''RUN! Get back to camp with the honeycomb!'' The SkyClanner yowled. ''If either of you got stung, get to Dawnglare's den as quickly as you can. I'll hold 'em off.'' The she-cat didn't crouch and wait to spring. She had to protect her Clanmates. Birchbranch flung herself up the nearest tree, the bees following her every move. She hissed and flattened her ears, dodging a bee as it tried to sting her. A growl rumbling in her throat, the warrior sprung from branch to branch, then from tree to tree, leading the bees far, far away from SkyClan's camp. They wouldn't terrorize and sting her Clanmates as long as Birchbranch lived.

White tail flailing in the wind, the she-cat kept running along branches, leaping from tree to tree. Orangish-amber eyes glistening with anger and a glint of fear, the SkyClanner leaped back down to the ground, relieved to see that the bees had been confused with where she had gone and hadn't followed her. A sigh of relief escaped Birchbranch's maw, and she started back towards camp where she had told Fireflypaw and Jaypaw to return to. If they had gotten stung, they'd better get to Dawnglare's den, and quickly. Birchbranch would need to report to Orangestar and Twitchbolt.
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Following along with the rest of the patrol, Eggshell couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about their mission. Of course, honey was important to the medicine cats (for reasons that weren’t quite clear to the kittypet, though), but an anxious mind couldn’t help but to place itself in the position of the bees. Didn’t they need honey too? If it was in their hives, it must have a purpose. What if some twolegs came to camp and took all of Skyclan’s prey? That wouldn’t be very fair.

With a small sigh, Eggshell lamented the cruel nature of the wild. However, that sigh quickly turned into a scream as the bees seemed hell-bent on exacting karmic justice against the cats of Skyclan. The coward was quick to pivot as Fireflypaw sounded the retreat, but he wasn’t fast enough.

As the spineless whelp sprinted away, he felt stings along his pelt. A whirling (and not very intelligent) mind briefly wondered if they were attracted to his fur since it vaguely resembled honey, but the thought was quickly pushed away by more pain.

Compared to the others, Eggshell was getting off relatively light, but that didn’t stop him from crying. “I’m s-sorry! We’re s-sorry! Please - please s-stop!” the Scottish Fold shouted as he ran, trying to appeal to the living needles’ sense of compassion.​

Oh, what a disaster! He'd thought it would be some gesture of good will to help his mate's apprentice, though he'd never pretend to understand the nuances of medicine-cat-stuff. Sure, he understood the influence of nature, and her wind whispering, and the light she cast to bleach bones and fur... but honey-gathering? No, that would only end in tears with unskilled paws. He was there for muscle mainly, incase some dog came hurtling out the bushes and decide to try and rip someone's face right off.

It was like a little cloud of hell and pain! Mallowlark shrieked with fear-laughter at the sight of it- RUN screeched the apprentice, too old for a name like that, and Mallowlark's eyes shot wide. Despite his past life on the moors, he had too big of a stature to be truly speedy- he kept pace with the other scrabbling Skyclanners. Shrieking rose into the air- Jaypaw, valiantly holding the honeycomb, and Birchbranch, who... would hold them off, apparently. He slowed with laughter- one cat versus a hundred bees? "Don't get stung too much, you'll exploooode!" he called backward- though it was probably foolish to pause, because now they were nearing, louder and louder...!


Johnny didn't have much experience with bees. He was really only there to help carry things if needed, though it was more likely he'd just end up doing a bit of hunting since they had plenty of paws to help out this time around. The bobtail was just about to wander off when the sudden shrieking of his clanmates had him whirling around in alarm.

Chaos had broken loose in all but a minute.

His first instinct was to rush to Fireflypaw, whose face was crawling in the winged demons as he screamed in pain, wiping furious at them while one of the apprentices tried to guide them away. "Shit! he exclaimed as he reached the pair only to feel the burning sting of a bee imbed its stinger into his side. He grit his teeth as he felt another one hit him in the leg, and he lifted a paw to quickly brush at the healers face, trying to dislodge as many as he could while taking up the space on their other side to urge them forward.

"Birchbranch, move your tail!" he hollered, hissing as he felt a searing burn on the side of his face. The shecat couldn't stay in the tree- they'd sting her until she fell out and couldn't run away... He was tempted to go back, to make sure she was following the rest of the patrol, but part of the colony was still swarming fireflypaw and Johnny was doing his best to press against the other cat and shield them as they run. He couldn't tell if it was working, eyes squinting so hard they may as well be shut in a blind run to avoid being stung, but he knew that he the bees were on him. He could feel the multiple stings, could hear the angry buzzing of the swarm, and as Mallowlarks voice raised above it he had half a mind to swat the tomcat even though he might have laughed had he not been in partial agony from the wriggling stingers imbedded in his flesh.

"Don't lead them to camp! Head for the river!"

They could hide in the shallow water along the banks, using the water and reeds to shield them in the only proper defense he could think of in the moment.

As cats rushed in to protect him and the honeycomb, Fireflypaw leans into Johnnyflame's side instinctively. His face was swelling to twice its size, his muzzle rounding out and puffing up from the stings. Luckily he wouldn't die, but the call from the lead warrior to Birchbranch wouldn't be missed by him.

"You heard your Lead, to the river!" He murmurs through puffy lips, doing his best to keep up with the shorter bobtail. He looks back for Mallowlark and Eggshell, then to Jaypaw. "Move it! Let's go. We'll get to the river and hide." He chirps, smelling the scent of riverwater in the distance. As they grow closer, Fireflypaw can feel the horrible stinging in his pelt subside the moment he dips himself into the shallow waters of the river. Hopefully RiverClan didn't see them, perhaps they wouldn't mind since SkyClan wouldn't cross the river themselves.

"Everyone, duck down. Jaypaw, drop the honeycomb on land so it doesn't get wet." He murmurs, his eyes heavy with the puffiness of them.​