Sweet like honey, sweet like a summer day ~ sunbathing


Lilly of the Valley
Jul 31, 2023

[ Sweet like honey on a summer day ]
The sound of water rippling past filled the feline's ears. Lilyspring was sprawled out across a rock that sat in the middle of the river, the sun's rays warming her coat. Her tail flicked lazily as her eyes fluttered close as drowsiness washed over her from the warmth radiating across her body. Today was a nice day to lay out in the sun and just relax.
Lilyspring felt like she never got a moment to just enjoy the peace and quiet so when the opportunity finally arose she quickly bolted from the camp to find a place to just hide away for a while. A soft sigh slipped past her muzzle as her eyes fluttered open and her paws moved to push her up to stand. Her front lowered to the ground to stretch, paws reaching out in front of her before rising once more and circling around on the rock. She curled back up on the rock, her head resting on her paws as her tail curled around her.

[ I'll stick with you through the wind and the rain ]
Twas becoming increasingly aggravating to be caged like this, fluttering here and there to try to dispel some energy. Squawking at anyone who tried to leave the confines of the camp in a plea to take her along or at least take Brookpaw so the little pest would stop yelling at her about her 'intentional sabotage' of the apprentice's growth and development. Today was one such day that no one was really available to free her- they had plenty for patrols, too many paws to go hunting... so she was here, wandering from den to den to inspect their structures, ensure they were not crumbling and reinforce them if necessary. As much as she loathed to do it, the bedding needed changing too and with nothing else on her agenda...

The lazing form of another warrior caught her attention in passing, as she'd walked by the lounging lady several times in her self-imposed demand to do something while in camp. Watching her turn to get more comfortable in a warm patch of sun, Lichentail felt her tail twitch in passive jealousy. Relaxing without a care in the world... typical of any RiverClanner since the return back to their real camp.

"Best not let one of the elders catch you stealing their favorite napping spot," she chides, tone flat despite her intention not to sound like a lecturer and more like a well-meaning jokester. "Reedears might skin your hide for such an offense."

Where many cats curled themselves restfully atop sun-warmed rocks in order to relax, Fernpaw retired to the waters. And it was hardly retiring- he moved through water like a bird on the wind, and it was just as easy as lying down. He was grateful that, even though some progress had been stunted by the loss of his eye, now blow had been taken to his swimming ability. The one thing he was great at- the one thing that had shown just an ephemera of promise within the scrawny, bug-eyed tom he had once been.

A symptom of this being relaxation, though, was that Fernpaw was paying very little attention to where he was headed. Instincts forged the way forward, his surroundings barely considered- exacerbated when the two nearby cats were situated on his blind side. His leg broke the river's surface in a lapse of concentration, sending a spray of water forward. The smack pulled him out of his daydream, and immediately an aquamarine eye widened in shock to find that he'd just... splashed a warrior, who'd been minding her own business.

And- oh, great, Lichentail was nearby too- a flame pelt burned brighter with embarrassment. "Sorry," he murmured sheepishly, an apologetic grin finding comfort upon his face.
penned by pin


[ Sweet like honey on a summer day ]
Lilyspring hadn't been expecting anyone to show up, honestly it shouldn't of been that surprising though. But when Lichentail spoke up behind her it startled her a bit and she quickly pushed herself up to her paws. She bowed her head a bit ears flattening some. "A-Ah I don't mean to take anyone's favorite spot," she said softly. "I was just looking for a place to get away for a bit," she mused, her gaze flicking to the side so she wouldn't be looking at the other feline.

Her anxiety started to wash over her, clouding her mind a bit. Her thoughts were starting to run in random directions when the splash of water hit her. Lilyspring let out a yowl, leaping into the air a bit from being startled. She slipped when she landed, her paws coming out from underneath her and sending her tumbling into the water. She pushed herself up to the surface of the water and swam over to the bank where she would quickly climb out of the water and turn to look at who had startled her.
[ I'll stick with you through the wind and the rain ]


⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ "Elders're usually out here sunning before anyone else— so lighten up a bit, why don'tcha?" If Reedears wanted his sunning spot, he'd've claimed it a while before Lilyspring got the chance to. She's clearly flustered by the lead's behavior, and Fallinglight doesn't really care if the stiff reprimand was meant to be a joke or not. Intention doesn't mean much after the damage is done, like stepping on a clanmate's tail when all you really meant was to step over. Guess they'll all find out if Lichentail owns up to being about as friendly as a porcupine's rear. "Enjoy your nap, Lilyspring. Sun's nice, and—"

And Fernpaw's spraying water out over Lilyspring, who startles loudly and falls into the water from the force of it. She's fine, naturally, but he gets the feeling this is a lot more excitement than she'd set out for when she originally curled up. He watches her swim back to the shore while he stretches out onto his stomach. "Should dry off pretty fast. How's the water, Fernpaw?" Fallinglight's tempted to go in with the apprentice, but he never likes how water-logged his fur gets, retaining moisture longer than he feels it ought to.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic chocolate lynx point with low white. fur is thick and wavy, and tends to curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, grounding lichentail feels like punishing everybody. i don't blame cicadastar for it, but at least he doesn't have to be on the business-end of her mucky mood. lilyspring didn't deserve to be told off like that, least of all on the behalf of somebody who wasn't even there. i think elders enjoy getting to complain, so if anybody's ruining reedears' fun, it's lichentail.

A flying fish in all but appearance, Lilyspring practically leaped out of her skin the moment Lichentail spoke up from nearby. It wasn't really the effect she was going for but it seemed they would not get the chance to remedy that before Fernpaw's wandering mind found itself an accidental victim. Opening her maw to speak a word of warning, she had no such luck of sparing the young molly from her fortune- a hapless slide created for a very sudden and chilling bath.

Moving back a slight step as the warrior's unintended dive sprayed water towards her paws, the lead had no desire to get involved in that part of this mess. Flicking a paw that had deigned to dance under a single stray droplet, her ear flicked in Fernpaw's direction as a small dismissal of his apology. Not that she assumed it was for her but... no one was hurt... it would be fine.

However... to be lectured as to the sour moods of elders and being told to lighten up, the blue point found a point of contention. Lighten up? Wasn't that a phrase shared to someone growing angry over nothing? Or someone being overly dark and dreary in a normal conversation? The application to herself was lost on her and largely, she tucked it away as a note that Fallinglight was as near to a tick on her tail as anything. A child content to hear himself speak if only because he thought he knew more.

"You haven't upset me any- not my napping spot after all," they meow a small reassurance, opting to completely ignore the rude snipe made in their direction. "Just didn't want you to get an earful about it later." It was of literally no consequence to Lichentail. Even if the tone had fallen flat, the point that mattered to her was that she'd tried to spare the other girl no small amount of pain.

Already practically a shaky, wet leaf of a cat, she did not imagine that this warrior would be able to cope well with a berating from an elder over something so small.

"Though it seems... I may have started a chain of events to ruin your afternoon regardless. Are you alright?"

So usually set in an easy smile, Fernpaw's face now contorted in a grimace as Lilyspring tumbled over into the depths, dragging herself gasping onto the surface. His expression soon wracked and wrinkled with guilt. Great- what a way to mend his reputation as a floundering, useless apprentice, the latest of late bloomers! Spraying water right into the face of someone who was just minding their own business- his stomach twisted with regret. "I'm really so sorry Lilyspring, I wasn't... concentrating," he admitted, slowing his paddle to bring himself to a stop.

Reassured and tended to by Fallinglight (another warrior younger than him) and Lichentail, Fernpaw saw no reason to heave himself out of the river too- he didn't want to make anything worse by somehow knocking her back into the river. Sheepish, his smile found its way back onto his face at Fallinglight's question. Though the other tom set a tiny spark of envy in his gut, Fernpaw could rid himself of it easily enough. "Perfect. Nice and warm," he purred, voice a little languid as he said it. At least, in the aftershocks of embarrassment, he was soothed quickly enough by his favourite pastime.
penned by pin

sneezefur & 30 moons & demi-boy & he/they & riverclan warrior

Sneezefur likes lilyspring - she's quiet, and quiet cats usually don't try to talk to him. He lays in silence nearby, seafoam gaze wide and watchful as the sunbathing session grows louder as more and more clanmates arrive - fernpaw splashing water and giving lilyspring a scare, lichentails scathing comments, and fallinglight all but starting an argument. He doesn't know why he's surprised - really, he should expect it, shouldn't he? He makes no move to help, though if she had seemed like she needed it he would've. Instead, he says nothing, as he always does, but gives his companion a commiserating look - 'So much for a relaxing time,' he thinks.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a stick figure feline, all sharp lines and awkward angles, sneezefur's body bears the story of a harsh life on the twolegplace streets. his mostly white pelt is littered in scars, leaving him looking rather unpleasant to most. the one exception is shockingly bright seafoam gaze, long-lashed and angular, shining like gemstones upon his face. he's never once said a word to his clanmates, his vocabulary seemingly limited to quiet hums and grunts, but some swear they've heard him talking when alone.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#50c878]action here[/color][/b] and tag account