pafp SWEET LIKE JUSTICE — leaves

There aren’t many cats in RiverClan who Clayfur doesn’t consider his friends. He likes to think that he knows most of his clanmates well, but more recently things have felt off. He isn’t the most perceptive warrior, but there’s been… tension, around the clan. Maybe it’s the changing of the seasons, the wind picking up, the leaves turning color, but something has seemed to hang over everyone lately.

Speaking of tension. A dark tabby warrior, one who Clay thinks of as a friend, stands across the camp. The brown and white tom thinks he looks bored, or annoyed, or maybe that’s just how Houndie looks when he’s relaxed. He practically bounds over to join the other tom, tail lashing excitedly. "Hey, Houndsnarl," he greets the other warrior with a dip of his head, refraining from using the nickname he’s pretty sure Houndsnarl hates.

White paws shuffle across the ground, sliding a small pile of leaves in front of himself. "I brought you something. As a token of our friendship," he rummages through the pile before producing a small, bright red leaf. It’s nothing special, really, but it had stood out to the lanky warrior. "You’re a really cool guy. I like having you around."

// pls wait for @HOUNDSNARL.