pafp sweet little bumblebee // sparring

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023
mottledove | 18 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
It feels more than a bit odd, she thinks, to be out here - away from camp, away from her kits. But the forest is a scary place - she knows this well by now, with the elemetns themselves against them, with windclan attempting to come do... well, heavens only knows what. Soon enough, her kits will be training - but before then, it is up to her to train them, isn't it? And so the fluffy furred molly has scrounged up the courage to ask for help to put the theory she'd listened to into practice. Her large frame shifts nervously, blue gaze wide and uncertain - where is she even to start? How does one spar? Does she just... swat at them? She looks helplessly between the two who have graciously offered to help, frozen and lost.

// please wait for both @DUSKPOOL & @flowercloud. to post at least once!

It was a simple question that so many seemed to struggle with. A simple request that seemed to make many think twice about. She was one of those that could not ask for help. She could handle it on her own, she always has. The weight of the world was not on her shoulders, she had to remind herself, but she was a large warrior, and she was strong. She could deal with it longer, there was no worry to have. Shove it aside, pretend the worries do not exist, there were other things to focus on.

She was eager to help others though. A rumbling purr would escape her after Mottledove asked her, and an agreeance would come from her. the queen was new and unsure. But she was no different then her. Everyone deserved help and care, a friendly smile, and to help. Who can fend for themselves if never taught to fend for them?

She would ask her apprentice @SNAPPAW to come with, as that was a lesson they had been working on recently. And if Snap paw would decline, she would understand as they had already trained early. Apprentices deserved their rest too.

The fluffy warrior would walk beside the nervous queen, her pelt a cloud of white, and her head, tail, and legs a golden and black that brightly contrasted the white. Vivid green eyes were bright in excitement and eagerness. Though she noticed Mottledoves seeming anxiety. The signs were clear to her.

"You need to not worry and relax, darling. A spar isnt going to hurt anyone. We don't use claws to practice. I'm sure you have many questions before we begin. All I ask is you take your time and breathe, okay?" Flowercloud purred, trying to reassure the molly.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The large brute had been surprised when Mottledove asked for advice with Flowercloud in tow, molten copper blinking sluggishly in agreement, gathering to his paws to follow the two mollies with little to no comment where they stood now.

Duskpool shifted to peer a deadpan optic at Flowercloud, rumbling in agreement. “No need to get your fur in a twist.” He remarked with a flick of his tail. “Might be best to get some stretches in, don’t want ya to pull anythin’ but relax, will ya? No one’s perfect. Hell. Just by doin’ this is better than most.” He commented, watching the two with a crinkled optic.

Molten copper narrowed, helm cocked, peering at the queen with a gentle quirk of his brow, expression thoughtful. “The bigger the idiot, the harder it’ll be.” He stated, gesturing towards himself. “When you’re ready, try aimin’ for the legs. Keep yourself on your toes. Don’t stop unless your bouncin’ back from my range, even then you better keep an eye out. Sparrin’ might not be a fight, but it sure as hell gives ya enough practice for a real one. Let’s damn well hope that never comes.” This might be the most he ever talked, but sue him for takin’ the silent route for most of it. His skin prickled, nose crinkling in annoyance. Damnit.

“Don’t worry if ya can’t. No one’s expecting ya to yet, but can’t knock it out till you try it.” He rumbled, tone soothing, but gruff. Anxious thing, aren’t ya? He thought, observing the nervous queen with a peculiar expression, brows pinched as he stood, muscles rippling beneath marred flesh, molten copper narrowing.
thought speech