Sweet Music [☼] Sunfreckle

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago. When Roeflame had bumped into Sunfreckle on her own solo-hunt, the warrior was quick to offer for the reddened tom to join her, the silence she had previously been engulfed in quick to make her uneasy.
While there is a silence between the two at first, however short, it is still a peaceful kind, the toms warm aura bringing a gentle ease.
Ease, security, two things Roeflame had not realized she was so fearful to acquire until the molly had it, feeling as though her contented state was fragile. After all, as history has had it- wasn’t there something bound to be lurking just around the corner, a tragedy? A betrayal? Perhaps her Skyclan father would pop up at the next gathering she attended.
Well, Roeflame wouldn’t be able to control that, but perhaps the older tom walking alongside her had other answers.
"Sunfreckle? Can I ask you something?" The question on her tongue had not been planned, and the cinnamon tabby almost hesitates.
"You and Rabbitnose have been together for a long time now, right? Is… is there like a secret to that, or something? A key to love?" The last sentence feels cheesy before the words are even finished being spoken, and Roeflame feels an ear flick backwards sheepishly.

@Sunfreckle "speech"
Roeflame was a lovely young cat, he had watched her struggles as an apprentice, fretted over her breathing issues when they appeared and witnessed her named with a warm smile and the same kind of pride he had for his own kits. When she asked for company hunting he was happy to come along,

Can I ask you something? "Hm? Of course." The wind shifted and he lost whatever he'd been tracking, assumedly it had already scurried away. That was just the bad luck of hunting sometimes, the wind often betrayed you. His attention was allowed to focus on Roeflame entirely now at least.

The question is not what he expected but he shakes his pelt out with a quivering laugh, mildly embarrassed by it. "Oh, I'm sorry...I'm not laughing at you I promise...I'm just...I've never been asked that before!" It was hard to explain how love worked, it was something that was either sudden or a gradual development and his had been quite sudden. "...I don't know if there's a secret but, one day I just realized I never wanted to be with anyone else. That if he wasn't with me I felt hollow...so I told him. I think, if I have any advice, its that honesty is the only way love can truly thrive. We have to be honest with ourselves, our partners..."
Had she and Burnstorm talked, he wondered? You would have to be blind to not see how close they were and it reminded him of the days he'd watched eagerly as Flamewhisker and Flycatcher danced around the topic of a relationship for moons before admitting. He had bullied them relentlessly.


  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Normally, being laughed at in reply would make Roeflame shrink back, grow defensive.
Yet, Sunfreckle was a safe place, and his laughter would only be met with wide, anticipating eyes.
Luckily, the ginger warrior is able to shake it off quickly, his answer bringing a soft bout of nervous laughter from Roeflames own maw.
"I can’t help it! This is completely uncharted territory for me!" She finds herself exclaiming, though her tone is light and amused. As proud as the warrior was, it was hard not to find the humor in her young, dumb, love life.
Sunfreckles response is wise and knowing, which Roeflame expected, but her nervous smile soon warped into a wonder-struck expression.
Roeflame tries to imagine herself with anyone else, and the thought of another sharing her nest makes her stomach twist. It was true, the love in her heart for Burnstorm was stronger than anything the young warrior had ever felt…
"I’m supposed to tell him that?!" She blurts, a thought accidentally sputtered out as the realization makes Roeflame freeze in her tracks.
Pale optics shift from the path ahead of her back to Sunfreckle, the need to elaborate her outburst hanging heavy in the air for a moment.
"I just mean- hm. Burnstorm and I… we’re together, I’m pretty sure we have been since that last night in Shadowclan…" she feels the hot sensation of flush pooling against her cheeks- did she sound as silly as she felt?
"But, we were like- best friends before, and I love him, so much, I think in every way a cat could, but-" She cuts off, face pinching together in both thought and suddenly feeling rather frazzled.
"I’m beginning to worry I’m not the lovey-dovey type."
At least, she thinks, not in the profess-my-undying-love type of way.
