sweet potato pie & . november meeting

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : another moon. the gathering looms ever closer and with it a bitter, biting chill. cicadastar’s eyes linger skyward as be steps towards jutting river rock, the sound of babbling river rioting against gusting winds. the days seem shorter now, shrouded in the darkness of oncoming leafbare. should his mother be believed, the brittle ache stirring beneath his time - worn pawpads would foretell poor weather. a harsh cold. he thinks of the gathering prior and the worry kindling beneath his sternum catches wind -- they could afford little infighting as prey burrow deep into their hideaways, and the storm rioting behind windclan and shadowclan borders tangle far too close to their friends just across the river. bicolored curls ruffle wildly, grey clouds rolling slowly over a darkening sunset overhead. a vicious, burning orange heaven. the man bunches his muscles, steels, and launches himself towards a sky of honey - tinged blood.

claws meet stone first, paws landing amongst the pale, repetitive scuffs and eyes are already finding him. leafbare is coming and they look to him, backlit against rotten citrus clouds. he swallows hard, “ all those old enough to swim gather beneath the riverrock for a clan meeting. “ a familiar call. it rings low and deep above the rustling of disturbed willow branches overhead, reverberating through overturned leaves. nearby warriors begin to gather and . . there are so many of them. they are great in numbers, the river's bounty filling their bellies until they are stand plump and thick with muscle. the waters cool further with each day. he makes a mental note to take a patrol for a duck hunt -- perhaps he could track down the last of the lingering migration, especially now that they had new warriors. for a moment he blots the nerves from his mind, straightening his shoulders and allowing a small, warm smile to grace his maw, "first and foremost, it's my honor to welcome two new warriors. "

lakepaw, please step forward. “ houndsnarl’s apprentice. he resists the urge to find him amongst the crowd — to meet flowerstem eyes and etch his expression to memory, the shine of pride he knows resides bright and beaming on tabby features, “ i, cicadastar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. she has trained hard to understand the ways of riverclan, and i commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. lakepaw, do you promise to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?i do.then by the power of starclan, you are now lakemoon. “ like light on water, swift and fluid. she would do riverclan proud. the mottled felidae smiles, his fluffy tail coming to wrap loose around his sharp knuckles. his eyes then move, picking out a growing - familiar blue felidae amongst the crowd.

and brook — youve trained hard during your time with us, and thus i call down upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon you now. do you promise to promise to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?i do.then with the stars as my witness, i name you rainflower. “ a chorus of noise, of voices. lakemoon, rainflower! lakemoon, rainflower!may starclan light your paths.

now — “ the tall felidae stands a little straighter, orbital ears twitching upward. curly whiskers twitch in excitement, a glimmer reaching icy depth, “ we have quite a few new apprentices this moon. i ask you all to please step forward.

" koi, today you will begin your apprenticeship. from this day forward, you will be known as koipaw. lightningstone will be your mentor. " his first apprentice, save buckgait. he nearly snorts at the thought, " i trust he will teach you well. "

then, a young tom, his name familiar only by falling hushed and earnest from the newly - dubbed rainflower . . in search of a better life. he knew the feeling all too well, " storm. you've been brought to riverclan to learn the ways of being a warrior -- today you will begin your apprenticeship. from this day forward, you will be known as stormpaw. buckgait will be your mentor. " her first. icy luminaries find the brown molly. he dips his head, " i hope she passes all she knows onto you. " good things. he could trust her. the man forces his curls flat.

" minnowkit. from this day forward, you will be known as minnowpaw. dogteeth will be your mentor. " should he find him in the crowd, cicadastar would send the blond a teasing smile, " i expect you two will get along. teach her well. " he clears his throat, "fog, you will now be known as fogpaw. snakeblink will be your mentor. " a deep breath, " mistkit. from this day forward, you will be known as mistpaw. coyotecreek will be your mentor. " he finds the two, hopes they get along as well, " boarpaw, you will be taught by whitetail ( npc ) until your mentor coldstorm returns to warrior duties. " the pregnant molly would need time in the nursery, especially with it nearing time. he . . thinks, "algaekit, you are now to be known as algaepaw, to be mentored by silverstripe. " so many new faces. so many mouths to feed. his jaw tightens, " frostpaw, you are now to be mentored by clayfur. and darkpaw, you are to now be mentored by houndsnarl. " clayfur's first apprentice. he was eager to see how the tabby did, " chamomilepaw, you are to be mentored by redpath and forestpaw, you are to be mentored by splashfoot ( npc )."

and finally . . " leechpaw. " his mentor had passed. an old warrior, sickly -- his passing had been expected and yet still his chest tightens. he thinks of quietpaw. he does not think of pumpkinpaw, despite the fire - laden claws that rip at his heart in memory and he looks now at the dark - coated child, wonders of the connection they had. cicadastar forces a smile, " from this day forward, i will be your mentor. "

activity shoutouts to @Snakeblink @Smokethroat @CRAPPIEPAW and @Redpath !! i love seeing y'all around, keep up the good work!

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and ice blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a german accent, ages on the seventh, penned by antlers

  • felinedad.png
  • none.


She answers her leader's call as Brook, but she would depart from this meeting with a new name. Finally, the time was here for her to be recognized as a full warrior of RiverClan. After Lakemoon she is beckoned forth, she is asked to take a vow, an oath. Something she did not take likely, Brook was one who believed words to be bounding. Such a promise was not one to make lightly, not only was it a promise to Cicadastar but also her ancestors in the stars. To Rain, who was there for her when she needed it most.

"I do." And so she vows with confidence and sincerity, with the way she spoke it was clear she meant it. She was deserving of her new name, Rainwhisker. She can't help but grin ear to ear, was her father figure gazing down upon her now in this moment? Did he smile too?

And her little brother, no longer Storm, but Stormpaw. He's given Buckgait as a mentor, she's not familiar enough with the deputy to fully trust her with such an important task... then once more, Lightning seemed okay with her. She doesn't stress over it for now and instead relishes in this moment, all of her family was here and safe. Even Rain, she swore she could feel his gaze.

She isn't sure what her next step in RiverClan will be, but she knows she'll be the best warrior she can be.

( casual character / "speech" / ic opinions )​
· RAINWHISKER, female — she / her
╰ ‣ formerly known as Brook
╰ ‣ 24 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ riverclan warrior . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former member of the pine group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like fish and river , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue tabby . blue eyes . blind

╰ ‣ Observant, reliable, hardworking, overcommitted, humble, takes critique personally
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty in relating to others . quick to show mercy, unless her family is at risk of harm
╰ ‣ Doesn't appreciate most proper titles, doesn't feel deserving of them

· NPC x GRACE, sister to Lightningstone & Stormpaw
╰ ‣ bisexual.
╰ ‣ skilled fighter . average hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
Peachkit came barreling over to the riverrock at the leader’s call, skidding to a halt near the front of the gathering group. It was all she could do to keep from bouncing on her paws. She’d have to be apprenticed today, right? Dogteeth couldn’t keep her in the nursery forever! She cast a glance towards some of the apprentices. She was already so far behind compared to them.

Beaming with excitement, she fidgeted nervously as she listened to the leader name new warriors and apprentices, waiting for Cicadastar to call her name.

But then he finished speaking, announcing himself as Leechpaw’s mentor, and Peachkit’s expression faltered. She glanced around nervously, casting a worried glance over her shoulder at Dogteeth. Surely he hadn’t asked Cicadastar to hold her back again, had he? Maybe Cicadastar had just forgotten? Yes, that had to be it. Right?

// obligatory dad tag @DogTeeth
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❝  His heart's twisted to knots in his chest. Sitting off to the side'f the meeting, it's that night under the stars all over again. Seeing Cicadastar blossom with stars, seeing their whole world fall apart and come together again. He'd not expected it then. This, at least, he should've. (Somehow, he still had not.) It's in one of the first words that Cicadastar speaks. Lakepaw. That knotted mess leaps to his throat. Please step forward. His own nearly follow the apprentice's paws, as if to step before her. Hold her back, maybe. Something, anything, to keep this change from ripping a hole right through him. The world torn beneath his paws. Topsy-turvy and still tumbling, Hound barely recognizes the name bestowed to her. Lakemoon's a fitting choice as any. It'll take a lifetime to grow accustomed to. Numbness grows from the inside out, lime eyes distant as he sorts out this new reality set before him.

It's only when his name's called once more that Houndsnarl realizes it'll never happen as so. Darkpaw. Would they work well together? Would anything be the same, after Lakepaw's move? 'Course it wouldn't be. But it'd be good nonetheless. It'd have to be. They'd figure this out. Impassive eyes seek out the apprentice, all at once startled by the spindly shape of him and that look in his eyes. Lake'd never been so sure of the world. She'd never thought of it kindly. What must Darkpaw think of this world? Of him?

Swallowed whole by the uncertainty, Hound steps forward when he was meant to, and noses the youth. The rest'd come later.

  • hound_outline.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

At the familiar call of leader, Lilybloom gathers with the other RiverClan cats to listen to the meeting. Unlike the last few meetings she's attended recently, she sits upright and alert, listening with rapt interest as Cicadastar begins. First there are some new warriors to be named - Lakepaw and Brook become Lakemoon and Rainwhisker. Although she cheers loudest for her friend, Lilybloom knows both will make fine warriors of RiverClan and that the clan would be in good paws moving forward in the future.

And then there are new apprentices to also be named, and stars are there a lot of them! She is not named a mentor, which is fine, but it makes her wonder of a future where that would be a possibility. Where she could impart knowledge and wisdom and a young mind and sharing stories of her own past that could live on into the future through her apprentice.

Algaepaw was vibrating with excitement. Practically bouncing in place. He had tried to clean himself up for the occasion but he was just a scruffy little guy. There was no helping it.

After he SEALED THE CONTRACT of apprenticeship he turned to his new mentor and looked at her with wide green eyes.

What was she going to teach him first?

He wiggled in place and spoke, voice shaking with excitement. "Hi!! Hi!!!! I'm gonna be the best apprentice!!!!"

He's so happy.

Gathering for a clan meeting has become routine, and Snakeblink listens with interest as two new warriors are named before letting his eyes wander as Cicadastar starts enumerating apprentices. They will strengthen the clan, of that he has no doubt, but stars... There are so many of them. He focuses on the faces in the crowd instead: Rainwhisker’s content pride, the quizzical disappointment on the face of a kit eager to be made an apprentice. His attention snags on Houndsnarl — the warrior’s bright eyes are troubled, and he wonders at the absence of joy and pride usually found on a mentor’s face as their ward is promoted.

He doesn’t get the time to puzzle at it any longer. His own name is called and he jolts, briefly — irrationally — convinced he’s having a mentor assigned to him. But no: he’s been made a mentor himself.

Two reactions spark in him, dizzyingly simultaneous. First: bright, burning pride that he has been trusted with an apprentice, a small part of the clan’s future. Second: all-encompassing anxiety at the prospect of the arduous task awaiting him. He knows nothing of training an apprentice, was barely trained himself. There are a number of his shortcomings he’s aware of but has no idea how to improve, let alone avoid passing them on…

Still, Cicadastar chose him for a reason. He must trust their leader’s decision, rather than doubt his right to the privilege. He looks around once more, inquisitively this time — trying to find his newly appointed apprentice.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 34 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Originally, he wasn't the least bit thrilled at the prospect of a meeting. Hooray, another deadbeat mentor to replace the literally dead one. Leechpaw assumed it was close to the end for the bag of bones, but not that close. It didn't matter anyway. He scarcely blinked as he joined the mourning for the aged warrior, nosing cold fur like everyone else and clawing earth over the unmoving body. He didn't see why everyone else was crying. It was just a body that would have died anyway, internal structures finally failing and collapsing like a worn woven nest.

His tail dragged through the dust as he stalked close to the crowd's edges, face blank save for his attentive blue stare locked onto their leader. Nothing too important, as far as he was concerned. Name changes occurred at every meeting. He only took notes to address newly-named cats correctly, if he bothered to speak in the first place. Just as he was wondering who his new mentor might be, while watching the number of available warriors steadily dwindle, his name was called. Dark ears perked to full attention; Cicadastar volunteered himself to teach him. Leechpaw gawked in surprise, heart picking up the pace in his chest. Anyone else might have been honored. Leechpaw shut his mouth once he was aware he looked like a beached fish, only to quickly nod in answer. Cicadastar as his mentor... well, at least with multiple lives to spare, he wouldn't need a new mentor any time soon.

Fishface waddles to the fore of the Riverrock at his leader's summons. His idle gaze flickers between the faces of those mentioned by Cicadastar, and a smile spreads further across his maw every time he hears of a new apprentice-mentor pairing. Not to mention the two new warriors joining him in the ranks. Heavens above, RiverClan was growing quickly!

"Congratulations!" he cries gaily, not to anybody in particular.


She almost doesn't will her paws to move over to where Cicada had called the meeting, but regardless of her exhaustion, they rise and take her to the spot. She zones out almost immediately, completely disinterested in the new warriors and thumping her paws in idle congratulations. No point in speaking, not until- ... Her names called. Eyes narrow. Oh, great. A mentor. Fantastic. She fixes him with a blink, feeling herself a tad bit conflicted. The tom himself she guessed was... fine... But she was fine working alone.

Then Storm is called, apprenticed to Buckgait. Immediately her eyes narrow in burning jealousy, her pelt prickles uncomfortably. She forces her eyes to tear away, otherwise she'd be doing tearing. A mixture of shame and guilt settles in her stomach as she rolls her eyes, standing up to move besides Lightningstone. She'd just ignore it, like she does. Like she has.

✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - She knew the day would come, she’d been ravenous for it.
When the meeting is called, Lakepaw knows that this is it- that she would no longer be a Riverclan apprentice, she’d be a Riverclan warrior.
She doesn’t have a chance to find a seat near Lilybloom before she is called forward. Excitement fills her steps, which are graceful and in strides as always. If the blue tabby had any nerves, they were well disguised.
She meets Cicadastar with a proud gaze, nearly black under the moonlight.
He begins to speak the vows she is bound to, and Lakepaw takes them as an embrace.
❝ I do. ❞ Her words are certain and clear.
By the power of Starclan, you are now Lakemoon.
Her jaw almost quivers then. Her mother was Tempest Moon, but now she danced with the stars.
Any emotion that may have broke through is whisked away with a blink as she dips her head, turning away from the leader so her azure gaze can meet a familiar sour apples.
The grin she gives her former leader is nothing short of radiant- as if she were saying, we did it old man!
She makes her way to Lilybloom then, her demeanor growing even warmer as she gives her brindled friend a soft nudge.
Lakemoon, Lakemoon, Lakemoon…
Wolfpaws gonna be so stoked.

❝ Speech. ❞