Feb 7, 2024
Since the snow melted, and didn't have to trudge belly-deep in snow on his own. Now that flowers were beginning to bloom; Oddpaw was very used to picking flowers and weaving them into flowers crowns or in fur. He was excited about going flower picking, with an unexpected presence by his side. He had asked Owlpaw to accompany him and then whisked her away on his quest on finding flowers. The pale patched tom padded through the forest, with a bounce in his step, mouth curled in a smile as he enjoyed this nice stroll. He let his molten copper gaze trail along the ground, looking for any patches of colorful flowers blooming. He can't wait to find pretty flowers, and show Owlpaw the joys of flower weaving and decorating.

He hasn't interacted with the molly much, but that's going to change starting today of course. Truly curious as he is, he could like to know more about Owlpaw and become friends. Just like Crowpaw. He feels giddy at the aspect of not one but two friends in Skyclan. "Hope we can find a nice patch of flowers." he meows out softly at Owlpaw beside him. He hopes he could find some flowers soon, and weave something nice for older apprentice. Tail twitching behind him, he lets out gentle hums to have something to do while they ventured around the forest to find any sign of flowers. Oddpaw lifted his patched head and breathes in, catching a faint scent near. He perks up, beginning to trot forward, tail sweeping at the ground as he chirps out. "Come on Owlpaw!" He weaves himself around undergrowth, as he looks around before pausing abruptly. Letting half-lidded eyes, slide across the small patch of flowers in full bloom. Ahh, there they are. He lets out a brief huff, before walking forward to the patch of brightly colored flowers. He crosses the distance, atop of long pastel splashed limbs. "Pleasant smelling, look at all these they're so pretty.." He meows, with a gentle smile placed on his maw. He feels free and in his element. Eagerly, he leans down to nip at a flower stem careful not to disturb their petals.

He collects a few dozen flowers he carefully nipped at was held within his jaws. He settles down on his side, dropping the flowers in front of his paws. He studies and counts the flowers he picked; lilac, pink rose, honeysuckle, ivy and ferns. Interesting combo he chose, he's going to have fun weaving this together for Owlpaw. He hopes she likes it. Nimble paws set to work on weaving a flower crown for his friend? Yes, friend. It's been a while since Oddpaw woven something, he weaves the stems together carefully. They're fragile things. He finishes up the flower crown, paws now covered with pollen. He shows his clanmate the finished product. "See? H-how.. do you like it?" A nervous grin, shakes onto his maw looking up from his spot up toward the red tabby. I-is.. it good? He hopes it's too the molly's liking.

  • ooc: @Owlpaw! flower time!
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
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Reactions: Owlheart

At first Owlpaw wanted to say no to flower picking. It was nothing against Oddpaw, she just hadn't picked flowers before and she was worried that she wasn't going to be very good at it. However, the calico once told her that picking flowers could be a relaxing thing. With her assessment and hopefully her warrior ceremony around the corner she had found the stress ramping up. Picking flowers was supposedly relaxing and spending time with Oddpaw sounded really nice, so she ended up saying yes.

"Do you like any particular flowers?" She realised that she knew very little about them, he seemed to like flowers so she thought it would be an easy topic. The humming was nice, her ears flicked to follow the sound beside her. This in general was nice, she didn't usually pay attention to what flowers were nearby, taking the time to enjoy it was pleasant. She followed behind closely as he trotted ahead, looking around the flower patch with curiosity. She was careful of her steps, making sure she didn't trample on anything. Owlpaw wasn't experienced with flowers, nor weaving. Opting instead to sit near them and overwatch the process, biting back any questions that she had in case she disturbed his concentration.

Her eyes scanned over the selection of flowers, she wondered if they chose them for any reason or if it was just because they looked pretty. She had to admit that they were rather pretty, it was nice to watch Oddpaw be in their element. It was like watching an experienced warrior hunt prey, he seemed to know every step of what to do with little effort, she wondered if he could do that with his eyes closed.

The finished product was eye-catching, the colours showing their full potential within the sun beams that seeped between the trees. She stared at the flower crown, eyes wide in surprise, then back up at her friend. Why was Oddpaw so nervous about this? It's not like- oh."It's.. This is for me?" She tilted her head as she inched closer to inspect it, a grin making its way to her maw. "I love it" it was a rather blunt statement but she saw no need to be grand about it, she instead gave an enthusiastic nod "It's so pretty, you didn't have to do that" her gaze didn't break from the flower crown. It almost seemed like she was trying to figure out how to dissect it with how intensely she was staring at it. "How do you make one of these? I'd like to try to make one for you."

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His eyes widen just a friction, looking at the molly in front of him he then curls mouth into a warm grin. She likes it! He sits up onto his haunches and then carefully sets the finished flower crown on top of her head. He hums as he studies how it looks on her. Perfect! He "I wanted to do it, since you came all this way with me!" No one ever accepted my flower proposal before..this is a first. He didn't say outloud. The pale patched calico tilts his head at the red tabby, completely relaxed; he was glad the older apprentice came with him. He didn't want to come out here by himself. He glances down at the patch of brightly colored flowers, mind swirling with ideas of making a new flower crown to give to Crowpaw too. Though, he doesn't know which flower to pick out for the black smoke tom.

"How do you make one of these? I'd like to try to make one for you."

When those words left, the red tabby's mouth, his maw moves without hesitation this time. "I would love too!" He trills, with a beaming smile placed on his face. Tail curling around his paws, he leans down to take a random bloom from the patch in front of him. Clipping the stem with a claw, he holds it up in between his paw inspecting it with a warm gaze. Deeming it perfect to weave, he holds it out to Owlpaw to take. He then perks up, as he forgot to answer Owlpaw's earlier question on which type of flower he likes. He mulls it over, brows frowning in concentration on which type he likes.. Oddpaw then slips out a soft 'Ah-ha!' from between his lips, looking over at the red molly. "Flowers are lovely, pretty things. Fragile. I do like most of them that find truly beautiful. Though there are different meanings to each little bud. Like Anemones for example means 'Forsaken' and this one that I weaved in your flower crown," Voice coming out in a smooth tilt. Lifting a soft milky paw, to poke at one of the flowers he picked out. A tubular flower that were stuck in pairs. "Honeysuckle. It represents true happiness, good fortune and sweetness towards one another." Romantic love too. He didn't say it out loud, Owlpaw might take it the wrong way he doesn't want to seem like a weirdo hitting on her. Yuck. He shakes his head, to continue his explanation on flower meanings. He gazes at Owlpaw with sparkling eyes, excited to explain flower languages to his denmate. "There's are many Honeysuckle meanings! Like sometimes it means strong symbols of nostalgia, old flames and-" He's rambling. He pauses, lips forming into a frown for a moment before switching up to twist a smile on his maw. "I'm so sorry for running my mouth, I uhm get.. excited about flowers. I must me boring you." The long-legged tom bows his head down, letting out shaky laughs. Lifting his head up from it's bowed state, to look at the red tabby beside him.

"Anyways! Oh yes, Different colors of lilacs means purity, innocence, spirituality, happiness, passion. And uhm.. first love." he meows the last one out, with nervous laughter. It's awkward for him to explain the lovey-dovey aspect of flower languages to a friend. He leans down to the patches of flowers, nipping at the stems like he did earlier to collect some more. Then he plants them in front of his still pollen speckled paws. He starts carefully weave the stems together slowly. "Now, enough of my yapping! Please, pick two flowers from this clutch and follow my paws." He pauses his work, putting his unfinished crown on the ground to wait for the molly to pick her own flowers.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone
    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

There was a pause before Owlpaw accepted the flower crown, she ducked her head so it was easier for Oddpaw to place it on her. She stared at the flower patch with interest, she wanted to know if there was a method to the process for them. What made a flower perfect for weaving? They all looked the same to Owlpaw. Finding out that not only that there were variations of flower types but that they had different meanings had piqued her interest, she stared at her friend as he explained.

“They have meanings? Did you pick the flowers for me with any particular meanings in mind?” Her tail curled around her hind legs as she looked back at the flower patch beside them, then back up at Oddpaw as they picked the flowers. It was nice seeing him be so passionate about flower language, she wouldn’t admit it out loud to not risk sounding weird but she found the tom’s voice nice to listen to. She wasn’t sure why, maybe it was because of how musical it sounded? She couldn’t quite place it.

The tabby frowned as he apologised, shaking her head “why would you apologise for that?” Rambling was something that Owlpaw did often, it was second nature to her. She enjoyed listening to others rambles, it would never be something that she would cut off, especially if it was because someone enjoyed something. “Please don’t apologise, I like listening to you talk! I don’t know anything about flowers, so it’s nice to learn this… Besides, you like flowers and I like seeing you get so happy about it.”

Her words were very to the point, she didn’t like to mince words when she wasn’t flustered herself. “It’s not boring at all, please continue” she gestured to the flowers that he picked then moved to the patch to pick her own, she would like to make one for Oddpaw. She wasn’t sure what anything meant so she just went for whatever she think would look nice if they chose to wear it. Her cuts on the stems were clumsy, she didn’t want to put too much pressure on it in fear of breaking the whole flower, but she did it eventually. She returned with a spread of flowers, aster, periwinkle, daisy, and finally a pink rose to replicate Oddpaws own that he chose for her. “Do these have meanings?” She asked as she set them down, watching her friend while she waited for instructions on what to do next.

Oddpaw hummed in acknowledgement, bobbing his head knowing well enough that he picked out the flowers with different meanings for his friend. Flicking an ear, the calico's eyes widen a little from their usual half-lidded state turning his head to stare at the red tabby. Hearing her say I like listening to you talk! he lets out a soft squeak escape his maw. There's probably a faint dusting of pink across his face, that's practically invisible if you know where to spot it. He ducks his head to hide his sudden flustered state. "O-oh, no one has ever said that before. Thank you!" He looks at the nice flower patch near his paws, a small smile spreads aross his face, skinny tail curling around his pollen speckled paws.

For a while, he calms down from his flustered self looking up at Owlpaw to answer he question. He clears his throat, meowing toward the tabby molly. "Of course! They all have different meanings, even the grass has a meaning it surprisingly." His voice is soft and light, as he lets out a laugh. With steady paws, Oddpaw starts to continue where he left off from the unfinished flower crown. Braiding the stems, easing into a familar movement with a purr, thoughts drifting. He snaps out of his thoughts, hearing Owlpaw say "Do these have meanings?" He looks up from his task at hand, copper eyes looking at the flowers the molly had."Oh! nice bundle you got there. Aster, periwinkle, daisy and a rose but the pink varient!" Her choices were interesting, he tilts his head to the side trying to think of what the meanings where again.. Hmmm, Oh! His eyes sparkled with excitement as he starts to explain the different flower meanings. "This little one here, Aster symbolizes charm, patience, love and wisdom." He points at the flower he explained. He continues to speak with a gentle tone a smile curling his maw. "This one here a Periwinkle, symobolizes a blossoming friendship. And this one here a wonderful daisy you picked out, means innocence and purity. Now, the last one here. A pink rose means gratitude, grace, admiration, and happiness. Though there are more different meanings to pink roses." He lets out a soft huff, after finishing his somewhat long explantion he looks down at his almost finished flower crown at his paws. He picks up his flower crown, with a tilt of his head thinking of restarting this one. Hmm.. The calico meows out towards Owlpaw with a soft trill. "Watch my paws and follow how I do it. Take it slow." He unraveleds his unfinished flower crown, the stems all curled from their braided state. He picks up two flowers each from his pile, and begins to weave them. Slowly, so Owlpaw can follow how he does it.

After a while of slowly weaving, and several pauses for her to catch up to his weaving process. He beams at the not unfinished flower crown he made. He looks beside him watching Owlpaw with a half-lidded gaze. Waiting patiently, as his friend weaves her own flower crown.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

Oddpaw's current flustered state brought confusion for the red tabby, the idea that no one had said that to him before was upsetting but she didn't think that it would have potentially embarrassed him. “Hm you should be told that more, you're happy when you talk about it” she didn't really understand why no one would of said something like this before but she was determined to fix this.

Owlpaw grinned once she caught that spark of excitement in the tom's eyes. She sprawled out against the grass as she listened to the explanations, letting herself enjoy the sun. She could very easily fall asleep like this, which would be incredibly embarrassing but it would be so easy… There was determination to keep an ear out so she could properly understand what she was supposed to be weaving. That was enough to help her stay awake, with a small huff she shuffled so she’d be sitting up, successfully defeating the creeping sensation of sleep.

She glanced back at her arrangement that she had collected, this crown was meant to be for Oddpaw, so hearing these explanations brought her satisfaction that for the most part she managed to find things with positive meanings towards them. Her eyes faltered on the daisy though, giving it a look that could kill. you don't fit but you're pretty so it's fine. She could work with this, whatever didn't match Oddpaw in personality could be made up for in aesthetics. Watching the calico as he unravelled the stems and then started to weave them together. She chose one of the asters and one of the daisies to start weaving together.

Her paws were not used to this experience, they were not nimble in this regard. She had noticed that the weaving they were doing was very tight knit, leaving few gaps in between the stems, there was an assumption that was to help the structure. Her first two attempts didn't look anything like that, there was too large of a gap in between the weaving. Huffing in frustration she would unravel it each time, on her third try she got to a point where she was satisfied. Her golden eyes rip themselves away from staring at these two flowers for any longer than they need to. She looks back at her friend, that frustration she had built up dissipates as she notices him beaming at his creation. “Sorry that I'm taking so long, you probably could of finished yours by now” she gestures to his own flower crown and sighs.