private SWEET TOOTH // adder & moon

"The honey, brother, is over here," she's quick to speak, to direct - her mind is racing yet limping along and she does all she can to appear as if she has it all together. "It's on combs, still, so it'll be easier to carry. Please, do not eat too much of it," Cottonpaw turns to the brown-and-tan colored tom with a short laugh, as if now is the time for sibling teasing, "You'll get your share in time, I promise." She wonders, however, if he will take the treatment even when offered. He's a WindClan warrior raised by two founders of the moors - he's hardy (too hardy,) and resilient (stubborn.) She would not be surprised if he refused treatment even if somehow every cat before him is feeling absolutely fine and he's the only one still ailing.

She dismisses the thought, tapping her tail to Moonpaw's shoulder briefly (she thinks nothing of it - she's always found comfort in passing touches, it's become second nature,) "The tansy is over here, with the catmint. And... some lavender, it seems. I must've... sorted it out wrong..." or maybe she was anticipating the worst and forgot where her mind was at. Again her tail twitches, "Anyways - I suppose we can grab as much of those as possible. I'll focus on... the rest," though even with three quick working paws, she doubts they can salvage all of it. The smoke and heat may even damage a bit. Could they... cover it? Do they have enough moss for that - is it even worth it?

She gathers stems of marigold, intertwining the stems so that they're slightly easier to carry, when she posits a quiet, "Thank you," to the both of them.

@Addervenom @Moonpaw

Thankful Moonpaw had been when it had not been a cat she didn't know but Cottonpaw that had come near to lead her to the medicine den. Even despite the fact that she had asked Addervenom - a cat that Moonpaw now knew to be Cottonpaw's brother - she was glad for a familiar face in the territory of a clan that RiverClan had only known as enemy all this time.

White apprentice listened close as Cottonpaw showed where herbs were, the touch of a tail ignored for now for it was a cat that she knew meant no harm by it, a cat that she saw at least twice a moon and so far only on friendly terms, even if in the past there had been the potential for it not being so. "We've got some stuff in RiverClan too, near where you'll be staying, I can show you some patches where it grows since we might not be able to take everything." She surely couldn't pick it all herself, and so much grew in some areas that one more set of paws wouldn't harm it.

Informed of where the tansy and catmint was, Moonpaw moved towards the plants, ears pricked forward as she carefully grasped onto them and moved them to the side, rolling bundles together so that she could grab more at once without harming the plants to the best of her ability. Lavender too was grabbed, though Moonpaw wasn't sure what it could be for - one of the plants that didn't grow within the territory the ivory-coated feline lived within. Quietly she worked for what felt like forever when in reality it was a few quick seconds before she looked to Cottonpaw for just a moment. "Do you think it would be okay if I took some of the catmint back to RiverClan camp?" She'd speak quietly then, though she didn't care if Addervenom were to hear her, "Not for nothing of course, if there's something you could use I can bring you some herbs in return." If need-be she'd share with Cottonpaw the reason for her needing the herbs, but only if asked. The second the words had stumbled from maw she began to work more, rolling and piling so that she could carry as much as possible.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The brute's gaze rests suspiciously upon the ivory molly accompanying them. His smoldering amber gaze analyzed every twitch of muscle and hitch of breath. If she even dared to move out of bounds of what he deemed acceptable he would not hesitate to cut her down where she stood. It was still not too late for the river inhabitants to attack them at their lowest. He wouldn't put it past Smokestar to do such a thing. Wind and river had long since been vicious enemies. His parents' hatred toward the fish loving mongrels was deeply ingrained into the very fiber of his being. His priority was to ensure Cottonpaw's safety throughout this entire ordeal. The condition of the herbs came second and whatever became of riverclan's medic was of no concern to him.

A tufted ear rotates toward his littermate's voice, listening as she directs his task. Reluctantly, his domineering glare is torn from the apprentice to rest upon golden combs of wax carrying precious honey. "My intention is for you to leave in one piece." He drawled, edging closer to the sticky supply. "Sneaking a bite of this is the furthest thing from my mind." That she could be rest assured of. Even when drowning in the midst of utter chaos Cottonpaw finds a way to crack a joke, allowing her chuckle to momentarily deafen the sound of crackling flame.

In regard to her murmured thanks he sighs, the airy breath passing through his nose as he briefly taps her side with his tail. It was as close to comforting he could get. Though he did not voice it, he was proud of the way she handled the situation under immense pressure in the absence of Wolfsong. "You don't have to thank me." He stated whilst lowering his head. He hesitated briefly, thinking of the combs positioning so that each piece would fit within his maw. After mentally sorting it out he scooped them up with caution and uncharacteristic tenderness, careful not to bite too hard. Moonpaw softly gifts Cottonpaw with an inquiry, one that caused his brows to pinch and muzzle crinkle.

He should have known they'd want something and he reminds himself to be mindful of the honeycomb he now carries lest they be crushed by his jaws. The rushed sentence that tumbles from her lips afterwards tempers the flame sparked. She offers a trade, a fair negotiation that he's sure Cottonpaw can handle herself.
»»———- windclan warrior / sixteen moons old / he/him ———-««