swift as a coursing river | thunderclan dusk patrol

Even in the fading light of day, the sight and sound of the river now beginning to overflow with water sets Flycatcher on edge. On the ThunderClan side, things aren't too bad at least, but he still keeps himself and his patrol a reasonable distance from the shoreline. However, every now and then, the blue tabby looks back to ensure the water levels haven't suddenly risen and blocked their path for the return journey. "I don't like the look of the river," He commented, without turning to face his patrol. "Let's be quick about marking our borders so we can return home."
@Badgerstrike @Sunfreckle @. Roepaw .

"Would you look at that...I've never seen such a sight." The river had always been a bit scary in a way, he wasn't a very strong swimmer and his fur was thick so getting it wet meant he would spend hours drying in the sunlight and leaf-bare had no such sunlight to speak of so it would be quite cold and miserable. But Sunfreckle had never witnessed it so high and moving with such a ferocity as if a winding serpent moving toward small prey; he hoped the prey wasn't cats. A misstep over a smooth rock slides Sunfreckle's only front leg down and directly into a chilling puddle that he swiftly snatched his pw back out of with a shiver, "Careful, the stones are very slick..." His own accident a warning for the others behind him and more specifically his apprentice @SHALLOWPAW since a slip was a bit more common with either of them. Sometimes three legs was a pain, but most the time it was fine; he couldn't imagine living in RiverClan or SkyClan like this and having to swim or climb lacking the appendage. Seemed a chore.


Badgerstrike followed the patrol and watched the river in awe. This was going to become a problem, she knew it. She could swim, but not like those Riverclan cats. And the freezing water would just make it worse.

"This is going to become a problem, isn't it." She said. "It better not swell any further."

When she saw Sunfreckle slip she almost panicked, but he was fine. They weren't going to go so close as to risk being swept away.

She briefly worried about Rabbitnose, but she knew he wasn't going anywhere near the river when it was like this. Starclan themselves could tell him to go to it and he would still say no.
The confinement of RiverClan's camp had become a little too—loud for the warrior's liking. She had rested within the bleak rays of sun light, her belly at least satisfied with the remnants of a soggy vole she eagerly devoured. She now was as well rested as one could be in these circumstances. The snow was melting, a good sign that hopefully New-Leaf would be upon them soon, but now the river had begun to run rampant with excess water. It's steady stream was now a power-hungry roar, it's current strong enough to even make the best of RiverClan's swimmers struggle against it.
She had carefully leaped across the stepping stones over the river, the water rushing across the stepping stones. Her paws had slipped under it's slick surface, threatening to sweep her off her feet. Luckily, the obsidian warrior was able to regain her footing and onto the safety of the sodden banks. Her eyes were pinpointed upon a crevice in Sunningrocks, the tiniest of movements scuttling inside. Come on, come out. And—StarClan hearing her pleas—a small figure pops out and ivory claws flashed in the sun, gripping the mouse in one swift motion. As she finished it off, a shaded smile pulled at her lips. Cindershade was getting her hunting streak back.
Movement on the other side of the undergrowth caused her chartreuse eyes to swiftly move to the target in question, the strong musk of ThunderClan in tow. Cindershade automatically tenses up, bulking muscle rippling under her glossy pelt as she waited for the other clan to emerge. She says nothing to them, but her shadowed features harden as they come into view. Flycatcher, Sunfreckle, and Badgerstrike are the first to emerge; their faces taut with worry. No doubt about the rushing rivers. Even RiverClan was a bit on edge of them.
The stream was dangerous and he knew it. Even more so with the excess water. He was no fool to dare attempt a quick swim in the roaring stream. Even though he was a riverclanner and wasn't terrible at swimming, he wasn't going to attempt it. The last thing he wanted to think about was drowning or anybody really drowning. He was quite happy that everyone even Thunderclanners it seemed to be afraid of the river. They should. If they weren't I would be concerned. He'd reached the sodden banks, blinking at the sight of Cindershade catching a mouse. Whoa. In complete awe he was seeing Cindershade effortlessly being the skilled hunter she was. Of course, he wouldn't find the courage to congratulate her or make his presence known. In fact, he was going to pretend that he didn't notice her and trek past her. Which... I mean, how could you pretend someone isn't next to you? Kind of strange, yet he was spared the awkward exchange when he noticed something catch her attention.

Now he was on the alert and raised his head to catch a whiff of Thunderclan. What... What could they want? Slowly he made his way beside Cindershade, briefly glancing at her in greeting. He doubts that they would be attacked, but one couldn't be sure. The problem is if in some impossible scenario they do attack I wouldn't be much help. If I run, then Cindershade would have to deal with all of them. If I stay, then she'll have to worry about me. Shaking his head he opened his maw as if to say something, only to close it seconds later. Maybe they aren't in the talking mood. Cicadastar would kill me if I said something strange, so... Let's just wait and see. I hate it. Why is this so STRESSFUL!
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the sight of cats so close to the border had used to put buck on high alert. would make her tense and hold her tongue, lest she starts a war. now, now it is normal. some are more welcomed than others, of course. thunderclan had stopped bothering her quickly, so she pays them little mind. still, the deputy doesn't invite them to a conversation. they are an accepted sight, but they don't need to be much more to her.

that is until her sights land upon pike and cinder. those who do not know to keep calm, pay no heed. thunderclan's intentions are clear, and no one needs to stress about the what-if's. the clan had too much to worry about already. in the end, the deputy leads the way for the riverclanners. a cinnamon figure, stream-lined and finely muscled, stills beside the two. eyes upon the tree cats, looking for any familiar face in the crowd. though, buck doesn't care much about the other clans, and seemingly not enough to remember a face or name. she's aware of the other deputies solely from being forced to be near them so often at gatherings. but it ends there.

"thunderclan," her voice is calm and sure, never known to waver and covered with her river drawl. her sights flicker to the two warriors, as if judging them for their reaction. "all is well?" her words are small and minimal, but she doesn't need to waste with formalities and manners. just needs to get her point across. and riverclan does not need to look unsure or afraid of border patrols.

Flycatcher could tell the river levels must have been concerning how wary even the RiverClan cats looked. Either that or they were a little wary to see the ThunderClan patrol. The first two cats who appear don't seem entirely certain of what to do with themselves or what to say, so it just results in a lot of awkward glances from both sides. He is quietly relieved when Buckgait appears and breaks the awkward silence, Flycatcher having been rendered mute by the awkward expressions of the previous cats. "RiverClan," Flycatcher says, returning the greeting with a polite dip of the head. "We are faring well. Are you coping well with the weather?"

Shallowpaw followed after his mentor obidently, and the warning from them did not reach deaf ears. The apprentice would nod his head to confirm he had heard them and started to pay extra attention to where he put his paws. Despite his name fitting for the water, or riverclan in this case he was actually not that fond of water. He had accidently fell into the water once and hated the feeling of having his fur all wet. Pushing this thoughts aside it seemed company was coming for them as cats from the other side of the river was appearing and showing their faces. Riverclan was it?. Good thing Flycatcher call the clans name out because he had been unsure of which clan they where visiting this time. One thing was for certain though.

" They seem less annoying than windclan." he stated to himself but since Sunfreckle was beside him, maybe his mentor had overheard that fact. That clan had really not made a good impression on him. Loud,noisy, asking inappropriate questions that were insensitive. Flickering a ear the apprentice titled his head to the side, observing this encounter yet again through silence. There was not much to say. He had nothing to say anyway. This was just a border control after all and by the looks of it there was nothing alarming here. No trepassing scents or anything. That was good.