Swift as the coursing river || Brindlepaw

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

With Windclan now a threat, Ravenwatcher figured it would be best time to sharpen on those fighting and ambushing skills with Brindlepaw, as they might need it in case those foolish fluff brained Windclanners decided to attack them unprovoked in their territory. Softly her tail brushed against her apprentice's shoulder as they stood in the clearing of the marshlands, dark blue gaze drifting down upon Brindlepaw witch a slight nod. She had been entrusted in the boy's training and she'd be sure to make sure that he'd become one of the best and most skilled warriors Shadowclan has.

"Okay Brindlepaw, Windclan is invading, and your opponent is much smaller and faster than you. What are your weak points and what is the enemies weak point as well?" she asked calmly, keeping her gaze glued onto the tom as she awaited for his response before going onto the next part of their training. This was something quite new to her so she was doing her best to make sure she covered all possible grounds with the other, and of course in the beginning things hadn't been the smoothest but soon she found a groove that worked for her and her apprentice; Brindlepaw had also been doing well so far and needless to say she has been proud of where they were at in the current moment and wanted to push the tom further into training.

Rushed but @BRINDLEPAW
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(=🝦 ﻌ 🝦=) Brindlepaw was zoning out. Thinking about the prank he had just recently pulled on a clan-mate. The sheer annoyance on their face had made it all worth it, and Brindlepaw cannot help but giggle at this new memory. Only the amusement is completely slapped away from him when he realizes Ravenwatcher was… looking at him. Had she just gotten done speaking…?

”Oh uh… I smell the stale scent of mouse. Crowfood scent is pungent in the direction of sunset.” He meows as confidently as he can muster, though it was most certainly not the answer Ravenwatcher was looking for.
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So I walk alone down the darkest roads

It didn't take Ravenwatcher long to realize her little apprentice had not been paying attention to what she had said. Her whiskers twitched in amusement at what Brindlepaw said before she shook her head calmly, her dark blue eyes softening slightly as her tail tap gently on the ground. "That is correct, however, that is not what I asked" she spoke smoothly keeping back the twinge of amusement that danced lightly on the warrior's tongue, standing on her paws she'd move closer to the young apprentice. "Pay attention now, or I'll make sure you'll be cleaning out the elder's den until it is spotless" the warrior said lightly, wondering if the other would take her teasing or, to take her seriously.

"Windclan is invading. Your opponent, whom you are facing is much smaller than you, what are your weaknesses, and what would your enemy's weakness be?" her words came out slower and more drawn out with a tone to it, hoping that Brindlepaw would take this much more seriously than he did the first time, of course, she knew hiccups would always arise in training and she, unlike her former mentor would be more patient with Brindlepaw. Ravenwatcher's eyes stayed trained on her apprentice; any trace of her amusement of Brindlepaw's distraction had been quickly diminished by her poker face, unreadable once more.