
gotta get to rock bottom!
Jun 23, 2023
Sunlight. It was something that Hawthornpaw treasured above most else. The stocky built apprentice stepped out of her den just as the rays were kissing the clearing of camp. A yawn split from her mouth, stretching as she did. Her tail swayed for a moment, stepping into the sunlight. Oh, how this was just perfect. Nothing really out there or in her way just yet, no tasks to be taken care of. Just her and the sun for a few blissful minutes. A hum left her, settling down in the ray and squinting her eyes together.

She wondered where her siblings were. Then the thought was swiped from her brain, like a fox and it's prey. Her head turned, soft sigh leaving her as she realized the rest of camp was awake. Hawthornpaw stood, shaking out her fur- one last little bask in the sunlight- before she scooted out of everyone's way. ​
( ) As the lead warrior left her den, the warmth of sunlight welcomed her like a hug. She closed her eyes for a moment, probably accidentally blocking the den's exit, but she didn't mind. Today was going to be a good day...greenleaf was her favorite season, only leading over leaf-fall because of the warmth. Playing in the leaves during leaf-fall was definitely her favorite, but the season needed warmth to make it perfect.

She had a few hours before her and Acornpaw were due for a patrol, so she headed to the fresh kill pile to see if there were any mice. Her stomach wasn't too hungry yet, but she would need something before heading out for the day. As she padded by, she spotted Hawthornpaw. The flame hued tabby dipped her head in greeting, and offered the young Molly a smile. "Good morning Hawthornapaw. Do you and your mentor have anything planned for the day?"
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Skypaw isn't the sort to stop and smell the roses - it's simply not in them to. As such the idea of basking in the sunlight doesn't come too easily, either. Maybe if beckoned by their mother or - StarClan, maybe Duskpaw, or any of their ThunderClan-bound siblings, then maybe they'd make the effort to relax in the warm sun and enjoy a few sparing moments in the day. Hypotheticals mean nothing to the young apprentice however as they stride away from their den with ease, eyes scanning camp for their mentor. Scaleclaw, purposefully or otherwise, is nowhere to be seen. Hawthornpaw, however, is nearby with Flamewhisker. They skirt closer to the duo.

"I think we're training together later," Skypaw interjects, tilting their gaze towards the black-and-white she-cat for some confirmation. Maybe they were wrong and it was some other apprentice/mentor duo they were supposed to face off against. No skin off of their back, truthfully; they won't admit it, but Skypaw simply wanted to be included in the conversation. At least until their mentor shows his face.​
Flamewhisker. One of the lead warriors, and one of the cats that she looked up to. (After all, who wouldn't? They were lead warriors for a reason, right?) Her ears twitched, looking on towards the cat as she exited. A slight look of awe was written on her face as Flamewhisker moved, but she quickly snapped her jaw shut as the warrior looked at her, ears perking up! "Good morning Flamewhisker!" She trilled in greeting, her head tilting. She shrugged gently, shaking her head- but Skypaw interjected as they approached, she started nodded instead.

After all, she had no idea what Hawthornpaw was due for today! She just kind of went with the flow. Her mentor would figure it out, right? "I'm training with Skypaw and their mentor." She stated, grinning at Flamewhisker. She hadn't seen her mentor yet, either, but perhaps they were discussing something with Skypaw's mentor. She looked towards the aforementioned apprentice now. "Good morning to you too, Skypaw." A tiny giggle left her. "Sleep okay? No bugs in your nest?"​
Mousepaw hears only a snippet of the conversation, but what she does hear has her small, tufted ears flicking forward. Nosily, the mostly-white feline trots over, bumping their shoulder against Skypaw's on accident. "Is someone putting bugs in cats' nests again?" Her bright eyes sparkle with mischief. "Who wants to take bets on who it was? I say… Sparkpaw or Burnpaw." She waves her painted tail behind her, giving a conspiratorial look to Hawthornpaw and Flamewhisker.

Skypaw lets a small grin peep out of the corner of their mouth as Hawthornpaw agrees with them; the confirmation isn't necessarily needed, but knowing that they're not wrong is certainly an ego boost on its own. (They don't consider whether or not their fellow apprentice is agreeing just to agree, however.) Regardless the topic shifts back to small talk with ease and the chimera reclines onto their haunches. "Mmm," they hum, gaze flicking over Flamewhisker for a second. They wonder, briefly, if the warriors maintain their childish mischievousness - especially as it seems that the apprentices have an overabundance of it. "Slept well enough. I still can't figure out who's snoring, though - they're almost as loud as the boars."

Skypaw doesn't notice Mousepaw's arrival until the calico practically forces them to, a partial bump unsteadying them for a moment. They offer the older apprentice a furrowed brow before playing into the game, "Sparkpaw, I think," they'd never dare point a claw in Burnpaw's direction. "You each have your warrior ceremonies coming up; maybe he thinks it a last hurrah." Same could be said about their black furred brother, however they still skirt around the idea.​