development SWIMMING CLASS || surprise attack


The water is cold, bitter as it bites through his thick fur to nip skin. Whiskers sparkle with crystalline droplets, fur tugged by the river's firm current. Nettlepaw has spent the morning practicing his swimming skills. He has ducked his head beneath the waves to learn how to hold his breath for longer. He has pushed off the bank after memorizing the direction of the wind, allowing him to find his way back to RiverClan's shore no matter where he might be. He has dove to the bottom of the river, where deft paws have gathered stones and shells, all for the purpose of practice. He has tried to train himself in entering and leaving the water gracefully, so as to create barely a sound. But perhaps most importantly, he has learned something entirely new.

Nettlepaw's blindness was not total, his vision did not swim in complete shadow. On a clear day, when the sky was bright, he could easily tell which way was up, and which way was down. The difference between light and darkness was perfectly clear, even if his ability to make out shapes was near impossible. So, crouching on the bottom of the river, still close to shore that he is not so deep, he has discovered that, when peering up, he can see shadow against the sky. A cat that is fishing, for example, creates a blurry figure of black against the frame of the sunlight. Naturally, Nettlepaw could not pass up the opportunity to do something with this newfound knowledge. It was an opportunity for practice, for training, and something that would need to be done before the river turned to ice, as his clan-mates have claimed it would.

So, when he sees a RiverClan cat fishing on the bank not far away, he puts his plans into action. Huddling behind a half sunken log, he quietly slips into the water, and dives beneath the waves. Wedging his paws between stones and branches, and any other debris he can feel, Nettlepaw keeps close to the bottom, as he slithers like a fish toward the shadowy figure of the RiverClan cat above. Just beneath them, he braces his back legs against the floor of the shining river, and then, after a moment of preparation, and as his lungs began to burn in demanding protest, the apprentice pushes himself up toward the surface with as much strength as his young paws could manage. He bursts from the water in an explosion of droplets, wrapping his front-paws around the neck of his clan-mate before kicking against the shore with his back legs to drag them into the water.

A surprise attack, but... a friendly one. There were no claws or teeth or blood drenched tides. Just an apprentice practicing a new skill against a, perhaps, unwitting and entirely shocked clan-mate. He releases his grip then, satisfied for now.

((mentor ping - @PIKESPLASH and any riverclan cat (except kits lol) can be the cat Nettle surprise attacked if you want.))
With a quick swipe of her paw, Feathergaze claws at a fish swimming along in the rushing water. With a soft snort she pulls back, empty-pawed. Fish bones. For all her knowledge of the river, the freedom and bliss she felt when kicking through the current, that passion did not translate to fishing itself. She’d learned well enough to pass her assessment, but the warrior had never enjoyed using her claws for much of anything. Oh well. I just need more practice.

She settled back to search for another target. A few tail lengths up river she noted the shadow of a hunk of driftwood shifting along. I wouldn’t like to stick my claws in that, she though with a grimace. She turned her gaze elsewhere, glancing up at the cloudless sky. What a beautiful day. Are you seeing this too Icebloom, wherever you are? The river erupted before her, crystalline water spraying everywhere. Something small yet strong wrapped itself around her neck, and with a shriek Feathergaze was pulled under.

It wasn’t for long. Her attacker released her almost as soon as they’d grabbed her, and the silver warrior breached the surface in an instant, coughing more from shock than water in her lungs. An icy feeling shot through her veins that had nothing to do with the cold.
Oh my goodness, w-what in all the clans, h-how-” Before she could truly raise her voice to yowl for help over the bloodthirsty fish that had grown arms, her eyes found her true attacker.

What- Nettlepaw? Was that… Did you…” She gazed at him slack-jawed, looking more like a gasping fish than a RiverClan warrior. Then she started to laugh, and laugh. “That… Wow, that was brilliant Nettlepaw!
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The taste of victory is grand. It swells in his heart with warmth, surges heat through his veins. As the two breach the surface and Feathergaze sputters her shock and realization, Nettlepaw offers the warrior a rare grin, pleased with how effective the attack had been.

"It worked!" He trilled, paddling against the current. He soaks in the other's praise with a happy chuckle. "That was amazing! I could see your shadow and I just... I just grabbed you! Imagine that against an enemy warrior!" Nettlepaw chatters excitedly as he imagines it. The chill of the water is nearly forgotten, as he tastes the air for scent and wind direction, before kicking back toward RiverClan's side of the shore.
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He's perched nearby, admittedly with his paws tucked under him because he is cold. He likes warm weather, not this awful cold and soulsuckingly depressing cloudy and depressing weather. His coat feels useless against it, the wind cuts through him and leaves him debating on going back to camp to curl into a ball in the warriors den. The fish must feel the same, because he has not seen a single fish cross his line of sight today!

Feathergaze is luckier it seems. Luckier to have actually spotted a fish, at least. Unfortunately they are both empty pawed. He'll try finding something on land, maybe.....

A quick burst of movement has him hopping to his feet in surprise with wide eyes, but he quickly sees that it is not a case of a large fish turning the tables on them, it is a case of Nettlepaw successfully sneaking underwater and pulling Feathergaze under! He bursts into a cackle at the sight.

"Very well done, yes!" He agrees with Feathergaze. He's glad she took it so well, though he'd understand if she were to be upset. Not everyone likes being spooked like that. "An enemy warrior wouldn't stand a chance against that move."

No, those drypaws of the other clans would flail themselves to death before their attacker could even get a bite in, though he supposes just letting a cat drown is a good method too. "Brilliantly done indeed~"
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The silver warrior caught her breath as Nettlepaw explained his brilliant scheme. Smiling broadly she shook her head in amazement.
"Why, it's as though you were fishing, but... but underwater!" Reverse fishing, she thought with a snort. What an achievement! She hoped Pikesplash had somehow seen the maneuver, or would soon enough. A move like that from a cat who can hardly see deserves recognition. Eyes shining, she pushed herself back toward shore along with the young apprentice.

Eelcackle met them on land, his expression bright with the echoes of laughter. Feathergaze didn't mind, not one bit. I must've looked like a floundering goose, she thought, chuffing softly.
"Soon enough, Nettlepaw will be the one teaching us, if this keeps up," she purred to the ebony warrior. "I didn't have the chance to even yell."
Swimming is necessary to teach. He remembers Petalnose's frustration towards any drypaws, stating that all Riverclan cats should know how to swim. Today he would watch Nettlepaw as he went about holding his breath, prepared to drag his apprentice from the river at a moments notice. Thankfully, the tom didn't show any signs of distress or flailed about. He had a lot to learn still, but he was getting there one way or another. It's kind of funny to see him just go in and out of the river. Pikesplash himself is not entirely sure why his apprentice continues to exit and enter the cool waters instead of staying in it for longer than a few moments.

Something suspicious is in the air when he notices his apprentice slipping into the river a little too quietly that he finds himself slipping into the river itself. What are you up to? He carefully follows Nettlepaw. Eventually his apprentice suddenly shoots out of the water that it shocks him. W-wha? The silver tom emerges from the water, watching in slow motion as his apprentice dragged poor Feathergaze into the water. He's beyond stunned and impressed and also guilty because poor Feathergaze had probably been peacefully enjoying her day before being dragged into the water by his apprentice.

A sheepish smile he gives to Eelcackle who is amused by the whole scene. Along with praising his apprentice for doing so. Both of the warriors present are pleased and he is grateful for them. Especially Feathergaze who had been dragged so suddenly. He can't help but laugh as he nears the three, closing the distance between them. "Nettlepaw amazes me everyday, I'm happy to be his mentor. Soon enough he'll be teaching me instead!"

Finally his attention lands on his apprentice. While Nettlepaw can't see him, he hopes that the tom can understand that he's smiling or is at the very least happy. "How about I teach you some swimming tricks? I may not look like it, but I'm a pretty awesome swimmer. Orrrr..." Let us just say that he has nothing against Cicadapaw in the slightest, but he is well aware his apprentice would like a rematch of some sort to prove that he was not weak. "Let's see if Cicadapaw or Bumblepaw are around to give them a little surprise. What do you say Nettlepaw?"
  • ooc :
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou


Ears pick up the praise of Eelcackle as the apprentice finally wades back onto the shore, cold water drenching thick, creamy fur. He's proud of himself, too. Nettlepaw has done nothing but struggle in his training so far, but now he was starting to feel a flicker of hope that he could actually improve, and perhaps even excel. He merely had to adapt in ways the rest of his clan-mates didn't. Feathergaze joins him on the bank and the boy offers her a small smile in response to her words, before an ear shifts toward Pikesplash, twitching in acknowledgement. Nettlepaw can practically hear how pleased his mentor is through the sound of his voice.

"Learning some swimming tricks sounds good." The fluffy tabby responds lightly. "Maybe we can all practice." Nettlepaw suggests, ears twitching toward Feathergaze and Eelcackle for a brief moment to hear what they thought.
They grow up so fast... Soon Nettlepaw will be dragging enemies to the depths like a real professional! Even better, he is being encouraged! Excellent! Eelcackle thinks this is very important in a young cats life. Praise and encouragement make the world go round!!

"Being able to take care of an enemy before they can rouse suspicion in their allies is an excellent ability to have!" Eelcackle says, nodding in agreement with himself. He looks to Pikesplash as he praises his student. "You've been doing well with him!"

He can't lie to himself, he would love to see the reaction of the other two apprentices to Nettlepaws new trick. Were they able to do the same? There's nothing like a good surprise prank on a clanmate. He notices Nettlepaw glance to him as well, and he gives his usual crooked grin.

"Of course! Gotta learn all you can before the water gets too cold, after all." Eelcackle says. "Which will be soon, unfortunately..." He adds, reminding himself of just how close leafbare was. Knowing to swim was even more important if one were o fall into a frozen river, you'll have a better chance of getting out alive. But now isnt the time for that gloomy line of thought. Now was the time for learning how to use the river as a weapon!​

Ah, so he was watching! Good, Feathergaze thinks as Pikesplash makes his way over. Encouragement was what Nettlepaw needed, and the silver warrior was warmed to see him receiving his due. She laughed as he suggested pulling the same move on the other apprentices, imaging their small forms disappearing with little more than a splash beneath the river. They'd probably be madder than a fish left in the mud. But it's good to get a feel for moves like that with friends.
"I would be honoured to practice some swimming tricks with you, Nettlepaw," she purred. "Eelcackle's right, we should get in all the practice we can while we can. I sure don't fancy practicing any diving once the first snow falls."​