private swinging on a beam of light ] lightflower


love so strong, it makes me feel so weak
Jan 31, 2024
Lovelight walks alongside Lightflower, her steps light and her eyes bright as they move through the familiar terrain of the wooded territory. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds and the rustling of leaves, a sound that comforts her, a reason to love the place she calls home. As they near the border, Lovelight glances at Lightflower and offers a warm smile. "It's such a beautiful day, isn't it? The forest feels so alive today," she purrs. She pauses for a moment to listen to the upbeat song of a nearby bird, her ears twitching and her smile growing. "I'm glad I was born here. I love our territory. I don't think I could be nearly as happy anywhere else."

Her gaze drifts across the border towards the edge of SkyClan's territory at that thought. Even if she is happy where she is, she can't help but wonder about the cats who live on the other side of that border, not least the one she'd met not long ago and had a pleasant conversation with. "I hope the SkyClan cats are doing well too," she muses aloud, her voice filled with a genuine warmth and concern. "I know we're supposed to see them as other, but I can't help but think about it. They're just like us, trying to survive and to take care of themselves." Her eyes soften as she looks over at Lightflower once more. "Do you ever think about that? About how similar we all are, despite being in different Clans?" She shakes her head, a rueful smile on her maw now. "Maybe I'm just odd. I worry for them sometimes."

|| @Lightflower
  • Love
Reactions: Lightflower
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

A chirping bird, rustling leaves. Some of her favorite sounds as well. It was nice to get out of camp with no real purpose for once. Lightflower smiled at Lovelight in return. "I agree, ThunderClan is beautiful," she mewed, taking a deep breath. She had to duck under a low hanging bush, heavy with leaves and berries. However enticing they might've looked, she wouldn't dare eat anything she didn't know what it was. The medicine cats had instilled her with such at a young age.

Following her friend's gaze across the border incited unease for a moment. Tensions were high in SkyClan, their clanmates having pushed the boundaries, literally. Lovelight's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "No, I know just what you mean. I have never understood why we all have to hate each other. We're all just cats, right?" she replied with a shrug.
The faint tension resting in her shoulders seems to ease out of her as Lightflower responds in the affirmative. "Yeah, exactly that," she says, voice more relaxed now that she knows that the other warrior agrees with her. "What makes them so different from us, apart from living on the other side of a border line? I mean, I get that sometimes there's some bad blood between cats, but it feels like that comes more from the fact that we're separated than any true differences between us, you know? Why do we all have to fight and kill each other for surface-level things?" Her mouth snaps shut as he turns her face away slightly. Perhaps she shouldn't be talking so much about this... She doesn't want to come across as bad-mouthing her own Clan or anyone in it.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just getting ahead of myself," she says, voice a bit more subdued now, though still with a gentle warmth to it despite her holding her thoughts back. She maneuvers around a broken branch, giving a glance towards Lightflower, glad to have something else to possibly distract her with instead. "Should we move this out of the way so the next patrol can get through here a little bit easier?" she asks. It's not too big, but just big enough to be inconvenient.​
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower nodded along with her friend's words. The clans were a funny concept. Made before her birth, though not very old at all, really. Plenty of cats remember before. Her tail swished lightly as she contemplated her thoughts on the matter. "I think maybe we've all become too... separated, sometimes," she meowed carefully. "It's easy to fall into the idea of your loved ones being the most important, I suppose,"

Lovelight cutting herself off made her quiet as well. They pad along in peaceful quiet for a moment. It's nice, being able to just be quiet with someone. The branch that comes in their way is nearly a metaphor. If she thought about it hard enough, maybe she'd figure out what kind. "Yeah, don't need anyone getting stuck like I did the other day," she joked at her own expense, though her ears still burned at the memory a bit.
A quiet chuckle bubbles out of her at the reminder of Lightflower's unfortunate accident from just a couple of days ago. She hadn't been around to see it firsthand, but hearing the story had been amusing in its own right. "That's right," she agrees, whiskers still twitching with her amusement as she stifles her laugh in order to respond. She's had plenty of her own embarrassing moments, so she doesn't feel bad in finding the other's former predicament funny. "Maybe we go out together from now on so I can pull you out if it happens again," she teases, gently bumping her shoulder against the other cat's.

They do have something to do, though, so she steps away for a moment, setting her goal in mind so she doesn't get distracted again. "Okay, let's just drag it off over there," she suggests, tilting her head towards a spot under a tree with a bit of vegetation, but that is otherwise empty. Lovelight leans down to carefully take the most solid part of the light branch in between her jaws, flicking her tail towards the other side as a request for Lightflower to grab it and help her shift it to the side.​
  • Love
Reactions: Lightflower
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower smiled at the mention of Lovelight coming along to pull her out. "I wouldn't mind having you around more often," she purred. Lovelight was easy to be with. A welcome change to her typical clan experience as of late. It was easing, and with Raccoonstripe's patrol causing issues with SkyClan, focus had definitely shifted. Still, the ease of banter and the warmth they shared... Lightflower was sure they'd be friends for a long time.

She nodded at the command, squeezing her way in. She grabbed the other side and pulled. Slowly, they dragged the branch out of the way, into it's destined position. The pale warrior stood and grinned at her partner-in-crime. "Glad we saved everyone from tripping," she joked.
"I wouldn't mind being around more often." she agrees with a light purr, eyes bright as she looks at her friend. Spending time with Lightflower comes so easily; she's glad that they got to train together, to grow up as apprentices similar in age and getting to know one another. Would she be as much of a friend to her if that hadn't been the case? She's not quite sure, and she doesn't fell it's important to think about it too much. Things happened how they happened; nothing else matters, because they are friends. That is what matters.

As they finish moving the branch, she gives a big stretch, grinning as she wiggles playfully. "Heads up!" she says with a laugh bubbling up, giving the other barely a moment before she's pouncing at her, trying to pull her into a play fight.​
  • Love
Reactions: Lightflower
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

She yelped as she was pulled down, though a smile still broke out. "You're gonna get it!" she purred. Lightflower batted at her friend's ears and pushed her off, coming around to pin her. "What are you gonna do about that, huh?" she teased, her face close to Lovelight's. She hadn't noticed how pretty she was. Her eyes were just the deepest blue.

//I'm so sorry how late and short this is hhh
Lovelight lets out a playful yelp as Lightflower pins her down, heart racing as paws press down on her. "Oh, you think so?" she purrs, her eyes sparkling mischievously. She wriggles beneath the blue tabby for a moment, as if contemplating the best way to go about things. With a quick push and roll, the lilac tortoiseshell flips them both over, switching their spots with the movement. "What about now?" she teases back, her voice overtaken with amusement and fondness. She hovers over her, a grin on her face, her nose a breadth away from the other's.

Love's gaze meets her yellow-green eyes, mesmerized as she often is by the way the colors dance. The way the light plays in them, somewhere between gold and emerald, always draws her attention. She feels the beat of Lightflower's heart beneath her paws, and her breath catches slightly. She's well aware of her own interest in the girl, but she doesn't want to push too much, not wanting to push her away if she isn't interested in her. She leans back just a bit, not quite putting distance between them but no longer hovering so close to her face with her own. "What are you gonna do about it, huh?" Lovelight says with a laugh, her smile widening with a mixture of challenge and something softer.​
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