camp SWITCHIN’ IT UP // tangled!

// for the prompt: “A red string of fate is symbolic for destined partners, someone sends a yarnball from carrion place rolling into camp and you find yourself tangled with another cat!”

Newleaf is on the wind, she can feel it in her fur and smell it in the air. Soon, the frogs and toads will return to fill their bellies, and the marsh will be full of life once more. No more rats for dinner! With that in mind, Forestshade almost wants to kick off a hunt just a bit early…you know, just in case there are any early rising frogs. She gets to her paws from where she’d been relaxing and gives a small shiver, for there remains a chill in the last of the leaf-bare breezes.

“I’m going hunting,” She announces to whoever’s nearby, a hidden invitation in case they’d like to join. Normally, she’d prefer her regular solo hunts, but today she’s just in that sociable kind of mood. But just as she begins to pad towards the camp entrance, a soft thump…thump…thump…can be heard getting closer. It’s like…something bouncing, nothing she recognizes though. Probably something weird from the Carrionplace, The lead warrior thinks, assuming someone must be messing around with something fun.

She hears it pass her and continues on, but what a blind cat can’t hear or smell is the trail of red yarn the object left in its wake, and it’s right in her path. She steps into it with full confidence - after all, she knows this camp like the back of her paw. It tugs against the front of her leg and she leaps into the air with a mrrow! of surprise. When she lands, she reels backwards, unknowingly taking the yarn with her as it hooks behind a paw. “What the-!” In her scrambling, she’s making it worse, tangling her legs and tail and torso all up in the yarn until she finds herself landing on the ground with a grunt. To her surprise, she feels pressed against a pelt, and they won’t go away! “Hey, what’re you-?” Aw, StarClan, we’re stuck!
I MET A GIRL WHO SANG THE BLUESI'm going hunting. The announcement from nearby caused Eggskip to let out a soft purr, one darkly socked paw waving in the lead warrior's direction from where she laid nearby. "Have fun, catch lots of plump toads for us all. I want to see what the little ones will think of them." Perhaps if the chimera was a different cat - or even just not a queen at the moment - she would have volunteered to go along with Forestshade and hunt for the clan as a whole. Other warriors certainly seemed eager to go stumbling along after her paws to take advantage of newleaf being on their doorstep, but Eggskip was more than content to just lounge around nearby. What need was there to leave camp, when she had plenty of new sunlight to soak into her pelt right where she was?

Though, as much as she wanted to just stay laying where she was, her stomach was loudly rumbling to let her know of why she couldn't. She sighed before getting up to her paws, about to make her way over to the freshkill pile when she heard the faint thumping in the distance. Her amber gaze flicked over, claws half-hooked in a rat as the strange tangled ball of red went rolling past her legs. "Oh, what an interesting new prize. I wonder if someone from the Carrionplace lost it. With all the gift-giving lately..." Eggskip dropped the prey that she had grabbed for the moment, about to twist around and try to hook into the yarnball to stop it - only for her legs to be yanked along out of her control.

The queen yelped softly as she was dragged along, her fluffy side swiftly pressed up against the sightless and fallen form of Forestshade nearby. Her ears flicked back and she let out a huff of frustration, thrashing about as she tried to pull herself away from their predicament. Though really, her movements only ended up tangling her further in the string that was keeping them lashed together. "Ugh! What even is this? Some kind of horrid twoleg trap? Someone get us out of this, now!" Her attention turned towards any of the warriors lingering nearby, desperate for assistance considering her own efforts weren't working - and she didn't exactly think Forestshade would have much of a chance of untangling them on her own.

  • 75154588_JBKyEvm58EdJt3x.png
    longhaired black tabby and fawn chimera with amber eyes
    18 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    mother of slugkit, leechkit, and mantiskit
    currently a queen; rarely leaves camp
    shadowclan born; loyal but not hostile to other clans
    very easy to befriend; little animosity in her at all
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Shadepaw heard Forestshade's announcement, but all it garnered from her was a brief turn and a twitch of her tufted ears. If she had been born a moon or two earlier, maybe she could have pestered the Lead Warrior, asking her if she could come along and promising she wouldn't be a bother. From what Shadepaw had seen as a kit, taking pick of the freshkill pile, Forestshade had brought a lot of prey back. Surely Shadepaw could learn something from her but, as fate would have it, proper hunting out in the territory was out of her reach. She went back to stretching her long limbs and staring up at the shifting sky. She had intended to just focus on the stretches that Lilacfur had taught her recently, but the clouds were awfully curious. One looked like a cat pouncing, wispy clouds almost looking like fur as the fresh newleaf sun caught them.

Then Forestshade sounded off again, but with a panicked bite to her voice, and Shadepaw slid out of her stretch and whirled around. The Lead Warrior was tangled up in something long and fuzzy that Shadepaw could have sworn she had seen a scrap of before, buried in Ferndance's nest. That had just been a little piece, though. This yarn was wrapping around Forestshade's body, like a creeping vine around trees, and then within heartbeats Eggskip had been caught by it, too. As she struggled, the yarn clung to her with even more ferocity.

Contrary to Shadepaw's initial fear, it didn't seem like the two were in any real danger, and it was kind of funny to see two fully-grown cats get stuck together like pine needles in sap. They breathed out a soft laugh. Still, Eggskip's demand was serious, and they pattered over on quick paws. They were no competent, levelheaded warrior, for one, and for another, they had no real experience with Carrionplace threats like the yarn. They were at a bit of a loss. "Okay, um, don't move anymore, I think it makes- makes it worse," They barely restrained their giggles. "I don't know what to do- maybe if you bite it, it'll fall apart and you can get free?" They tested their theory by grabbing the line of yarn that led from Forestshade and Eggskip to the ball of yarn and bit down, shredding the fibers with their molars.
It's Eggskip's voice that complains back in her ear. I'm stuck to a queen! She thinks miserably, instantly feeling back for the other she-cat. "Ugh! Sorry, Eggskip!" She loudly hisses, but she hasn't stopped her struggling. She kicks and whirls and bites, but it's no use. She's stuck even more closely to her clanmate, but she won't stop her spitting in frustration. "Get us out!" She repeats the other's orders, becoming flustered and furious.

She can hear Shadepaw's voice from nearby, their words trembling with amusement. "Are you laughing?! They're laughing!" She fights more, growling in her own Forestshade way. "Yes! Yes, bite it!" Anything to get her free! When she's out, she'll wring that apprentice's neck! Not really...afterwards, she'll likely realize how hilarious the entire situation is. But right now, she's too embarrassed to think about that.
I MET A GIRL WHO SANG THE BLUES — As much as she would've liked to deny it, Eggskip definitely would've been laughing had she been on the outside of this situation, rather than right in the midst of it. The queen had to imagine the two of them made quite the sight all tangled up together, only made worse by struggling that wound the yarn further around their two bodies. Even actually being on the inside of it all, a few soft chuckles - half born of amusement and half born of frustration - managed to bubble forth from her muzzle. Though they didn't last long, her voice turning sharp and stern. "I swear, if I catch the cat that sent this thing barreling into us, I'm gonna go and shred their ears off..." Though the threat didn't hold much actual weight, considering how much effort such a task would take. Far easier for her to just glare at them from afar if it really came down to it.

At least the both of them did have some kind of salvation, even if Shadepaw's giggling voice caused Eggskip to glare briefly in her direction. She didn't have it in her to be annoyed for long, though, seeing as the apprentice was at least trying to help them both out. "Yeah, bitin' it seems like a great idea! I doubt this thing can't be shredded, no matter what it is." It was clearly from the Carrionplace, but what purpose did it serve? Was it just meant as a trap to unsuspecting cats like them? Such a thing wouldn't have totally surprised her, seeing as twolegs seemed to love nothing more than plaguing the clans with their very presence.

Twisting around as much as she could manage in their current state, the queen let her teeth sink down into the nearest bit of yarn she could reach, tearing it apart with each yank and shift of her head. The whole knot at least seemed loosened by Shadepaw's actions, though it still took a fair amount of effort for her to tear strings of red from her body. After a fair amount of chomping and wriggling she finally seemed able to yank herself from Forestshade's side, turning to look towards the lead warrior once they were separated - only to see the bright strings of yarn that were still draped over her. This time she didn't bother holding back her own laughter, head shaking from side to side as she cackled. "Well, at least we're not stuck together anymore?"

  • 75154588_JBKyEvm58EdJt3x.png
    longhaired black tabby and fawn chimera with amber eyes
    18 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    mother of slugkit, leechkit, and mantiskit
    currently a queen; rarely leaves camp
    shadowclan born; loyal but not hostile to other clans
    very easy to befriend; little animosity in her at all
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The scene unfolds in front of her like two monsters colliding on the thunderpath and Halfpaw finds herself unable to look away. And unable to stop laughing. "Oh my stars HAHAHAH oh, oh stop" she cries out, nearly doubling over with just how funny this whole situation was. First Forestshade and then Eggskip. Shadepaw's laughter didn't help to ease her laughter either and tears spring to her eyes because damn it is just so funny to see two grown ups tangled up and rolling around in the soil like a couple of kits, paws flailing, eyes wide open and mouths agape. Esepcially when said warrior was a lead warrior, especially when it was one who was usually so composed like Forestshade.

"YEAH! YEAH BITE IT! SHOW IT WHO'S BOSS!" She cheers them on, but she does not make any move to help. They didn't need it anyways, Shadepaw was already helping to untangle them and in no time they are free. "What even is this stuff anyways? It kinda seems like a really thick, red, cobweb" but softer, she realizes as she reaches out to gently touch it, taking great care to ensure she did not end up like poor Forestshade and Eggskip. "Maybe it came from a really big spider, and it's meant to trap and eat cats!" that was the only explanation that made any sense, really.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight