sword and shield // rta, recovery

Mar 26, 2023

sleekpaw & 08 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

So much has changed while he'd been sick. Barleysight was no longer her fellow apprentice - had gotten her name while she was sick. They'd missed an entire moon of training - fallen behind. The loos of disappointment from his parents is nothing new, really, but still it stings. And so when pale furred figure finally remerges from the healers den, given the all clear - sleekpaw does so in silence, baby blue eyes averted in shame. She never should've gotten sick to begin with - and to do so publicly - it's humiliating.

There's nothing they can do about it now though. Instead paws carry them over to their den, nose wrinkled - their nest clearly hasn't been changed since they'd been sent to the medicine den. It's stale and rough and prickly, and it irks him - why is he the only one who cares about this kind of thing? Teeth sink into the dried up moss, pulling and tugging until she bundles it up, shoving her way past to throw it out. He'll just have to start fresh - with new moss and new feathers.

The comparison isn't lost on the boy, and she can't help but snort to herself, plumed tail flicking. Perhaps it's for the best, starting fresh.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


"Sleekpaw, I'm glad you're doing better!" He had spotted the apprentice moving to the den a moment ago, but had only just now made the effort to plod over on his hobbling three-limbed gait to approach with a smile of fondness. It was nice seeing cats leave the medicine cat den on their own, to walk out and return to their life in the clan. He had seen too many carried out, sprinkled with lavender and laid to vigil and as a queen he had dug his fair share of holes to bury them. It never got easier, it never would, but Sunfreckle latched onto the good of things when he was able to. Sleekpaw being able to return to her training was warming though he had the sense to suspect the apprentice was not so thrilled about it. Being put behind was probably annoying, having to work extra hard to catch up would be a struggle but...
His green gaze sweeps the nest they are working on dragging out, lighting up briefly in response, "They just brought me fresh moss for the nursery nests, but I've some left if you would like?"

In all of Burnstorm's life, he has known that if he wanted something he had to work for it, had to do it himself. There is not a doubt in his mind that StarClan is real, but to pray to them would simply be a waste of time. He has never had anything just handed to him and that included a nest. He had always made his own, had never expected another to take up the responsibility of keeping it clean or fresh regardless of how he was feeling that day or week. If he knew Sleekpaw was upset about such a thing he would be quick to tell her that if you want something done you do it yourself.

Like Sunfreckle, he had seen Sleekpaw go into the apprentices den and like Sunfreckle, he thinks about how Sleekpaw's time in the medicine cats den has put him at a disadvantage. "Yes, it's nice to see you up and about" he says in a friendly tone, tail flicking in a greeting as he talks "Are you excited to return to your duties?" he knows he would be more than eager to get back to it if he were in the apprentice's paws.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 60128620_HIwWDbxBpKFbAR4.png

    ➵ he / him
    ➵ thunderclan lead warrior
    ➵ single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ↪ ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    ↪ toyhouse [ ]

    ➵ skilled fighter and decent hunter

make peace with your broken pieces .
He hummed in agreement, watching the apprentice with a crinkled gaze. “Perhaps you’ll like to go out on a hunt with Chickadeepaw and Tigerpaw later on?” He offered, his helm tilted. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy having company. Only if you feel up to it. I’m certain fresh moss is far more appealing.” He offered a smile to the returning apprentice, golden optic crinkling. “It truly is good to see you, little one.”
thought speech