Sword's Hymn {Raven}


Soft words and Gentle paws
Jun 14, 2022
( ) It was not often that Minnowpaw sought out companionship with her other apprentices. She assumed she had a decent relationship with most of them, her sister Garpaw and Ashpaw being good examples of that. But when it came to the others she found herself sorely lacking in the communications department.

Taking a deep breath, the silver Somali would set her nervous sights on the first pelt she saw emerging from the apprentice den and, with a deep breath, would cautiously make her way over. In her jaws hung what seemed to be a wreath, but it was smaller with a tiny shell woven into it. Presents were a good thing, right? Most cats appreciated them and even if this one clanmate didn't, at least it would be a conversation starter.

Once she made eye contact, she would place the small wreath at his paws and smile sheepishly, "H-Hello Ravenpaw..." Her voice was quiet truthfully it was barely audible, but she would continue, "I um...I made this for you. I understand if you d-don't want it, but...I would...really like to be friends i...if you want."

Her paws would fidget and a blush would color her cheeks. Was this a bad idea?

The first pelt Minnowpaw would see was Ravenpaw’s thick black one—not quite as soft and pretty as a typical RiverClan cat’s was. That was okay. He did not belong here—he was supposed to be a kitty pet. Ravenpaw woke up grumpily, twitching whiskers frozen stiff by the cold.

He paused when Minnowpaw stopped him, looking down on her and then to his paws when the wreath was placed at his paws.

”Did my brother send you here on a dare?” He murmured, pawing at the wreath. He did not have friends.

If Minnowpaw did not believe herself to frequently seek out companionship with her peers, there was a similarity with Ravenpaw’s thoughts—except that he did not make much of an effort to do so.​
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( ) Her ears would flatten as she was asked if she was there...on a dare? Did that happen often to him that he thought that's what this was? The introverted apprentice would shake her head gently, though the look in her eyes was glowing with a soft concern.

"N..No," She cursed her stutter at that moment but she did her best to remain as pathetically confident as she could muster, "I...have actually never talked to Shellpaw before. I..um...don't have many friends myself..." She fidgeted her paws, an outward display of her mounting anxiety over the situation she was now in.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you. I just...Well..." Her eyes would flicker away and she would almost whimper, "I thought you were....c-cool...that's all..."

The pink that flushed in her cheeks would make her feel worse and she wished she could take the words back as soon as they stumbled out of her maw. How lame was that? To admit to someone that you thought they were cool in an attempt to become friends with them? Minnowpaw wished more than anything at that moment that she was more like Garpaw.

Perhaps then she would be more likable.

As he waited for her reply, Ravenpaw's scrawny haunches set themselves against the cold ground. His tail curled around his body and his large ears twitched. The structure of his face gave him a mean, sharp look, but he was listening. Her anxiety was rolling off her in waves, and Ravenpaw could practically taste it.

"I—" He opened his mouth, but closed it with a sigh. Up until now, his closest confidant had been his brother—and that included Finchpaw by extension since the quiet tom always seemed to hang around them. Nobody had ever come up to him as bold as this. Maybe he ought to pull himself out of the pool of misery he had been wallowing in. Minnowpaw was offering herself up like this. That had to be something admirable.

"I'll take your gift." He murmured, pawing at it. "Thank you... I just don't know what I could do in return." He tipped his head at her, as if expecting an answer.​
( ) As he opens and closes his mouth, the sigh that escapes him causes the silver molly to shrink into herself and squeeze her eyes shut. This was such a dumb idea, why did she think this even had a chance of working? She was about to just apologize and scamper away with her tail between her legs when he spoke again.

I'll take your gift...

Her eyes would fly open and she would look back up at him in a mixture of shock and relief. Her face would light up, and she would let out a subtle purr to further emphasize how happy his acceptance made her. Has Ravenpaw speaks about returning the favor, Minnowpaw would be quick to shake her head, "You accepting it is all the gift I need." She meow, the calmest and smoothest dialogue she's had in the entire conversation.

Minnowpaw fidgets again, but this time it's in joy rather than uncertainty as she continues, "I-If you're free right now, maybe we could...hang out?" Oh, what did cats usually do when they hung out? Minnowpaw was slowly losing her confidence once more because truthfully she didn't think she'd get this far. "W-What do you like to do?"

Ravenpaw blinks widely at Minnowpaw's reaction, but it softens quickly, mimicking her relief. He cannot help but wish for his old life back in the two-leg nest. He can hardly remember it, but at least in there the winds would not bite his skin and his belly would not rumble throughout the night.

He stayed here for his brother. And now, maybe he could stay for Minnowpaw as well. There was no use in rejecting her kindness. He's hesitant, of course, but now he is starting to understand what kept these cats together. It was personal bonds, not allegiance, that held them so. It was a community that anyone would be proud to be a part of. He just was not there yet. Yet.

Hang out? His mind echoed. Ravenpaw felt warm under his fur. "I, eh, can't say I do much interesting." He laughed shortly, thinking of his current hobby and specialized interest. That would be too strange, best to keep it hidden. "There's a patch of sand just outside camp that I like to use to draw with my claws. Want to see?" He offered, tipping his head to the side.​
( ) Minnowpaw would continue to come slowly out of her shell as Ravenpaw offered to show her some of his claw drawings. "I'd love to see them!" It was a surprisingly happy chirp from the normally quiet and soft-spoken molly, and as she turned her feathery tail would swish for him to lead the way.

"Do you like drawing? Have you done it for a long time?" She would keep pace with him well enough, keeping her copper gaze on her new friend and she was clearly worlds happier than she had been moments ago. This was exciting! A new friend to share clan life with! Her mind was already turning at all the fun things they could do.

Maybe she could weave a nest for him next, or find out what his favorite color was so she could find something for his current nest.

Ravenpaw dipped his head to pick up Minnowpaw's wreath, holding it delicately in his jaws. His eyes widened a little at her enthusiasm, but his smile was obstructed by the wreath.

"I'm not good at it." He admitted, taking the initiative to lead the way. His own feathery tail was dragging slightly on the ground, but there was a lighter step in his paws than before. "But it's something I enjoy more than... most things." Many of the Clan already knew his aversion to water. On the outskirts of the camp, Ravenpaw showed the small patch. Setting the wreath beside it, he scooted over to allow Minnowpaw a glance. "I'm getting better at fish." He said, unsheathing his claws and slowly tracing out a wobbly outline of a salmon.​