private SWORDSONG ✧ firefang

The darkness is like velvet, enveloping and thick. Bluefrost feels the sticky beginnings of a storm in the air, and she lifts her muzzle toward the sky to taste the tease of rain. Clouds thicken and swirl, replacing the starlight with bleak gray darkness. The grass stirs as she paces through it, toward the Outlook Rock but without any intent, any purpose. She had risen from her nest with aimless paws.

Moorland herbs snap behind her. She whirls in the darkness, green gaze luminous and searching for whatever had followed her out of camp. She finds a pair of flame-colored eyes, stoked like embers in the dampening shadows. “Firefang.” She dips her head to the warrior, feeling out of her element now, a touch uncertain. Perhaps they’d both been dreamless this evening. “I was just… I could not sleep. I keep thinking of…

Smoke-colored fur, eyes like sharpened teeth, silvered in the moonlight, claws reaching for her through shadows. She exhales, unable to verbalize just what had walked in her dreams, and how she misses the monster who’d stalked her with broken yearning. “My dreams were troubled,” she decides. She sits, feels a raindrop splatter against the bridge of her nose. For once, she does not mind. “Why are you out here?

  • ooc: @Firefang
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.


The night had always been a sanctuary for her, in her youth she delighted in climbing to the tallest peak on one of the moors winding hills or slinking her way up onto the outlook rock to stare up at silverpelt above. There is still majesty in the darkness but no longer does she choose to stay awake just to witness it. Her dreams are troubled when she forces her eyes to close on nights her anxieties of sharp claws and shining fangs baring down on her don't keep her awake and waiting. Her eyes are no longer directed towards the stars they’re narrowed groggily, she watches every movement in camp. Most sleep soundly unbothered by dreams filled with yowls of war and tang of iron in the air, their paws sparingly twitch and their claws don’t spring out. She misses sound sleep, craves for a single dream not filled with regrets and the disapproving glare of a leader she’d sworn herself to as a kit.

Her gaze follows the shadowed form of Bluefrost as she’d passed through the heather tunnel into the territory. The younger she-cat is troubled more than her, her blood once gold and esteemed has turned to thick oil in the eyes of clanmates who once worshipped the ground her kin walked on. She watches the way the children of Sootstar survive without their mothers presence, none of them seem to thrive. Sootspot hides behind his smiling mask and clever words, Cottonpaw forever the treasured of the kits focuses on her work (she barely sees her - avoids her when she can), the rest that weren’t corpses buried in distant lands lie somewhere between the two.

She forces her languid body up and follows her paw steps outside of the hollow. It doesn’t take her long to find her, she doesn’t stalk her paw steps are loud and she holds herself tall, her tail is held high and curled at the end. Im not a threat, the whistle of the wind through the hills greets her before Bluefrost does. Her head dips in greeting matching the Tunnelers, she listens to her words. She does not need to elaborate for Firefang to understand. She has been storming already, her roars and continued fealty as obvious as the brightest lightning strike she doesn’t deny what she was doesn’t deny the feelings and grief she feels for a dream and life long lost. Bluefrost denies herself, she doesn’t let those feelings overcome her and yet they still swarm and grow heavy in her chest like the dark clouds above.

"I don’t sleep much anymore Bluefrost" she frowns, she sits down in the damp grass. "I thought you’d want company." she says matter of fact, as if it wasn’t her who desired it as well. Raindrops have already begun to fall, splotching into already blackened fur - she hardly notices. She’d once vouched for suffering in silence alone believing it built character and humbleness. She’s begun to realize now how lonely that felt, how lonely so much of her life had been. She’d been so focused on being the best warrior - a perfect soldier to Sootstar that nothing else mattered.

"Do you think any of this will ever feel normal?"

Firefang’s greeting is quiet, initially—just a dip of the head, ears angled forward to listen. Bluefrost would not admit it out loud, but she does appreciate the company. Her nightmares have left her feeling hollow in the chest, as though Sootstar’s smoldering corpse had extracted her claws and drawn them across the studded flesh of her heart. She gives her fur a gentle shake, letting raindrops spark from the rain-gray tips of her pelt.

The question Firefang poses earns a tremulous frown from the tunneler. “Do you think any of this will ever feel normal?” She shakes her head, her cheek fur slapping wetly against her face and shoulders. “Do we deserve normalcy, now that she is gone? In the end, we followed her… and then we betrayed her when she needed us most.” Her words are slow and haunted. Memories blaze behind emerald eyes, rising with smoke, leaving ashes in their wake. She thinks of Periwinklebreeze, Bluepool, and Scorchstreak holding her mother down like a wounded fox. She remembers Sunstar’s grim expression as he brought an end to her life, to her reign.

She remembers the collective sighs of relief from the remnants of her Clanmates, even as she’d knelt, broken, by her mother’s body.

Bluefrost sighs. “We let them kill her. And I still do not know…” She looks away from Firefang’s ember-stoked eyes, into the darkness that stretches beyond them. “I do not know if I deserve to be here when she is not.” She flicks her green gaze back to the dark tabby warrior’s face, wondering—does Firefang harbor the same depth of guilt she does?

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.


Her mind replays cassettes of bloodied memories, she can recall every hate filled word torn from the throat of a woman who was dead long before her executioners claws slid through her throat, she remembers how limp and small the mighty looked as they fell. She remembers the hot blood running down her forehead, remembers the salt and iron taste stuck in her mouth, remembers how she couldn't look away - remembers how she didn't budge, didn't do anything but stare. She outlived the queen of the Moors, a soldier should never outlive their commander and yet she still had a pulse and wasn't looking up at her clanmates in a place the stars did not shine. Her dreams are a broken record of all she's seen, yet she'd always be transfixed on that very moment she defied everything she ever knew and held dear. Why was she still alive? A traitor to all, loved by none if she died today she'd only be remembered as an ember snuffed out before it could tear across the moors - she'd never be a blazing comet overhead she'd achieve none of the things she claimed she would. If she did would those achievements amount to anything? There would be no one to make proud any longer, Sootstarwas dead and gone and her phantom though it still plagued the moors in so many ways would not look kindly upon her anymore.

She takes a drag of a breath, her heart aches for a time long past. She listens to Bluefrost's solemn words, it's the reality they chose to live in as damned as it felt they breathed in fresh air and felt wind and rain on their fur. She sees how some of her clanmates carry themselves, victorious and happy in this new age so eager to usher in the peace built on the bones of the fallen. They're blinded by the brightness of the sun, they can't see the blood on their paws they shed in order to see it rise. It wasn't just Sootstar's, she sees their hypocrisy how they once willingly served her with gusto just as they did how they'd been willing to fight and day for her when her mind was still in tact. The minute she showed weakness, as the fragility of the castle she'd built began to crumble when Weaselclaw died they descended on her, showed so little mercy for their once beloved leader.

She hates that there's no grave to visit - that her name is only spoken is hisses and yowls. Does she have any right to defend her now though? Bluefrost is right, she betrayed her and she knows she did when she needed her most - is all she's doing playing pretend for repentance to a leader who was no longer the cat she grew up idolizing.

She says nothing at first until Bluefrost speaks again, it's easy for her to respond - it's what she thinks about so often and yet she doesn't speak about herself first. "You do... Deserve to be here I mean" her voice is quiet but the moors are silent so it rings out louder then the raindrops that pelt the ground and renew the soil. "You keep the best parts of her legacy alive, you'll live to see a brighter future she wasn't given the chance to see" she means what she says, Sootstar's kits suffer in her absence - they pay for her sins that their paws didn't commit. Another breath is taken and she meows again

"But I don't and yet I'm here anyways" there's a raw truthfulness to her words, she frowns "I'm trying to figure out why, I can't change the past... I'm not sure I would if I could. So I can only just keep runnin' forward" into whatever new dawn awaited her.

Something in Firefang’s expression causes Bluefrost to pause. There’s more than remorse there, she thinks—more than guilt. She yearns for the past as I do. As Snakehiss and Sootspot do. As Addervenom does. She exhales, her breath pluming in the misty gray night. Firefang assures her that she does deserve to be here, when Sootstar is not, that she keeps the best parts of her mother’s legacy alive. Her jaw trembles with feeling that she does not recognize. She tightens her mouth to stop the shake. “If I deserve to be here, then you do, too,” she murmurs.

Part of her wants to be more akin to Firefang—just running forward, meeting tomorrow headstrong and confident. Bluefrost closes her eyes for a moment, imagining letting go of Sootstar, imagining her mother rolling like dust from her pelt. She lets herself think of the rain as rinsing her clean—making her new.

Who would she be without her mother’s ghost?

Maybe that’s why we’re here. To remind them that there was good in her, once.” She exhales again, this time tilting her face toward a night sky thick with stormclouds. “StarClan believed in her once. She was strong, and she wanted only the best for WindClan…” That’s the mother who had given birth to her, the mother who had received nine lives at the Moonstone, the mother she wishes she could remember a little better than she can.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.