symphonic poem ☾✩☽ deer sighting

It is liberating to be able to come and go as she pleases, being assigned patrols without her former mentor, being able to volunteer her time where needed or simply go hunting when nothing else was required of her. It was nice to just have a moment to herself as well, away on the territory and free to sit and stare at the clouds passing by overhead without worry of being late or falling behind in training. Moonwhisper won't lie and say she doesn't miss the apprentice den sometimes, it was much smaller and felt a lot cozier in comparison to the much larger Warriors den, but life was about leaving comforts and moving forward. Every day she woke up was another challenge to overcome, a battle she welcomed to keep her sharp. She still had her misgivings about her name, though she didn't loathe it and enjoyed the reference to her uncle's nickname for her, it felt too soft. Too gentle.
It was a name she would need to make clear was deceptive to her enemies, an unsheathed paw until her ire sparked.
Today she was allowing herself a rare indulgence, to sit and watch the world pass her by with legs tucked under her and tail curled tight to her side, ThunderClan's territory was always beautiful but she found in the early mornings when the sun was just barely peeking the sky that it unfolded into something magical when the shafts of light began to filter through trees and pierce the shadows of the night away, sparkling dewdrops and mist-rimmed spiderwebs and lighting the forest up like a sea of stars. That was what she enjoyed seeing the most and today was especially rewarding.
Across the clearing edge she perched, the very same one she had fought Raccoonstripe in a vicious struggle for her future, a pair of fawn lay curled not too far from her in wait for their mother's return. She must be grazing nearby and the two are folded together with long limbs overlapping and long muzzles stretching out to tug one another's ears and brush faces in a playful manner.
Twins with many spots, her heart hurts suddenly but she forces herself to remain still to not startle them. Deer were not often dangerous, but a frightened mother doe could stomp a cat with ease if she felt threatened enough.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike didn't have much better to do at that particular moment. Well, he could have busied himself with hunting, but he could do that later. He'd already done what he was told to do, how about that? It was fine.

The golden tom had spent the better part of several minutes stalking Moonwhisper through the undergrowth when he'd spotted her, wondering how far he would be able to get until she either noticed or killed him for trying. He was fairly sure she'd noticed nearly immediately and had chosen to ignore him, based on a subtle turn of her head. Even so, he kept on with it until she settled into an attentive crouch that soon became a lay.

Giving up his little hunt, and briefly wondering if she had begun one, green eyes flickered past her to try and see what she was looking at as he slowly worked his way to her side. She hadn't told him off from the get-go, so she clearly wasn't up to anything either, right?

Movement caught his eye, and the warrior raised his head with interest when he spotted the fawns. That wasn't something cats saw every day. Wordlessly he settled beside her, watching the young deer with interest and tucking his own paws beneath him.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Batwing can- and will- acknowledge how easy warrior life was at times, but just as easy as it was, it got harder too. More responsibilities followed on his ankles the older he got, and more often then not, it was tough decisions to make. Sooner, rather then not, the two freshest warriors in the clan would have to make terribly and difficult decisions, he decided.

Yet, something urged him to keep an eye on them until that happened. Lightstrike was good at hiding downwind from Moonwhisper, he had to give the younger warrior that- but looking up was a different story. Batwing trailed behind in the branches above, head dipping here and there to keep an eye on both of them. After all, Batwing's namesake didn't fail him often. Of course, the more gnarled trees of Thunderclan were far easier to climb then the pines of Skyclan.

When they both stopped- and of course, Lightstrike stopped his tracking movement when Moonwhisper settled to watch the deer- Batwing's ears twitched. A visual check, but he picked his head up, looking out over the clearing to spot the pair as well, though it took him a few heartbeats longer to peer through tree leaves. He settled down on the branch, his front leg and tail dangling down as he got comfortable. It wasn't so bad just to take a second to breathe, after all. They'll be fine. Some part of him murmured, and he tilted his head in agreement. After all, they would be fine.​