
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
" Of course, everyone's all aflutter about WindClan's behavior . . . " she wisely chooses to neglect mention of their own Clan's transgressions at the last Gathering as she drones on. The new one is in a mere smattering of moonrises, and yet, Mockingbirdcry is still finding new ways to talk over the last . . . or new cats to subject to her thoughts, rather. @BATCHASER had made the fatal mistake of inquiring into her thoughts on the matter, doubled it in doing so at a time when the usual suspects have tired of her ramblings; as such, he's incurred the full force of the queen's political curiosities.

" But my question is . . . " here, unknowing of the warrior's disinterest, she sweeps one white paw in a wide swathe of mud for emphasis. " . . . what's going on with the two Clans not caught up in this mess? " Lilac - tinted eyebrows quirk together in curiosity, a rare show of expressiveness for a face usually so carefully controlled. " I mean, they apparently made no effort to continue the Gathering or make their own announcements. It makes one wonder if something's not going on . . . " she trails off curiously, head tilting with a flutter of cottony white. " They could be hiding something. "

" Or maybe they've just got nothing of note to share, it's anyone's guess . . . but isn't SkyClan's deputy a little young? " Mockingbirdcry ponders this, dual - hued tail sweeping through the mud in its constant collection of leaves and muck. " If I'm remembering right . . . " She knows she is, but the trite little addition is for the sake of humility—Mockingbirdcry keeps painstaking track of the Gathering announcements by proxy and remembers them well, even those of well over a full turn of the seasons ago. " . . . She might even be the leader's daughter. Wonder if that's got anything to do with it? "

There's an almost mischievous gleam in brown eyes, but her overtaxed voice begs her to stop with increasing registers of hoarseness, and so she takes a pause. Chestnut gaze refocuses on her listener from some distant point of unseen concepts, crinkling in polite amusement at the sight before her: Batchaser is fast asleep, and likely has been since the first words left white jaws. It's a little disrespectful, honestly, and though she files that away for later, it's also rather comical. " I'm an entertaining speaker, I see, " she remarks dryly to the nearest passerby. " I've clearly captivated him. "

OOC : Please wait for Batchaser to post!
He truly has no clue how, he is subjected by queen's these days. He has zero clue. What's so great about talking to him? Actually– No. What's so great about him that queens like to chat it up around? He's a little… confused. Is… is this what the Great Moon has subjected him to? A queen's right-hand… err fascination? Beneath his curled fringe heterochromatic eyes blink slowly, as he swiveled a large ear towards a current clanmate rambling near him.

Mockingbirdcry has dragged him in her rambles of clan politics. Ew. He was listening… well trying too anyway. He should've kept his silly mouth shut. While the queen was droning on and on, Batchaser currently had his head laid on the ground. Long, lanky limbs stretched out as he had his head lay in the cool ground beneath him. Disinterest radiates from his long moral being. He was bored, but entertained at the whims of the queen chattering on about… Windclan then the last gathering or other.

A large ear twitches, at the mention of Skyclan's deputy being young. Oh. Moving his head forward and letting his pale chin dig into the mud - stained ground. "Ahh, I heard about Skyclans's deputy… Isn't she a little young, no…?" The curly, black smoke mumbles out, dragging some of his words out from his maw. He was tired, all of his social energy was drained for today. He didn't like speaking of clan politics, it wasn't his style. It was boring to hear all about the political musings of other clans… and Shadowclan in all honesty.

So, here he was. Completely passed out, while his clanmate was just chattering on like a bird. With a curl of his whiplike tail twisting around his hind limbs, he stills. Bony flank rising up and down with each breath, as he sleeps away.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 33 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone