synthetic tragedy — blazestar

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Lux was always up and about, doing whatever he could for SkyClan, whether that’s plucking the feathers off of a bird for one of the elders to eat, or doing his best to weave bramble into the barriers, or well attempting. He wasn’t all that good at that, biting the inside of his cheek when it slapped him across the nose from the coiled tension. He winced, grinning awkwardly to himself at the stupid memory. Embarrassing, but it had made a few cats laugh so he supposed it wasn’t a total mess.

Balancing well on his hind legs, the cream-ticked tabby rubbed his nose at the ghostly feeling of pins and needles prickling his flesh, not that it would be bad if it sliced flesh. The tom had more than enough scars, one more wouldn’t hurt. He didn’t care all that much. He was odd to look at anyway, there wasn’t a point in looking … alright? Awe, shoot. What was it? His lips puckered, muzzle crinkling along with his odd-colored hues that do a good job at scaring others if they aren’t expecting him.

He yawned, rubbing his throbbing eyes, only to peek at golden fur, muscles stiffening with a startled puff, maw parting in a welcoming smile, gaze downcast. “Oh! Hi, Blazestar! Did you need me for something?” He chirped, helm tilted. Did he do something wrong? Lux couldn’t help the whirl of thoughts, heart swelling in fear. Maybe he should have—You’re really stupid, y’know, Lux? He couldn’t help but reprimand himself.

He had been on his paws an awfully lot, although the loner didn’t think the other was cruel, just cautious of everyone that sought asylum or wanted to join. He understood that more than anything, but he was beyond grateful for the opportunity if this was Blazestar telling him he wasn’t fully accepted. Honestly! Lux would be fine with that. It’ll be lonely at first not having the constant chatter, but he always made the best out of things. Still grinning happily, the young tom shuffled, nearly toppling over, letting out a quiet laugh. Geez—I’m getting clumsier.

thought speech
After so many mishaps and instances of cats breaking the warrior code, Blazestar makes it a point for his council to assess cats before allowing them to fully join the Clan. Lux has been with SkyClan for nearly two moons now, and Blazestar has been satisfied with what he’s seen of the golden-splashed warrior’s progress. He’s accompanied the leader himself on numerous patrols to the borders of Twolegplace, has worked hard to master hunting in their terrain, and has even taken to helping the queens and elders. Blazestar sees him weaving brambles into a den that has one wall in disrepair, and he approaches on light paws.

Hello, Lux,” the Ragdoll rumbles in greeting. He sits beside the tom, watching passively as he works. “I’ve been monitoring your progress in SkyClan. You’ve come a long way.” He purrs, eyeing the strange-eyed tom’s paws as they work. “But how do you feel about living as a warrior now? Do you miss your old life at all?

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just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
It was rare to receive any kind of praise, not until he joined SkyClan which was weird and the male wasn’t sure how to respond other than letting a hesitant grin stretch across dark lips. His paw reached to rub his nap, giving a low chuckle, odd eyes crinkling. “R, Right!” He chirped, winding a fluffy tail around his haunches. “It still feels like I joined only days ago.” He laughed, shaking his helm. He still couldn’t believe it some days, sitting amongst the unfriendly shadows during the darkest part of the night to stare above, sleep nothing more than a pointless task.

“Oh! No. No. It was lonely.” He hummed, lips puckered, gaze thoughtful. “Having to look over your shoulder all the time wasn’t living, but it’s nice, being here, I mean.” He spoke, helm tilted. He enjoyed helping others, even at his own expense which really, Lux didn’t think was bad. He’d choose himself every time if it meant keeping them safe. So what if he injured himself? Better him than someone else! “It’s nice being useful!” He trilled, gaze crinkled in a closed-eye smile.

“You’ve all been extremely nice, so I hope to return the favor!” He hummed, lips puckered while maneuvering one of the stubborn brambles into a more suitable position, and for once, nothing smacked him square in the face.
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