private tag you're it, here we go again // snowpaw

maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
It's not all that unusual to find Maggotfur hanging about the sandy area that surrounded the burnt sycamore even when her apprentice wsn't around - despite being a warrior, the girl wasn't likely to let up on her own training anytime soon. She wanted to keep herself strong - fit. Teeth and claws and powerful muscles hidden beneath her downy coat made her a killing machine , and she was hardly going to waste her protentional lazing about all day (no matter how tempting the idea was, when her belly was full of frogspawn and she was comfortably sprawled across the throne of bones she called a nest).

Today however is meant as more than simply an inclination to better herself - no, this spar is just as much about the tom standing before her. Snowpaw is like her, in some ways - orphaned, born into a time of no prey. Not nearly as bad as the famine that had swept through when Maggie had been born of course, but it certainly meant he was no stranger to hardships either. And Maggotfur liked that - surely, it meant Snowpaw was made for far better tings than most. And today would only prove that, surely.

It's a simple invitation, her drawl leaving hardly any room for argument - and the apprentice agrees, not that she'd thought he wouldn't. Expression is as blank as ever, body carefully coiled as she drops into position - the only warning the younger receives of her impending approach the brief flash of amusement in bright blue eyes before she pounces - all twenty pounds of muscle hurtling towards Snowpaw as though he is prey. Claws remain sheathed as she moves, aiming to bruise and to pin him rather than draw blood - though she isn't actually opposed to making this fight dirtier, she'd rather not get reprimanded by chilledstar like some common mousebrain for taking things too far.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
will be rolling for maggie in discord, though you are free to play out your side of the spar however you prefer

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw took any opportunity that was thrown at him to get stronger, sparring with a warrior or even simply training with his fellow apprentices to get better, Snowpaw did not waste time on it. Perhaps it was that fear, that worry he would just become another victim of the marsh that kept the tom on his paws to grip at the next thing that was thrown at him. After all, hes been training all his life to get better. He wonders if the clan fears who might be next to fall, it could be anyone and thats what worries him most. Snowpaw could not imagine losing Basilpaw, or Thornpaw, not even Onyxpaw. The thought of losing those close to him scared the tom.

So when Maggotfur had approach him about a spar session, to help teach him Snowpaw took her up on it, her mentor currently having been taking a break so Snowpaw had just been going with other warriors and their own apprentices to train which he had quite ease into for the meantime and he was sure next meeting he'll be getting a new mentor meaning he would not have to deal with Swallowpaw anymore which was great.
Yellow eyes trained on the warrior trying to expect what her first move would be.

Yet the she-cat was faster than what he had expected which had startled the tom but, he dare not allow that to stun him, because if this had been real. She wouldn't of wait for Snowpaw to recover aiming to kick the molly off of him he would attempt to roll away from the others to recover slightly before making an attempt to lunge at Maggotfur's shoulder, trying to knock the other off balance

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Maggotfur feels her blows connect and allows herself a moment of pride - smug in her certainty, sure of her skills. of course, it's short lived - from one moment to the next is always an adrenaline filled blur, and she feels the rush of the thrill as she is soundly tossed away from snowpaw - stomach battered by paws that knock the breath from her lungs, if only for a heartbeat. She rolls, scrambling to her paws in time to meet snowpaws blows. Theres no time for her to attack, instead forced to be on the defensive and shoulder bears the brunt of the smaller felines weight - legs locked up against the onslaught with a rather manic sounding giggle that slips past her lips, eyes wild. It's not enough to knock her ow balance though, and she shoves back, hoping to turn the momentum against the apprentice and send him tumbling instead.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
5 on attack, 11 on defense; was not pushed off balance but failed to avoid or make an attack of her own