tailor-made suits (thunderclan patrol) those cost something

// @Sloepaw @meadowflame @leopardprowl
You can post before the ThunderClanners!

They had started on the southeastern point of the forest and worked their way towards the river. The rain has not let up, drenching the forest and the cats within it. As paws sink into mud, Howling Wind blinks against the droplets in an effort to see into the pine forest. She isn't exactly keen on seeing a SkyClan patrol. Normally, she may keep an eye out for Blazestar, update him on his kits, but today? She just wants to hurry the patrol along so her warriors can get back to camp and dry off in their den. Sloepaw, too. She glances back towards her clanmates before urging them forward to mark the border. After this, they still have to patrol along the river, and only then can they return home. Thunder groans low in the distance, a promise that the storm will not halt anytime soon. "I wonder how the hunting patrols are faring," She comments to one of her clanmates, worrying about the amount of prey that will be brought in today. Everything is staying dry in their burrows and nests, she assumes.

Figpaw was out with her mentor, leaping through tree branches to transverse through the territory. Figpaw was still very much a student when it came to tree climbing, but she was adequate enough to handle her own, gauge which branches were safe to apply her weight to and which weren't.

Before she knows it, the marmalade girl is staring right down at the small ThunderClan patrol, a wide grin spread out on her maw. "Hi! Little Wolf not here? Awh... say hi to her for me, and Fireflykit, Burnkit, Crescentkit, Howlkit and Morningkit!" She's just about out of breath when she finishes speaking all their names...

Allowing her tail to droop down from her branch, she leans forward to get a closer look at the ThunderClan cats, specifically Howling Wind.
I know her... don't I? The appearance and the name began to click, but Figpaw couldn't figure out from why or there... They hadn't met before, had they? "Hey, you're the ThunderClan deputy ain'tcha? My ma and you should be friends." Fig grins.
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Wildpaw was constantly watched from her peripheral vision. She hadn't included him in the previous patrol she'd been assigned to. No, instead she benched him on the sidelines and tasked him with caring for the elders and queens. His punishment for his ill attitude toward that poor kit had finally come to an end, though. But that didn't mean that he was free to do as he pleased. She would be keeping a very, very close eye on the childish apprentice.

Howling Wind's comment went verbally unanswered but received an understanding nod. Rain combined with the cold air caused their typical prey to burrow underground. She speculated that it would only get more challenging when leafbare officially settled in. The scattered, crinkled leaves on the forest floor were an unwelcome omen of the death the snowy seasons brought.

Amusement and annoyance were at odds when a tiny SkyClan apprentice called from her perch. It was hard to understand the constant back and forth that Howling Wind's grandchildren were subjected to. After all, at the end of the day, they were two separate clans. It didn't bode well - at least, not for the hardy warrior who frequently experienced cats fighting over a small squirrel when she lived in the mountains. The mountains were cruel and punished ignorance in a heartbeat. Naive sentiments that wished for all cats to be friends would be brutally broken.

However, she was a simple warrior now so her mouth remained closed. Instead, she silently observed the interactions.
"HEYYYY Kitty-kitty-kitties!" Wolfpaw chirps, bounding beside Howling Wind (and her also cool, but significantly less so mentor.) Her narrowed expression quickly flattens into something more neutral upon spotting the little guy at the border. Her instinctual reaction on any patrol is to look untouchable, like... don't mess with me. Especially Skyclan, since they were...ya-know... But then her Auntie decided to have kits with the ultra supreme ya know, so... Ugh, awkward.

And this ya know is asking SO many questions right now. "You're nosy, kit!" she says, not in a mean way or anything, it's just true! (And maybe something they had in common). And they're so small, imagine being as small as that! Ha! Could NOT be her. "Best deputy you'll ever see! Huh... huh! Wait– we should be friends too then? But you're so little, I dunno if you could keep up... she says, sighing with an exaggerated breath. 'Was like everyone felt the need to baby Wolfpaw all the time, so she always forgot she was like...older now! She's so old– oh god, she's entertaining kits like elders do... She's past her prime...
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He didn't exactly have an opinion about the lacksadaisy way SkyClan and ThunderClan interacted, if you asked him it was real foolish to go knocking up another clan cat when you were leader; what happened if one of those forest fools cut open a SkyClanner like that WindClan leader had? Then where was your happy family? It was another reason he detested this whole borders thing, who even made that up? StarClan? It was before he was born otherwise he'd have had words with the lot of them for this stupid clan idea. Snowpaw just wanted to explore, to see the world, but it sure was hard when the world was now divided into neat little slices and he wasn't allowed in some. Stupid.
"And you're loud!" The comment was not meanspirited but his was, even if he knew some cats just had a habit of being blatantly obvious he was still going to set himself on edge with prickling fur at any remark sent his siblings way because he didn't want it to be a normal thing. It was bad enough he felt his patience slipping at times with how often other cats felt they had to make some kind of jab at his easily excitable and forward sister. Figpaw was a bit of a pain at times with her rambling, but she never meant much by it; he didn't talk much so she must've inherited his.
"If you're here to scare our prey away, good job..." Not that he was getting much hunting done in the rain and he'd wandered away from @~Deersong~ at some point to go chasing after a mouse only to lose it in the slosh of mud and torrential drizzling.

The patrol is going smoothly enough, the warriors marking the borders diligently, before a chirpy Hi! sounds from above. Howling Wind pauses and looks up, eyes squinting against the rain. Up above, she sees young cat clinging to a tree branch, peering down at them excitedly. She asks for Little Wolf, and the tabby smiles before calling back, "She's in the nursery with her kits, I'll tell her hello! Who's the greeting coming from?" She can't recall the little one's name....

Wolfpaw makes quick work of greeting the other she-cat and even attempts to befriend her herself. Well, sort of. Befriending her in her very own Wolfpaw-sort-of-way. She casts an amused look towards her granddaughter before peering towards a new arrival, another youngster. Where were the SkyClan warriors? Surely not too far behind - she can't imagine they'd let such young apprentices wander all the way to the border in this storm by themselves. Her brow raises at the tone of the tom, unimpressed. She isn't one to pick fights, though, especially towards a child. "We will let you continue your hunt," She comments in a neutral tone, gaze flicking to her patrol.

𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

Howling Wind was correct, Deersong and her patrol were not ones to leave their apprentices unwatched, and watching she was up in the branches of the pine tree that grew over the very group of cats who were now speaking. Her apprentice had wandered, and being the more off-pawed mentor that she was, instead of calling him back she had scaled the nearest tree and watched over him from above.

Her half-lidded aqua gaze would glitter with amusement as Figpaw chirped up in her chipper way and she would wave her tail as her apprentice stepped forward next, though his words were less than friendly. That would pull a purr of amusement from her throat, but she supposed that was enough of observing, and with surprising grace and silence, the lead warrior would drop down from the tree, not far away from the apprentices and patrols.

"Good to see you, Howling Wind." Her coo was warm and friendly as she came to stand beside her apprentice, tail touching his shoulder and she shot him a look that would let him know well enough that she had heard his words, "I am happy to hear that Little Wolf is doing well. Those kits of hers are just the cutest things."
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About fucking time he got brought out on a patrol! Wildpaw made sure to stick close to Leopardprowl, more so because he knew he was being watched closely, but also with the intentions of 'accidentally' stepping on her tail every so often in order to maximise his ability to be a pest. However he put his desire to be an irritation on the backburner when the first of the SkyClanners appeared. He straightened up and studied them with a sense of curiosity. So this was the friendly neighbourly clan? Wow.​
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There is a gray and white cat, an apprentice, Figpaw guesses with ease based on voice and stature. Though this feline was much older than her... maybe double her age? Older apprentices always seemed to think they were all this and that, she wonders if this ThunderClanner was the same. "Who you calling kit?! I'm an adolescent." She corrects, sure maybe just barely... but still, she was not a kitten. She'd be having no one call her such without stern correcting!

It's obvious though she didn't take terrible offense to it, as she bounces away from the topic with ease. "Best deputy? I dunno... I think my mom is pretty good." Reluctantly the girl murmurs from her perch, "We could be friends if you wanna be- HEY! I could keep up! I could keep up with anyone!" Sheesh!

Snowpaw wasn't as excitable as she was, in fact he was quite upset about all the noise. Luckily Figpaw hadn't been interrupted from a hunting session, or perhaps she'd be similarly irritated. When asked her name by the brown tabby on the other side of the border she replies, "Figpaw."


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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'And you're loud,' some pipsqueak says, unwarranted. How old even was he? One? Two? He couldn't have started his apprenticeship more than like, a few sunrises ago, he was lucky he even had the chance to meet them! "Psh! Like I haven't heard that before! Get some original material!" Wolfpaw says, rolling her eyes. Any comments about her volume easily rolled off her back, (unless it was family, but like...) "Maybe I am tryin! You don't know me! They'll be plenty more soggy mice later, since it's your favooorite, I guess!" she huffs. The other kid is way cooler. "Okay then, Figpaw, next time I see you, we'll be racin'!" she declares. Maybe she even could right now... if they weren't in the middle of somethin' an Howling Wind wasn't right there to see her goofy off!

She glances to a new arrival, a cream lady who apparently knew Howling Wind? With a suspicious glance at her grandmother, she turns to the warrior, lifting her nose. They were basically almost on the same level. "Of course they're cute! Buncha' cuties, unlike Wildpaw!" She was basically a warrior, but still she had to abuse her friendly-apprentice-bullying pass while she still could!! The guy was being eerily normal for a second, so like, that has to change ASAP.
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