border take a bow and wave \\ joiners


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
They arrived at the southernmost border of the forest clan just before dawn, settling close enough that the reek of the border markings seemed to permeate around them but far enough that they would not be seen as a direct threat. Kite's been surveying and knew that if they remained calm, it would be likely that whichever patrol they meet would call for someone to approve their request to join Skyclan. They has come, after much mental back-and-forth. Kite is settled lightly besides their Wolf, their shoulders pressed together in a way only Kite would allow with their siblings. "They'll arrive soon enough," Kite breathes softly, their voice faltering a little as they think of their siblings they've left behind, but frankly it may only be Shrike they'll miss...

They shift, straightening their posture as they see a flitter of movement between pine trees. With a moment of reconsideration, Kite rolls her shoulders forward, haunching slightly so they may seem less threatening. Kite desires this to go smoothly and does not want to come off as threatening. When the first clan cat emerges across the border, Kite calls out, "I'm Kite! This is Wolf." Kite stands and steps forth a pawstep. "We'd like to join." Kite grits her teeth, trying to bite down nerves. They knows Skyclan treats nonaggressive strangers well, and with dignity, they've heard of the these forests cats being different than the other clan cats but cannot help but be on edge with the amount of eyes directed upon themselves. "We are willing to do whatever is asked of us, we are capable." As Kite speaks they casts a forlorn glance over a muscular shoulder towards the Twolegplace, towards her only home she's ever known-- the filthy, dingy streets that only a capable feline could persist in-- before turning their impassive face back towards the Skyclanners.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Rogues plague the borders, attacking, killing, kidnapping, now with Silversmoke missing his tolerance had since dwindled for strangers. That didn’t mean he would attack or chase them off without words, however, especially when they were respectful of borders.

From the canopy, the black and white urchin pelted cat descends the brittle pine bark jungle with practiced ease. Thudding the ground and flexing his toes, he had deviated from the hunting patrol, alerted by the smell of strangers. He prowls across the ground with a slow stalking rhythm, pausing only to spy through the thin ferns and emerge with a low growl of warning. His teeth flash briefly with a flex of his lip but relax back into place with a pensive scowl where he flits his metallic eyes between the two and considers them. Visually, one could deduce they were no housecats. Hardship wasn’t a quiet thing, their muscles were tuned by it. A music he knew well, having lived by it himself. A former street cat knew what a street cat looked like.

" you two wait, expectantly " he murmurs pointedly, steely sights settling over the black tabby who introduces themself as Kite. Pensive, wondering, flitting to the other one- wolf they are named. " Kite and wolf " he repeats, voice devoid of accusation nor warmth of welcome. Neither callous nor friendly, certainly curious and willing to listen. Entertaining the words with a flick of tattered ears. He licks over the back of his teeth, eyes narrowing as they speak their desire to join. " hm. Right "

" Two strays named after predators arrive on Skyclan border, wishing to join… claim to be willing to do anything as asked…. assuming I’m someone with reasonable suspicions… my first question would be…" his hackles dance, swishing black thorns but his claws stay sheathed. His hocks bow as he sits, coiled and ready to spring but stilled. White tipped tail flicking, disturbing the nettles beneath. " why? " he flips a paw, indicating for Kite to speak. Thistleback was a patient man, vicious and not forthcoming with trust, but patient and willing to hear it nonetheless.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningsun and Scorpionpaw
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


It doesn't take long until Emberpaw is on the scene as well, a fiery gaze burning onto the two strange rogues. Her sharp gaze focuses on the once named as 'Kite' before glancing at the other one named, 'Wolf'. Emberpaw wasn't the one for inquiring more than needed, her demeanor often domineering with her presence. There's no emotion shown on her face that describes what she's feeling or the thoughts that wish to be asked. They were rogues and they've lost enough clan mates by rogues. Perhaps living as a rogue was easier compared to a clan ━ there were no rules to abide by and only yourself to fend for. What would they ever know about the hardships that came growing into a warrior?

She, herself, was once of rogue origin until she found Skyclan as a starving child. There's automatically hostile behavior towards those of rogue blood or history, often finding no remorse in the deeds they've done. It didn't help when Rogues attacked when she was yet a young apprentice, her fellow peers afraid and uncomfortable about her because of being a rogue. Her flaming gaze shifts towards Thistleback and observes his body language, noting he was still alert (much like herself) after the recent rogue attacks. A tufted tail flicks slightly, her posture neutral, yet muscles bunches under her cinnamon and silvered ready for any a fight if they dared seek.
Kite regards the piebald tom evenly, their head tilting in curiosity as they notice the purple collar adorning their white neck. They only think that they must eventually tell the tom the color compliments him nicely, if Kite were ever granted access to the clan. She raises her brow in the way that she had been indicated to speak, but only shrugs and steps back again, settling besides Wolf. This was a fair questions to ask, that she would ask too had she been them. Also a fair observation about their name, Kite knew how they could be perceived. "There's safety in numbers," Kite muses softly, her dim eyes lingering upon the felines ahead of them. "It's a harsher lifestyle, behind us, where we came from. It's gotten worse in recent moons."

Kite shifts her gaze to the nettles beneath her petite paws and clears her throat before continuing, "We're seeking refuge, so to say... I know it may not be an easy life within your clan but we cannot continue on our own in those alleys, I'm sure of it. We adapt... that's why we are here, it's what we're good at... And we are here now, hoping for a better chance than what we were handed as kits. " Kite finishes her spiel and exhales an airy sigh, realizing that she was a lot more stressed than she had originally let on to herself.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed

There was a small group of daylight warriors who left early, due to family in SkyClan or important work needing to be done in the morning, new mentors excited to see their apprentices. Once a week she tried to push herself to be part of those who got up early to visit the camp before the rest of the daylight warriors. Walking with that small group towards the camp she finds herself stopping near the border at the sight of two cats sitting by it, Thistleback and Emberpaw on the other side. Florabreeze didn’t hear what the start of the conversation was but she was able to hear Kite’s further explanation as to why she and Wolf wanted to join.

Refuge, there had been cats who sought it in SkyClan before. She was sure they wouldn’t be the last. There was to be a necessary skepticism exercised here with the recent murders but in the maine coon’s opinion it seemed so unlike SkyClan to turn away those who sought sanctuary. At least those who were being mild mannered and respectful, which they seemed to be right now. Feeling too awkward to brush past them to sit on the clan side of the border she decides to stand next to Kite. Offering a friendly smile in greeting. “SkyClan can be dangerous, it’s important to know that before trying to join. Would you both be willing to potentially die for the clan?” It was a little sombre to bring up but this should be a sobering reality just in case there was any reservations.

“I’m Florabreeze by the way, happy to meet you both” she tacts on as she sits on her haunches. Unsure if either Thistleback or Emberpaw had introduced themselves yet, they didn’t look friendly right now but not hostile. She figured it would be a good point to be the friendly face here as she was friendly to a fault and wanted to presume the best, hating to potentially give hopeful new joiners a negative outlook on the clan. No matter where they came from, though it was a little bit of bad timing for them to try and come over now.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Frankly, it was a miracle that Blazestar had allowed Slate into SkyClan all those seasons ago. Having a sibling in the group was certainly his only saving grace, because he was otherwise a scarred and rugged street cat with a sharp tongue and an even sharper bite. From what he had heard, SkyClan had been grappling with rogues prior to his arrival; in hindsight, Blazestar would have had every right to chase him off. Slate certainly would have, had he been in the leader's position. Now, Slate understands that keeping his clan safe is crucial. They have yet to discover any traitors within their ranks but the lead warrior was still hesitant to allow just any outsider who came off the street into their camp at such a vulnerable time.

Thistleback seems to possess the same reservations as Slate does; the hulking Maine Coon observes quietly for now, staring down the strangers with seemingly perpetually furrowed brows. He nearly scoffs when the dark tabby before them states their intention to "seek refuge" within SkyClan, citing that the forest would provide a fuller life than the streets would. It was not as if they were wrong; Slate knew this well, as he wished to never return to that rubbish-filled, mutt-infested hellhole. "Let me be perfectly clear — this is not a refuge." Contrary to what other clans may say about SkyClan to their faces and behind their backs. They would be working for their nests and their meals; nothing would be handed to them. "And SkyClan only takes chances on cats who can prove themselves worthy of our time." The gruff male enunciates to the strangers, holding his blocky head high as he addressed them.

Reiterating Florabreeze's disclaimer in an icier fashion, Slate continues with his spiel, "You would hunt for us, defend our borders, and spill blood for us. You would spill your own blood for us if need be. That is not an option." This life was not suited for those whose loyalties were rickety and fickle at best. Slate knew this, after moons of doubting his loyalties and his place in the clan. Blazestar certainly had more patience and faith in him than he would allow as a leader.

Turning his sharp gaze now to his clanmates, Slate twitched the tip of his tail and sighed impatiently, "We must take this seriously." He casts a suspicious glance at Kite and Wolf. They hailed from the Twolegplace, which meant that there was a possibility that they were rogues themselves... or perhaps had ties to the rogues behind the recent killings. They did not smell like twolegs, which caused Slate to rule out the idea of them being kittypets. "We shouldn't trust outsiders so easily. SkyClan is being targeted already as it is." As much as Slate would gladly turn this pair away without another word, he knows that his say ultimately did not matter. It would be up to Orangestar to take a chance on these two outsiders, if she would have them.

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    a lead warrior of skyclan, slate is forty moons and is mentoring coffeepaw. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
Kite isn't the kind to be caught unawares, but she hadn't expected to be approached from behind by one of the forest cats. All her attention is focused forward, over the border at the patrol she must now grovel to in hopes she may be accepted. She doesn't even hear the pawsteps of a maine coon's arrival and she whips her head to the side as they pause besides her, lingering. The small statured cat careens her neck upwards to glance into shockingly bright eyes, accentuated further by white splotches. Kite takes several moments to reply to this she-cat and her sombre question, but not from hesitation to promise to bleed for this clan. No, she's more than willing to do this. But it's due to the fact she's caught of guard to have turned her heard, cast her shifty eyes upon a stranger and to be met with such a warm smile, unabashedly swelling with friendliness. "I promise, I'd be willing to die, as I'd die in a more dignified way than I'd ever out..." Kite trails off, surprised by the stranger deciding to sit with her now. "Florabreeze, ok. Kite."

Now, a dark and scarred tom steps forward from the ranks, adding onto Florabreeze's sentiments. "We'll prove ourselves, we're willing to do anything it takes... If you'll have us. We're honorable... sure, you have no reason to trust us now but all we're asking for is a chance..."

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed