take a chance - scorchpaw

It was early noon, and the moor runner apprentice was curled up in his nest, refusing to budge from its warm embrace against the frigid air. With his mentor ill and tensions high, Redpaw had no intention of making himself visible. He had managed to stay secluded since the long trek home, unwilling to break from his sudden introverted behaviors, except, of course, during the return of his clanmates. That day had been a wonderful one worth breaking the chain.

However, with Venomstrike's yellowcough, Sootstar's disapproval, Bluepaw's upturned snoot, and Fogbound's snide glares around every corner, it left the paw' feeling on edge. Thankfully, Rumblepaw had been working hard to cheer him up or at least be by the Somali-mix's side. I'll have to thank him somehow. A small smile gently lifted then fell from his peach muzzle.

Being labeled a kittypet since infancy had been hard, but taking on the moor runner's path seemed even more harrowing. Battles and conflicts were at every corner, gaping maws and starving clans all rolled into one giant ball of stress for the tiny apprentice. Will it ever get better? Sighing softly into his pelt, the ruddy feline tried their best not to linger on it any longer.

Despite some of his grievances being present-day problems, even the more oblivious youth had taken notice of the impressive rift between his clanmates. We're finally home, and the journeying cats have returned. Why does everything still feel so... wrong? Green eyes flickered across the ground, searching for answers on its barren surface. Approaching paws steps disrupted his thoughts. Causing Redpaw to glance at the incoming clanmate with curiosity.

// Apologies for the lateness but here's the promised @SCORCHPAW and Red thread ❤️