Take a leap into the dusk // Intro

Bored, is all Scorchedpaw can think as he sits in the makeshift camp under the Thunderpath. Things were hectic in the clan right now, that much is sure, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. Is this what RiverClan felt like, he wonders, when they had to evacuate? He wasn't alive when ShadowClan had to escape the fire that created the Burnt Sycamore, so he's not as affected as some of his clanmates are. Even so...having to wait isn't his strong suit. If bears weren't so scary, maybe he'd even fight one himself! He'd rather not die, though.

The male tortie groans, and it isn't hard to hear his vocalized plight. He doesn't really care, however; he isn't tasked to do anything right now, so why bother doing actual apprentice stuff? That doesn't leave him with much he could do, he knows. Maybe there's another apprentice who is also looking for something interesting to keep them busy? He'd even take a warrior, if it meant he could try and ignore this suffocating place.
"How much longer do we have to be here..." He sighs towards no one in particular. At least, he thought so.

// OOC : Anyone can reply! Excited to finally join ShadowClan <3
A little bit longer. Just until we can take care of the bears. The answer is at the tip of her tongue, but Needledrift can't find the energy to press on her jaw to make the words even palpable. Needledrift also wishes, somewhere deep in her heart, that they could just return home and not have to deal with the constant rumble of travelling monsters above their heads at all times. She daydreams about going back, and then she remembers how fearsome the bears were, how destructive, and she resolves herself to be content with the discomfort of the tunnels rather than the discomfort of death.

She blinks at Scorchedpaw now, green eyes dull from the gloom of the tunnel. A little brrrrmp? escapes her, an invitation to talk, an invitation for her to listen and reply as best she can if the apprentice so wishes it.
i will never leave your room, tell everything that bothers you

Loki wants to help, truly. He still doesn't know what a bear looks like or how to fight one off, or whether it's even possible to fight something that was barely a concept in his mind and a towering nightmare in others'. The apprentice seemingly melts out of the darkened tunnel walls, a mere shadow stretched against them before green eyes gleam in the pair's direction, and slinks towards them. "I guess until the bears leave," he quietly answers, unknowingly voicing Needledrift's thoughts. He's still somewhat discomfited with including himself in the apprentice's definition of "we". Sleek haunches lower into a sit, and he wraps rat-like tail around shadow-bound paws. His gaze idly wanders down the tom's patched pelt. We're about the same age, he guesses, which brings a little comfort in the form of meeting someone who could be a peer. It'd all been youngsters (three or four moons younger, but still) and adults greeting him until now. "I'm Loki, by the way. I'm kinda new here." He blinks away, fishing for something to say, and ends up with, "It's better than being out there, huh?"
He's happy that Needledrift is inclined to listen to his woes, and that Loki is conversing with him now. He almost feels ashamed about asking when the answer is obvious, but at least it's a shared sentimentality. It is definitely better than the chance of getting mauled, but that still doesn't make him feel any better. He thinks best to not say that out loud, though, and reply to the greeting instead. "Nice to formally meet you, Loki. I'm Scorchedpaw, but Scorch works fine too." He doesn't want the black cat to feel alone in not having a full clan name, whatever the reason. Plus, he does like being called Scorch, anyways.
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❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut hates not being able to roam the camp and territory freely like he was used to. He hates being forced to hide away, knowing that danger awaited the clan outside of the tunnel. Hopefully they would be able to come to a conclusion about what to do about the bears soon; Roosterstrut isn't sure if he'd ever be happy living in this makeshift camp.

The red tabby certainly isn't the only ShadowClanner feeling miserable. The warrior had been lying on his stomach, only to look up when Scorchedpaw expressed his frustrations. "Yeah, sure is boring down here isn't it?" Roosterstrut sighs in agreement. He eyed one of the clan's newest additions, Loki; he tries not to stare for too long, but... part of him can't believe that Ferndance birthed a kit in secret. Was it really true like the lead warrior had claimed? Roosterstrut hasn't gotten the chance to converse with the older she-cat in private yet, but he's tempted to inquire. Would she tell him the truth?

Anyway, Roosterstrut gave a swish of his fluffy tail before proposing, "We could play a game if you want." Games weren't just for kits, especially since the clan didn't have much else to do other than hunker down in this tunnel and play the waiting game until the bears left on their own or were somehow lured away.
Scorchedpaw's expression lightens up a bit at the mention of play. It's been awhile since he truly played, since it's usually reserved for kits. But it's true, it doesn't have to be a kit only exercise. Not like there really is much to do, anyways. He eagerly nods in agreement. "Sounds good to me. You're right, it is boring down here. So let's all change that!" He exclaims a little loud, and lowers his head in embarrassment. It's quickly replaced with a smile as he imagines what they could possibly play. "Any ideas as to which games to play? It is kinda limited..."

Loki inclines his head in return, unsure of what to say after his introduction. Scorchedpaw had just been talking to himself, hadn't he? And Needledrift probably finds it hard to speak, which is why she doesn't speak at all—oh, he's so stupid, it's pretty obvious she doesn't speak because of her jaw. He's conscious not to glance over at her too many times, fearing that she'll feel self-conscious about it like the way he feels self-conscious about others openly staring at his face. Thankfully another cat joins them, this one he's heard as being called Roosterstrut, and Loki smiles at him as well. Once again, he can feel pale green eyes roving over him in more than just friendly observation, and he's not sure it's made any more bearable by the way he tries not to do it for too long. The Oriental supposes it's just the price he pays for shelter and company, not the makings of paradise but not a hellscape.

Bat-like ears nearly flop over in the tilt of Loki's head. A game? The only games he'd known were the games his twolegs played with him. ShadowClan territory is markedly bereft of the tools they use to play though; he sees hints of his feather-toys in the spindly pine branches, but no string nor feathers. Even if they were in his reach, he wouldn't know how to tie them all together. "What games do you usually play?" he ventures, hotly aware the question makes him all the more an outsider. It's not like they don't already know that, he tries to soothe himself. "I dunno if there's anything to toss around here...?" Like a wad of paper or a nice crinkly ball, but those seem so out-of-place in the matte and murk of these pines that suggesting them would give him away almost immediately.