TAKE A MOMENT AND FIND YOURSELF (patrol assignments)

The sky is completely covered, a shadow cast over the forest as rain falls. By the looks of it, the rain will last all day. Howling Wind had waited in the warrior's den for as long as she could, but patrols had to be sent out. It looks like we'll be working in the rain and mud, today. The deputy strides out, immediately blinking harshly against the droplets hitting her face. She fluffs out her pelt in an attempt to keep the moisture off of her body, but she knows soon enough it will seep through. Such is the life of a warrior, working to protect their clan through rain and shine, hot and cold. "Gather quickly for the day's patrols!" She calls out over the sound of the rain, squinted eyes peering through the drizzle for her clanmates.

"For dawn patrols...I will take Meadowflame and Leopardprowl along SkyClan and RiverClan. Go ahead and get your apprentices ready." She nods to the two, letting them know she'll find them after she finishes with the rest of the patrols.

"Finchcatcher, you ready to lead your first patrol? You can take Duskmask, and Graystorm on the dawn patrol to WindClan, ShadowClan, and the eastern border." She looks to the tom knowingly. "Keep an eye out for her and mark the borders well." She won't have Cinderfrost anywhere near their territory if she can help it.

"Emberstar, you said you wanted to take a patrol out today? Will you take the dusk patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan? I'll give you Hollow Tree and Whiskercloud."

"Flycatcher, you take Kindleheart and Rabbitnose on the dusk patrol this evening to WindClan, ShadowClan and the eastern border."

"Berryheart, Cobwebtail is yours for the day to help you with collecting the herbs you need."

"Trufflepelt, Leafshade, you two put together your own hunting patrols for the day. Take care not to over-hunt - the rain will make any prey in the pile go bad, so any catches are to be brought to those eating them immediately."

"Flamewhisker, since the apprentices' chores are being taken care of this week by some warriors, will you fill their free time up with a group lesson today? We'll take advantage of that free time!"

She dismisses the patrols with a nod of her head, and immediately begins to search for her apprentice.

// Reminder that these characters are pulled from the census! Please add your active characters to the census if they are not on there already or they will not be placed on patrols during these assignments!

Dawn patrol on SkyClan board - @HOWLING WIND @meadowflame @leopardprowl
Dawn patrol on WindClan board - @FINCHCATCHER @duskmask @GRAYSTORM (optional extra thread along eastern border if you guys want)
Dusk patrol on RiverClan board - @emberstar @Hollow Tree @WHISKERCLOUD
Dusk patrol on ShadowClan board - @Flycatcher @KINDLEHEART @Rabbitnose (optional extra thread along eastern border if you guys want)
Hunting patrol threads - @TRUFFLEPELT and @Leafshade
Lesson with apprentices - @Flamewhisker
( ) As it neared the time when the sun was supposed to rise, Flame continued to lay in her nest, her fluffy tail curled over her nose. "Gather quickly for the day's patrols!" She heard rustling around her, and she would lift a heavy eyelid to see the warrior's den nearly empty. What time is it?! Flamewhisker jumped up, quickly fluffing out her pelt before hurrying out of the den. Immediately her pelt was smashed down with rain, but she was too embarrassed to care. She had almost slept through the patrol assignments. Mouse brain! You're such a mouse brain! As she listened to the patrols, her heart dropped momentarily. Was she not chosen for anything because she had overslept? Before she could ask, the deputy spoke her name. A lesson with all the apprentices? Oh my! Her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly blinked it away and nodded in acknowledgment. "Will do. I'll have them all hunting so well the prey in the forest won't stand a chance."
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At the sound of Howling Wind's voice, Flycatcher is quick to rush over. He slows briefly upon realising it's raining, but ignores it for the time being to hear what the deputy has to say. Admittedly, he can't help but pull a grimace at being asked to lead the patrol to ShadowClan. Since the last patrol there they had been graced with an angry ShadowClan patrol which resulted in the exile of Cinderfrost. He'll be going with Kindleheart and Rabbitnose and trusts that the two cats will be on their best behaviour, but his worry is for his apprentice and he hopes to StarClan if they encountered any ShadowClan cats wouldn't instigate something. "Will do, Howling Wind," Flycatcher finally nods. "We'll be on our best behaviour."
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"Finchcatcher, you ready to lead your first patrol?"

Surprise fills the warrior as he looks up at Howling Wind. A patrol? Led by him? Was... Was she sure?

Despite his uncertainty, Finchcatcher can't help the sense of pride that settles within him. His first time leading a patrol. He truly was beginning to settle within the clan, wasn't he? The red-furred tom listens to her instructions. WindClan. A dawn patrol. A bit early, but he would manage. However excited he is becomes diminished by the deputy's knowing look, her warning that follows: "Keep an eye out for her."

Because, if it was anyone who'd need to watch his step in the wake of Cinderfrost's exile, it was him. He'd almost forgotten.

Still, Finchcatcher nods his head. "Of course, Howling Wind."
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Where the warrior originated, territorial markings weren't maintained. Survival of the fittest dictated their way of life, making borders nearly obsolete. They were more of a suggestion. However, some cats in ThunderCan appeared to view their maintained markers as an open invitation for fellow cats. For example, the she-cat who struck at her apprentice. To say it had been concerning behavior from their leader would be putting it lightly. Leafbare was fast approaching. In the mountains, that meant bloodbaths would flood the snowy lands.

"Behave." she warned @WILDPAW. An apprentice was a reflection of their mentor. If Wildpaw caused trouble then she would be expected to suffer the consequences. "Or you'll never be on tick duty until the day you die."


Wildpaw flinched away from Leopardprowl with a scowl, not appreciating the warning or threat of punishment. "Tch! Whatever." He huffed grumpily as he snapped his ears back sharply in frustration. Though deep down he knew he needed to improve himself, both in attitude and skills. With time he would hopefully improve, but he needed to work at it.​