take a shot and fall short || spring

  • Evening sheds her golden fur over the marsh; a rye-bright light stretching shadows long. The tune crickets wail is a familiar song that Betonyfrost has yet to grow tired of. Blackthorns sprout green clustered berries that will be blue-black later in the season. It is a time of inbetweens; inbetween the death of day and the birth of night, inbetween the gentle decay of Greenleaf and the slow unfurling of Leaf-fall.

    And then there is Betonyfrost, caught in the inbetween.

    She knows how she feels, but not how she is supposed to feel, much less where she is supposed to go from here. Betonyfrost thinks that she can live the rest of her life content on watching, that the mere sight of her beloved will keep her heart full for even the slimmest of moons. Other times Betonyfrost thinks she is starving, she thinks if only Chilledgaze would look her way and if Betonyfrost was allowed to, if Chilledgaze would let her, she might lay her head on their shoulder--

    No one had told her that the other side of love is loneliness.

    Betonyfrost is reminded of mud that appears solid enough to walk on, and then one finds themself sunk belly deep and struggling to wade. She thinks of heavy steps and the hope of being rescued, and then she thinks her heart is something like this: a gentle trap waiting.

    Seeking out Springflame feels like the bravest thing Betonyfrost has ever done. Now, walking in the dying embers of day in a place untouched by fire, Springflame at her flank, Betonyfrost doesn't know how to start. She walks silent over mud that grips her pads without trying to swallow her whole and listens to crickets whine.

    Move your mouth, Betonyfrost thinks.

    Move your mouth, Betonyfrost thinks.

    Move your mouth, you idiot! Betonyfrost thinks.

    "Spring? Springflame?" Betonyfrost says. He must know she is nervous, a twitchy bird waiting to fly. The words that follow are rock-scrape rough and secret-quiet, "What are you supposed to do, if you are in love?"

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