TAKE FLIGHT || prompt, hunting


Lichenpaw hasn't been catching much prey lately. He's been distracted, from the battle at Sunningrocks and his own argument with his mentor. Unable to focus. His tail droops as he wanders the forest, eyes flitting around for any sign of prey even if he knows he wont' react fast enough to catch it. It's not a sight, but a sound that catches his ears, however. A frenzied chirping, the distressed warbling of a songbird cutting through the quiet forest. He first wants to run, but he catches himself. Stealthy, that's how he's supposed to do it.

Lichenpaw creeps through the underbrush until he finds the source of the sound: a robin, broken-winged and struggling to fly despite it, thrashing on the forest floor. He can't quite tell what's happened to it; there's no blood, a clean break. Lichenpaw finds himself drawing closer if only to observe. It won't live long, like this, a bird unable to fly. And it's cries will certainly draw predators, himself only the first. Still though, he finds himself a bit fascinated. It doesn't quiet itself when it sees him, merely cries more frantically, as though wishing to make itself known, make itself seem louder in the final moments before it's death. And it will certainly die, now. Does it know?

He doesn't give himself time to wonder, moving in fast with a strike to its throat.

It quiets then, and Lichenpaw picks it up. He puts the question out of mind. It's probably better off this way, he thinks, a swift death from a more honorable sort rather than any further mangling. Perhaps he should appreciate this encounter -- it's not often his prey waits for him -- but the whole thing leaves a strange taste in his mouth, beyond the robin-blood that now seeps into it. Food is food though, and he could certainly use an easy catch right now. He makes his way back towards the patrol, not wanting to linger lest some other predator comes prowling.


  • // Prompt: A downed robin

    obligatory mentor tag @Sunnyday but no need to wait​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
Dewfang had just picked up the broken body of a squirrel, bringing it back to the hunting patrol. He had not caught a squirrel in weeks and he was proud of the catch. It might very well be able to feed all of Wrenflutter's kits. Ears angled toward the sound of a bird in distress, he waited out his turn, seeing Lichenpaw go after the source.

The senior warrior smiles when the apprentice returns, looking approvingly at Sunnyday—the young cat's mentor. "Did it give you much of a fight, Lichenpaw?" Dewfang purred. The robin did not look very mangled at all. He wondered what had been the cause for its pain.


The golden tom wasn't having much luck that day when it came to the hunt, and he hadn't a single thing to show for it beyond further wrinkles of frustration. Unfortunately he just couldn't get himself settled into a steady rhythm or clear mindset, not when his mind was buzzing with far too many thoughts. His fight with Lichenpaw, the recent spike in chatter about Cinderfrost, Sunningrocks, his continuing decline in relations with Howlingstar, and more. He wasn't in a good place, that much was for sure, and it was all of his own making.

The tom nearly misses the fact that Lichenpaw had returned to them with a catch in tow. Dewfang is swift to address the youth but there's an obvious delay in Sunnyday's own reaction and he ends up gawking at Lichenpaw with a lost expression. "Huh? Uh-... oh, good catch, lad." It's about all he manages to muster up and it certainly lacked any of his usual pep.


Returning back to the rest of the patrol, Lichenpaw holds the robin loosely in his jaws. Dewfang offers him a smile, looks over to -- Sunnyday. Their mentor looks listless, distracted, and of course preyless. That's just rich, isn't it, with how he'd urged Lichenpaw to focus on hunting if he actually wanted to help his Clan. Whatever.

Dewfang is quick to ask about his catch and Lichenpaw gently places it on the ground to free up his mouth. It looks pristine, his kill clean and it's wing twisted yet bloodless. "Nah, didn't, uh, didn't put up much of a fight at all! It was already injured, had a broken wing and all. So just a nice, um, easy catch today," He gives Dewfang a smile, trying not to let it waver when he hears his mentor's halfhearted praise. He doesn't look at Sunnyday, merely addresses the rest of the patrol. "Should we uh, head back? Or does anyone want to keep hunting?" Now he glances over at Sunnyday, at his mentor's lack of prey, though he does not meet his eyes.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
Cloudypaw didn't know what had happened between Sunnyday and Lichenpaw, but clearly something had. They'd been like this the whole patrol. It made her anxious, feeling the tension sitting in the air unaddressed. Her hunting was not the greatest on the best of days, and worrying about these two all patrol hadn't helped any. Like Sunnyday, she had yet to catch a single thing.

Which was why she winced, just a little, when Lichenpaw asked if anyone wanted to keep hunting. Even if it hadn't been directed at her.

"Uh, yeah, good catch." Cloudypaw murmured in agreement with Sunnyday's sentiment, but left it up to the warriors of the patrol if they went back or not. The thought of holding everyone else up just because she hadn't caught anything made her feel too guilty to do otherwise.

// @Flamewhisker mentor tag​

As Lichenpaw returned to the patrol with a robin, she would smile approvingly at the young tom. She wasn't going to ask how he had caught it, but he went ahead and told them that it had a previously broken wing. Even though it was just prey, the thought of it being defenseless and left to die was something that made a frown tug at her maw. He had done the right thing, and but the creature out of its misery.

Like her apprentice, she hadn't caught anything yet either. She had came close to a mouse, but it had jumped into a small tunnel right before she landed upon it. Having been standing beside Cloudypaw, she had noticed her wince ever so slightly at Lichenpaw's question. So far three of them had empty paws, so heading back now probably wasn't the best idea...besides, she wanted to give Cloudypaw another opportunity to possibly catch something.

"I think we should stay out a little longer, but if you guys want to head back that's fine. Cloudypaw and I can check out the undergrowth over there, maybe there is something hidden in there." She would flick her tail to the left, and gently bump her apprentice's shoulder, hoping to cheer her up a bit.

Head back? The idea made shame burn through him considering he had nothing to show for the day. Though he wasn't alone when it came to the lack of prey, not that it was any form of saving grace. It was just another reminder that prey was still in short supply. Flamewhisker's suggestion was the better one in his view, so he offered a shallow nod of his head. "Lichenpaw feel free to go with Dewfang, I'm going to keep hunting." His tone was still listless and he only spared a brief glance towards his apprentice before ultimately keeping his sights lowered, clearly trying to evade making any true eye contact with anyone.
His smile morphed downward into a light frown as Sunday's distractedness began to make itself known. He had not known the other warrior to be so dismissive of his apprentice, or even this much distracted. Dewfang's ear twitched, drawing his attention to Cloudypaw and Flamewhisker. The red tabby's decision was met with a polite bow of his head.

"Right," He murmured, eyes flickering back to Sunnyday. How was it that the patrol was going this slowly, he wondered. No matter. The mink-furred warrior grasped his squirrel again, nodding over to Lichenpaw to follow him. He would soon disappear into the brush with Sunnyday's apprentice behind.