private TAKE IT EASY —— celandinepaw


mudsdale for pokemon week
Jul 23, 2024
A much-needed wad of soaking wet moss was deposited at the nest-rustled, heavy-eyed tom's paws. The beads of water glistening atop spongy green looked utterly refreshing, which motivated the ill cat to sit upright. "Thank you. 'ppreciate it." Buck drawls, his usual energy lacking some as he manages to be respectful nonetheless. As much as Buck could sport a full ego and perhaps an unserious playfulness, he exuded a country charm that was undoubtedly genuine. He paid his favor where it was due, and right now the medicine cats were standing in the way of him and death's den. This "Yellowcough" had wiped out a large population of clan cats a cycle of seasons ago, or so he'd been told. If he were to up and leave now, who knew if he'd even live to see leaf-fall?

Sore eyes roll upward toward the yellowy feline who'd provided Buck with his daily hydration — they were Wolfsong's protege, he remembers, though he can't recall having ever directly interacted with them. Getting to know WindClan's higher council would benefit him, surely. He knew Sunstar, Scorchstreak, and Wolfsong but nobody really outside of that. "D'you have a name, Spots?" The former loner meows after briefly lapping at the liquid-filled plant. "I reckon I should remember it, but my head's been pretty hazy lately." That was understandable, surely. Everyone in the Badger Sett was exhausted with this sickness having taken its toll on their bodies. Even the healers were likely worn out from seeing to patients all day and night.

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    a horseplace loner, buck is thirty moons. he is a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller-than-average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells heavily of hay and wood chips.