take it from an old man | minkpaw


Oct 24, 2022

It had been a long while since Scorchfrost'd had an apprentice. He had been so busy with the newly founded 'Shadowclan' and making sure that everyone had enough to eat that he just hadn't found the time. He had a few former apprentices kicking around, somewhere. He enjoyed having the responsibility of an apprentice, a young mind to shape and educate into being a proper Shadowclan warrior. Minkpaw was the first he'd taught since Shadowclan formed, so they'd just been marsh warriors before that. Scorchfrost wasn't sure if he was still able to wrap his head around that. He'd been one of the first cats in the marshes and things had changed so much. He could only hope they'd changed for the better.

Scorchfrost had been described as a hard mentor before, unwilling to let his apprentices give up and not do the work he expected of them, but he wasn't unreasonable. This first training session would start just outside of camp, with a tour and a discussion. He'd already told Minkpaw that he expected them to meet with him shortly, so now he waited.
oh, pitchstar is crazy crazy if he thinks minkpaw wants this old guy as his mentor. the only cat in shadowclan worth listening to is his big sibling, chilledgaze; not whoever this fuck is! so what if they already have two apprentices? give 'em to someone else!

unfortunately for scorchfrost, minkpaw has already made up his mind to not listen to anything he says before the day has even began. in fact, he pointedly ignores scorchfrost's instructions to meet with him at this very specific time. yeah, right, minkpaw had thought upon receiving said instructions. sunrise, his ass. it's a good fifteen minutes past that, when minkpaw materializes from the camp's entrance, one hind paw thumping against the ground as he stops short of the old tom. a rebellious gleam is hidden within his stare, waiting for his 'mentor' to speak first.

Scorchfrost was off to a great start with a late, obviously obstinate apprentice. Oh, starclan, the joys of adolescence. This was the first meeting, though, and he wasn't going to fault Minkpaw for being late. Scorchfrost could try and urge him to be more attentive in the future. Maybe he was just nervous.
Scorchfrost gave his new apprentice a nod and a quick look-over before he spoke." As you've been told, I'm Scorchfrost. I don't do nicknames but, if you must, you can call me Scorch or Frost. " There was some level of informality allowed from those he taught. He didn't mind it as much as he would if they were some random clanmate. It seemed to make them more comfortable, usually. " Is there anything that you have already worked on, perhaps with your brother? I would like to get an idea of your skillset and goals before we start."