take it to the top | patrol assignments

With Howling Wind still out of action, it fell to the lead warriors of the camp to pick up some of the deputy's duties. For a brief time, that had included Flamewhisker, until the discovery she was expecting kits had forced her to step back. Since then Flycatcher had largely been helping out on his own. It was difficult at times but he enjoyed the challenge and was glad to pick up the slack whilst Howling Wind recovered. It was a brisk morning as Flycatcher made his way to the centre of camp, shaking snowflakes from his pelt as he walked. He stopped a curled a tail around his paws, making small talk with a passing warrior before beginning to speak. "Good morning everyone!" His voice rang out. "I will be assigning the patrols again today whilst Howling Wind is still recovering."

"Emberstar, I would like you to lead a dawn patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border with Stagstrike and Rabbitnose. If Berryheart is amenable to the idea, invite him along too and see if you can find any herbs whilst you are out."

"Nightbird, you can lead the WindClan and ShadowClan patrol today. Take Stormchaser and Kindleheart with you."

"I will lead the patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border at dusk. Badgerstrike, Covecatcher, you'll be with me today."

"Hollow Tree I heard you wanted a dusk patrol so you can lead a patrol along the WindClan, ShadowClan, and the loner lands border. You can take Raccoonstripe and Sunfreckle with you."

"Cobwebtail, Wolfwind, I want you both to take out a hunting patrol today and see what you can find in this snow. You can choose who to bring with you."

"Finchcatcher I want you to hold a training session when you have time. I think the exercise will do us all some good to warm up in this weather!"

// please note this was supposed to go up at the weekend so this is set before camp got snowed in!

Dawn patrol on SkyClan board - @emberstar @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @Rabbitnose @BERRYHEART
Dawn patrol on ShadowClan board - @nightbird @KINDLEHEART @Stormchaser
Dusk patrol on RiverClan board - @Badgerstrike @covecatcher
Dusk patrol on WindClan board - @Hollow Tree @RACCOONSTRIPE @Sunfreckle
Hunting patrols - @COBWEBTAIL @WOLFWIND
Training session - @FINCHCATCHER
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Hollow Tree’s ears flickered as Flycatcher began the patrol assignments. Her heart aches that it isn’t Howling Wind. With her mother still recovering and Flamewhisker expecting kits, Thunderclan was down a couple of paws. Which made her want to work harder. No one could fill in their paws, but they could stand in them for the time being. Flycatcher and Emberstar were surely doing the best they could. So, she would do the same.

“Understood.” the warrior said. It would be some time before dusk. Enough time to make sure Raccoonstripe and Sunfreckle would be ready. And enough time to let Hollypaw know about the patrol. She was sure her apprentice was just getting used to apprentice life. A border patrol would be a great opportunity.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]