TAKE ME DANCING IN THE WILD \ attempting to climb


Jul 6, 2022

Still in the process of learning her way around the territory, Tantomile found herself sidetracked whenever she left ShadowClan's camp. Sights even slightly out of the ordinary tugged away her attention from whatever task she had been trying to complete before, blue eyes fastened like glue upon some new orange fascination. Fickle whims today had struck a tree- a regular old pine tree by any means, but the young molly had felt a sudden spark to challenge herself.

Most of her life has been spent upon the ground, and though she had seen some cats leap into the branches and perch there- like birds- she had never tried it herself. As with most motivation, this sudden spur was fleeting but vehement all the same, sending Tantomile racing forward toward the trunk. But that was that- the trunk. With no low-down branches to kick off and spring up tree-crafted stairs, all that happened was that outstretched front paws collided with mud-caked bark, the bright tabby rebounding backward into a sea of pine-needles and grime. The ground did not embrace her kindly- it was an almighty thump, likely heard by anyone nearby.

Back to the floor, belly to the overcast sky and fur ran through with all the swamp-sludge she could possibly wish for, a smile conquered Tantomile's sharp features.
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Climbing is not her strong suite but she manages it all the same. Or she used to before their territory was broken up into various pieces and with most of them being better odds than others. Trying to force herself to relax and see the better side of things was hard. She can't even look around to those in camp and so she just leaves out of the place, eager to do something other than waste away on worries and what ifs. Her paws pick a path through the grim and dirt as she makes her way along the territory. Pushing through bushes and foliage that is sparse she thinks to try her meager paw at catching a lizard. But the sound of a thud nearby gives her pause and she changes the direction to go and see just what that is.

Pushing forth her eyes land upon the young cat with her belly to the sky and her figure covered in muck. For a moment she just stares at her, molten hues churning with her own thoughts about what happened here. Slowly she looks away and to the tree only to connect the dots after a moment and then a snort leaves her. One of amusement as she steps over and looks down at Tantomile. "Having fun?" She questions lightly before stepping back, observing the tree once more. "I wouldn't advise trying to climb these trees. They aren't really that great for it."
Flicker doesn't climb trees. Why bother? It's one of the reasons she'd hated going to kittypet territory before the Clans had split, knowing at any time there could be a hundred pairs of eyes staring down on her from the branches, obscured by flanks of pine needles. She'd encountered Ember hiding in one, and Flicker recalled feeling vaguely nervous the entire time, as though a battalion might be hiding up there with her.

She watches with confusion as Tantomile, the young reddish newcomer, launches herself enthusiastically into the trunk of a pine tree. She uses enough force for the impact to send her flying backward into the mud, but the idiot is still smiling.

Flicker can't help it. For the first time in a moon, she laughs. She's never seen a cat so weird in her life, and against her better judgment, some of the ice melts from her heart. She pads next to Bone, flicking her ear to acknowledge the black and white she-cat before saying, "You trying to tackle the tree to the ground, frogbrain?" She leaves Bone's side and pads over to the muddied she-cat on the ground. Fiery eyes twinkle with amusement. "I think you almost got it. Next time run twice as fast. You might just be able to fly at that rate." She smirks and snakes her tail across Tantomile, making no offer to help her up. Why should she? She'd already cleaned the mud between her toes today.


Having fun- oh, it was an easy answer to give! "Yup, yup," the girl giggled, still flat on her back, neck twinging as she swivelled it to catch the sight of Bone out of the corner of her eye. And stood beside her there was another, whose magma-glow eyes glittered with the fires of humour, a teasing nickname spilling from her maw. The idea it might have been an insult did not cross Tantomile's mind. Apparently, these trees were not so much good for climbing as they were flying off the ground- though, Tantomile was unconvinced entirely of the latter fact. Cats couldn't fly, she knew that much about the world- it was only birds that could take off.

"If only I could fly... imagine it!" Climbing was about as close as they could all get to taking to the skies. For those around her that suggestion would be a temporary distraction, for an idea soon popped into her head for a bit of fun they could have. It seemed no-one enjoyed playing in the mud that blanketed ShadowClan's territory, despite the surplus of it!

Her paw was a vermillion blur as it skimmed the surface of the mud, aiming to splash Bone and Flicker with the mire. She cared not for grime... and it did not occur to her that they might.
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Briarstar had been hunting. Well, hunting as best as any heavily pregnant cat could. A loud thud from nearby drew her away from her failed endeavors as she followed the direction of the sound to find Tantomile on her back with her Clanmates circled around her. "Are you okay?" she asked, eyes widening with concern, though it was unclear if it was motherly instinct or a leader concerned for a young Clanmate. Her eyes flickered to Bonejaw. Surely her sister would be more concerned if Tantomile had hurt herself.

"Be careful. I'm afraid ShadowClanners aren't the best climbers," she said and smiled a little. Cats from SkyClan and ThunderClan would excel the best at that, given their heritage. The cats of the marshes had their own unique skillset which required them to be low to the ground. It was a little humourous and out of place to see one trying their paw at climbing.