camp TAKE ME HOME &. december 9th meeting


there was a lot to talk about this meeting, wasn't there? the exiles. the discussion. their own death. the revealing of the real nature of the deaths that had left so many of them haunted. speaks of unity and how this clan needed to take steps to be just that. a clan. and not a bunch of cats that resent each other. they could not continue this pattern. they may have been handed the clan on fire, but they couldn't keep it that way. they had the tools and the mean to put it out, and despite their apprehension to be vulnerable, they could offer some of it to their clan.

shadowclan needed to know that their leader did care. they wouldn't always show it, but everything they did meant the world to chilledstar. every step towards unity, every fight won, every piece of prey caught, every successful move learned... they loved their clan. they didn't hate cats within them. truly they deserved to know that much, even if chilledstar could not wear their heart upon their shoulder like howlingstar did. but they would not turn into sootstar. they needed to be chilledstar... whoever that was. they are still figuring it out, to be quiet honest.

even before chilledstar was chilledstar, they were still figured out who they were. at they knead at their nest, their thoughts wander, but they force themself out of head. things to do. they could focus on other things later. they push up out of their nest, walking out of their den with a slightly slowed gait. they're still in so much pain. they're not gonna be able to make it up that rock. that's alright. they weren't sure starlingheart or magpiepaw would be very happy with them pushing themself too hard.

"shadowclan! it is time for a new meeting!"

the leader waits for cats to gather, only offering a small flick of their ear at the confused faces.

"we have a lot to talk about. but first, let us do some ceremonies. we need to start with something a lot less jarring and a lot more on the brighter side of the shadow. so, basilkit, lividkit, snowkit, chervilkit, halfkit, and thornkit. please come forward."

the kits were ready to be apprentices. this was the first stop in trying to halt the inner hatred. it started with these kits. a new generation of apprentices to be better than their mentors. to love more and hate each other less.

"let me start by saying this. halfkit... i am glad you're home. i know that shadowclan has its days but you belong here, and you will grow to be a strong warrior just as your father is. as your mother was. that goes for you, too, thornkit."

they take a pause to turn their attention to basilkit, lividkit, snowkit and chervilkit.

"it's time for you, chervilkit. you've gone through a lot but it's finally time to take your rightful place in shadowclan. basilkit, lividkit, and snowkit, you're all finally old enough to join your former denmates within the apprentice den. do you all promise to be good apprentice? to listen to the teachings of your mentors, and be better than they? to be honest and loyal with yourselves and shadowclan first and foremost?"

they wait for an indication before nodding, touching their nose to each of the kits' head.

"then you will now take on your new names. lividpaw. basilpaw. snowpaw. chervilpaw. halfpaw. thornpaw. to be a paw is to learn. and perhaps you can teach us older cats to be kinder. "

they took a moment to look at the other apprentices who needed new mentors. now would be the time for that.

"lividpaw. needledrift shall be your mentor. basilpaw, spiderwing will be your mentor. snowpaw, scorchedmoon will be your mentor. chervilpaw, your mentor will be ratbite. halfpaw, your mentor will be sharpshadow. thornpaw, your mentor will be bonerattle. but that's not all who are gaining mentors, today. a few of you need new mentors... caterpillarpaw. applepaw. deerpaw. poppypaw. ptarmiganpaw. swanpaw. some circumstances have left you without a mentor. today, we will fix that so that you can continue your training to become the warriors i know that you all can be. caterpillarpaw. your new mentor will be lilacfur. poppypaw, your new mentor will... be frostbite. deerpaw, your new mentor will be roosterstrut. ptarmiganpaw. your new mentor will be maggotfur. swanpaw, your new mentor will be skunktail. and applepaw... i will be your new mentor. no matter the reason that these original pairings did not work out, it is our duty to make sure that these next ones do."

their attention turns to caterpillarpaw and applepaw. and then to swanpaw.

"i am especially sorry for the circumstances of which the both of you need new mentors. but i have little doubts that you will learn from this and grow to be better warriors than they were.

and swanpaw... i am sorry that your mentor has left us sooner than expected. but this is not the end for you. skunktail will be a good mentor to you. i'm sure of it.

they stepped forward, touching their nose to applepaw's head. they took a moment to take a breath in, twitching their ears before they looked over at wheatpaw.

"wheatpaw. please step forward. wheatpaw. you are not a cat born of shadowclan but you have become one by pure loyalty and hard work. you told me that that was not the original reason for your joining but ultimately your reason for staying. I hope to the stars that is true. your adventures away from shadowclan may be over, but they have just begun here. from this day forward, you will be known as wheattail. your agility may have helped you as a loner, but now it strengthens our ranks, and gives you your new name."

they offer a dip of their head to the new warrior before closing their eyes. they felt dizzy, and needed to sit. so, they do. sitting felt a lot less formal for a leader but they needed to do so. stars, they could sleep for moons after this.

"now. there has been a lot discussed lately. granitpelt and siltcloud officially have been exiled and ghostpaw... is missing. if granitepelt or siltcloud are caught upon our territory,"

they took a pause to look at starlingheart, flintpaw, and nettlepaw. they also gave a brief glance to applepaw, lilacfur, and caterpillarpaw. there is hurt in their heart for them, but this needed to be done.

"they are to be killed or chased off. use whatever force you deem necessary. we do not allow traitors within our ranks. granitepelt and siltcloud have left a lot of hurt behind. tornadopaw, ghostpaw, poppypaw, and pitchstar's lives were very meaningful. and i am sorry that they were taken from us because someone's ambitious nature went too far."

they clenched their jaw.

"we are shadowclan. we take a hit and we get back up. but this time is different. this time we are getting back up together. paw in paw. and we will stay this way. we all can afford each other more trust. more kindness. more love. we deserve more kindness from each other. like i said in the discussion we had... i do care for you all. and i promise, stars as my witness, to do more to show it. so long as you all do the same. you do not have to snuggle at night, but we need to know we have each other's backs, especially since other clans do not."

chilledstar looked at everyone before bowing their head.

"thank you for staying. for being loyal. for being shadowclan. leafbare will not be kind to us, but together we will survive. that is all. meeting dismissed."

they needed to take a nap, now.

// a long one ! if i missed anything, please do let me know !
// activity shout outs <3 @STARLINGHEART @FLINTPAW @smogmaw @Frostbite @Halfkit @scalejaw @Snowkit. @FORESTSHADE @lilacfur @CHERVILKIT @Magpiepaw @Swanpaw @SHARPSHADOW @ROOSTERSTRUT @NETTLEPAW @ASHENPAW @newtpaw
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Today was finally the day he had been waiting so patiently for. The day he had been prepared for. Lividkit took his place among the rest when their leader called upon them all, his always expressionless eyes fixed on the very cat who would grant the first step into his goal, his dream. Despite how dire the life in the clan currently was with so many things to address Lividkit looked forward to the ceremonies. Even better was that he did not need to wait for long. Lividkit's ears would perk up when his name got called up and without any hesitation the kit stood up to make himself past his clanmates to walk up to the front. With a polite dip of his head to the leader Lividkit was more then ready to take his place in this clan. He would not make the same mistakes the ones before him had done. Lividkit would prove over time that he was destined for greatness and show how a proper well disciplined warrior were suppose to be. He would make sure to not be anything like them.

He would give a firm nod to all the demands that were expected of him as he was about to become an apprentice. None of them he disapproved of. There was no reason to. Lividkit closed their eyes when his forehead got touched by their leader. Once he had them opened again it finally got revealed who his mentor was going to be. Needledrift. The soon-to-be apprentice's attention drifted over to them in wait for them to take their place in front of them. If they decided to lean forward to touch their nose, Lividkit would allow it. With his new rank and status in the clan Lividpaw would turn himself around to face the clan and in the crowd he was searching for them, his father. Surely he wouldn't miss this day. It was a big day for both of them. One step in the right direction to reach their goals. His father had prepared him for this from the very start and he wouldn't disappoint.

Through him his father's deepest desire would come true.

Lividpaw would leave the spotlight along with the other newly promoted apprentices to return back to disappear into the shadows of the crowd. He would seat down beside his father who whispered their praise to them over how well behaved he had been up there. I didn't expect anything less from you.Satisfied with this approval coming from his father Lividpaw followed the rest of the meeting that contunied on from the apprentice ceremonies, to older apprentices who got new mentors thanks to the traitors who had lived among them or the tragedy of death before moving on to the speech of unify. Lividpaw would listen to every word spoken in silence.


You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

The day had arrived where Snowkit became an apprentice. There was no eagerness that came from her, she had already smoothed out her own fur and was quick to hold her head high, wondering if her own parents watched from the stars above. Would they be happy? To see their own child qho they left finally become an apprentice? Yellow eyes darkened at the thought but nodded towards the words spoken from Chilledstar. Before she knew it, Snowkit was now Snowpaw, and Scorchedmoon had been made her mentor.

Her gaze drifted over towards the young warrior while she held her breath a bit, she had seen the bi-colored tom around and heard how nice he tended to be, as well as how new he was to warriorship, but if Chilledstar trusted him so, then Snowpaw will as well and she can only hope that Scorchedmoon would have faith in her as his newly appointed apprentice... yet, apprenticeship did not matter much to her, as she was finally free from the nursery and now found herself able more to escape from the younger kits who whined and begged for the other kits to play.

Snowpaw knew though, she was expected a lot now since was now an apprentice, yet this was something she was ready for. Of course, hearing her new name was odd... she still approached Scorchedmoon with determination in her yellow eyes before reaching up to touch noses with the warrior. She dare not make a whisper or promise of becoming a great warrior, yet to herself she promised she will work hard to prove her worth to not only Scorchedmoon but to Shadowclan as well.

After the apprentice ceremony was done, Snowpaw disappeared back into the crowd to listen to the rest of the meetings. Metion of Granitepelt and Siltcloud reigned heavy in the air, their crimes out left in the open, something the two had potentially held on for so long and go away with as well, eyes drifted a bit. The two also knew Shadowclan territory well, afterall they grew up here just as many others within the clan so, it wouldn't be hard for them to easily slip around without being caught... she just hope they knew better to stay away of course, the clan would for sure rip them was on sight for them, for the lives they took, and the two newly appointed apprentices that they had stolen as well.
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Urged to the front in a frenzy by her family the blonde feline sits beside her sister. Casting Halfkit a bizarre mix of fear and awe. In all the craziness that was the first few moons of her life Apprenticehood had been the last thing on the she-kit's mind. Now it was laid out right before her and she didn't know how to feel. Casting a glance at her father she feels placated. Knowing he was there made the ceremony easier to swallow. It was a bit silly when she thought about it but happiness came with it.

Her siblings were all home and accounted for and she was well on the way to becoming a Warrior. Whatever that really meant she had no idea but maybe her mom was looking down right now. Ensuring she had a bright future ahead. Absently, the newly named Thornpaw peered to the gray skies. A delicate hope placed into the air before she looked down to meet the leader's gaze. Nodding she leaned forward as his nose gently touched her. A spark of energy coursing through as he stepped away leaving the paw' invigorated.

Looking out into the crowd of gathered cats she spotted her new mentor. A feeling of unease interrupted the momentary joy as she wasn't overly familiar with the other. Yet, she couldn't find a reason to doubt her leader's choice and prayed for the best. I want to be strong. I want to be resilient. Please let me be enough. Let me show you I can do it! Closing her eyes tight and reopening them with newfound resolve. Finding Bonerattle she bravely touches noses with her mentor. Shortly stepping away as Chilledstar moves on to the next segment of the meeting.

A new cat added to the ranks was always cause for celebration but it seemed Chilledstar was already rolling it along. His tiredness evident in the way he swayed with words. A grimace etched on her stony expression and her pelt prickled with disdain. Cats like that deserve far worse. Thornpaw's ears flatten to her skull at the mention of Granitepelt and Slitcloud but the final segment was a welcome change. Blinking slowly she takes the leader's sincere desires with interest.

Their Bi-colored gaze flickering to the side with thoughtfulness as her earlier spout of anger dissipated. Alleviated for the strung out meeting to be over she turns to Bonerattle once more. Hesitant to leave in case the other wishes to speak with her.
Meetings. Though they were not something that Bonerattle loved he still made his way over as quickly as acceptable, for they were important. There was information shared within meetings that otherwise would go unknown or unsaid and so the large warrior cast eyes upon Chilledstar as he listened to what the leader had to say, what they were going to say after everything that had happened the past moon, let alone the past few days.

Silent he remained as Chilledstar spoke of apprentice ceremonies before eyes widened just slightly in response to himself getting an apprentice - that was not something he had expected, though he was grateful. Head dipped slightly in response before eyes land on the newly dubbed Thornpaw and he moved towards the child of the deputy, head moving down to touch her nose before finding his own spot once more and he listened to the rest of the meeting. It was information he knew and agreed with. They were going to need this new resolve and companionship if they were to survive this new leafbare, untrustworthy cats and feelings of worry were not going to keep them warm and fed.

When the meeting ended the young warrior found himself moving towards Thornpaw once more, "After you set up your new nest, we'll head out to see the territory." He'd speak, level-voiced and calm. When he'd become an apprentice he had been excited to pick out a nest, make it his own, and though he wasn't the same way now he understood the want to do that first thing to make sure it was right. First day of training was tiring, after all.
  • scalejaw x shadestep | sibling to shadefall
    he/they - no preference
    15 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    They speak in bolded #708f52 and think in italicized #708f52
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Basilkit felt very nervous that day as he left the nursery den to tag along after his brother to the call of a meeting. He had not been looking forward to this day wishing he could stay as a kit for just a little bit longer. He didn't feel ready for the responsibilities that come with becoming an apprentice. It was not up to him to decide that though and so when his name got called out along with his brother and the rest Basilkit could do nothing but swollow down his insecurities before following his brother up to the front of the clan. Basilkit would cast a side glance over to Lividkit while Chilledstar was talking, wondering if his brother even felt a little bit nervous right now?. Didn't seem like it and right now he wished he could be more like them...

Basilkit jumped out from his own thoughts when the leader had stopped talking and was waiting for him to give a reply. He was the only one who hadn't said anything yet. " Uh-uhm, yes!! of course I do!" He loudly call out so the whole camp could hear him. Realizing his mistep Basilkit was quick to put his own paw over his own mouth...Woops. His cheeks where now bright red of embarassment and he closed his eyes in shame when Chilledstar touched his forehead with their nose wishing he could just disappear in that moment.

He couldn't bring himself to look up from his paws when Lividpaw got his mentor not until he was next up on that list. Spiderwing?. He would glance up at his mentor as he watched them stare them down. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable but he was sure it was nothing. That bad feeling would go away he was sure. Basilkit offered a nervous smile at them before they touched nose with one another. He was sure he was going to be fine in the end. He just needed some time to get used to this new change. That was all.

His eye would drift over to his brother beside them who's attention now were across the clan. Basilpaw did not need to puzzle over who his brother's eyes were searching for. He already knew. Basilpaw would be quick to follow the others back to the crowd and he would make himself past his clanmates to accompany his brother who had found their father sitting in the crowd. He would smile slightly as he took a seat on the otherside of his father and looked up towards them in hope for their attention but all his father saw was his brother Lividpaw. Not wanting to bother the two Basilpaw looked away and tried to focus on the meeting instead. Nothing that was being said after the ceremonies were happy news. Basilpaw understood very little about the situation with Granitepelt but he tell their former lead warrior had done bad things to them all, to this clan in general all for not feeling like he had been treated right.

All of this had created a bigger rift between the clan in whole something that Chilledstar wanted to fix and repair. Basilpaw could stand behind that. He would do his best to help.

Sharpshadow has already had his moment. The moment where all of ShadowClan might turn their heads to him, if only to tell him finally. His moment had not been one of triumph, or a spectacle of something well - deserved— despite what they told him, no, he would not fall for this. They looked, because they had to. Because it's shocking when the nobody gets his name. Because who wouldn't pay attention, when the number of moons could be counted and used against him. Sharpshadow had basked despite it all, but — but he wasn't stupid.

He never expected to be mentioned again.

But all at once, he suddenly had an apprentice. A mind that wasn't his own to shape. Someone that would stand by, asking him why, or how, when she barely knew the answer herself. Her head would snap up toward the leader, surprised— if it wasn't evident by his yellow teeth and unlicked pelt. A mentor, now, and lucky her— to a kit that's gone through things he could not imagine. What made Chilledstar think this idea is anything but disasterous?

And because, who is he to speak up, Sharpshadow scrambles to his paws anyways to touch noses with his apparently - apprentice. He has no wise words to share; no... plans. No plans whatsoever, really. She just stares. What an amazing mentor, she is.

Sharpshadow steps back, stomach in knots. It isn't as if this meant something, when in the same breath, Scorchedmoon received an apprentice of his own. It's not as if it mattered.

She listens. Granitepelt is to be killed, of course, but what of any of kits that could be him. What of her, who could've been him, if she'd had anything else. paw in paw. and we will stay this way. What a joke.

( He'd like to believe in it, anyways. )

  • 6jDzawf.png

  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 17 moons old as of 11.12.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

maggotfur 13 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

She shouldn't feel this disappointed - she shouldn't, but she oes. This meeting is a long time coming - there is much to speak of, much to do. At first, silver-tinged figure is content to sit upon the sidelines, her blue eyes cold and face impassive. Halfkit's name is the first to truly draw her attention - becoming halfpaw. Becoming sharpshadows apprentice. She shouldn't be dissapointed, but she is.

It irks her at first. Of all the bumbling kittens in the nursery, the pale-tinged child has always been the most tolerable. Maggotfur had been driven half mad when she'd vanished - her chest aching when she'd learned just where the little nuisance had landed up. Granitepelt and siltcloud were lucky she'd not found them - she's certain she'd have taken more than her pound of flesh had they come past her. And now, she is given to sharpshadow - not maggies least favorite cat, but nobody notable. They'd become warriors at the same meeting, despite their age difference - so why was he getting an apprentice first?

Tail lashes, anger flicking coldly through vibrant eyes even as she remains expressionless, until more names are called out. Head jerks - the only sign of her momentary surprise. Along down the list of names, past scorchedmoon and halfpaw, she finds her own. The burning jealousy cools itself in her shock, pulling herself to her paws. She towers over the apprentice - ptarmiganpaw. It's nothing new, but she can't help but squint for a moment - had she ever been that little? She racks her mind for any semblance of knowledge of the fluffball before ehr - and comes up painfully short. they'd been apprentices together for all but a matter of days, she thinks, and now she gets to train him.

The smile that crosses her features is out of place, more of a smirk than anything, lighting up her features in a way her ever-present scowl rarely does. " Don't disappoint me, " she says, voice lilting - she's been given another chance to prove herself, and stars if she'll let the cotton-ball before her ruin that.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



Another meeting approaches, and Eeriepaw lingers in its shadows. His expectations of getting a name are low now, a prolonged delay he'd grown out of questioning up until the clan's recent disparagements, recent revelations of traitorous murderers. Dead peers never to get their names, his mentor's shadow displaced in the exile of her own mentor — if he were a warrior, if he had graduated when he was supposed to, would Caterpillarpaw not be mourning a murder-complacent Siltcloud?

The meeting is filled with ceremonies and mentor replacements. Where one apprentice graduates, their space is immediately overtaken in the apprentice den, with six kits becoming apprentices. Halfshade's second litter is among them — he'd expected to graduate long before the trio'd gained their apprentice names. And it's a sharp realization when apprentices are reassigned to new mentors, that some of his peers, those able to become warriors, are among those who are tasked to train.

The question still remains, as Caterpillarpaw gains Lilacfur as a new mentor. If things were different, would he be gaining an apprentice today?

Eeriepaw blinks as Chilledstar retreats to their den at the meeting's closing, paws shifting beneath him as he contemplates following after the leader. He'll have to have a word with them later — will have to take matters into his own paws.​
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ── Mentored by Spectermask
    ── "Speech"; Attack

He really doesn't like sitting for these meetings. They're always too long, always too boring. Screechpaw would rather be off exploring the territory, off finding something cool to bring back, but he is here, listening to his mentor as they speak to the clan. Because, as the leader's apprentice, he's meant to be present at these things. He thinks.

His focus drifts in and out — enough to make note that Halfshade's litter are apprentices now, that Halfpaw and Tanglepaw are ShadowClan apprentices, no thanks to Granitepelt.

There's a whole trove of apprentices that need new mentors, because of all that's happened, something he doesn't care much about, until he hears Applepaw's new placement. Another remnant of the aftermath in Granitepelt's exile, Chilledstar will be her new mentor, which means that Screechpaw has to share his already busy mentor. His eyes widen at the idea, at the fact that he's stuck with another in his lessons.

" Wait, what? " Screechpaw's face scrunches into a frown, as the meeting comes to an end and the tom's protests begin. " That's not fair! " Why should he have to share his mentor?​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack

As Wheatpaw stepped forwards, autumn fur puffing with newfound pride, a small huff of laughter left her as the former loner realized that this was the first meeting she was really paying attention to. Ironic, considering the circumstances. The she-cat always saw them as Chilledstar putting on a pointless show, occasionally promoting some cats to boss around more easily.

Deciding to keep those past thoughts to herself, the Somali Lookalike silently smiled as her leader praised her, eventually bowing her head with genuine respect. “I never thanked you properly for taking me in. It did not mean much to me then, but it does now.” There was more she wanted to say. A lot more. But the newly-christened warrior knew that this wasn’t a day just for her. Wheatpaw would step back into the crowd, silently congratulating the new apprentices while trying to look on the bright side. Chilledstar’s concluding remarks are mushier than Wheattail would have expected from the stick-in-the-mud, but the girl can’t help but feel hopeful for the future.​

At Chilledstar's call, Starlingheart makes her way out of the shadows of her den, though her feet feel heavy and her eyes remain on the ground in front of where she sits, tail pulled close to her body. Her whole world felt like it had come crashing down around her, but still life continued on. She wanted to be there for Halfkit, Thornkit and Laurelkit so she needed to be strong. For them, she tells herself and if any of them were to look in her direction she would offer them a gentle smile of encouragement, a nod of the head in their leaders direction. 'Pay attention, this is a big moment' she is hoping to convey that message through gestures. and when the time comes she would call their names into the sky just as loudly as the rest of the clan. happy for them and all the other kits being named today, despite the crushing weight of her own grief. She had lost not just a mate, but a daughter as well. A fact she is staunchly reminded of when Chilledstar brings it up later on.

She wants to close her ears to it, pretend it is all just a bad dream but she knows that cannot and will not happen. This was real. The cat she had loved since childhood was a murderer and a liar and either her daughter was with him or she had gone somewhere else. Stars above she hopes it is the latter but she is so unsure. All she hopes for is that Ghostpaw, wherever she was, was safe.

There are the thoughts swirling through her mind while apprentices are being reassigned. It is only when Screechpaw speaks out in protest that she begins to pay attention once more. Her whiskers twitch in slight amusement and she finds herself scanning the crowd for Forestshade, curious how the tortoiseshell warrior felt about such a statement. And then Chilledstar is moving on to a warrior ceremony. Wheatpaw is renamed Wheattail.

As soon as their leader begins to talk about Granitepelt and Ghostpaw, she would sink back into the comfort of her own den, the privacy of stone walls. The clan had already seen her weakened plenty of times already. She did not want to sit out there and be on the receiving end of pitiful glances. No, she just wanted to be alone.


It catches her by surprise, this meeting. She had known it was coming, Miststep had warned her about it in the morning, had groomed their fur and admonished how grown they were now but Halfkit didn't feel grown. She still felt entirely too small, too young. Before, she would have given anything to become an apprentice, to finally be able to train alongside Nettlepaw and Flintpaw, but now? Now all she wants to do is run back to the nursery and hide. She wants to pretend Miststep is the mother she has always wanted her to be and bury her face in her fur, to hold on to her kit-hood for just a little longer. But Miststep had never pretended to be a parent. She had always been transparent. She was their foster mother, and she did love them but she had not given birth to them. They were not hers to keep.

So she puts on a brave face, she presses herself against Thornkit because she needed her so desperately. Whether Halfkit was referencing herself or her sister though she is unsure. Perhaps it rang true that they needed each other. "Are you excited?" she whispers to her sibling while they wait. Her own heart was pounding in her ears, and she finds herself looking around, wondering who would be her mentor. Stars above, she hopes she gets someone cool.

And then Chilledstar is saying her name, telling her how happy they are that she is home and all she can do is nod her thanks. It felt good, to know she had been missed, but the overwhelming feeling of the moment that was about to transpire was too great to ignore. She stood and prepared to be renamed. Halfpaw, they call her it for the first time and really the feeling is so underwhelming that it's almost disappointing. Isn't this what she wanted? And then she hears her new mentors name... Sharpshadow. Her eyes go wide, wasn't Sharpshadow like super new to being a warrior? Though she does suppose that he had gone on that journey and proven himself or whatever. Still, she shoots Chilledstar a look that says 'Are you sure' before she touches noses with her new teacher. He does not say anything to her but that's okay. She has nothing to say to him either. Once it's over, she goes and she sits with Thornpaw again. "You wanna trade mentors?" she leans over and whispers to her.

ShadowClan was certainly not short on new trainees for their ranks, now was it? It was never a bad thing to have future warriors to train. Roosterstrut attends the meeting, quietly watching as the kits stand before the clan in their last moments as children. They would be apprentices from now on, soon to be formidable fighters and hunters. Chervilkit, although starting late, is finally taking on her secondary name. He grins proudly, wondering who will mentor her.

Speaking of mentoring, however, Roosterstrut was slightly caught off-guard at the mention of his name following @DEERPAW 's. He was to take over their training? They were the child of Frosbite, whom he admired greatly. He would not let Deerpaw down; he would promise that.

Sporting a warm smile, the red tabby tom got to his paws and approached his new trainee. "I'm looking forward to training with you, Deerpaw." Roosterstrut meowed, aiming to touch noses with them in the ceremonial fashion.

  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
  • Love
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Granitepelt really did all of that.

She had known sunrises ago, when her father had dragged him into camp's clearing by the skin on his neck. It had been a spectacle, then— hiss and spit flying. Bitten out threats, and a confession further still. Not just one, but many. Hate and vitriol, drooling from fettered jaws, and green eyes that looked for her. At her. She had seen all of that. Of course she had.

But it all becomes real, when her stolen sibling is apprenticed. When she is reassigned to Chilledstar themselves. When they feel the need to apologize to her personally. When they speak of exile, then of murder, then of togetherness. Rebuilding. Rebuilding what her mentor had helped tear down. ( And of course, it was not all him. When Granitepelt had said to her, you know I'm right. Of course she had. She was exceptional. )

Applepaw needed no such apology, even though the only thing she wanted to do right now was turn and ask her mentor, what's happened?

Her mentor is long gone know, fled to who knows where. ( To Sootstar, her mind supplies ) His replacement sits atop this rock, with the mark of Granitepelt's claws scored in their face.

Applepaw steps forward to meet them.

  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 8 moons old as of 11.17.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and a rule - follower to a T, she thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.