
The story begins one fateful day, when, after fleeing from dogs, Flamewhisker arrives on ThunderClan's border. Injured and alone, she is eventually found by Flycatcher and a patrol and is taken back to camp to recover. Once healed, Flamewhisker eventually joins the clan officially. From the beginning, the pair were close, but their feelings for each other only truly began to develop after the fire that briefly raged through their camp. Often kept awake by terrible nightmares from the event, Flamewhisker found comfort and good company in the form of Flycatcher, who would often stay awake with her. As their feelings grew the two admitted to having feelings for each other but neither pushed the relationship further from there. It is only recently - and after much teasing from teammates and some reflection on both their parts - that they decided to take the plunge and officially become mates.
Their first litter is born right after the tragic death of Emberstar. They welcome Falconkit, Stormkit, Lilykit, and Butterflykit into the world, but Lilykit and Butterflykit are still born. Shortly after, Howling Wind steps up to leadership, and appoints Flycatcher as her deputy. He serves by her side loyally for many moons. Toward the end of their kit's apprenticeships, Flamewhisker and Flycatcher decide on wanting another litter. Their plans are destroyed as a strange illness comes into the forest, to be later known as Yellowcough. Determined to not lose any more kits, the pair decide to wait until an antidote is found.
Flamewhisker volunteers to help lead Thunderclan's group to the mountains to find the cure, and their daughter, Stormpaw is also among those who go. On their way back, the traveling group is ambushed by dogs, and Stormpaw is among those who were injured. She sustained terrible injuries to her back, resulting in the loss of being able to walk. Upon their return, Stormpaw is named Stormfeather, and Falconpaw is named Falconheart.
Several moons pass by, and Flycatcher decides to step down as deputy to spend more time with their family. Flamewhisker is appointed deputy, and shortly afterwards the pair find out they are expecting another litter.

  • The amount of slots is subject to change depending on interest
  • Applications will be closed and kits picked on March 25th and the birth date will be April 1st to give rpers time to create their accounts
  • Kits will begin at 3 moons after the first week that they are born, and age realistically. They will be worm-kits for the first week. Please note that this litter will be a moon ahead of the other litters in the nursery. This is due to a future plot so please keep the funky timeline in mind when applying
  • This is not a FCFS litter and we both hope for the kits to go to active RPers who will love them well. If you need to go inactive for a while please let either myself or @Thorny know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome after a few weeks of inactivity without notice
  • These kits will be born in ThunderClan and it is preferred they do not leave unless plotted with Thorny and I
  • Form is a free-for-all just please include the basic information
  • Name themes do not have to be followed but it is highly encouraged. We would also prefer if you could provide a couple names to choose from
  • These kits will be younger siblings to Falconheart & Stormfeather, and will have an adopted brother Sparrowkit
  • Upon being chosen, you will be added to the Flyme family group chat on discord
Sire: LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
Dam: LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
Males can be red tabby or cream tabby
Females can be tortie, torbie, blue tortie, or blue torbie

Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have any amount of white, or none at all
- Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Red kits can mask black or black tabby; cream kits can mask blue or blue tabby
- Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits may or may not carry solid

Flycatcher is gen 1 | Flamewhisker is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2
Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog/gy, Mist/y, Drizzle, Rain/y, (bug and weather names inspired by family)
Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay, (bird names)
Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)
Firekit, Deerkit, Doekit, Antlerkit, Velvetkit, Scorchkit, Breezekit, Sunkit, Brightkit, Berrykit, Flowerkit (names inspired by cats he likes/friends)
Forest names: daisy, leaf, petal, birch, maple, bee, timber, bramble, bracken, cricket, feather, blossom, bumble, pebble, spider
Hunting Inspired: mouse, swift, owl, running, squirrel, whisker, pounce
Strong Names: thunder, tiger, rumble, lion, wasp
Family/Friends Names: shade, cloud, dark, spark, flicker (after her mother & siblings)
sun, rabbit, twitch, russet, red, wolf, blizzard, stripe, berry (after her friends)
bug, fly, silver, rain, mist, branch, sycamore, (after flycatcher)
Journey Inspired: breeze, bear, snow, boulder, cedar, night, tall, fox, ice, goat, dream, bright, dusk, fuzzy, meadow, morning, ridge, sharp, dawn, cold
No No names dog, boar, adder, hound, sunny, cinder, cicada, soot, truffle, pitch, storm, falcon, lily, butterfly
slot three​
slot four​
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  • Love
Reactions: Thorny



LH red/cream tabby chimera with yellow-green eyes
a large red/cream tabby chimera tom with long, soft fur that puffs around the neck like the mane of a lion. he was named for the splotch of ginger fur on his face like a mask that resembles the delicate wings of a moth. the rest of his fur is mottled a mixture of cream and ginger, emblematic of the colors of thunderclan and partially resembling his mother's ginger fur. his paws are large and his build becomes stronger as he ages, very clearly that of a typical thunderclan warrior. his eyes are yellow-green, resembling the color of the leaves of the nearby oaks dappled with sunshine in greenleaf.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Notes
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telling you what to wear and what to like and how to be

coldkit | coldpaw | coldnose
named 'cold' for flamewhiskers memories of the mountains; 'nose' for her keen sense of smell and tracking skills

female [afab] | uses feminine pronouns [she/her]

bicurious | demisexual | monogamous

kit | thunderclan

dilute tortoiseshell tabby chimera with low white | ref
coldkit is a very distinct looking she-cat, with long feathery fur as soft as down, a round youthful face, narrow almond eyes, and a button nose. Her body itself is mostly grey tabby marked, with a distinct 'stocking' style patch of darker blue tabby fur covering her fore-legs from her shoulders down to her paws, and ending in white front toes. Her chest, back paws, tail tip, and belly are white, and the back of her head has a white patch in the shape of a star. A cream tabby face is interrupted by white trailing from her muzzle and cheeks all the way up her snout and to forehead in a thick blaze, each side a different shade from the other, the seamless snow-white only interrupted by a grey heart shaped patch on her forehead and a cream patch upon her chin. Her eyes are a pale icy blue, and her nose and paw-pads are a dark reddish hue.

cold | aloof | simplistic | guarded | emotional unstable
coldkit's personality seems quite simple at a glance - apathetic, distant, calm, and indifferent. She's very minimalist in every action she takes, preferring to keep things as neat and simple as possible. Her nest is well kept, her actions are methodical and well thought out, her schedule on the dot every day. She obediently follows orders and rules, only stopping to question the most insane of requests, and even then she rarely speaks out. She's very cunning, observant, and intelligent, everything she does and says serves some purpose in the long-run, even if that purpose isn't clear to anyone other than herself. She has very few close friends, preferring to keep even her interactions minimal, but those she does make will find that she's not as apathetic as she seems- she's actually quite emotional, but finds it overwhelming to try and speak or show these emotions through anything other than quiet, simple, subtle gestures. She truly finds peace and happiness in her simple lifestyle, especially her quiet walks through the forest and her neat and methodical organization of her nest and few other belongings. She loves listening to her close friends and families problems, as well as helping them to find solutions to them, but she hates talking about her own as even just admitting something bothers her tends to send her into tears or spur her into a stubborn silence. She can't handle rejection, disappointment, or anger from her loved ones, often simply shutting down when faced with such scenarios. Towards the few she has let past her walls, she is clingy and quite literally loyal to the death, willing to sacrifice herself if the situation ever calls for it.

flamewhisker x flycatcher | gen 02
00 littermates (name, name)
02 siblings (stormfeather, falconheart)
other relatives: name(relation), name(relation)

introverted | average to form platonic relationships with | forms romantic relationships easily; falls fast and hard in a rather reckless manner

morally ambiguous | loyal to thunderclan but may waver based on emotional attachment

plot ideas.
different from others even from birth, it takes coldkit hardly any time to catch on to the fact not everyone is as easily overwhelmed as she, that others do not struggle to speak of their feelings as she does. once she does however, she's left feeling insecure - she is strange, abnormal. she begins mimicking others, putting on a front, feigning an confidence she does not feel - replacing her over-emotional reactions with a cold apathy. but she's never able to fully adjust, to fully understand, an endless cycle of insecurity and want to be herself, to have what she cannot.
coldkit's first love is not that of a fairy tale but a tragedy, falling for the wrong cat, left behind and broken because of a newer, better model. young, dumb, and stupid, likely a single mother far before she is ready for such responsibility. time heals all wounds however, and she eventually learns to trust again, perhaps finding true love along the way.
since coldkit is a revamp of a previous character, unlike most of my oc's I am fully confident in my muse and my ability to keep activity with her - and hopefully this time she will have a (slightly) less tragic life. all plot ideas are currently based on past plots but are subject to change based on inspiration and ic factors.

happy pills by weathers
happy face by jagwar twin
two faced by by godrix and rosendale
pretty girl by by maggie lindemann
im not her by clara mae
dirty dirty by charlotte cardin
puppy dog eyes by ida-laurberg
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— he/him pronouns, amab
— named as an part of his litter's accidental theme.
— will also happily take sunkit, brightkit, russetkit, spark-kit. outlier i also think is cool: velvetkit.
— flamewhisker x flycatcher ; gen 2, littermate to firekit & lightningkit. younger brother to falconheart & stormfeather.

  • 06_03_flyme_hypo_red.png
    "a ginger-and-white tom with yellow eyes."
    — lh red/cream chimera w/ low white (passes red. mask black tabby; carry solid, dilute)

    the middlest kit height-wise. light yellow eyes. unusual white spotting, and two distinct shades of ginger on his fur.

  • — averagely noisy orange kitten. chews ears, chases his own tail and makes himself dizzy, practises horribly incorrect warrior techniques.
    — decently complacent around authority unless taught otherwise by parents or mentor.
    — courteous. the manners really got hammered in on this one, took the "treat others how you want to be treated" lesson very literally. you will know if he doesn't like you.
    — quite comfortable with physical affection and having his fur groomed. always first in line for cleaning. might be partially to show the other kits how completely not scary it is.
    — decently confident apprentice right out the gate. starting at six moons helped him.

    — a lot of his adult personality traits will be determined by his mentor and his myspace top 8 close friends through apprenticeship.
    — i need to stress how scared of snakes he is. like, extremely so. he was icked out in kittenhood but it gets worse.

  • — if you've applied for another same-age kit and you want to do a slowburn with me should dawn be chosen please reach out to me pleeeease
    — he is going to be bitten by a snake as a young apprentice. not a venomous one, obviously: but it will form a basis for that fear. will become distrustful of clanmates or others with snake motifs to their name. will refuse to patrol to snakerocks.

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  • GENERALvaliant white knight
    ✦ Scorch(ed)kit + Scorch(ed)paw + Scorch(ed)breeze
    ↪ for her flame licked pelt and blazing personality, kit for rank (alt names: shade, wolf, and rose)
    ✦ female, (She/Her)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    created TBA, at 3 months ageing rate every month on the 1st
    current age, unborn
    thunderclan kitten
    personal alias - paladin
  • APPEARANCEdon't forget who you were made to be

    ✦ Ginger flecked tortoiseshell molly with low white and mismatched eyes
    ↪ The canvas of her pelt is exceedingly dark, the opaque hue only broken up by vivid patches of warm orange. Standing in contrast still are a handful of ivory blotches that coat her chin, chest, and a singular toe. Her tail is long a plume of thick plush fur void of any color barring black. Her eyes are of two different shades. Glittering emerald decorates the ginger patched side of her face while icy blue enhances the darker portion. Her build is large and athletic yet lacks any sort of stockiness.
    smells like - iris petals and raspberry nectar
    sounds like - Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
    any physical illnesses - no
  • PERSONALITYroyal priesthood you're a child of the king
    POSITIVE TRAITS: honorable / confident / polite / reliable
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: supportive / resilient / observant / hardworking
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: perfectionist / boastful / overly competitive
    ↪ Vigilant. Passionate. Dutiful. Everyday is another opportunity to help her community thrive and succeed. There is not a single task she does not take seriously no matter how trivial it may be. She takes it upon herself to help others and solve discrepancies, even when her aid is not necessarily required. This can sometimes leave others to feel a little annoyed by how often she attempts to swoop in and save the day. Taking great pride in everything she sets her paws to do she works at it until the craft is perfected. This satisfaction is not without its moments of unintentional boasting as she sings praises of her accomplishments while also basking in whatever compliments she'll receive. Although it should not be mistaken for malicious intent. Striving to be the best she can for both family and clan, she finds herself comparing herself to others. Should she lack a certain skill she cannot help the natural competitive air that overtakes her until she can reach their level or surpass it.
    ↪ ISFJ / gryffindor / dauntless / lawful good / fire type
    ↪ Hero in training: Taking Flamewhisker's grand tales of the harrowing journey trekked to save the clans to heart, Scorch(ed)paw has made up in her mind that she too will do something to be seen as a savior no matter the cost. The admiration and respect bestowed her mother becomes something she also craves. This desire trickles into her desperately wishing to prove herself in any capacity. While out hunting Scorch(ed) and another apprentice stumble across an angry raccoon. As it attacks she throws herself forward to protect her clanmate and suffers a few injuries. Their mentors and other warriors arrive to chase it off and while she is praised for her bravery she quickly learns that being a hero does not come without consequences.
    ↪ A little too helpful: Scorch(ed) finds herself in the middle of two quarreling clanmates, inserting herself in an attempt to break up their arguing. Her interference is uncalled for, causing both clanmates to verbally lash out at her instead. Offended she joins the fray, making matters worse by righteously arguing her own point. In the end however she is humbled by the experience, learning that sometimes it is best to let others work out their own issues before stepping in unannounced.
    ↪ ---
  • RELATIONSHIPSdon't give in to negativity
    Flycatcher x Flamewhisker)
    ↪ (older siblings: Stormfeather and Falconheart)
    ↪ (adopted siblings: Sparrowkit)
    ↪ (siblings: Firekit, Lighteningkit, TBA)
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    ✦ mentored by TBA
    ↪ currently mentoring no one
    ↪ mentored no one
  • INTERACTIONjust keep elevating above all your enemies
    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight honorably / will show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆
    ✦ what are they like mentally when interacting? confident
    ✦ a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not? very easy to engage and converse with
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆


Cloudkit inherits the river-ripple blue of her father as her primary colour, the same appearance of rainclouds threatening a drizzle. The storm cloud is parted by bits of gentle sunrise, a softer shade than her mother's that bisect the little molly. ghost striping traces the edges of her paw, most prevalent on her bicolored front paws. The colors part at her spine: her left paw runs cream from shoulder to toe, while her right runs blue. The inverse crosses her features upward from her face down the back of her neck to where her shoulder blades meet: the left side of her face is blotched with a large cream patch, smudged with blue.

White colours the fur on the underside of her paws and trails up the backs of her limbs, curling across her shoulder and shaping patches on her tail. Her eyes are bright and alert, a gentle yellow that brings cohesion to her otherwise patchwork face. Her tail, when laying flat with fur splayed behind her, has markings almost akin to a butterfly's patterns, the only part of the little calico that has any kind of symmetry.

She takes after Flycatcher in her stature, a bit smaller than her peers and slender in her build though no less capable. Cloudkit is no runt, she does not rival Stormfeather's size as a kit, but she just might be the smallest of the litter. Her fur, however, is unquestionably from Flamewhisker. Her tail plumes behind her, gathers thick at the back of her forelegs, reaches down from her belly.


Bright, boisterous, and peppy, Cloudkit keeps her head held up even with the going gets a bit tough. She has ambitions much too big for her (as a kit she's very convinced she can catch the stars like fireflies, as an apprentice that if she practices her puddle-jumping enough one day she could leap the gorge) but nothing will dull her shine in pursuit of them. Cloudkit is very easy to get along with, and goes out of her way to befriend faces in all age-ranges. As a kit, she doesn't quite understand how that persistence might be annoying, and might be viewed as a bit of a nuisance for her constant pestering even if Cloudkit means it entirely in good faith. Cloudkit might find herself in occasional trouble as she follows other kits around, roped into plans and escapades not entirely of her own craft but she's ever eager to help.

Such desire translates to her older Clanmates and sticks to her into apprenticehood, a desire to please and be well-liked keeping her paws in line with what others want. Her parents being strong moral pillars in her life keeps that innocent desire from ever corrupting, learning what it means to be righteous and true. For that matter, Cloudkit loves her family. She trails behind her older siblings and parents whenever able, little tail held high and moving in bouncing strides to chatter. She spends time with them at any opportunity as a kitten, likely favoring Stormfeather to spend her time with by virtue of her older sister being camp-bound when the little molly is also not permitted to leave camp and she's done with prancing around with her littermates.

Cloudkit almost bleeds confidence the more she grows, but it rarely clouds her vision. Having been born after the introduction of the newest code, Cloudkit benefits from the extra time she has to grow into her paws before being apprenticed. Cloudkit enjoys the challenge of learning and is entirely undisturbed by failure. Her confidence, both in kithood and apprenticehood, can translate to an occasional bullheadedness and a determination to do something "the right way", which she can falsely believe to be her way. Her confidence never translates to any kind of bullying or intentional mistreatment, but feeds a stubbornness that might need a firm paw from either her parents or mentor to correct lest Cloudkit become a bit insufferable as she grows into a fuller sense of self and learns what being dutiful and strong like her parents truly means.


  • alternate names ordered by (very loose) preference are moth, velvet, dusk, and finch but i am extremely happy with any of them! i actually had a hard time choosing </3
  • if the name cloudkit is stuck with, i think it'd be really cute (either as a coincidence or maybe an intentional naming choice on fly/flame's part) that she's also partially named after/in tandem with/matching stormfeather :) storms, clouds, i think the theme might be cute <3
  • cloudkit is very paladin-coded! she will have virtues and values imprinted on her when she's very young, whether directly or by watching her parents, and it's something i would like her to really chase the idea of. i didn't reference warriorhood much at all in her app because i don't want to make anything too assumptive for her, i would like her kithood and apprenticeship to really influence her and shape her adulthood
  • cloudkit will stumble through relationships and have failures, some fizzling out into nothing and some ending in an argumentative blaze, as she learns what it means to relent in her ideals and come to terms with compromise. i would like her to eventually find someone that counterbalances her vibrant energy!
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tracking so hard with wasp/crikitkit


  • GENERAL I talk in my sleep

    ↪ Wasp - for the oddly spikey end of her tail and a soft humming sound she'd make a kit instead of 'mewing'.
    ✦ female, (She/Her)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    ✦ created TBA, at 3 months ageing rate every month on the 1st
    ✦ current age, unborn
    ✦ thunderclan kitten
  • APPEARANCEWhen the night is listening

    ✦ Ginger tabby with white markigns and amber eyes
    ↪ An almost comically small kitten covered in more fluff then fur, Wasp's larger then life personality seems to be an attempt to make up for her lack in height. Adding to any laughs, her paws are larger then most, and lead to her arrival being heralded by... well herself. This is something she hopes she'll grow into, but for now it makes catching moss balls easy, and running a little hard. Her eyes are bright amber, and almost always seem to be streched as big as they can get almost like she's trying to drink in everything around her. Her eyes are framed by the white and orange patterns that decorate her body.
    ✦ smells like - moss
    ✦ sounds like - Daphne Kluger - Ocean's 8
    ✦ any physical illnesses - no
  • PERSONALITYIn a language you don't speak

    Wasp is very naive and trusting. She is a radical optimist and as no sense of shame, often making friends as easily as she speaks her honest opinion. She is a very blunt she-cat and knows very little in the sense of self-restraint. She is often seen bouncing off the walls, going this way and that with who ever cares to tag along. She is well known for starting many 'pranks' and is often a source of discord, though a well-meaning one. Her conversations are chalkful of loving jabs at her friends and family and many ideas on how to 'make the day fun'.
    Very much a rebel with a cause, Wasp could grow to be is prissy, but she will defiently be sharp-tongued. Her ego is the size of the moon and she has a tendency to overreact. Putting her feelings before her head, she often makes ill decisions and fails to fall in line with most traditional warrior beliefs. Not believing in StarClan (and making this obvious), she isn't well-liked among clan cats. Still, has an odd sense of loyalty and will destroy anyone who lays a hand on her family. Extremely passionate in what she does and fiery at heart, Wasp is a force to be reckoned with.
    Positive Traits:
    - sweet - caring - active - generous - snarky - sarcastic - stubborn - rebellious -
    Negative Traits:
    - vengeful - tit for tat - can't say no - no line between joke and hurtful - hopeless romantic - doesn't understand the impact of her actions -
    Best Quality: her radical optimism
    Helpful Habits: loves going on adventures and helping others better themselves
    Worst Quality: Wasp can't ever seem to understand the implications of her actions on others. She didn't mean to make fun of the kit without a queen, but she did, and didn't apologize for it.
    Bad Habits: She can get opinionated easily and will just go off and lecture anyone in ear shot.
    Talents: Making friends, finding adventures and including everyone
    Strongest Skill: Her determination
    Weakest Skill: Team work
    Likes: water || her siblings || adventures || hunting || making friends ||
    Dislikes: story telling || medicine cats || the dark || frogs || being bossed around

    ↪ As a kit, Wasp will try to sneak out of camp and deem herself 'fit enough' to be an apprentice after watching them fight one time in camp.
    ↪She'll more then likely be held back
    ↪ TBH i usually play very anxious and calmer characters, so Wasp would be a bit of a detour. I'm real excited to strech my writing muscles lol
    ↪ As an apprentice, Wasp starts to follow her heart more and more, and sometimes will let her claws talk for her. I can see her starting some fights with apprentices over small things, or testing the warrior code with them to see if Star Clan is real. Definitely a more destructive force in Thunder Clan, and one that would use her parent's status as a 'get out of jail free' card - wiether or not that it works
    ↪ I can see her having a cross clan relationship if the moment or feeling strikes her, I mainly see a lot of drama happening because of her and her reckless actions. She cares alot, she just struggles to be subtle or patient. She believes that now is the best time, and that communication is best done blunt.

    ↪ ---
  • RELATIONSHIPSWith words we choose not to hear
    Flycatcher x Flamewhisker)
    ↪ (older siblings: Stormfeather and Falconheart)
    ↪ (adopted siblings: Sparrowkit)
    ↪ (siblings: Firekit, Lighteningkit, TBA)
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    ✦ mentored by TBA
    ↪ currently mentoring no one

    ↪ mentored no one
  • INTERACTIONI talk in my sleep

    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight honorably / will show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆
    ✦ what are they like mentally when interacting? confident, loud, sometimes aggresive or abrasive
    ✦ a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not? very easy to engage and converse with, but sometimes a grump
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆
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GOLDENKIT kitten of thunderclan

A quiet natured by hardly shy young tom, Golden is the epitome of kindness and sincerity, a polite cat who is quick to befriend others and swift to defend his clanmates at a moments notice. He likes to see the good in all cats even to the detriment to himself and has a hard time saying 'no' to others when requests are made of him.

    Golden in reference to his bright cream pelt and warm colors like the sun.
    Kit - his rank as a kitten.

    ALT NAMES IF YOU DON'T LIKE GOLDEN: Flicker, Morning, Swift

    Age: Worm
    Gender: Cis Male | He/Him
    Orientation: Unknown

  • SH CREAM ROSETTE TABBY(carries dilute & solid)

    Golden gets his name so well it is as though it existed simply for him and him alone. His vivid cream fur is spotted in spirals and spots that ring like ripples in water over his pelt and only not present in the large patches of white that wrap around his entire body. His shoulders and haunches, the base and tip of his tail and some spotting on his back and face leave him looking as if the very color for which he is named for is for stripped right off of his pelt. He is long of limbed and build with strong shoulders and a long neck, a slender and more powerful build like his parents and befitting a ThunderClanner well. In sharp contrast to his sun glow fur his eyes are a deep blue/teal-like color and often partially closed as though in a thoughtful daze at all times.

    Scars, Ailments & Injuries:
    • Has a planned eye scar over right eye that will leave him unable to see out of it.


    Golden holds himself to the standard set by his parents to an almost obsessive degree, encompassing kindness and courtesy at all times even if it leaves him looking foolish or naive. His sense of justice is strong from the very beginning, a real do-gooder attitude and willingness to throw himself into the fray to assist a clanmate or defend them without a moment's hesitation. He has a mild hero complex, always feeling as if it is his duty to problem solve and protect even if its not asked of him and occasionally his beliefs will leave him reeling with uncertainty as he has a poor habit of viewing the world in black and white only. Golden approaches all situations with a careful and kind outlook but will not hesitate to resort to claws if proper discussion doesn't work first though he's always willing to try to delegate even if it doesn't make much sense. The warrior code is holy in his eyes, something he should follow to the letter and while he will not begrudge outside friendships he always puts ThunderClan first and foremost, clashing claws with a cat one day and chatting them up at the next gathering without batting an eye.


    Son of @Flamewhisker & @Flycatcher
    Littermate to TBA

    Crushing/Mate of N/A]

    Mentored by N/A


Golden will obtain his eye scar early in life in defense of a clanmate (details in the air) and it will further cement his sense of duty and the hero complex he'll develop more aggressively as he's older.
Would love a plot where he gets it in his head a clanmate is evil who is just sort of mean as it emphasizes his black/white morality.
Will make mistakes due to his sense of justice such as stepping into conversations when he has no right to, speaking out of line when he feels a decision is not morally righteous etc...
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  • abee6f0dffc0360ba0e52fa4f6a16c10.jpg

    ⤷ prefix - prefix meaning; suffix - suffix meaning
    ⤷ if chosen i would like this kittens name to be decided in character! from the list of squirrelkit, myrtlekit, bumblekit or pouncekit

    — amab, transgirl ; she/her, put off by use of others ; undeveloped sexuality ; monogamist
    — kit of thunderclan , trusts her clan ; no former allegiances
    — created xx.xx.xxxx at 3 moons ; ages 1st of every month


    --> a stickler for the rules, its hard to her to make friends at the start when she has the title of a 'tattletale'. she has a hard time breaking the habit of micromanaging her friends and keeping their trust when she's quick to open her mouth the moment she sees something she feels or knows is wrong
    --> it will be hard for her to adjust from the nursery to apprenticeship. the assumption that being 'nice' and 'polite' to her mentor does not get her very far, and she struggles to grapple with the fact that she has to wield her claws and teeth against the creatures of the forest.
    --> she doesn't like that she has to share her mother and father with the rest of the clan. often times while flamewhisker and/or flycatcher are in important meetings or delegating responsibilities between warriors, she will purposefully interrupt them to seek their attention for as long as they will let her get away with it. however, their rejection will feel like a stones been dropping on her chest, and she will go between avoiding them out of a form of rejection dysphoria to doing anything to get their attention, including negative reinforcement.

    a longhaired cream tabby with blue eyes and white markings / reference by xyz
    This kitten looks to appear as if the printer ran out of ink, with her fur a diluted shade of red coming from her mother. An apricot-toned coat dresses long strands that hang elegantly from her figure, which will grow thickened with muscle at a stout height. Jagged tabby stripes jut through in mountain curves and wrap thick bands around her legs and tail. A smattering of white is splashed on her chin, right front paw, and crawls up her right hind leg. Aside from her fur, in her eyes holds a bismuth gaze but holds a surprise of yellow on the right, but only shows itself when she looks to the side.
    ⤷ LH cream tabby w/ low white ; masking blue tabby, carrying solid
    ⤷ physical mannerisms are walking too fast without looking, causing her to trip or stumble frequently. she talks with her ears and tail, making her very expressive in her speech

  • Mental State ●●●●●●●●●●
    Intelligence ●●●○○○○○○○
    Memory ●●○○○○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Wisdom ●●○○○○○○○○
    Adaptability ●●●○○○○○○○
    (○) protective, warm, hard working | (◑) humble, forgetful, curious | (⚫) gullible, reckless, self-critical crowd pleaser, heaven seeker, rules lawyer

    This kitten has to stick her nose into anything and everything! Playing either the silent observer or the voice of reason (even is she's being unreasonable), there is little that gets past her as she plays the oblivious kit to the background of her older peers. Eavesdropping as much as she can fills her daytime activities, trying to mimic the important role her parents play in ThunderClan. While she isn't particularly 'advanced' in achieving her kitten milestones, childlike games easily bore her. Difficult trails either through the mind or body keep her from shoving her muzzle into conversations she doesn't belong in. She is driven to understand what she doesn't know and to learn, a remedy for a brilliant, intelligent mind or an obsessive thinker that can't control her ambitions.

    Given the nature of her birth and the ties she has to ThunderClan's hierarchy, the thought of making gains through manipulation or morally questionable habits disgusts her. She is pure-hearted, and sees her family as a blessing to ThunderClan more than a tactical advantage. Because of this she will become quite the socialite in any den she occupies. Friends are made easily to her, almost too easy, as she trusts any cat would be kind to the daughter of a deputy and lead warrior. This assumption could even extend to cats outside her Clan, which may cause her to realize too harshly that she will find her closest allies strictly in her home.

    Her intellect and well mannered nature does not come without recourse. Unfortunately for her, perhaps expected from the weight of her pedigree, any act that creates a negative impact can easily send her spiraling in a grave of imposter syndrome. Punishments may drag on if she feels she deserves a longer sentence, self-sabotaging herself for repentance if necessary. She finds comfort clawing back to her in the form of praise and unconditional reassurance while she works to build her confidence into something more sustainable.

    i'm doing my best!
    i feel safe with my clan
    starclan is my strength...

    — assesses the expressions of her peers before their words, making her lose track of conversation

    • Strength ●●○○○○○○○○
      Endurance ●●●○○○○○○○
      Agility ●●●○○○○○○○
      Speed ●●●●●●●○○○
      Fighting ●○○○○○○○○○
      Hunting ●○○○○○○○○○
      single | undeveloped sexuality | not looking | crushing on [ NO ONE!! ]
      ⤷ very easy to gain her trust, too easy

      Physical Health
      Mental Health

      — will not start fights / will not flee / will not show mercy
      — will excel at defense/strength/endurance
      — will skill poorly at hunting/agility/speed
      — sounds like: tbd as she grows up !
      — smells of nursery vibes

    • Flamewhisker xx Flycatcher | Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Butterflykit, Lilykit & Sparrowkit

      — Close friends with [ who ]
      — Friends with [ who ]
      — Trusts [ who ]
      — Likes [ who ]
      — Indifferent with [ who ]
      — Dislikes [ who ]
      — Distrusts [ who ]
      — Loathes [ who ]

  • writer in the dark
    bird song

  • insert posting code
    insert posting code

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sunkit . sunbird, suncatcher, suncloud (?)

named after a friend, a name on both parents lists. | sunkit thinks his name is cool.
kitten of thunderclan; proud to be apart of the best clan in the forest
amab, he/him | unknown orientation | see plots section, marked (1)
flamewhisker x flycatcher, sibling to [ will be put in ]

tall, fluffy red tabby with low white & sectoral heterochromia in one eye it seems sunkit has taken more after flamewhisker than he has flycatcher, bright red just like his mama, with a feathery tail to go with it. his coat is a healthy, vibrant color, not much unlike the sun itself; sunkit takes great pride in his fur and tends to groom it a lot. his fur itself is never quite unruly, always licked down, always shiny, NEVER dirty. one will have to catch him after a play-fight to even see dirty fur. he has a few white splotches here and there, notably on his tailtip and eartips.

his cheeks are fluffy and sleek, with tall ears that are quite expressive to what he is feeling. on his face sits an orange eye and a blue eye, with the orange being split at the bottom with yellow. sunkit seems quite indifferent about his eyes, but when asked, it is something he is very proud of.
↳ masking black / black tabby, genetically long-haired.


( + ) HAPPY, BRAVE ( / ) PRIDEFUL, ALTURISTIC (AT A COST) ( - ) ARROGANT AT TIMES sunkit is a young kitten with boundless energy and, as young ones are, has a knack to find himself in a bit of mischief. though his heart is big, and fits so, so much love within; he tends to have a bit too much pride, thus causing potential arguments about his skills, about his family (because after all, he comes from a good heritage)! he's a good kitten though, and tries to be a good son, though he's easily riled up & has a bit of a temper. however, the good thing is that this kitten has little to no fear... he will look death straight in the eyes with a smile if he has to, though this comes from more of a need to not scare others with his own fear. after all, if hes not sunkit the brave and mighty, who is he really?
mannerisms: tends to rub his ears when lying / not look in the eyes. when thinking, sunkit sways his tail in a very particular motion that is nearly never broken in rhythm.
as a kitten, sunkit isn't opposed to scuffling with the other kits. after all, he has to show hes the strongest! ( won't initiate it outside of playtime unless provoked )
(will) excel at hunting & stalking, tracking, offensive fighting (followed by a plot, see plot section marked 2)


plots // other notes:
potential alternate names: foxkit, velvetkit, scorchkit
didn't write much for personality as it has the potential to change! sticking to a set in stone personality idea tends to never happen with me LOL.
would like to get him in to a bit of trouble in apprenticeship....... whether its settling in to the wrong crowd, or just sneaking out with other apprentices...
loves his family & will do anything to protect them. this includes standing up to anyone & everything, whether its a battle he physically cannot win against a predator, or a verbal altercation defending their honor.
sunkit, in his apprenticeship, fights much more aggressively than others. it seems hes playing the offensive more than defense and leaves himself open... would love for someone that fights much more defensively to fight him & win despite his onslaught, bruising his ego for quite some time (and leading to some inferior feelings). (2)
would love to plot with parents or potentially a sibling; i would like sunkit to struggle with gender identity in to his apprenticeship, where he will eventually come out to one of his family members as a trans girl. (1)

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 𝓢he/her pronouns. afab.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 𝓣hree moons.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 𝓓aughter of flamewhisker and flycatcher. sister to stormfeather, falconheart, firekit, and lightningkit.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 𝓛ong haired blue tortoiseshell with low white and green eyes.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓞riolekit, named for the way her deep, smoky pelt is disrupted by the fiery - orange patches that cover her bodice like fireworks, similar to an oriole. also named in continuity with her other bird - themed siblings' names. eventually will become oriolecatcher, named for her speed and as an homage to her father. ( i also like oriolechaser, oriolefall, and more! )

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓞riolekit is known for her tall, lean stature and large, pear - shaped ears. her lanky, sizable frame is hidden beneath her downy fur, which is long and feathery, making her appear larger than she truly is. her face is quite narrow and feminine, with perceptive, keen eyes that are gently slanted. her little, sweet nose is freckled, along with her paw - pads.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓗er long, wispy fur possesses the same rich, smoky shade of grey that her father has passed down to her, only disrupted by her mother's blazing hue of citrus. haphazard patches of this deep orange crowd her body, giving her the appearance of possessing the colors of both night and day. she also possesses an alabaster chin to chest, underbelly, and paws, almost like little socks. oriolekit's face is unique in that half of it is covered in her father's sultry grey, while the other in her mother's rich amber. to top it all off, her eyes are a serene sage - green, stemming from her parents' leafy gaze. she is a perfect amalgamation of the two, and exhibits this in her personality and attitude as well.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓞riolekit will easily be one of the better runners of her litter, and possibly her den - mates. with a stature that was made for bobbing and weaving, she will find herself quite intrigued by life beyond camp, wishing for a place she can run freely—just like a bird. these traits will follow her her entire life, ideas of freedom and curiosity for the wonders of the world. she will be hard to catch, and harder to keep on solid ground. truthfully, oriolekit is a dreamer, and will never stop reaching for the stars!

𝓢wimming ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡
𝓢trength ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡
𝓢peed ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
𝓢tealth ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡
𝓓exterity ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
𝓐gility ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
𝓗unting ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
𝓢ocial ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓢tats based on possible warriorhood experience, mostly for fun!

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓟ositive traits ➳ imaginative, adventurous, playful, sincere.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓝eutral traits ➳ quiet, observant, goes at her own pace, childish, fearless.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓝egative traits ➳ passive, guarded, impulsive, self - possessed.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓞riolekit, at first glance, is a kitten whose head seems stuck up in the clouds. she is always marching to the beat of her own drum, and hardly ever feels lonely in the company of her own self. despite having many siblings her age, she is typically found off by her lonesome investigating something new she's found, such as a beetle or a new flower. a huge facet of her personality is this desire to know all there is to know, and it lingers within her throughout her entire life. an example of this desire being that oriolekit is typically seen following her parents and/or eldest siblings around camp so that she may learn more about not only them, but the world itself. oriolekit can regularly be seen trailing falconheart, her little tail held high as she prances alongside her eldest brother. this little kitten has a habit of seeing anyone older than her as wise, and this can sometimes be a drawback, as she is very gullible and is easily tricked by her siblings or den - mates. this can cause her to find a bit of trouble here and there, but as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she always has fun when she does.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓐lthough oriolekit goes at her own pace, she has an unremarkable attraction to her siblings, falconheart and stormfeather. after hearing about stormfeather's adventures beyond their territory, oriolekit always prods her for stories and details, despite the agitation of recounting the painful memories. when it comes to falconheart, oriolekit practically begs her brother every day to take her outside of camp, but he continuously tells her no, out of concern for her safety. all in all, she finds them both to be enigmatic, full of wisdom, and tries her best to please them. oriolekit may be seen as an outsider to her younger siblings, who love to tease her and question her as to what she's doing, looking at, or talking to, but she tries to be present with them as often as she can. she's seen as more quiet compared to the rest, but is overall a happy kitten.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓐s she springs into apprenticehood, oriolekit is unimaginably elated. she is the first apprentice to try absolutely anything! one thing about this little feline, she's fearless! she is always ready for a new adventure, a new task, a new lesson. she is truly a jack of all trades, and runs head first into any and all training. oriolekit is quite the disciplined apprentice, and follows her mentor around endlessly, waiting for the next assignment. she is quite the eager - beaver, which can be sometimes comical, as her energy always shifts when she comes back from a training session. in camp, she is quiet and reserved, outside of camp, she is bolstering with energy and readiness!

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓐s she gets older, she develops a resistance to the status quo. she grows more irritable towards the warrior code, and her heart wishes to see more of the world. this is an internal conflict she battles greatly throughout her life, but more so in adulthood. despite her desires to leave home and experience the world, she loves her family deeply and decides she just can't leave them. a huge realization for her is that, of course she can travel the world, but she won't have the support and love of her home with her.

⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓢ome plot devices i've thought of incorporating into oriolekit's life is. . .

ᯓ★ 𝓣his one is probably obvious, but depending how both parents admins feel, i could see oriolekit running away during late apprenticeship or early warriorhood. she runs in hopes of seeing more of the world and to find herself, but mostly she deeply feels like an outsider compared to her siblings and clan - mates, and feels at times she cannot relate to them. so, she runs. but this doesn't come without hardship, and she quickly realizes she must return home to be with her family. i see this time as transformative, where oriolekit realizes who she is, what she wants for herself, and how to work towards obtaining it.

ᯓ★ 𝓞riolekit's self - worth will be wholeheartedly tested as she becomes a warrior. as she watches her siblings break off and begin to create their own lives, she realizes how lonely she's truly become. how years of isolation have began to effect her mental health, leaving her with anxiety and fear that she's not good enough for a mate, for friends, or her family. she has a lot of growing to do, and this is just one instance in which she asserts herself as capable and decides she won't live this way any longer.

ᯓ★ 𝓞riolekit is definitely one to head straight first into danger. i can see her possibly getting herself and whoever she's with into trouble, whether it be fighting off an animal that is just too big to strategize against, or a river that's too wide to jump, oriolekit is quite impulsive and can make rash decisions in pursuit of knowledge and life. i can see her severely injuring herself along her life - path, but unsure as to what that injury would be.

ᯓ★ 𝓞riolekit’s pokemon typing would be fairy flying or possibly fire flying! she is also an isfp-t personality type!

ᯓ★ 𝓞ther name options i like are mothkit, which would turn into mothflame or mothchaser and poppykit, which would turn into poppydusk or poppymurk. i am definitely open to many different names!

⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝓐LL of this is subject to change. these are just my ideas that of course can deviate IC and i am aware her development will be affected by her family and their roleplayers. i also plan to finalize her design with a commissioned reference if i am to receive the role. finally, please excuse my lack of coding skills, this is my first time on this platform and i am still learning. 🤍
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finished <3

(alt names: daisykit, cricketkit, maplekit)




A perfect mix of both her parents, Squirrelkit boasts a beautiful rich blue torbie coat. As a kitten her fur is quite fluffy and wild, making her look much rounder than she actually is. This will eventually change as she matures, smoothing out to a lovely silken texture. She is evenly painted in the cool blue shades of her father and the warm fiery red of her mother, with a heavy splash of white extending up her sides and covering a large portion of her face. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green that almost perfect matches Flamewhisker's, and her skin is a delicate shade of pink. Her tail is a solid red, bushy mass of fur that bears an uncanny resemblances to that of her namesake, the red squirrel. When she is young her physique will be rather short and stocky, but as she grows she will stretch and become more slender, with graceful long legs and an agile build. [ REFERENCE ]


KITTENHOOD: As a kit, Squirrel is extremely outgoing and energetic. She loves to run and play pretend, and is often the one dragging all the other kittens into playing games or going on adventures with her. Her curiosity seems boundless, and she loves bothering the adults in the clan until they tell her stories or answer every one of her 1000 questions about the world. She does tend to be a bit gullible and will likely take anything someone tells her at face value and believe it to be fact until she's told otherwise. She's the kitten in the nursery that the queens can never keep track of, and has a habit of escaping her kit-sitters to wreak havoc on the camp. She is, however, an exceptionally loving creature and will always go out of her way to bright someone's day. She is a fierce protector, not just of her family and friends but anyone she thinks needs sticking up for. She absolutely despises bullies (though she can at times unintentionally become one herself) and is never afraid to speak out against mean attitudes.

APPRENTICEHOOD: As she begins to mature into apprenticehood, Squirrel becomes quite the 'tomboy', so-to-speak. She begins wanting to spend all of her time climbing trees, catching bugs and sparring. She develops a fierce competitiveness with the other apprentices, especially those her age who she was brought up with in the nursery. She always has to have the last word, and is desperate to prove that she can be just as good, if not better than everyone at everything she does. This somewhat childish competition will ultimately end up getting in the way of her training, and she'll likely become the instigator of one or two poorly-planned schemes into which she'll drag her fellow apprentices. With a strict guiding paw from her mentor or her parents, she will eventually settle down and begin to understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior.

WARRIORHOOD: Transitioning into warriorhood sparks a change in Squirrel. She grows tired of constantly getting into trouble and being scolded by her elders. She sees the grace and nobility that her parents both carry themselves with, and strives to mimic those traits in her own self. No longer does she allow petty rivalries or competition drive her to recklessness. That competitive quality instead transforms into healthy ambition and a desire to be the absolute best she can for Thunderclan, and for her family. She has big shoes to fill, and while she knows she'll likely never overcome the shadow of her parents' success, she tries to follow in the same path to leadership and excellence as they themselves have tread. She maintains her protective nature all throughout her life, and will always be the first to look out for those she thinks cannot look out for themselves. She becomes an optimistic champion for her clan, but is also open-minded and empathetic towards outsiders, until they give her reason not to be.

  • FAR LONGER THAN FOREVER: True to her faceclaim, I'd really like to plot out a long, slow-burning childhood rivals-to-lovers romance for Squirrel. As kittens they would really annoy each other, with Squirrel likely being far too cheerful / optimistic for the other. As they move into apprenticehood it would become more of a competitive rivalry as Squirrel enters her "tomboy" phase and has to be the best at everything, likely driving her to go out of her way to antagonize / taunt the other character into competing with her in just about everything. However, as Squirrel transitions into warriorhood, she has quite a glow-up, both physically and emotionally. She becomes more graceful and refined, more empathic and loving, and this change in dynamic will create a shift in her relationship with the other character. It'll be subtle at first, and they likely won't even realize that they've started to become closer; but eventually, the other character will become her closest friend and confidant, and she'll rely on them for nearly everything. A few months into their warriorhood, some traumatic event will take place wherein Squirrel either ends up being saved by the other character or vice versa, creating a traumatic situation wherein she's forced to finally acknowledge that she has genuine feelings for the other character. (whether or not those feelings are reciprocated will be entirely up to the player of the other character!)
  • PERFECT PRINCESS: As Squirrel gets older, moving into her apprentice days, she begins to realize the weight of the influence that her family carries in her clan. While no one ever intentionally puts any expectations on her, she begins to feel pressured by the responsibility of being born into one of Thunderclan's 'royal' families, so-to-speak. The importance of her image in the clan is likely entirely fabricated in her own head, but she feels it all the same. At first, it sparks a bit of rebellion in the already outgoing girl, and she begins testing the boundaries of the clan's rules and codes. In truth, even though she doesn't recognize it at first, her insecurity is brought on by a deep-seated fear that she won't be good enough. That maybe, she won't be able to live up to her parents' seemingly-perfect image. Most of her apprentice moons will be spent getting into (light) trouble and messing around with her friends; she won't fully understand the severity of what it means to be a warrior until shortly before her ceremony. An incident will occur, wherein she gets herself or one of her friends (or preferably a littermate) into real trouble, resulting in someone either being injured or almost injured in the process. This will shake her enough to wake her up to the harsh realities of survival in a clan, and destroy the sheltered bubble she'd been living in up to this point. She'll shape up and begin taking her training much more seriously, and will move into warriorhood with a greater appreciation for the example her parents and her family have set for Thunderclan.
  • AESTHETICS: soft greens and oranges, dense forests, grassy fields, sunflowers, red squirrels, autumn leaves, fawns, fireflies, golden hour [ PINTEREST BOARD ]
  • FACECLAIM / VOICECLAIM: Her faceclaim and voiceclaim are both Odette from the animated film The Swan Princess (1994) - [ ADULT VC ] - [ CHILD VC ] A small part of her character arc and a few of her plots are loosely based off of Princes Odette, who was my biggest inspiration for Squrrielkit (I honestly just adore this movie sm <3)
  • PLAYLIST: Butterfly Fly Away (Miley Cyrus), live more & love more (Cat Burns), Dandelions (Ruth B.), she's all i wanna be (Tate McRae), Bad Liar (Imagine Dragons)
  • Originally named for her bushy, squirrel-like tail but as she grows she will also develop an uncanny aptitude for climbing anything and everything she can get her claws on.
  • I'll likely leave her warrior name up to the leader to choose but some possible options: Squirreltail, Squirrelfur, Squirrelshade, Squirrelshine, Squirrelstep, Squirrelsong.
  • I'm hoping for her to have a very stern, tough mentor who has high expectations for her, so that she can eventually be wrangled out of her immaturity later in her days as an apprentice.
  • While I know that a lot of things that happen ic will likely alter some of Squirrel's development, and some of those things will affect her personality, I do want to follow what i've planned for her as much as possible. Ultimately i'd still like her to end up as the character that i've laid out, and not become too angsty or bitter regardless of what happens in her life! She is a kind, loving soul and will stay that way! I am keeping plots very loose as well, and apart from the two i've already planned i'd like to create any future plots based off of the dynamics she builds with other characters ic as she develops <3
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